Almost all reports show that lesbian relationships are the most violent by far.
I thought women were kind, loving, nurturing… while men were the demons? How can men be more peaceful than women? I'm so confused.

Source: mainweb-v.musc.edu/vawprevention/lesbianrx/factsheet.shtml

Men understand the weight of violence, when we fight it's destructive. When women fight it's petty most of the time.

Lesbians are mentally unstable. Add that on the already hormonal instability and you got a recipe for disaster.

Estrogen and an inability to attract a man causing crippling mental illness.

Something something in their brains.

I find it funny though in homosexual couples, one must always be the dominant and one must be the submissive. Doesn't matter if it's female or male. Creates a interesting dynamic when the male is submissive and the female is dominant. Might not be a healthy thing in the long run.

So that makes us overall far less physically and psychologically abusive?? Interesting theory/…

I thought testosterone was the devil's hormone?? How can women be more violent when they have oestrogen! I was taught that testosterone massively increases aggression which is why men are significantly more brutal, vicious and savage than women?

you mean when the male "of the relationship" is submissive to the female "of the relationship"? lol yeah

just posting pics to show people how sweet, cute, civilized and harmless they look

I'm so shocked that they're the most violent

I have the hypothesis that gay men adopt more feminine qualities, while gay females adopt more masculine (determined by brain structure, search: "INAH-3")

the gay females are more aggressive due to the male traits they acquire

Faggots are really pushing the 'wynmins r vylent may may' lately.

No social organization can exist without some kind of hierarchy.

Your hypothesis I think is more or less confirmed, although I haven't researched any scientifc journals about it. I think the same thing is applied to transsexuals about their brains too.

Youre right I think but how do you explain the fact that lesbians are far more violent than straight men???

I'm not lying you can look up this well established fact anywhere. Lesbians are the most violent by quite a lot…

The thing is that it's more easier to find hardcore violent porn Female towards Female than Male towards Female.

That being said, it's also more accepted. Even Humiliation Female towards Male in porn is a common thing. S(mall)P(enis)H(umiliation) is a real trend (it reflects a society taboo), but Small Breast Humiliation is nonexistent in porn although, it's also a stigma in real life.

my thread's been bumplocked

Also a woman can kick a mans balls to make it hurt but men cant do it to womens boobs…. youre right!

Lesbians tend to have more testosterone than other women, but it's not a trade-off. They still have just as much estrogen.

So imagine a man with a woman's emotional outbursts. You have just imagined a dyke.

They're compensating.

Most dikes became dikes after being abused or raped when young. There are just pissed off at everybody, men in particular, but also at themselves for having been "weak" enough to let themselves be abused.

The thing that screws them up the most is that many pedos made them like what they did, so they are feel guilty, and hate themselves like they hate men.

Not enough vitamin D.

because women are more violent than men

Genuinely horrifying.

I'm coming to terms with that….


I think the explanation is that women are still sexually attracted to dominance and leadership (i.e. masculinity) however women typically aren't good at those things and so, just like any other incompetent man such as thuggish, brutish men, they rely on violence in order to maintain order. Unfortunately, they're both equal in physical power too typically and so the power struggle never really ends, leaving them in a constant state of war.