Secret Behind The Jewish Question Circumcision Trauma Based Mind Control

Secret Behind The Jewish Question Circumcision Trauma Based Mind Control
French w/ English subs

Roger Dommergue (full name Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce; b. 1923[1][2]), is a French speaking Jewish professor, philosopher, and essayist, known for his writings concerning alternative medicine and his Holocaust scepticism.

Dommergue is a critic of brit milah, claiming that infant circumcision performed on the 8th day after birth constitutes an infantile trauma and negatively affects hormone development, as Dommergue claims that the 8th day after birth is the beginning of the first puberty which lasts for 21 days thereafter. He claims that the endocrinologist Dr. Jean Gautier has given evidence of this.[3][4]

Dommergue is a critic of contemporary claims concerning the Holocaust, Hitler, and National socialist Germany. He is especially critical of the claim that the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust was six million, as he claims that there were not even this number of Jews living in Germany or occupied Europe. In the 1980s, German sceptic Ernst Zündel was on trial in Canada for distributing Holocaust sceptic literature. Dommergue recorded a 90 minute audio cassette and a small booklet as an affidavit for Zündel's defence. After being acquitted, Zündel travelled to France to personally thank Dommergue and conducted an interview with him in which his views on the Holocaust, Hitler, and National socialist Germany were discussed.[5]

Other urls found in this thread:,80.61/2


Dommergue also did a video with Ernst Zundel

A Jew Defends Adolf Hitler

It is likely the other way around: those who are willing to do it and have it done are the hypnotized tools of the jew, such as the Muslim world and much of western Europe/America (Britain and US in particular who have historically been the best goyim).


Great video. Have a bump.

I would really, really like to see a real study on this. Isn't this procedure normally done without even local anesthesia? Trauma-based mind control is real as fuck, at least to some degree, and it's not as though infants can't feel pain… I will never forgive the kikes for mutilating my dick as a newborn.

No anesthesia, just cut and suck.
What a beautiful religion of peace and respect, truly the best ally :^).

heh this Jew is alright. We can gas him last.

They sometimes do and sometimes don't. They do in this video. It's still horrifying though. I can watch gore, but not them cutting off foreskin of a screaming baby.

Well, he's dead anyways, and one of the rare few that breaks out of the Talmudic brain-spell and joins the ranks of humanity.

I'm with you, bro. Don't worry though, glorious Aryan medical research is already well on the way to fixing both the problem of unwanted circumcisions and unwanted Jews. Have you seen foregen?

H-how intolerant, goy.

It's not just circumcision. Modern alopathic medicine in general is a major part of the control complex, designed to keep you sick, poison you, make you dependent on chemicals, and mostly traumatize you and sap your shekels. The entire modern birthing process is designed to traumatize the baby and prevent natural biological cues that help the baby bond with the mother, and father, develop a strong immune system and microbiome, have a normal hormonal development, and so on - vid related and very upsetting. Has some woo woo stuff in the beginning but then gets into many, many concrete examples of how the hospital birth process is designed to create alienated, traumatized, messed up babies.

That… is literally so much worse than I expected.

Kikes just can't stand to see something natural and beautiful go undefiled, I'm afraid.

I think Kurisu is cute, but you're going to get her corrupted by libcucks if you keep posting her everywhere.

Thank you based frog, I've had a hypothesis this was the case for a while now. I wouldn't doubt if it was some ancient technique the Jews picked up to socially engineer a population.

There's been quite a few studies on circumcision, and one study did a brainscan of the baby before and periodically for months afterwards. They noticed a huge spike in the amygdala, which controls emotions and memories. After the snip, the amygdala levels NEVER went back down to pre-snip levels. The babies were permanently scarred physically, and neurologically. Fuck this barbaric practice and mind control.

*And I hate them for doing it to me**

fucking desert rat barbarism

see: Lloyd deMause and psychohistory

The kikes push circumcision because it works wonderfully, I'm glad to have avoided it despite being born in the US, but still campaign against it all the time.

Fucking wow. Yeah, that sounds like trauma-based consciousness alteration to me. Sick fucking kikes. How fucking rotten in the head do you have to be to come up with this shit in the first place?

Kek can you please just hurry up and gas these kikes? The fires aren't enough.

To the unfortunate lot of you, you all have my condolences.

The kikes even actively try to suppress and destroy any information on it.

I really believe at their core they are the emissaries of the "devil" on this planet.


Am I getting this right? Circumcision can lead to Asperger's?


(checked and heiled)
Every time I think I've seen it all, some new depravity invented by the kikes makes me feel levels of anger I never even knew I had. I've thought circumcision except in case of medical necessity was bad for a long time. But I never sat down and watched a video of it before, holy shit, it's worse than I ever imagined. What in the name of all fuck is wrong with those people? That archive was a good link - it's important to remember that as sick as they are, these kikes have been made victims too.

I find the theory that they made a pact with a low vibration non-human intelligence with great powers to influence our world to be a credible hypothesis.

Fuck's sake.

Yep, most definitely. I plan on getting into Miguel Serrano at some point. Doesn't he go into this type of hypothesis?

I dunno, but I plan on finding out, lol. Interesting guy.

I don't know any Serrano tbh. I've read a lot of Swedenborg; Theosophy; and channeled literature like the Law of Ra. I figure most of it is garbage, but when you read enough of it, you can start perceiving something like the silhouette of the truth that has been denied to us. is pretty great for entry-tier readings into this line of questioning IMO. There is clearly something fucked up happening in our world, and it's too consistent for it to be entirely an accident.

Serrano is a hack 2bh. Speaking of mind control, the guy who influenced him the most was some unnamed guru figure who astral projected once to Berghof and meet Hitler personally. An interesting perspective for a time that's erasing such a perspective almost entirely, but I wouldn't take him seriously.

That's why I don't post my waifu around, even here I abstain from doing it because degenerates lurk everywhere especially thanks to all the cancer from other sites.

Sounds like the Demiurge to me which they would have named Yahweh. Basically their collective unconscious.

This place is certainly of a "lower vibration."

Is degenerate Christinaposting that big of a problem? I've never noticed it bring tards out of the woodwork, but that's a warning that's now been seconded…

I haven't seen any of her, I'm talking just in general plus someone will be like "lol this girl is hott let me look for pics of her getting drowned in semen and dicks because I'm a fucking cancer" so I'd rather not spread awareness.

That happened to me, huh?
No wonder I hate everyone.

Heh it's basically a Moloch-tier demonic ritual performed on you the day you're born, or shortly afterward. And the kikes have the audacity, the unbelievable gall, to put that shit in their fucking skin cream products. Fuck I'm angry all over again remembering that little detail.

Just lol if you dont think baptism was designed for the same reason.

I can watch that video of of spics trying to behead a guy with a boxcutter while he's still fully conscious with no hands and no skin on his face and not bat an eye but this shit had me non-figuratively cringing at every step.
I have scoured the internet for the most fucked up shit I could find and jerked off to it just to make a point and nothing, nothing has effected me like this.


The worst is how they tricked stupid fucking goyim like my parents into it.

Every doctor who's performed a circumcision should be in prison for twenty years. Supermax.

I'm with you there brother, god damn am I happy to still have my dick intact

Well, as I understand it, there is the rare legit medical reason for it to be done. But everything else is pure kikery. Yeah, I know that feel, bro. My parents were hardcore Evangelicals so dick mutilation probably goes back 10 generations in my family history. If I ever end up in a place in life where I have a son, I can promise you it will stop with my line.



I will personally skin the eyelids off 6 million jews for this.
I will tell them they're cleaner and more beautiful this way. After all, without eyelids you won't have anything obstructing your view!

Oh I've seen this before. This is probably the thing that made me wish there was a holocaust.

I want all of their little shoah fantasies to come true. The being stripped naked in winter. The working to death in mud. The dysentery. The cannibalism. The ovens.

This peice of shit needs to be death-marched nude down a dirt road in the middle of January.

You can tell they almost realize what barbaric subhumans they're being. They're chanting their evil yid language over the baby's screams, and they've got copious amounts of booze around to dull their inhibitions.

Why do you think he's a hack?

Same here, lad.

I had that, it's called phimosis and you just need to stop being a bitch and pull your foreskin all the way back(get drunk, it'll hurt less) then regularly clean your dick.

"Humanity knew about well before Freud. If you're a Claude Levi-Strauss kind of a person, you should know how circumcision originated in early tribes. The men would kidnap the young boy and scare the living shit out of him by mutilating his penis. This shamanic custom was meant to have a psychoanalytic purpose: don't be naughty with your mom even in thought. It also makes the tip sort of insensitive making sex less exciting. I think this is shitty builder logic arising out of Patriarchy. A good Mom should be allowed to deal with that issue, not forced mutilation. "


I already had heard about the trauma and lasting effect thanks molyjew, but still

The kabbalah is the true source of evil in Judaism.

wtf, this is not a real thing
who the fuck are you quoting

That dude apparently doesn't know the difference between the Kabbalah and the Zohar, eh heh. Now how much bleach do I need to drink because I do…?

I don't even know what to think about this. Especially in light of an article like this:

The "Oedipus Complex" was just a way to make jewish incest seem normal.

From Hervé Ryssen's Understanding the Jews, Understanding Anti-Semitism:

The Myth of the Oedipus Complex

The father of psychoanalysis built his theories based on the study of hysterical pathology, which was obviously no accident. Based on his personal case history and on a study of and his fellow Viennese Jews, he showed that incest was the major cause of hysteria.

In 1896, Freud categorically supported the notion that the specific cause of hysteria must be sought in some sort of sexual problem. Thirteen cases analysed by him permitted him to arrive at this conclusion. Hysteria, he affirmed, was caused by a serious incident of a sexual nature, passively experienced and occurring before puberty.

What his biographer Ernst Jones writes is edifying, as long as one understands that we are only speaking of the Jewish community: “From May 1893, the time in which he speaks for the first time to Fliess, in September 1897… he admitted that a sexual seduction committed against a child by an adult – most often the father – was the essential cause of hysteria. The proofs provided by the analytical materials seemed irrefutable. For more than four years, his conviction remained unshakeable, although the frequency of these so-called incidents surprised him more and more. Everything appeared to indicate that a great number of fathers were addicted to the commission of incestuous crimes… Freud concluded that, judging by certain symptoms observable in his brother and a few of his sisters, his father might have been guilty, too” (letter to Fliess, 11 February 1897).

In this letter, as Freud wrote to his great friend, Dr. Wilhem Fliess, “Unfortunately, my own father was one of these perverts: he is the cause of my brother’s hysteria (whose condition I am still striving to diagnose), and some of my younger sisters…”

In 1897, however, after his father’s death, which occurred at the end of October 1896, Freud abandoned the “seduction theory” and adopted the “fantasy theory”: hysterical women were no longer the unfortunate victims of incest committed against them during their childhood, but were now merely fantasizing about their fathers! His father was henceforth washed clean of any suspicion. Parents were no longer guilty. It was now necessary to believe that the children were in love with their parent of the opposite sex and desired incestuous relations.

Ernst Jones writes here: “During the winter following the death of his father (more precisely, in February), Freud accused his father of acts of seduction; three months later (on 31 May 1897), an incestuous dream he had put an end to his doubts relating to the seduction story”.
In his letters of 3, 4, and 15 October 1897, Freud described the progress of his self-analysis and acknowledged “his father’s innocence” – or so it would appear. Ernst Jones appears satisfied with this explanation and supported the Freudian hypothesis: “What is important above all, more than the parent’s incestuous desires, even more than occasional acts of this kind, was the general fact of incestuous desires inspired in the child by the parent of the opposite sex”. Et voilà: “infantile sexuality” and the “Oedipus complex” were born!

What was the edit of this? Also try clicking the categories on his site, for some reason the word "Category" sometimes comes out in a foreign language.

Freud was obviously the object of very heavy pressure from his fellow Jews while he was still in the process of constructing his theories on the origins of hysteria, so as to avoid revealing to the world the heavy secret of Judaism. By inventing the theory of the “Oedipus complex”, he concealed the reality of incest within Jewish families while exculpating Jewish parents. And he covered his tracks even further by projecting this Jewish specificity onto a universal plane, through the mechanism of a Greek hero (Oedipus). In reality, the famous “Oedipus complex” is in reality and above all nothing more than an “Israel complex”, i.e., the complex of a son who has slept with his own mother, and who wishes to “kill his father”, for quite understandable reasons.

We nevertheless owe it to Freud for raising the question of incest, which is the one true great secret of Judaism. The only thing we need to do now is place this “psychoanalytic theory” in front of a mirror, which will then reflect the following conclusion: “Judaism is the illness which psychoanalysis sets out to cure”. Everything written by Jews must be read with a mirror. The truth is that everything they ever say about others and about “humanity” is, at bottom, nothing but the reflection of themselves.

After Freud, psychoanalysts replaced priests in caring for the souls of the faithful. The only difference, really – from the Jewish point of view – was that while priests were free of charge, while psychoanalysts demand to be paid cash on the barrel head! Or possibly credit card. Just the same, it’s a little bit comical to see all these “sick people” (the phrase is from Jacques Attali) forming the heavy battalions of all those who set out to cure humanity of its ills. But this is just one of the “paradoxes” of Judaism. The truth is that Jewish psychoanalysts don’t just practice their profession to treat their patients; rather, they treat their patients to try to treat themselves.
Typically, in claiming that the origin of neurosis were to be found in the repression of sexual impulses by Christian morality, Freud was, once again – and, once again, typically – deliberately projecting his own neurosis – and the neurosis of Judaism – onto a civilization which he consciously hated. He himself warned us, in embarking for America: “They do not know that we are bringing them the plague”.

The Zohar is one of the major books of the kabbalah. It literally claims goyim are the children of the serpent and that Jews are gods.

Why would you need bleach?

Apparently some filthy yid defaced Zyklon "Unload his 9 into the Welfare line" Garrison's work to delete the justified anti-Semitism. I present you with the edit, so that you might be aware of the Jewish subversion of our cause.

I think I read somewhere that circumcision is generally not done with anesthetic because

(((They))) don't use anesthetic at all and often perform it in unsanitary conditions.

they're just boys, it doesn't matter

That's fucking insanity.

Even if this guys story isn't legit, I just want to see more honest studies done into it.

He's a kike doing damage control and saying

Never mind that a Christening (what the yid is referring to) is just harmlessly sprinkling water on the child, something that would only be traumatic if the baby were a nigger.

Fucking hell, your image managed to make me laugh even in this thread.

Mohels are notorious for giving herpes to Jewish newborns. Every year a few infants in NY die of it and there's a scandal and nothing happens because Jews are the ruling class of NYC.


>a few jew infants

What is wrong with the fucking Jews. Like, what community in the world would not be concerned if their infants were being given STDs?

sometimes I wonder if my rampant anti semitism is unnecessary then I read threads like this

There is a reason there have not been many real studies on this, see 3rd attached image. Also blogpost incoming

My father refused to let them snip me when I was a baby. He died when I was young, and a few years later I had to go to the hospital for an unrelated surgery
My mother thought this would be a good time for me to get snipped "so you would look like all the other boys." I adamantly refused, and she promised It would not be done.
I was 7 around the time this happened, In the state I lived in it was legal at the time to circumcise children under the age of 10 as long as both parents consented.
We went in, and before my other surgery they started the circumcision because "you need to be conscious for this."
they gave me some injection that mostly paralyzed me, I don't know what it is called. I could feel what was happening to me, and I could see it too.
I struggled to get free, but I was tied down to the bed. The surgeons knife cut down my shaft a bit while I was struggling. It left a scar, but it still functions at least.
They then gave me a second injection, and I was unable to move after that. I could still feel and see what was happening to me
One of the doctors was tasked with keeping my head stable, and kept the tops of my eyelids open so I could not look away. I was forced to watch what they were doing to me, and I have hated kikes ever since.
Once they were done, they put me under so they could preform the surgery I was taken to the doctors to do in the first place
I never forgot the trauma, but I had forgotten the doctors name.
Skip forward a few years, I have to do the turn your head and cough stuff to sign up for sports in highschool. I expect an awkward experience, but not one like this.
The doctor does the test, then says "Your penis is looking good, I did a really good job on that circumcision wouldn't you say?"
I called him a kike, pulled up my pants, and left, then asked to be transferred to a new doctor. I will never forget his name now.
If I wasn't a liberal way back in highschool I would have beaten the shit out of that kike then and there instead of just trying to get him fired.
When the DOTR comes I will make sure his death is slow.

oy vey it's our religious freedom goyim


Iphone foreskin cases when?

Jesus. Yeah, as bad as it is to do to an infant, and I believe the above where it causes brain damage, it's so much worse when they do it later. That story is fucked up dude. The yids are victims too, but eliminating them is a matter of spiritual hygiene, not cruelty.

Jesus fucking Christ user.

It's a moral abomination no matter who's doing it to whom and it has no place in white society.

There are good amoral reasons to want it to stop with Jewish infants too. For one it's a shared trauma that improves their group cohesion. It also makes them more antisocial. Both traits I'd like to see lessened in the Jewish population.

Have you at least gotten back at your mother?
You adamantly refused. She promised. She tricked you. And, you were bloody 7, you spoke and told her that you didn't want to yet she wanted a 7 year old, someone who can communicate its pain and you can't just write off as "infants cry about everything" to go through with it.

can't tell if real or not, but I can believe it

Nothing like having pubic skin going halfway up your dick.

I agree, it just lessens the moral part of it a bit.

I hope you get to kill him some day.

And what the hell is wrong with your mother? Why would she have broken her word to a 7-year-old? At that age, you already have a decent amount of self-awareness.

Most Americans are circumcised from 1950-90. It's just a fact. f you're on a Junior sports team and you haven't been clipped like the Latvian guys beside you. At least I kept my Syrian-Jew Girlfriend happy with my circumcised penis back in 1997-2001.

This is such a sickness, hiding in plain sight. Why the fuck is it so hard to redpill burger society about something so obviously evil? And this isn't a thing happening to sandniggers far away, this is happening to white infants, right now, today, even while I'm typing this. We've done so much… but I'm disgusted by how much we've been unable to stop.

You have my sympathy man.

I asked my mother about my circumcision (the doctor had a really anglo name) and she said she didn't even remember being asked.

It's part of the reason why I'm skeptical of his "study" ever having existed since there's not even a denial published by the alleged University I could find.

3rd pic is a the exact same thing I was responding to in the first place.

One thing I'd like to know about is a point brought up about the possibility of Autism having a potential cause through circumcision. I don't have numbers in front of me, but wouldn't the US lead the world in rates of Autism compared to other parts of Europe if that were the case?

Most Americans had their penis cut between 1910 to this day
And because porn is mostly american, at least in these internet days, most girls who watch it think circumsized should be the real deal, so they cut kids outside america too
Had that problem in my area, and the big wigs in medicine (all men) had to say in public that circumsition was like cutting your clitoris
Brave men, kids these days don't know who real heroes are

To be fair, autism rates tend to be very high in Jews, not full-blown autism per se but aspergers. That could definitely explain their social awkwardness.

It's fucking horrific. We will have our revenge, user.

The Japs seem to overwhelmingly suffer from male genital mutilation as well.

t. someone who definitely hasn't watched a lot of pron

what no they don't, they have pixelated dicks that's the problem

jews are ailed by mental illness, it's all the inbreeding

Foreskin restoration works, it takes a while, at least a year, but it is totally worth it. Foreskin itself will not have erogenous sensitivity, but it will still serve as the protective sheath of the glans and make the glans much more moisturized and sensitive.

Why is this important?
I saw some anons saying in joke that nu-males had something something with amygdala but didn't know even at that time.

The amygdala releases hormones that help regulate fear and the fight-or-flight response. It sounds nigger-tier on the surface, but it also helps with things like time preference and long-term planning. You're less likely to do something immediately retarded if you have a sense of worry about long-term consequences.

Even the Jewish edits manage to be good. Those kikes can never stop Ol' Benny.

I know that feel, kikes are already involved in so much malfeasance and parasitism that even without the barbaric practice of circumcision they would all deserve a painful death. Their theft of my erogenous tissue has made me personally dedicated to their absolute eradication. I am currently studying microbiology, running an e-business, and reading about population genetics. One of my biggest goals in life besides starting a family is to eradicate kikes with a genetically targeted bioweapon, preferably one that is subtle enough not to trigger a Samson option.

Yeah it's not your real foreskin. When it's gone it's gone and further mutilating your cock with stretching your dick skin into a stretched out flap is a poor substitute.

what is the kykes name

I believe in you.

Jesus fucking Christ.
That makes me even madder than I am about my own circumcision.

Solomon Heidberg.

Sometimes it seems like Holla Forums are the only people I have left in my life. Because it's true.


I agree it's terribly evil, but it seems it's a thingsome new doctors have to do at least once for their rounds.

this guy's a kike, but he has some points.

Hey, I 'm not going to moan and bitch about about being circumcised. Euros do need to understand that 98% of Americans are indeed circumcised like Jewish men. I remember having a laugh in college about some poor Baltic guy with his his little uncircumcised penis…Of course we would have made been fun of if we were in the shithole country that he was from… Anyways, it was pretty harmless, we just kept asking where the tip of his penis was etc…

As long as it isn't a bio-samson option, don't let that stop you. Hell, if jews ever do their nuke thing and spark nuclear war, that would be the one incentive everyone would have to hunt them all down.

If your story is real it wouldn't be that hard to get back at him. It's not like it happened last week so if you took action his first thought isn't going to be "It must have been Goyim 2c6175"

A lot of people have things coming to them, the trick is to wait long enough and serve it cold.

It is very real and exists at a subconscious level; most of us don't remember it. Several traditions have recognized this before Freud.

Builders refer to masons, priests, brahmins, shadow governments, secret schools etc. who manipulate society, usually possessing an occult body of knowledge. It's pretty obvious that democracy is just a ritual to appease the masses and real power is never democratic; jungle law


Someone should do a study on how it affects penis sensitivity. It is kind of obvious that a less sensitive penis means less sexual pleasure. Judeo-Christian traditions have always vilified sex.

Koreans are having severe problems with their penises due to acute hebrew occupation
Right now they are tops in suicide rates. When they know the truth they will establish themselves as the masters of self-inflicted wounds

u wot m8
And let's not joke too much, that shithole of a place probably doesn't cut the penises of its population, while using several cities as testing grounds for racial tensions and chemical proving

I wonder if this ritual mutilation increases the propensity for transgenderism and homosex. There's no way this isn't a rabbit hole as deep and nightmarish as any other we've encountered.

The formerly bizzare has become the commonplace

I never forgave her for it, and moved out as soon as I could. We have always had an extremely rocky relationship since then, and after that I lashed out in school a lot in my younger years. I never fit in in school and for some twisted reason she thought it would help me fit in with the other boys, and she said it should look like my fathers. My dad hated that it was done to him, which is why he refused to let it happen to me when he was alive. She even kept it a secret from me for most of my life that my dad was a Neo-Nazi. I didn't find out until I found his collection. Pic related is some of it She broke her promises with me several times before and after that. I didn't trust that it wouldn't happen, but I needed the other surgery done. Even now she denies that what she did was even a bad thing, she was completely indoctrinated into believing the kike lies about it being for health reasons and such. Deep down I think she knows what she did was wrong, she just can't admit it to herself that she did something as cruel as this to her son.
however I am back to helping her recover now.
Just before the second debate I asked her "how many more signs from god do you need to prove that a higher power wants Trump into the white house."
She fell victim to the Trump curse and suffered a stroke in her sleep that same night.
Praise Kek

Thank you anons I will look into this.

Yes. Look up David Livingstone on the topic.

It never fucking ends, apparently. I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride.

Forgot link.

Didn't someone mention Jung and Hitler here. It's all about mysticism


it's not meant to regrow your nerves it's just for your head to get back to as if it had a foreskin (not dry) as for it furthur mutilating your dick thats complete bullshit id rather havea stretched forskin then not one at all

And archived, just in case.

Fucking Hell, man. You deserve better. A lot of us did. The best thing you can do is to remember to forgive. Not everybody is like us, here; we are a self-selecting audience of the most brutal and energetic people in the world. No matter how absolutely pure you are, it's an unfair balance to try to make everyone in th world to be like us, here.

Somewhere in human history, spirituality has become at odds with the world. Genital mutilation might make us more "spiritual," while ruining our ability to be prosperous and successful human beings. Perhaps it's like an artificial accelerate that makes the fire rise but burn out all too painfully and quickly. A bitter draught to drink, and we didn't even have a choice.

wew lad

You can't tell someone to forgive. Either they can or they can't. I agree with the rest

Dont you see…the Khazars or Jews ARE the created bio-Weapon against humanity.

They were created from the full blooded alien reptilians humanoids to be hybrids of reptilians and humans and have a desire to control the humans and use them for food.

The full blooded Reptilians live underground.

The Jews live above ground and are created "feeble" so they need humans to make shit for them and need them for food.

They rape them and eat them because they use that sexual energy to keep their human form and drinking the blood of humans also keeps their human form.

They torture humans to cause a chemical reaction in the blood that makes it the meat taste better and right at the height of fear the human is dined upon in a ferocious manner.

The reptilians underground NEED the hybrid Jews above ground to control the masses so they can get the food they need under ground.

Human DNA was also tampered with at that time so we can no longer "ascend". The fully healthy human would have 12 strands of DNA but is limited to 2 from gene manipulation.

Huge Red Pill incoming…

The earth is FLAT and all of us are under a DOME

All Stars are FAKE the planets as you know them dont exist…what you see is electromagnetic waves of lights in the sky from the THE DOME.

No one has ever been to space EVER they cant get past THE DOME.

There are ZERO FLIGHTS over the southern oceans,80.61/2

Its just too Far on Flat earth to fly.

People are now using the high powered zoom on their cameras and this is what they are seeing…

__Take a look what VENUS REALLY LOOKS LIKE;__

Flat Earth - The real Venus above the flat plane

Some unknows…

-If we are under water under THE DOME

-If this whole reality some rougue AI is run amok

-If this is a computer simulation and even if we make it past all this it might just be another trap in the simulation.

Possible winning strategy;

Neo was suppose to be "the one"…but he wasnt "the one"…Agent Smith was the one because he brought about the destruction of The Matrix and fulfilled the prophecies.

How did Agent Smith beat The Matrix?

He copied himself…he copied his consciousness to everyone around him bringing the downfall of The Matrix.

That is what this post is…it is consciousness…it is information…it is light.



This is what 10% truth, 90% lies look like.

You should look up tantric sex. Spirituality has become more patriarchal. Shekinah, a female goddess, used to a part of the Jewish trinity. Christianity calls her the 'Holy Ghost'

this is either

The closest to truth it came was something something jews bioweapon.

This is the second person say patriarch* in seriousness. Watchyall slidin?

Our discussion on the very real kike circumcision industry and the real damage it does to white children.


AIDS conspiracies please

eh heh, obviously this. Kikes will protect genital mutilation at all costs, because otherwise, their whole lives are a lie. Like ours are. But we whites are brave enough to admit it,

I'm fine with that, but flat earth andthose loonies ain't helping

what the fuck is this

We're starting to wake up. we MUST reprogram


fucking hell, meant to spoiler that.


Heil'd. I follow a similar path. Good luck brother.

This is the end

best of luck to you user, Godspeed.

Bro.. im so sorry

user no! Direct the feels to the Jew while you struggle with the poo. Then send good feelings over when you're finished.

Most of us Amerifats are circumcised.

It is supposed to be for "cleanliness" what ever the fuck that means.

In reality, it is a religious ritual Somehow Christians became cucked to circumcise their children.

Show some goddamn respect you degenerate.

Jesus christ, actually reeled back when I realized it.

A lot of Americans are descended from hardcore Protestants. Because of that they decided that circumcision was an even more extreme way to show god how devote they were. After time though, the religious origin has been lost and it's mainly done by circumcised parents because of the logic of "his dick should look like mine". A lot of people also think it looks good aesthetically. I'm descended from Puritans and Mormons so my penis is of course circumcised; I don't plan on circumcising my children though.

My great aunt was a midwife/nurse who preformed countless circumcisions. When asked about how her job she jokingly would say: "it doesn't pay well but they let me keep the tips"

u wot

I often joked towards people who I know are living in countries that have high circumcision rates by "scoffing" at them whenever they tried to shittalk me during explanations of the "jewish problem", by virtue of their loss of foreskin making them more susceptible to jews.

Maybe I wasn't totally off there, then.

Do you remember the cut vs uncut threads? I never understood how can people promote their own mutilation. Maybe they were kikes all this time

This was always my favorite pic from those threads. Not that it's true, it's just funny.

Surely it got a few counter-pictures.


If that were true, why does the gland of a circumcized penis look like beef jerky and the one of an
penis does not?

How long after birth do the majority of Americans get circumcised?
Could high levels of circumcision explain why America has provided the jews almost total global control?

Probably not. To my knowledge, the majority of Russians were never circumcised, and they certainly got on board with Marxism.

Kikes want to be different from everyone else, they hate nature and this is their attempt at trying to be different than everyone else. It's more likely that the practice was around before and Abraham just stole it from some initiation ritual originating in some mystery cult. I think it makes a great brand for slaves, just short of turning them into eunuchs, so it serves more than one purpose:

Initiation into Semitic cults
Brand of a male slave
It obviously causes neurological and developmental changes

More likely it has something to do with Saturn devouring his children. I have no doubt that the pagan equivalent of the Jewish god is Saturn, and he in mythology devoured his own children to keep them from overpowering him someday. No Jew is 100% Ashkenazi, even the kikes know that, so its probably a Canaanite practice they took up.

The Egyptians supposedly had a reason for practicing as well, except it was reserved for the superior cults as opposed to the commoners, but that changed later on.

What would be interesting to see is someone with sufficient tree of life knowledge tell us what they think about this. Since the penis has some correspondence to some planet the practice they have might be explainable, so we could see what the kikes intents are when they cause these changes.

Are there any non kikes here who can come up with a theory for it? There is obviously some sort of kabbalistic significance to it, many times linking it with purification or transfusion.

Not quite what I had in mind, but kikes always have some weird alchemical explanation for these things.

Not if the hole is so thin you couldn't even push a thin pencil through.

Why does it even occur?
That sounds like something that would happen if you were beaten every time you tried to touch your dick.

Russia didn't go willingly. They lost huge numbers of soldiers in WW1, and even when wounded held off Marxism for years in a bloody civil war.

And check out the captcha I got. A message from Kek?

my condolences for all men broken by this who arent jews

The tree of life seems to have an inversion of the one the kikes follow. I remember some quote from rabbis saying that goyim are unkosher because their essence stems from the inverted tree (qlippoth) and it makes them evil. So circumcision looks to be like it cuts off passage to divinity, although that probably has a double meaning, since kikes have a tendency to obfuscate their writings with colorful language. So if it is that simple then circumcision is initiation into something else entirely. I figure its some separation mechanism, since kikes want to separate everything, they don't like unity of anything other than themselves, so I guess it could be some brainwashing mechanism. Yids love to polarize goyim into extreme black and white mentality, it makes them easier to deceive, Jews have a tendency of balancing everything, they are above duality and it is why they are so proficient in their trickery.

Ha isn't it funny though that the opposing tree has a feminine nature to it?

Maybe those hormonal changes are intentional and they do make male children more submissive and weak. Maybe that is the reason they do it, they could have seen a pattern in the behavior of circumcised males over many generations.

When I was a kid, I accidentally ripped my foreskin while trying to wash my dick (probably had a slight phimosis already, as I recall not being able to pull down while erect), so I let it be until it healed up, but the wound joined in a way that sealed the opening more. And of course I didn't tell anyone about this.

If that's true, and the Jewish elders were aware of this, why would they knowingly circumcise their own sons? Why prevent their own sons from access to divinity? Is it because the elders know that the god of the Jews is not divine?

I have a simpler hypothesis.
They don't want you to have any desire. They want to make you one of them, broken, unable to be content by natural means, having to resort to degenerate materialistic ways to fulfill your life. (the latter likely being an unintended side effect)
This is like limited castration, you can still breed but that's it.

Survey time.
Do you ever get the dokidokis? No, not regular ol' emotional attachment like you'd have for your dog, but a real, strong physical response. A lot like getting a boner right above your stomach. Is it easy to induce in you? Can you control it? Does it feel good? I've heard from many anons that they don't know it at all.
And obvious question, is your dick intact?

Maybe those who maintain divinity would see through their lies and crash their schemes.
Maybe this is what kikeness really is.

We stand behind you user. The endsieg is for us.
ps: >>>/meadhall/

It could be that they just don't want anyone to reach divinity without them being middlemen. Remember that Semites always have to put an intermediary between humans and god, it is a power differential they take advantage of. I don't doubt god exists, but what they are trying to sell to us seems shady, just like all the other things they often try to offer us.

It is also likely that there are splintered sects in Judaism itself, the people at the top probably have more knowledge on it, and its an advantage when someone else doesn't know about it. Suppose it is a game and the reward at the end is reserved for those who are careful, more rewards for them if they step on each other, because its not like (((they))) ever stab eachother in the back right? I doubt the ones at the top really care about the ones at the bottom, we already know that there are those like Soros, and Herzel (Zionist Aristocracy) around. Pic related.

Not a bad theory. Every physical alteration has a metaphysical effect as well and they know that.

Those who ride the wave of the mind and emotion see more than what they are told because they seek it out through experience and desire. Curiosity is what kills the kike.

Think about it this way, their god separated the earth and the heavens. Here we have two trees, they are actually both based on the same thing, that being our solar system, so were they really separated or do people believe they are separate? Someone with a non dual view of things knows they are the same thing, but here the kikes are dividing up the indivisible. Its quite interesting really, like in politics, or culture, the whole thing is about dividing everything that's here instead of accepting it as all being here and being part of the whole. In a sense being able to divide everything does make them godlike, because their ideas keep everyone apart for their benefit, and their enemies slay eachother.


There was a discussion about circumcision just before the mudslime tsunami hit Germany. I think it was in 2012, not sure. Not one of anybody discussion it actually saw this shit, all played it down well it is not that much and muh religious freedoms. Idiots arguing about stuff they didn't see, understand or have done on their own, oh hi media circus, how's it going?


What a delusional kike, does a rabbi have a special tongue to polish the glans?

Two birds with one stone:

Every bottom bitch faggot is cut. Every fucking one. Hell, theyre often methaddicts as well, because the brain seeks a certain level of pleasure to be sated and there's no way it'll ever be sated with a chopped cock. That's the key to all the degeneracy.

Population control is also on the agenda, what better way to keep people from doing that than numbing the experience and vilifying fertility in every way?

Yeah, later they tried to make Logos come down to Earth in the form of Christ to cleanse the Earth of the shit they brought down that was biting them in the ass because they resorted to occult just for their personal gain. That made it kind of even out the good and the evil on Earth. And you can see, the longer we live here, the more polarized good and evil become. The lines aren't blurry anymore. Look at the presidential election, if that isn't a good vs evil battle I don't know what is.

My penis was destroyed when I was circumcised. I can't have sex. I don't feel anger or hatred. I don't feel much of anything to be honest. It's difficult to explain. I have a disconnect between 'me' and my emotions. They're there, and I sometimes feel things, but not really. It's hard to explain. Anyway, I don't care how these evil creatures leave this earth. If they apologize for their behavior and stop acting evil, that would be fine by me. But I also don't care if they are killed if that's what it takes. If it turns out they need to be killed I believe incineration with extreme heat is the best way. I think heat resets patterns of energy back to their default state, kind of like erasing a hard drive. For a good person to be burnt up it's a loss (+1 becomes 0), but for a bad person it's a benefit (-1 becomes 0). I don't know why I believe this to be true, I just do.

Fuck you, you treacherous white-anting cunt.

Do you really think kikes are eligible for divinity?

Just forgive them like I forgive my wife when she gets lonely and has sex with other men.

I mean forgiving has sense if they discontinue this demonic practice. But they won't.

Name one time when that ever worked out well.

Read my post again and this time carefully, nigger.

Foreskin and glans are connected in infants, you can also see the docs loosening it up in that circumcision video.
It normally loosens up when they are around 6-8 (?). Basically, noone ever pulled back your foreskin around that time.

I'd try to moisten it up over a longer period and pry those two skin layers apart, or you could consult a non jewish doctor, just make sure to find out his stance on circumcision beforehand.

Bobby Fischers are one in six gorillion types of jews and given how adept at lying and weaving narratives they are. Not to mention how corruption and subversion seem to be inborn traits, the world is better off removing them from the equation. They can be forgiven when they're all dead.

They did, I remember that. But I think it was earlier than that.

Too late.


gaddamnit anons, i was trying to relax today

Well you're right, but I believe some low-level jews can be redeemed. My classmate, a weeb jewess was really a paragon. She did good things for no personal benefit, even if it affected her image negatively. Call me a shill if you want, you honestly have the right to but I saw good in her soul. Later she got subverted into being a typical indifferent teen. I kinda regret not making a move on her even if she wasn't the prettiest. I wasn't even redpilled back then, but maybe I could have preserved her good for a little longer.

m8 we don't get to relax

As far as I'm concerned it's in the genetics. That chick might've been a mischling, they're usually hit or miss, but a full blooded jew can never be trusted. If both her parents were genetically jews then she was a fluke and if you'd had kids with her they'd end up suffering from whatever prize they'd win from the grab-bag of genetic defects jews offer. All I'm saying is two things, gas the jews, and don't regret it cause you're probably better off as you are now.


What the fuck

I still don't know what it is

Very soon after birth, I think while they are checking the baby over. So within the first 20 minutes? If wrong, certainly within the first day.

Primitive nigger tribes do this kind of shit, so it's probably deeply ingrained that fucked up people do this to kids, the same way fucked up people pierce and tattoo (not just talking little ones) and burn and scarify themselves.

to be fair, this is always a problem with all women


Godspeed user. I believe in you.

Look into restoration, it's doing wonders for me. Or you can wait for foregen

Can't believe Foreskin Man has not been posted yet.


Nothing says ownage like mutilating a man's genitals. Which is why!!! it's the mark of a, SLAVE. It originated in Egypt and Jews DON'T have to do it. I don't have the section of the Talmud handy, but you can look it up.

>Kek in a cloud lighted by lightning with smoke coming out of the mouth pissing on that location
Destroys my sides every time I see it.

If you really want your blood to boil on the matter look up what bullshit excuses kikes make up to continue this asinine practice.

They say shit that will drive you up a wall.

It is natural for every Use to assume the mentality that goyim were made to serve Jews.

Let's see how well they hold onto this mentality when all I have to serve is fire and steel.

As an anecdote, i'm uncut but i dont think i could be any more of a bottom bitch without actively trying.
How possible is it that this trauma could be inflicted in other ways?
[Spoiler]Because i'm a GATEfag and my family always say "you used to be confident and happy before you went to school."[/spoiler]

Fucked that up, that's what i get for not lurking two years.


Yes. I wondered about that too.

seeing as the kike Tennebaum made GATE to cull high IQ, leader types in their formative years and its ties to Tavistock, the brainwashing is real. They fear our potential, as well they should.

Nothing 'naturopathic' beats them for emergency cases. There's an old saying: if alternative medicine really worked for all this time, would it still be "alternative?"
Yes, I do think things like Cannabis for cancer were suppressed. However, there's a wholesale throwing of the baby with the bathwater with "holistic" faggots that gets people killed for treatable conditions.

Dear god if the endocrinology stuff is correct they are stealing the male baby's first creative energy, their essence, their free will. sick fucks probably get high. this flame burns eternal

Thanks for the post OP, my wife is pregnant with our first baby and if it's a boy, he's not getting cut. I was leaning non-circumcision anyway, but I'm steadfast now. If he wants to get cut later in life it'll be his decision, and he'll have the choice.

The "health" laws given to the Jews in bible gave Jews a slightly better chance of surviving.

Don't eat pigs
Don't touch dead animals
Stay away from lepers
No prostitutes
Treat dead bodies with herbs then get rid of them
Wash your feet
Don't save the effing manna
Purify yourselves
Clean your house

Pigs used to have parasites which could infect man if eaten…that's why you are still supposed to cook your pork.
The rest is pretty self explanatory… And if you don't regularly wash your junk…..smegma.

We have (most people) decent hygiene practices today but 3000+ years ago…in the effing desert, not so much.

Jews may say they follow laws bc God said to…not for hygiene. If they admit that laws were basic common sense to increase health…then God has no power and they are not "chosen"

History proves its easier to control people thru religion than common sense.

Circumcision not necessary today but most people don't have a lot of experienced w. Uncircumcised penis. Mom does most of diaper care and she won't know. If dad is circumcised, unless he is pissed about his own whacking, unlikely to bother learning.

that feel ,I want my Taliwacker flap back (((they))) stole it

Why wait?

As long as you act a proper father and disown him if he does.

It was never really necessary, proper hygiene was. Sand rats weren't capable of it then, and from the way they smell today, still aren't. The solution is to cook the stink off of them, not to cut their dicks up.

Been cut and no i never almost feel this, i felt it once to a grlfriend who really loved me, like true love. But ive never felt it once for anyone else

Rules were imposed on your mind from outside. When you are a kid you don't care about rules or conforming, having to change to fit into an artificial group dynamic is what makes people uncomfortable. You were taught to see good and evil and you had trouble finding your place in that black and white spectrum. The people sitting between the squares on the chessboard have little in common with normalfags. Bluepilled see in black and white, while redpilled see in shades of gray. Rules constrain your mind to thinking purely on a rational basis, which is why it also has an adverse effect on creativity.

Are you saying they are evil because they were traumatized by circumcision? That's simply not it. It is in their genes to be evil. It is their very biological nature.

they are evil because they are jews. They want all the Aryan races dead, complete genocide of all white lives on Earth, fucking dirty jew bastards.

Bump against satanic blood drinking kikes


You mean satanic blood drinking pedophile kikes who eat pizza with goyim blood in the sauce


That was the reason Kellogg, of cereal fame, was obsessed with circumcision and campaigned relentlessly on it.


This shit needs to stop. I think Holla Forums should organize a movement like blaxit to end it. I've seen a lot of college protests, and even in san francisco there are people against it. If even the most pozzed degenerates can agree it's bad, then we have a chance to wipe out circumcision. Make images like yours, post them on twitter, facebook, 4chan, anywhere to get them spotlighted. I truly believe that the uncucking of America begins with the destruction of circumcision. I mean, look at the cucks saying they want a man "who can satisfy their woman better than they can", I bet this is because they have a reduced sex drive and reduced feeling from sex because they were circumcised. We have trump, we have kek, we can do this Holla Forums.


Judaism is the source of evil in Judaism

Don't blame the tool, blame the user.
The Kabalah is Egyptian and the kikes stole it for their nefarious goals.


For transgressions worse than murder, bring consequence worse than death.

That's one. We need a bigger sample size than that.



How about living as a human pillow trapped in hellish VR, fed and watered via IV and waste taken away via drain? That's worse than death.

Same here. Faggot most of my life. Every faggot that takes it up the ass is cut. The only true tops are all uncut and bi. Every single fucking one, no wonder they invent new kinks to try and get off, they're fucking damaged but they have natural urges to fill that can't now be connsumated.
Lets find a way to restore those nerve endings and kill all the jews as well.

The Zodiac Sign correlating to the genitals is Scorpio and in Kabbal magick, the sex organs are where emotions originate to fuel "Heart energy", which is used to empower visualizations for spells.

Scorpio also correlates to changing states, secret knowledge, bidding your time to strike.
This would relate to the damage of the amgydala.

There is also the aim to neuter maximum sensation for pair bonding and create chronic sexual unsatisfaction, which would promote promiscuity.


Go back to /christian/

no that's forcible anal sex at a young age, any mk ultra books will tell you (brice taylor,cathy o'brien and so forth).

Faggot here to confirm this. It's such a hallmark that other anons should really take note of it. Thought uncut bottoms exist as well.

That brain one is important.



This law is gender specific, which means that in application it cannot be enforced against abusers who circumcise males. This is a clear violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. We need to tell the anti-circumcision lobby about this and get some goybucks to fund the lawsuit.

We can also BTFO the religious privilege argument because Muslim rights to female circumcision are abrogated. The free exercise of religion under the first amendment does not give carte blanche to do whatever you want so long as it is holy. It is illegal to be polygamous, despite Mormon rights, and marijuana is illegal, despite Rastafarian rites. Those are two different words I used on purpose.

en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Equal_Protection_Clause#Sex.2C_disability.2C_and_sexual_orientation



Sooo send it in?

I will never forgive the Juden filth for this abomination.

Anecdotally, I know flamboyant faggots who are uncut– but both were molested by men as children. All cutfags are flamboyant faggots, from my experience… so really this claim does hold true in my experience. Trauma probably influences one's expression of feminine traits, I don't know about straight cutfags, but some of them are into disgusting porn and anal sex and other weird shit, so I don't think they, as a class, fare well from this trauma.

I… I don't watch the weirdest porn that's legal in my country, and I'm a huge success with women. I don't have unchangeable, overtly feminine characteristics like a high pitched voice or hourglass body shape that make me extremely awkward and uncomfortable because I can't stop being conscious of them. I'm sure all these feelings I definitely don't have, have nothing to do with my hormones and genital physiognomy being radically altered at knife-point.

t. mutilated Burger

We better. I don't know who the good lobbies are. We can also block Medicaid funding for circumcision.

(((forward))) .com/news/161642/circumcision-rates-vary-widely-in-us/

Why we need to stop it now

Not sure if it's been mentioned in this thread yet but

I fucking hate these threads, people can be as aware as possible against every trick in the book but circumcision is a cruel first move to make. It would be considered humane just to kill these disgusting subhumans.

The reason faggots are constantly seeking hedonism and endless fucking has to do with the inability to satiate the sexual Stimulation debt billed by the reproductive urges to the brain. Since the nerve endings are gone and the dick dry as a broomhandle that debt climbs usurily until a faggot is willing to get AIDS and smoke meth in order to access literally thousands of cocks to finally pay off a lifetime's worth of Sexual Stimulation Debt.
It's the reason they are all so fucked up!

well, I'm an uncut faggot, and there are many other uncut faggots, so I dunno how well your theory holds up that all deviants are cut. That said, it definitely contributes to some of the more dark perversions people have, I'm sure.

I believe you. The only reason I'm not dead yet is because I still hope, in some distant, stupid way, that I can raise white children to not be as ruined as I've become from what was done to me. One way or another, the poz in my genetic history ends here.

Well, the inventors of these new kinks are cut. Uncuts join in to access com

Uncuts tend to be masters of slaves and handlers of pups as well as the penetrators of bottoms. Every long term relationship that lasts more than a year has a mutual fetish fascination or else they'have split from novelty decay a long long time ago.

I fear for humanity.

I'm mutilated and straight.
not that it means much but I've always been into frilly girly clothes, to the point of wearing them/wanting to wear them, even before my weeb days began. I'm also pretty happy having long hair even if it's a nightmare to most men. tfw in current year that could be used to make a child into a transfag
a couple of my fetishes can stem back to trauma I had as a kid, I'm into some weird shit but I'm pretty sure most of it is just over exposure to porn at this point.

Guy looks like Trotsky

Having to turn to Anal prostate stimulation and drugs to feel anything from sex… WEW.

100% real in my mind.

Pay up you filthy kikes. I'm coming for you

afaik the Egyptian overlords circumcised all their slaves as a permanent mark of ownership and because it dulls empathy and sexual pleasure, making the victim easier to control.

Maybe yids were trying to emulate some alien ancestor? Does anyone have those cave etchings of stickman yhwh with his dong expanded?

Pic related. South Americans also had similar practices.

Probably also has something to do with snakes shedding their skin.

That's going to blow up in their faces, all it's done is given us a collective snuff fetish. We get a boner at the thought of a live jew burning in a crematory oven and the thought of entire orchards of strange fruit dangling from gallows trees. Hell, some of the stuff we want to do makes some furfaggot sickfucks like the SJW Beachfox or Felixpath pale in horror, fear and arousal.
We don't want to just kill them now. We want them to suffer horrifically as they die.

Yes, for example the Paracas culture in Peru:

Any Christcucks disprove of circumcision? Doesn't it say in the Christian bible to get circumcised

It says NOT to, you kike.

Hey Rabbi whatcha posting?

I'm a Christcuck and am pissed as hell that I am circumsized. I am not angry at my parents for it - they are good goys from the US Midwest and believed it actually had health benefits. I want my foreskin back, but I imagine some rabbi ate it 24 years ago.


And reported.

It hurts and i'm not even cut.
here user



Something similar was confirmed:

Nice dubs but that sort of thing is a very real threat and you will be taken seriously if you talk about it because TPTB know how plausible such a scenario is. Therefore please retain op-sec.

circumcision is child sacrifice to moloch

No, the New Testament clearly rejects circumcision.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul both called it an unbearable yoke without spiritual value. Paul went further and called it a sign of slavery; one who accepts it rejects Christ's sacrifice and loses salvation; and those who advocate it are scammers or sexual perverts who sow dissension and must be silenced.

What's more, Jesus himself said circumcision is nothing but a tribal custom, and its origin as described in the Old Testament is not true.

He says

But wasn't this filmed in 1923? What Soros is he talking about?

Start watching from this link to see what I'm talking about

No, the guy was born in 1923.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Well when I hold it a Google bubble pops up but it won't do anything unless I swipe up
and I've got a pretty good amount of free space

You have no will, user. We're all followers here.


Use foundation instead of face paint, illamasqua and kryolan are both very nice for white foundation. Laval's white face powder is actually amazing to set either with, despite how cheap it is. If you plan on doing this cosplay again, I'd recommend removing the cheap plastic bones from that bodice and replacing them with spring steels, it gives a much nicer silhouette. Also you may want to invest in a better wig, or try to remove the shine from that one.
Post this sort of thing in the help or cosplay thread next time though, please!

another method would be:

It's a really cheap effect and I would advise against it though.

Bugsters are a virus but have to be removed like a tumor and destroyed by a doctor, not the patient's immune system

Donald Trump: Magician-In-Chief

Yeah, no. Your thread belongs on Holla Forums and this one isn't for discussing the episode, just whether it's /out/ approved in general and why the fuck it's nogunz.

macho meme randetty savagetty

I want to plow Lyra both hooves and no hooves.

How do Ukrainians feel about VP getting BTFO?

so are you

ima full time student and i also get government payments aswell, so its not that bad

Nothing from the episode really indicates it, I believe it was just the VA saying as much on tumblr. In any case, it's not really a big deal

From the thumbnail I thought she was shitting

max out the credit card, buy shitcoins, and repay your debt from the mad gainz

should have signed dan bentley from southend,we was linked for ages

brentford only paid 750k for him as well

I may be poor but at least not dumb like you 454.92 kotatsufag. You didn't even understand my wise message how can we continue this debate.


So why can't money still look this good. I'd imagine it'd be pretty hard to counterfeit this shit anyways but for some reason we end up with harriet tubman instead