Fillon: "France isn’t a multicultural nation."

"France isn’t a multicultural nation. When you come to someone’s house, by courtesy, you don’t take over."

Obviously still a worse choice than Le Pen, but if he wins on Sunday, it'd probably be a lesser evil.

Other urls found in this thread:


He then said that France has always been enriched by different cultures and languages.

When he was first minister he inaugurated the largest mosque in Europe in person.

He's just as fucking bad.

Hopes slashed.

The one good point to take then is he obviously only said that for political gain and to appease voters, which shows a decent shift in France's overton window.

He isn't as anti-Putin as most zogbots, which is something

yeah… no, just.. no

Now apply that same logic to what he just said. 'Moderates' are pure cancer with no views of their own; only proponents of what they think is most likely to lead to their election.

Still better than the apparent left-winger that is his opponent (judging by his statements mentioned in the article)… WTF is such a guy even doing in the supposed conservative party's election race.

Oh shit, I was talking about the quote in the OP. Yes, he probably means next to nothing of what he says. It's just interesting that the 'France is not a multicultural nation' is something that French politicians now say that to get voters.

I assume it's a similar situation to Britain's political situation. The old centre-left has now become the extreme left, and the old centre-right now occupies and has adopted the centrist position the other party abandoned.

I mean what exactly is Conservative about shilling for gay marriage.



40% nigger + millions of muds, orchestrated by jews, many of them the retarded French voted into office to carry out this genocide. The "courtesy" was beyond retarded, and they've done exactly that, take over, you gave it to them.

When did the French elections get moved to Sunday rather than April of 2017? Also, with Le Pen showing a lead, what do yuo expect he'd be saying?

Unless the Jews have something really big up their sleeves between now and next year, LePen will win (esp if there is another snackbar, the attack on the monastery yesterday and the beheading certainly was good for her).

French had already had enough of the bullshit. MAybe there was a stigma and fear of being known as "a racist country," since since the UK and US have now both smashed that…it's going to be Le Pen's to lose.

Hopefully it's too little, too late. As an Overton Window shifter it's nice but he likely doesn't believe a word of it.

"Conservative" just means that you're for slower pozzing of your country. All conservatives are cucks.

he's talking about the "republican" primaries.
Whomever wins this is effectively the new president since no one else has a shot at presidency.
And don't bring Trump into this because Le Pen is nowhere near as smart as Trump, she spent the last 2 years making her party as PC and moderate as possible and even recently declared that she was never going to leave the EU in the first place.
She'd be the best candidate but she still sold out to the jews to have a chance at it, right when Trump shows everyone you don't have to be a PC candidate to win.

In short : Fillon will most likely be our next president as Le Pen cucked out and is still playing 2D Chess.

question for froganons: How similar is USA to the French system. considering both had similar revolutions at the same time. I know that there were like 6 million republics in between for France, but are there any similarities?

And merkel once said multiculturlism doesnt work. You newfags are so fucking easy to trick its amazing.

Faggot cunts. The previous ferret-face kike guy pretended to be anti-immigration to win the vote (banning burqa, complaining about how multiculturalism has failed) and then kiked out to the max. Anything less than the furthest right party on offer is a fucking failure. Niggers


Reminder that civic "nationalism" is just as shit, if not worse than liberal egalitarian multiculturalism. France was effectively the founder of race-blind civic "nationalism". When a frog says "we are not a multicultural nation", what they really mean is "shitskins and arabs are welcome as long as they respect muh republicanism!!!"

Yeah he's no gonna save France anyway.

Also pic related is plastered all over Paris, it's the latest "cool" French movie. How can we save France from this?

As a Bong who has always loved French literature it's been a dream my whole life to see Paris, but I don't want to go because I know I'll be heart-broken.

How bad is it, user?

sacré merde


Paris is and always has been a shithole, go to Brittany instead

It's worth seeing once. For two days at most maybe.

Then leave for some actually decent place, like Strasbourg or Rennes.

Merkel said the same thing for votes.

Just vote Le Pen you stupid frogs, she's the only one who wants out of the EU

oh look another retarded comment from a torfaggot


This. He just tries to steal the nationalist vote with pandering platitudes.

You should go user. Walk down the beautiful parisian streets hand in hand with your girlfriend. They are lined with people from all over the globe living in their tents. You can get stabbed and have your girlfriend raped by 10 exotic men, she will never be the same again. Or walk down the glorious seine and visit the amazingly diverse shariah controlled zones where she will be beheaded for not covering herself completely and you will be converted to the feminist ideology known as islam. Or visit the iconic eiffel tower where you can touch the sky when you are blown to kingdom come after witnessing the incredible cultural display of a truck bomb.

I got sad half way through

He is the same shit as Sarkozy.

"And don't bring Farage into this, Trump doesn't have Farage's political experience, there's no way Trump can win…"

You fuckers still don't "get it" yet, do you? do you live in France or speak French? you are aware another monk was beheaded 2 days ago correct? And that even the trendies in France are constantly on edge now, just waiting for the next snackbar?

It's Le Pen's game to lose, especially after they pull off their next one (and they will, almost certainly before Christmas. US state Dept has a warning out to avoid Christmas Markets.)

Love your Neusprech, OP.

I think that should be "Neusprache"

Keep dreaming about politicians fixing your problems nerds.