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someone post the race mixing pictures. You know those ones.
religion of peace?
Muslims aren't the problem. It's the kikes.
Muslims would actually be a very beneficial ally to the white race.
Hitler liked them. You think you're better than Hitler?
I hope they fucking die.
Hop in an oven, you goat-fucking sandnigger trash. Muslims and Jews both need to be exterminated
I never lost a world war and thus the future of the white race, completely destroying everything he worked for, so yeah I am better than Hitler.
It's already over…
Muslim are a violent version of kikes, who now have access to first world weaponry.
Muslim were never beneficial to the white race, they only invaded and enslaved white males, females and childrens.
Hitler lost, he's dead. We have to be better than him. I hope you're just shitposting user otherwise you're a serious faggot.
Seems to me like Islam would be Holla Forums's religion of choice. So tell me why exactly you hate them so much…
Dubs confirm.
When will these people learn? When will the people of France take a page from the Germans and send all these goat fuckers to "zee happiest summer time kamp ze vill evah know?"
Might makes right, cuck faggots. You wouldn't be saying the same thing about Hitler if he had won. You wouldn't be shitting on Christianity if they were as violent and dogmatic Muslims.
You mean stone them to death after they get raped by some random shitskin off the street?
You don't need pisslam to have a large family, sandnigger. Whites managed just fine for thousands of years without it.
See above
I don't give a shit what your semitic fairy tale book says.
Again, hop in an oven, mudshit.
Muslims aren't mighty m8 …
You don't even understand the concept of might makes right, you stupid subhuman sandnigger.
This sounds verbatim like what Holla Forums is fighting for.
Don't turn all SJW cucky on me by saying "B-b-but our liberal and tolerant values are what make us better :("
Hitler allied with non whites out of desperation as the ZOG forces of Jewmerica and Britcuckistan were at war with the Axis and the retarded nips didn't even do as they were told.
One of the last things Hitler said to his followers who asked who should they fight for when he's gone:
Now guess who that is, faggot?
A shitskin Muslim? Sure.
A white Muslim? The mightiest force the world has ever seen, even shaming Romans.
That's because they're white, not because they're muslims.
I don't know, I think a concrete grasp on some form of theology can strengthen a group. Pagans got their shit kicked in by Christians, and yet both groups were white, in which case by your logic it should've been a stalemate.
Why not? The media is desperate for a bogeyman, and for the sake of my wife and her son, I'm not going to give it to them come hell or high water!
Because the pagans were stupider.