All my tox friends stopped using it, no idea where they went.
Jose Peterson
Remember kids, if the only opposition to something on Holla Forums is this weakass gay shit, it's probably fine.
Luis Gomez
For something like Tox you could route it over TOR, which is possible through Tox already.
Parker Russell
yall pussies what incentive does a Holla Forums autist have to hack my shit, or know what country im in? 8BBC51398579C422A41DD527EFCA0CA990982EEEC13E692C20AB4D87FC3A123F327D00C1AE76
Cooper Ross
I'm a twelve year old boy please give me a chat I'd love to play with you sometime. I live with my mom and dad and two sisters here in Langley, VA.
aka currently redditor As in, you know, a great normal guy
Tyler Watson
if you're going to use Tox, make sure you're routing it through tor. If you communicate with someone that you don't 100% trust, or don't 100% believe their network isn't compromised, you are playing with fire. Group chat can be DoS'd if you add two bots to a chat, and have them disconnect people from the rest of the group. Tox is more secure than any other chat client, but be careful with how you use it, and with whom.
Easton Williams
I've never tried tox out before so here it goes: E57E8FD4E259BA8D1FFD689F3890D38A68A2B86E3456DD84A27392C0894F324F98413C7CB896
Xavier Fisher
isn't a vpn sufficient?
Angel Nguyen
When a skiddie l0ser DoSes a tor exit node, you can just reconnect from another and carry on. When they do it to a VPN provider, it's a static target.
Gabriel Howard
Sure,if your "VPN provider" is some poorfaggot hosting at home or in US datacentre. Big VPN providers usually rent VPSes in different locations and have 10 times more exits than Tor. One hop certainly won't save you against powerful adversaries like government.