Cuckchan 'Welcoming' Thread

We sincerely wish you would take your reddit tier shit back where you came from. You are newfags here, get out.

That being said we are not unreasonable but you have to lurk before you post.
In case you haven't noticed Holla Forums here is trying to accomplish something and your shit threads and your shit posts don't help.
Expansion is not a negative thing but you are shitting everything up with your faggotry.

For one: All newfags (cuckchanners and redditors) CHECK THE RULES STICKY
Two: Anons post redpills here and any necessary rules/regulations as a primer for newfags
Three: All 4cuck anons keep your autism to this thread only, but even then we don't want your shitposts, lurk more

Other urls found in this thread:

This thread was long overdue. The amount unsourced rumor mongering, avatarfagging, tripfaggotry and incessant shitposting has raised exponentially since the latest migration.

You have to go back.

Its TRS, they are raiding both Holla Forumss.

Cuckchan seems to be getting it much worse.. no one can have a discussion about anything because all these retarded TRS shills forcing arguments about what alt-right means, and spamming "civic nationalism" shitposts.

I knew I wasn't dreaming, the thread quality has seriously deteriorated. There's 3 factions who seems to want to infest this board :
1/ TRS "I jump a line after every phrase"
2/ Reddit faggotry "muh alt right"

And now 4chan.

Oh, and this.

Initially I would only frequent fullchan during active bans elsewhere but have always liked the low level of shitpostng here and the shitposting/bants are of a higher standard, most migrants from halfchan/reddity don't last as the caliber and demeanor here isn't exactly user friendly for reddit tier turds.

This place has momentum and it shouldn't be slowed down due to an influx of dickheads who want a new medium to share maymayus

op here

For some beginner information:
We support trump but we are not trump nor is trump the extent of our actions and beliefs. He is useful but eventually we wish to move further than he would be able to take america.
We are not the "Alt Right" We are Holla Forums politically incorrect. That means no PR faggotry and no compromise on our beliefs. Understand that does not mean screaming "1488 racewar now!" at people because we're not dumbshits that think things will change overnight.

Jews, arabs, muslims and blacks AKA kikes and shitskins etc are not our friends.

Some of Holla Forums is Christian, some is not. Many anons will shit up threads over this but Holla Forums must remain united, which brings me to my next point.
There are things we believe differently in but our goal is ultimately similar: Protection and continuation of the white race, as well as the advancement of the human race. I don't know how you cucks do it on cuckpol but here we don't "just discuss politics" Just like anyone who "discusses politics" we have an agenda.

The christian thing brings me to another point:
Divide and conquer is rampant on Holla Forums do not fall for it
Like I said, we may believe differently but ultimately we all wish for the same things.


Which subreddit did that ?

Why there's 4chan refugees?

Hillary would be the last nail in the coffin, we needed Trump.. but he isn't going to save shit. Trump is us buying time.

We are a board of immigrants.
We all came from 4chan. You can't shut out your chan brethren because they didn't hop over in a specific time-frame like you did.

That's like saying "No British immigrants, you had your chance a couple hundred years ago :^)".

So do all the gg faggots think they actually did anything useful or important in that thing? As far as I can tell the gaming media is still pozzed, the game industry is still pushing out garbage, and the email campaign seem to have been pointless.

I was going to dignify your post with an answer, but then I saw you were a namefag.



Have you seen the type of people who are left there these days? might as well be Reddit 2.0

What's wrong with being a tripfag? I thought you are an identitarian movement…

I don't keep up with other shit sites.
What did 4cuck and Reddit do this time?

Not sure, but I think its this one.

Very obviously a troll and/or a shill but for the purpose of the thread and any other fags asking the question.
Its called lurking, learn what 8pol is about before you post
and as for "immigrants" It's called integration try it some time.

Just remember, you were a 4channer once. How would you've liked it if the native 8channers had created a front to stop 4channers from migrating?
We must all be accepting and tolerant of immigrants because we were once just like them.
Diversity is Holla Forums's greatest strength.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Reported

Get lost nigger


Why try lad. I know you're stirring shit but put some effort in.


Not an argument isn't an argument and almost always used in response to someone couching their points in an insult. If you can't learn to read through the banter you aren't worth direct engagement. Rhetoric > logic, we aren't lolbertsrians here, we set ourselves out to win

Reddit spacing is a real thing. Holla Forums tried to raid us and kept spamming it in order to undermine it, but redditors do have an obvious way of typing, and it is important to call them out on it. If they haven't lurked long enough to no, as we have done ever since they became an invasive presence. t post like a redditor, they shouldn't be posting. If you have to ask what posting like a redditor (in vocabulary, cadence, opinions as well as formatting) looks like, you shouldn't be posting.

For all intents and purposes, the "alt right" are controlled opposition and cucked degenerate homosexuals. We have nothing to do with TRS, the_donald, et al. The only way in which they are our "ally" is that they serve as a useful frontline punching bag, alongside cuckchan, whenever we meme too hard and get media attention. They also are often our useful idiots in ops and in disseminating our memes. It's purely a one way conversation: we hand down orders, period.

E-celebs are always cancer. Read pdfs.

Lurk, lurk, lurk. Sage if you do feel itS necessary to post (asking a question is not a good reason) because newfags don't know what is and isn't worth bumping. If a bunch of people are saging a thread, don't fucking bump it. You can post in QTDDTOT. Whenever you get called out for being a fucking newfag, stop posting and fucking lurk. Cancer spreads when you faggots don't assimilate because the newfags lurking start assimilating to the foreigners.

4chan's community has changed over the last 2 years, and so has Holla Forums's. But to create an good analogy, let's say Holla Forums is America, and 4chan is Germany.

There have been multiple times in history where there have been mass migrations from Germany to the US. Right now I'm pretty sure that German immigration is peaking again with the current refugee crisis.

Now, once all the 'real' Germans have left Germany, what will be left? That's right, the nigger refugees that consider themselves to be the new "Germans".
In case you didn't get the hint, the niggers come from reddit.

4chan is well beyond the nigger horizon at this point. Fortunately you 4cuck faggots aren't actual niggers, so we will be able to assimilate you into the Holla Forums culture/agenda.

But this place by no means is going to become 4chan 2.0 reddit 2.0. So either lurk more before posting, or fuck off.
is what will happen if you post before lurking

Pic related pretty much sums up what seemed pretty obvious to most would be the purpose of the alt-right game going on. It doesnt really matter if Spencer himself is controlled, and if people like Anglin are just willfully walking into this trap.. because its effects are plain to see.

The term alt-right is harmful to white interests, and the jews are using it to undermine us.

No, we are at our core anons. Our home is not where we dwell but ourselves. We left 4chan when it became too cancerous to stay and took with it our ideals that have been dulled and sullied over time in hopes of bringing them back to the forefront.

the redditors are basically what happened to the BBS back in the day, we got influx after influx of newfags coming into the various places and instead of lurking and adapting. They chose to be massive retards and diluted the quality of the communities they infested.

While I was going to call you out for not making this thread blatantly say fuck off we're full, you did make this post so I won't bother you.

Will Marxists ever realize that blood and soil will trump class every time? These retards have no concept of basic human nature. What human being has ever been willing to die or produce great things for their fucking "class"? Class is just a spook, not a real thing.

All posting is shitposting newfag. Only those who interpret obvious satire as sincere deserve the banhammer. Treating humorous nonbait as cancer just because retards misintrepret it and derail threads is clearly misapplying the blame.

Because that's totally helped Skinheads and the KKK right?

Fucking idiot. There isn't any consensus on this point.

"PR Faggotry" got Trump elected.

At least you got this bit right.

Its been something we have seen coming for a long time too, people have said for months that Milo was controlled and pointed out the problems with a homosexual zionist jew leading anything related to white interests… even before Hillary's pepe/alt-right speech, long before that.

It feels like this scene from Austin Powers where the guy can see the steamroller coming and just stands there, and gets crushed.

Leave your white guilt at the door you fucking cuck pieces of shit.

The immediate greentext response to any PR cuckoldry is the undeniable consensus. Post libertarian nonsense and you'll get a total refusal to engage beyond a greentext "lolbertarian," the consensus is equally clear.


It wasn't, it wasn't even creative.

this place is already infested with cuckchanners tbh. the post/board quality has degraded massively.

Then let Trump go PRfag, if that's what he wants to do. Holla Forums is not Trump. We support Trump not out of loyalty to Trump as a person, but because he's likely to further our own cause through the policies he'll implement.

Top quality post.

Hey fag, go back to TRS.

Skinheads and KKK have been co-opted for a while, the former likely from the beginning. Kill yourself Milo-worshipping faggot.

Suggesting the limits of fascism are the KKK and Boneheads. They are dead end sub-cultures.

William Luther Pierce on skinheads - would make a good webm.

If the IRA were heavily infiltrated by MI5 and British intelligence, you can bet any racist "hate" group in the US also has a large number of alphabet agency members hiding within their ranks.

god damn it mods, if we can't have metathreads can you at least get rid of the blatant shills and newfags

we do not appeal to the sensibilities and we are not at the mercy of what our enemies (the media and jews and communists) deem acceptable speech. We will not censor ourselves everytime a tumblrite says they are triggered. That is what we mean by no pr. As well when people say "omg nazis!" we are meant to turn on eachother in an attempt to appeal to our enemies. We do not care what our enemies think of us.
As for rhetoric I understand we cannot say "1488 racewar now!" to people nor can we just tell women to "get back in the kitchen." That is just stupid and anyone that thinks people will willingly go along with it is also stupid.

the current goal is not to have everyone be a Holla Forumslack, the end goal is to have everyone be right wing.

Specially considering random violence towards insignificant individuals in a country that not only has pozzed media, but the people trust this media is the most retarded idea possible.

If there was any proper moment to go full RWDS, it would be rather now when trust in the MSM is at an all time low, or in a future where it is actually honest.

**the current goal is to make people more right wing

It's kampfy. He's usually active on late night and weekends, like a proper NEET. Just lurk during work hours, our handful of based mods only work during those times.

WLP made a commentary in the Turner Diaries about the struggle between the people who feel violence and action were absolutely needed right now, and those who see the government crackdown as a negative thing, and as if they are giving them a pretext to simply remove more rights, and push their anti-white agenda harder and faster.

He also was of the opinion that 15 years ago was too soon, and would merely be suicidal to attempt anything. He went back and forth with himself about how he knows they aren't stupid people, but how it frustrates him to think about their intentions, and what they hoped to accomplish.

I personally agree that we dont need a whole bunch of Dylan Roofs, we dont need martyrs.. I think marching in the streets is the best choice.

Its peaceful, its legal, we can organize it easily.. the media would cover it… and hopefully it would snowball.

I definitely agree. The only violent action should be lawful self defense where warranted. Winning converts and discrediting our enemies is the best strategy at this point, I think.

Nice try Chaim

He's possibly right. Either cuckchanners are worse than we thought and basically facebook tier or we are being raided.

I was never a 4channer
Get fucked

why did mods bumblock this thread