I live in a south american shithole and some commies invaded my university because they disagree the government should have a limit to it's spendings. In two nights I went there with many other students to harass them throwing their panels out and throwing eggs at them.
One of the students shouted smth like "Get down that wall and fight me, you faggot!" because my STEM uni looks like fucking barracks. Then they answered "and what's wrong with being a faggot?", to which I said "eveything, including getting AIDS". The shitty liberal (not commie liberal, classic liberals) normies that were helping got triggered almost as much as the commies. They've checked out my facebook account and found messages where I admit my ideological allegiance and they said things about getting me to police. I'm not afraid because "being a nazi" is not a crime in my country, nor "being a homophobe". However i'm feeling needs of revenge for being betrayed after protecting them from commies.
How can I get my revenge on the betraying normies, considering they have info about me?
wew, lad. using faceberg and posting your real beliefs. Being identified by commies. This ain't gonna end well.
Homofobia is a crime in Brazil. I see from that police uniform you're either in Minas Gerais, Goiás or Tocantins.
From the first to the last, it gets increasingly worse regarding shitholes. Consider this as the baseline for how fucked you are.
The worst the shithole, the less you should worry. The good thing about being in a shit place is that people have other bigger concerns to worry about. Worse case scenario, if you want to take revenge, sabotage the ocupations… put some laxative in their waters/food, put a smelly bomb in a room, infest a blanket with fleas… the possibilities are endless.
Also, .
You made your bed OP
I have a faceberg on wich i post the most outlandish borderline lunatic of neo nazi conspiracy theories. However, i post redpills in a way that people does not know if i'm joking sarcastically or acting like an asshole/retard
and i did not create that Kikebook acount with any real personal data
As for revenge, is right
there's a fuck load of things you can do to get even at a school
Just let your inner Bart Simpsom take over for a while
I need to use (((zuckerberg)))'s website because recently I got my phone robbed (As I said, I live in a shithole, I won't get my phone and it will take a while to buy a new one) and I need to contact my gf which I will impregnate with aryan children, my family and friends because I have no stationary telephone either.
Otherwise, i'd just be scrolling JewTube and VK.
Homophobia is only a crime in Rio de Jagayro, the only state in Brazil whose capital city has 20%+ of faggots.
Those are ROTAM military policemen from PM-PR. I'm not a nigger, i'm from Sul. Btw I'm impressed about appearing in most media vehicles of Brazil hahahahaha
I recommend you all (even more the brazillians here that live near occupied buildings) to fight the commies, the police actually just took our weapons and let us go. We need to show the media and the world NOBODY supports the occupations.
I do that too, but in the commentaries of some RAC lyrics I posted
(Brazil had commie hunters during our military dictatorship)
Some friend of mine parodied the lyrics saying he missed when I was a "nazi" and I answered I was still a "nazi". I will have no problems with the law, btw.
It wouldn't matter, the ones who leaked concerning information about me (like my real name, which I didn't gave anyone at the uni) were the lefties that have access to the university files, and the ones that want to call the police are those stupid classical liberals.
Well another southern Brazillian who complains about marxism but keeps electing marxists. Nice praefecture ads about racism, bro. Nice choices you're having with your politicians as well.
Rio has a shit ton of gays and degenerates, but also brewed out the Bolsonaros. Say what you will, but Trump came out of a marxist shithole called NY too.
The media knows no one supports the occupations. They mention occupied schools and everyone already connects the dots to the marxists. Right now, Globo is trying to make PSOL the new PT, which is laughable because they are not even pretending to hold back right now.
If you don't have problems with the law, that's very good; don't stain your record and do minor stuff which won't get you detained/arrested. Those people are awful pricks. Let them drown in their own ignorance and support those who want to just kick the "students" out of the schools.
I'm not a gaucho. Btw Paraná has Requião, who did quote NSDAP's economical planner Rudolf Jung in national TV.
The problem is: the ones who betrayed me are the MBL fucks, not the commies. I don't care being doxxed by commies, it happened so many times (and then nothing happened) that I can't care. The problem is that people I trusted my back and sides while fighting anarchists tried do doxx me.
Well MBL is a bunch of cucks led by socialist-leninists who want european socialism, not chinese communism. You got what you fucking deserved.
holy shit nigger, how dumb can you be?
Br here, the police won't give 2 fucks about "muh nazis", they are brutaly hunting commies from the education departmen connected with criminal organizations such as PCC and even the government, the media is in full panic mode in regards to cops, they simply went rogue in many parts of the country.
That is the Gayuchos from the border with argentina, Santa Catarina is a haven of neonazi sentiment and has voted right-wing for for almost 40 years.
Your move.
They doxed you? Dox them right the fuck back.
shouldn't have given kikeberg any real data though
The only one who's not a leftie is Esperidião Amim. The rest are just different flavors of socialists. Nope, the country keeps electing marxists, not conservatives.
Also, if you think PSDB is right-wing, kill yourself.
*The state keeps electing marxists
Good luck in deporting the traitors and jews into the ocean brazil.
This is retarded, the guy clearly claims to be right-wing, you're acting like everyone living in a geographical area is responsible for the election of their representatives and shares their views. OP is explicitly participating in anti-Communist activism. Stop giving him shit for beliefs he doesn't hold.
Nope. OP sucks cocks because he's supporting a bullshit movement which at the very least is backed by socialists, at worst, Soros.
I don't want a generic cuck fighting against hardcore socialism when he wants softcore socialism. I don't want socialism –at all–. OP needs to read on Brazil's political party leanings and understand that MBL is backed by left-wing parties.
Go ask your MBL cucks what they think about Bolsonaro, Esperidião or any other top conservative politician in the country. They'll demonize them the same way they do with the extreme left. Because they want to be the "righteous left". Nope. Fuck the left.
Honestly, I don't even understand where you're coming from.
Ser nazi e racista e crime por aqui sua ante, agora se tem que reclamar com seus abguinhos cobrinhas sobre PnA e liberdade de expressão.
Afinal, numa sociedade livre se pode odiar quem voce quiser.
Educate yourself, macaco.
Post in Spanish or English, nobody outside of Brazil and Portugal can be expected to understand these images unless they've told you they speak Portuguese.
PCO is the only uncorned party
Fuck off taco this is a brazil thread not a beaner fat fuck thread.
TL;DR version - Brazil's political class is dominated by left/center-left parties, and mass media treats several of the left-wing parties as right-wing, using Lenin's Scissors.
find out where they live. take candid pictures of them while they're shopping at the store, picking up drycleaning, etc. then send them the pictures anonymously. Get them paranoid and scared as fuck to the point where it affects their personality. Leave dead animals on their porch (squirrels, rats, etc), atop a pentagram drawn in blood with a thin brush.
You're the same faggot that, every time Brazil is mentioned in a thread, wants to bait with "South claims to be white but keeps electing marxists hehe gotcha now"
OP clearly said he is not a liberal (classic or "modern") and was only with the MBL-tards to fuck with the commies. We all know that that "movement" is absolute shit which leaders are a half-Indian and a gay pardo teens, please.
No one supports these occupations other than the idiots in their echo-chambers and the lefties that are using them, it's disgusting.
I've studied in a federal uni before but I left last time the fucking students decided to go on a strike. I'm now living in a small town and study in a private uni and it's fucking glorious to not have that many (because there still are) stupid hardcore lefties around.
I'm American, I can understand Spanish. You don't have to believe me. Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages on the planet and it's really not a sign of Hispanic heritage to have taken six years of Spanish classes.
Fuck off shitskin.
Alright kid, here's a few tips for you:
1- It actually is illegal to be National Socialist here, don't post things like that on kikebook next time. That being said, nothing is ever going to happen and you have nothing to fear.
2- Know the people you are walking with better.
3- MBL is funded by Soros, don't fall for their shit either. And Just in case you were in the moon for the last year, Temer is a mason traitor and also needs to go fucking die, just like Dilma.
4- Your thread is actually pretty shitty and would fit a lot better in 55chan's Holla Forums instead of polluting Holla Forums here. Don't be a retard and don't do this again.
Homophobia is not a crime here, get you facts together. That never passed in congress. Still, if you go out cursing and beating people you can still be caught for that, of course.
OP is from Curitiba? I went to see the protests against the occupation earlier and holy shit, the MBL truly are faggots and cucks. I was talking to my roomate about how to start a movement and take back the universities using some terror tactics, but it was mostly just talk.
If you truly want to kick those commie bastards out of the campus, you will need to be creative. The commies are very thin-skinned, with some push they will quit their bullshit.
Godspeed, and know that there is an user here that would help you, if only his knee wasn't busted.
Pick one.
He never said he joined.
I'm still trying to figure out all these political groups
First, Bolsonaro is not so much better than MBL.
Second, yes, MBL is shit and I deserve getting shit because of them.
Being a nazi is not a crime. Being racist is, but i'm never racist in public.
PCO: Best commies in Brazil. I honestly don't care too much about them. Partially because they are irrelevant lol
It is not illegal to be a NS here. It is illegal to hate speech (in public, ofc.) or to use swastikas to promote national-socialism.
Sorry about having a shitty thread. I'm not exactly a newfag, but i've never really been an assiduous user of imageboards.
Yes, wanna meet? I don't know how can we meet without breaking the board's rules.
Socialist is a broader term for people that want to enforce equality or social planning via State power.
Liberal is a term for people that want freedom and juridical equality.
Communists are marxist socialists.
Capitalists aren't really an ideology. Capitalism is just the economical system based on (some level of) private property and wagecucking
When you say it that way none of those ideologies sound particularly bad
Why people gotta fuck it up in practice
If you desire to meet (i'd like to meet both you and your friend. We may do something, there is less than 10 of them sleeping there now), please contact the e-mail adress anexed to the reply. In portuguese, of course. Before anyone gets mad about broken anonymity, that is not my real name and this e-mail has been created less than 12 hours ago.
Socialists use marxist-communist tactics to implement what they want.
Liberals are the "useful idiots" of socialists, because communist/marxist ideas are very pallatable to the hipster, the normie and the trendie. You cannot have freedom and juridical equality under their utopic world because it'll be hijacked sooner or later. Past's liberals are today's republicans/right-wingers.
Communists are the cancer which had grown roots.
Socialism is a cancer which can be chemo'ed.
Liberals are cancerous substances which won't give you cancer, but will increase your chances of getting it.
Shit, it didn't show my e-mail. It is [email protected]/* */
I am getting sick and tired of you fucking meat burning, cacetinho misnaming, você saying carioca D&C shills.
After the niggers and the flatheads, the rope is coming for you.