Every British Citizens full Internet history to be accessible by dozens of Government agencies

Absolutely all of the Internet activity of everyone in Britain is soon (within weeks) to be made accessible to dozens of UK agencies on request.

belfas ttelegraph.co.uk/technology/your-entire-internet-history-to-be-viewable-by-psni-taxman-dwp-and-food-standards-agency-and-other-government-bodies-within-weeks-35242522.html


Whilst intelligence and security agencies having access to such a wealth of personal data is daunting they at least are sworn into employment under strict codes of conduct. That is to say that whilst they are not totally immune to corruption (and exist to suppress wrong thought) they act with SOME capacity of professionalism. Can the same be said of the employees of all of the following agencies who now see everything everyone does online:

Metropolitan police force
City of London police force
Police forces maintained under section 2 of the Police Act 1996
Police Service of Scotland
Police Service of Northern Ireland
British Transport Police
Ministry of Defence Police
Royal Navy Police
Royal Military Police
Royal Air Force Police
Security Service
Secret Intelligence Service
Ministry of Defence
Department of Health
Home Office
Ministry of Justice
National Crime Agency
HM Revenue & Customs
Department for Transport
Department for Work and Pensions
NHS trusts and foundation trusts in England that provide ambulance services
Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service
Competition and Markets Authority
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Department for Communities in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland
Department of Justice in Northern Ireland
Financial Conduct Authority
Fire and rescue authorities under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Scotland
Gambling Commission
Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
Health and Safety Executive
Independent Police Complaints Commissioner
Information Commissioner
NHS Business Services Authority
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board
Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Regional Business Services Organisation
Office of Communications
Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
Police Investigations and Review Commissioner
Scottish Ambulance Service Board
Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission
Serious Fraud Office
Welsh Ambulance Services National Health Service Trust

Privacyfags are suggesting that this policy oversteps even China’s surveillance practices.

Full access to Internet activity (without the need to specifically request it) will no doubt become standard practice in all government agencies (much of which is subcontracted by foreign private companies).

No major news agency is covering this, it isn’t even being discussed by ecelebs like sarcuck (wonder why)

Other urls found in this thread:


To this day I still don't get how the fuck did you brits allow your country to turn into 1984 like this

Britfag twinks btfo

Fuck the Scottish ambulance service board tbh, they ain't taking me alive. Who the fuck are they?

I'm sorry.

Also, these ASMR videos are for relaxation purposes only, nothing naughty.

No idea, but they are about to get to know you very well indeed.



I know right? I mean, no other country in the world does this.

No country with a smart populace, especially an armed one, would allow the government to collect any and all data from them without probable cause.

And here /brit/pol and their mummyposting thought Theresa May was a changed woman. She's always been about this mass surveillance rhetoric, enforcing governed morals upon citizens, and expanding anti-terror system which has done little to nothing of stopping radicalisation or "lawful citizens" leaving to join ISIS.

We did well with Brexit, but we're getting fucked in the ass by Torycucks pushing back the brexit parliament ratification, enforcing more anti-privacy laws, and refusing to accept that Farage would be a useful asset to US-UK relations.

We need a bloody snap general election, or something more aggressive, at this rate.

why is that manlet wearing a dress

Britain leads the way for 1984.
Sweden leads the way for most cucked.
America leads the way by being the home of all this Marxist tripe.
Germany leads the way in destroying its people.

Its all coming to you.

Majority dont give a fuck because they arent personally effected, coupled with the fact our national identity has been eroded away so much that saying you are English over British can be considered racist.

So they won't see my shitposting or gf simulating.

I warned you

That was half/pol/? Never heard a good word said for her by anyone on full.

The problem is a total lack of any competent opposition; every other party is in an absolute shambles leaving the Conservatives free to fulfill their wildest fantasies. The opposition aren’t appearing to even challenge policy such as this in the house.

such is life in airstrip one

True. I'd say it's also because of the complete lack of media attention. Virtually nobody here heard about this, only people who browse the chans or read Breitbart maybe will hear about this being passed.


this will soon be the standard in the whole western world

Because the opposition is lead by Corbyn, who refuses to use party whips and constantly votes against the party he's leading.

With the lib dems becoming literally whos, the SNP only caring about what happens in Glasgow, and UKIP being barely held together from a shambles of a leadership race, we've entered a new period of the Tories leading parliament.

This wouldn't be as bad with Cameron in charge, because the man cared more about public image of his party than he did policy. Theresa doesn't give a damn who's feet she steps on. She's got a vision of England, and it doesn't involve the English people.

Doesn't bloody help that Jo "Died for Nothing" Cox is dominating the headlines by (((pure coincidence))), so it's barely making waves. Best thing we have is to make normies aware of it, and tell them that the government can see everything they've ever said or done. Should be enough to make them concerned.

I don’t believe it will end there, what use is that data to specific agencies such as HMRC? It will only be a matter of time before a more extensive access is granted.

Something like that.

I don't believe they don't have everything we do already. Even posts you type out then decide not to post. Maybe not every person in the country, but everyone on here is on a list, a low down shitty list.

In regards to the lack of media attention, I am astounded that nobody seems to give solitary fuck. Yes I know that the British media is full corrupt and have defiantly been ordered not to cover it but… It isn't even making waves in the "alterative media", Filterman hasn't even sounded off on it.

The Eternal Anglo strikes again.

Hahaha. Normalfags do not care at all about this. Even if you wave a bunch of links and stats in their face.

British politics looked promising just a couple of years ago, but now as you said, the "Conservatives" are in charge and here to stay. Labour are too uni student appealing now, too far left. Maybe with all the massive propaganda pushes of the last ten or so years, Labour has a chance. SNP at least make sure Scotland never votes Labour again. LibDems are now New Labour, Cons are some amalgamation of New Labour and UKIP. UKIP themselves are done for, with the leadership troubles and us voting to leave the EU making a lot of voters complacent.


It's eerie tbh. You turn on the news and it's all I'm a Celeb and joes cock. Just serves to remind us how bluepilled normalfags are.

Come at me old bitch! I live in fucking Glasgow and I'll cut all your faces!

They are the only breed of subhuman more inclined to be traitorous than the kikes. I'm glad that their shitty meme government is going to record all of their time spent watching cuck porn and searching for suicide guides. If only they weren't all too stupid to properly follow them.

For twenty years I have read an endless stream of speculation online about the incoming application of the Internet to complete the surveillance state.

It finally happens and all of sudden everyone seems to lose all interest. The silence is so resounding I am starting to think I might be near alone in caring, maybe people want this?

dank slam-bang you've got there.

Stop acting like the whole western world isnt a lost cause. Except sweden we are all on the same slippery slope downwards. Trump is a move in the right direction but i doubt hes going to do anything internet related.

wew. it's good to be a burger.

I don't see why more people don't flaut the law on weapons here.
Hard to get away from all the cams though

I doubt many people want it, it's just that most people haven't heard about it or they don't care because invasion of our privacy has become normal at this point. Even I'm not worries about this since we're basically in this position already.

The trouble is people dont know. I told my brother and he was quite shocked and hes usually pretty up to date.

Reduced to this.

Thinking on this, a snap general election might actually help validate the Tories. Labour don't appeal to enough of an audience, SNP will never get votes outside of Scotland, Lib Dems have no hope left to live, and UKIP will not survive a campaign in their current state. She'd only profit from a general election, especially if she can make it look like she's leading the Brexit party.

You guys still getting paid? Thought you got the axe when Trump won.

The silence does make me think we're all that's left of the British who desire liberty. I guess there are more, but like Brexit they remain silent until the time comes. Does nothing for morale.

It's more like ;

But by that time the power of the meme had been born, and gifted to the imageboards, who happened to be Nazis. And it was too late for the normalfags to do anything about it, for unbeknownst to them, it had belonged to the BBS imageboard format all along.

I'm sure my mother would happily let the government install cameras in her house.

Praise be.

Dont mean to spam but i should add.

The NSA records everyones phone calls, texts, emails, locations and internet history. Even visiting certain rl locations multiple times will get you on a watchlist.

This is shit, certainly but this is not news to us who have been paying attention.

So much for muh empire, muh decrepit old bitch. This is the true face of anglo trash, pressed against the ground after lying down for the kikes, thoroughly burrowed into the pile of shit that is their nation. I hope I live to see anglos in the ovens beside the Jew.

In so much that all data is recorded and to some extent scrutinised, yes. The presumption thus far in the Western World has been that the data would only been used to ensure that you were not a major league criminal/ some sort of sex offender.

By OPENLY stating that everything is recorded AND it will be readily available to all areas of Government they have pushed things forward by a fair bit.

What for example does the Food Standards Agency need with your Internet activity? They clearly aren’t in charge of snooping out terrorists or pedo’s.

How long before everyones logs are so easily accessible to so many people that the Internet is lost? For without as much as the illusion of some privacy the Internet is nothing more than a shopping center/ glorified entertainment system (not even a very good one once free speech is suppressed).

Well, You've given up any kind of threat that the Jew World Order would have taken seriously when you gave up your guns. Serves you right for being "sophisticated and modern citizens way above those backward and ignorant racists in America"

Enjoy the boot to the throat. I'm glad that the "British education system" is "far superior" to America. I see they really take hold of the cattle early and train them well. So well in fact, that the average white male brit will soon be trying to hold back African/shitskin invaders with kitchen knives and fireworks. Sounds terrific.

I auppose you spend all day fighting the good fight right? Tell me, under what circumstances would any government relinquish power willfully? Shits only going one way.

VPN boom?

What are some good companies with investment opportunities?

They don't need to relinquish power willfully. You'd know that if you weren't a British cucknugget. Hell, they wouldn't need to do anything if your worthless manlet ancestors didn't completely suck cut kike cock in WW2 and actively sabotage Europe's future. Now that it's time to fix the mistakes you faggots made, you're giving up. What a fucking surprise.



This is really short sighted. The potential for blackmail is immense.
Even if you've done nothing illegal, someone could threaten to tell your neighbour what porn fetish you like, if you've been sexting/texting someone behind your spouse's back…the list is endless and could actually rip apart the fabric of society. wtf is wrong with Theresa May and the people who back her?

Brits literally are doomed because they thought collectively that they were above such ideals as an armed citizenry to discourage total and obvious tyranny.

Say what you want about a good portion of white Americans being retarded, christ-cuck, Zionists…but they are not ever giving up their assault rifles.

Huh, probably why I just got this.

Just a matter of time until they ban VPNs.


I was hoping this wouldnt turn into a shit flinging thread but oh well. Explain how your guns solved this problem faggot.

I meant the government relinquishing power genius. None of them will, itll only get worse.

Without doubt this will spike VPN usage. However the British Government is aware of VPN technology (they give the impression they are technologically inept as a means to avoid addressing criticism).

This means that either they have a means to render VPN’s useless (or they are all subverted/ government run anyway) OR they will be waiting for a while before they propose the criminalisation of VPN usage. If the later is the case I imagine they have tactically planned the VPN ban to be a separate event to minimise opposition to this part (hoping that those who object would keep quiet under the impression they could simply switch to full VPN use).

What language are you using in your posts?


Look, nobody I know slags off burgers. No Bong here has ever sung praise to our restrictive weapon laws. You are a fucking D&C shill. Piss off.

They dont. The US goverment has been doing shit like this without a written law for a decade. Thats what the snowden leak was about. Do you know what happened when they found out? What did they do with the guns? Nothing. They sat our thier fat asses and continue to wait for the end no revolt, no ressistence just boastful cowards.

Is that a fishing pole next to a laser pointer?

I for one would prefer a country in peace, without having to resort to anything else, but it feels as though our hand is getting pushed time and time again. It does feel as though they want us to make the first move, so they can crush it under an iron heel and make an example (i.e. what happened in Turkey, faking a coup to set a precedent, and then use that to purge everyone who cared about the constitution).

I give it 3-6 months.

Did you just hack me?


Ok, I will you massive faggot. The dumb niggers invaded a white upscale neighborhood full of liberal, yuppie, faggots. If Those Somali scum would have invaded a working class white neighborhood five miles south, the town's police would have swarmed them or they would have got their heads blown off by some ornery carpenter in a bad mood.

Of course the Somali scum knew to go into a rich white neighborhood where they knew there would be no resistance.

I reiterate, they don't need to. It will be taken from them, because not everyone is a fucking cuckrag anglo like you.

It's hate speech. Which I shower Brits with, to remind them I haven't let my government turn into a tremendous nanny state that even confiscates my sharp tongue in order to 'protect me'.

Wrong…Brits live to slag off Burgers and Euro continentals. You are just emotional and angry because you've realized everything has gone horribly wrong. Personally, I'm a Britophile. I have no axe to grind tbh…

The nigs have been rioting all over the south for like 2 years now. Nothing happened you fucking coward

If they've got it for one year, they've got it forever. Don't think that, having accessed it, they won't save a copy (especially of anything that can be used as leverage or punishment)

Nah, they are rioting in cities and areas that white people don't live in. Whites are pretty comfy tbh…Enjoy the boot, faggot.

Thats no explanation at all. The police response would surely be faster and stronger for rich people instead of poor, wouldnt it? Face facts their hasnt been a time guns helped shit in america since athens. That only happened because people were just back from WW2 and it still almost failed. The bundys are a perfect example, 300 million guns in america and how many came to their defence?

RIP brit/pol/

Absolutely. This is a permanent record.

MP’s have however of course excepted themselves.

Yeah i fucked up responding before. Id love you to be right but i just cant see how. I see no national movement happening and short of that single people cant do much.

that was your mistake, lad

Ain't you lads got work soon?

0, but cousin Timmy got some revenge.

Not gonna lie, I really like that webm. Got anymore?
Lolis dancing awkwardly to vaporwave is just too cute to pass up.

It's p much game over for me. Can't do anything high profile now. Shame I wasn't born into a third-world shithole instead of a first-world shithole, seems to me that a failed state would be preferable to anarcho-tyranny

Nope, I made it special for this momentous occasion

Well make more faggot.

no :^)

I know you can't see how. You're a blind, low-functioning subhuman. I would say like all anglos, were it not for the fact that most anglos are even lower than that on the racial totem pole. You're pretty much where your blood maxes out, and as you can't see, it's a very low ceiling.

I guess you will just have to hope for a zesty solar flare event to fry everything.

I got dubs faggot. You aren't allowed to say no to dubs.

No, you dipshit…What are you a dizzy Social Justice warrior? If it's in a city/municipality/neighborhood that is run by jew-trained liberals, the police and city government will be less likely to be aggressive with "minorities".

Hey, guns worked out well for us when we where defending the homestead from blood thirsty indians. That was the "local government" at the time. Some drunken Indian deciding whether to mas murder a small white frontier town…or just raid it.

Is your argument that:

the euros got brainwashed into giving up their guns, and America hasn't had to openly rebel against their gov't = awwww fuck it, guns are useless, lets just be unarmed and let ZOG run the show.

*mass murder*

Brits are massive faggots anyway. Serves them right.

Nice dodge, care to actually answer the question?

Or I could make enough fuck-you money that I could retire overseas and not have to fear them putting out an arrest warrant of shame. But it'd still make me a social leper, which would be bad

ok maybe then

I honestly don't give a fuck.
If some cunt wants to trawl through my dodgy BBW leather porn history, soup recipes, gardening tips, whatever. Then they can waste their time doing it.

My wife is a police officer. She knows nothing about this mass spying shit.

Do one with Laura B.

There's a petition going around petition.parliament.uk/petitions/173199 though signing it might get you v&

If only we had a final solution.


He says, posting on Holla Forums.

I am going to lean on the side of you being a shill tbh.

There's going to be a lot of pakitrap porn to look at in there.

Blame /britpol/.

My point is, guns havent made a difference. If i had the choice id have an armed populace but tell me how they have helped you fight the nsa? How did they stop 10+ million illegals entering the country? How have they helped stop your government doing whatever they want. The truth is they arent scared of you and guns do nothing but give people like you the illusion of having some possible recourse.

If it wasn't for the guns kikes would have legalized fag marriage 50 years ago.

Lets try again…

Brits trying is just a prelude to failure, you might as well not. Especially given that there is no actual question to answer, once again.

but they have made a difference in America.

(((They))) don't dare try the shit they try in Europe because they are frightened of an assault rifle revolt from a hundred million strong force with a 25-50% composition of military veterans. That's why "veterans returning from war" are on the ADL's watchlist.

We still have freedom of speech and no hate speech laws. We can still have machine guns. Most white Americans get pissed when they feel "da gubbamint" is overstepping their bounds.

Compare that to your pathetic situation.

Explain how the government is going to be stopped from doing shit like this. No dodging, no ad homs, an actual answer.

People will only be pushed so far before they realise the risk of dying no longer outweighs the rewards of pushing back

Gas chambers foe both of you

The moment she got in office I thought something like this would come up. You get this blend of naive nanny liberal and law-and-police worshipping conservative in her. But this goes beyond what I would've expected. Really she's absolute shit.

you can always sabotage all of the infrastructure and watch the government collapse. doubt you can synchronize enough people with balls to do an adequate job though. bunch of cucks.

2.30 am here so last reply until i wake up.

Tell me what they arent willing to try in america that they do in europe. Mass immigration? Yep. You are below 50% of the population now. Manipulating your government into being their puppet? Yep, not even up for debate. Freedom of speech? Ill give you that one but thats due to the constitution instead of guns. You do however have affirmative action which is as anti white as it gets. So again, tell me what they wont try.

Non-cucked real Europeans will shove the kikes up against the ropes and take back what you filthy Brits gave away, our future. Partially because they aren't utterly disarmed by choice, partially because they're just better than you little faggots. This has been on-going, this is what Holla Forums exists for at this point. Where have you been?

Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me…

We already started -15% white from the niggers that the Anglokike merchants/colonialists brought in from Africa and the half breed savages that the Spaniard "muh dick" dipshits left behind. So really, you should deduct -15% from your "America is fucked!!!they are only 60% white!!!" Hysteria.
Also, massive amounts of the country are inhabited by whites for hundreds of miles. Just check the election results map, Cuck.

All high population areas of the US are majority minorities. The flyover states that are empty are red no doubt. The US is 60% white at best thats just a fact

Dude, your "energy" feels like your pinned against the ropes. You should be asking for help instead of tricking yourself into thinking "Britain Rocks! Those goddamn yanks don't know what they are missing!"

The land mass off the United States is 80-90% white. That's just a fact, cuck. Luckily we have the electoral college and our constitution to discourage the kikery that Britain gets bombarded with…Thank fucking God.

"Fly over states are empty". Come on man, do you really want to reduce yourself to Jew-tier while you defend your pathetic Island?

"Fly over states" are filled with milllions of people. Way more than England, you dumb shit.

Maybe you should realize that the US is the source of most of the degeneracy that is poisoning the west. Corruption is legal in the US, your elections a joke, your universities are faggot central, medias entirely run by kikes, and your military killed millions of whites for the jew, and bankrolls israel.

You really think you should lecture other people?

You guys all have plenty of guns and never do anything against the ZOG.

Hey, fuck face, let me know what tiny and insignificant country you are from. I can then explain way your "frustration" as being an impotent mosquito. Don't even try "mutha Russia"…I have some inconvenient facts you wont like at all.

Remember, we got "attacked by mudlsimes" on 911 whether you believe the official story or not. Americans by nature, are NOT IMPERIALISTS. That's why the Jewish scum that wrote the PNAC document made it abundantly clear that they had to make "annudah Pearl Harbor" in order to get Americans engaged in the Middle East. Well, they did, we toppled Saddam in Iraq which is what the ultimate plan of of Israel was. Next stop was Libya…Next stop after that is Syria or Iran.



Im not a bong and I lived for about a decade in the american midwest. They are the least populated part of the country and are not nearly as white as you claim


I can't wait for the data to be compromised.
Can you imagine? It'd be like the fappening but instead of nudes of them, it would be everything they've fapped to. Every last bong's list of fetishes.


If I had to guess, I'd say this shit's already being done everywhere, this is just the first case of it being "official"

I keked harder than I should have at this.

I lol'd when I saw these two topics together.

Looks like Farage is packing his bags just in time.

Now I know why Bane wears the mask. Gross.

Came here to post this.



That's post world war 2, dip shit. Even world war 2 was a struggle for the kikes to get Americans involved. After the "war to end all wars" Americans semi accepted bases in in Europe and Japan…but only to prevent another terrible world war and to keep peace. That's how it was sold to the A,erican public…not "we are going to dominate these countries and the jews go hog wild on thier asses".

You must really be a brainwashed eurotard to think that Americans want an Empire…FFS, we already have one, we crushed Spain in a war in the 1850's an got a country chock full of resources…We could actually be totally self sufficient while yuro-poor countries would go starving.
Feels good man.

Well, this is what happens when you side with the jew.

Are you going to side with fascism now or are you going to keep up this shit?

Midwest isn't populated? If it was a country in Europe, it would be the most populated.

What the fuck are you talking about man?

The American midwest has some monster cities with millions in the metropolitan areas like Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, St Louis, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Detriot, Denver etc…You are literally talking out of your ass and relying on a false jewish narrative about "flyover America". You are just flatly wrong and foreign. You've never lived in the Midwest, stupid.

So, which bad teeth brits do we want to check their browsing history?

b-but at least you won the war and those ebil natzees didn't get to oppress you
you cucks deserve this


Oh shut the fuck up with the dick-measuring. We're equally in the shitter, because it's a world-wide orginisational plan genocide the whites.


Boomers don't care.
Gen x don't care.
Only gen y and below care. A lot of gen y is too pozzed to hate the laws.

I would be ok if we're allowed a fresh start.
It's not fair to crack down on past history like this. That's entrapment.

Whole world user.

Britain has been spiritually exhausted since the turn of the 19th century at least. The Great War mortally wounded my country. We've been the slaves of various dark forces ever since.

But gay marriage was legalised in Nritain after it was legal in the US.

Are you getting all of your information on Britain from /int/ memes?

Here's the thing. It'll be used not to crack down on real crime unless (((They))) dislike you.
So pedophilia and likewise will become worse as the crackdown on the pedos becomes "silenced"

This. The main vice of the anglo has always been pride.

Allocation efficiency. The government needs to be open. Give a CLEAR date of start of monitoring and wipe previous info.

Either we start clean or society will burn.
Seen that israeli fire?
Take note.

Americans are mentally ill. I used to think this kind of thing was just your notorious arrogance but now I'm starting to understand you actually believe all this nonsense.

You are the source of the problem. You. The US was the great ruiner of European high civilization. I cannot imagine how Americans don't die of perpetual shame or sink into the floor when letting the word "Europe" out from their lips, let alone the insanity of acting like they're some kind of savior. It is your boot on the neck of a dying continent. Yours and yours alone.

By killing politicians from range.
Increased threat of resistance makes the bastards honest.

A shill, a stupid motherfucker, or both.
There's been multiple threads on this topic and in EVERY ONE he posts the same comment about BBW leather and 'nothing to hide, nothing to fear' "logic".

Don't watch porn or do that activity.
They can't use "said racist comments" on people who do not care.
But those activities you spoke should be used as blackmail.

Would purify the country instantly.

Again need a "clean slate" date. Because people fell off the rails.
I woke up though. Haven't used porn in ages.

Eh you just have to ignore posters like that they get super defensive about america. Its frankly pathetic and this is coming from an american. We have already lost a lot of our country to nonwhites forever as we post right now but some people like to LARP we are still in the 50s and that our guns mean we are free.

Everywhere soon.

I'm glad i can blame childhood trauma.
That shit put me off the rails for a long time.

You should just pretend you're in 1984 anyway.
Then not give a fuck about shitposting.
If they take that. Burn their house down.

drugs and reality tv and the decline of the family

No it wouldn't.

You think people would stop porn because of the fear someone in the future might blackmail them over it? They wouldn't. Unless they're into scat or something truly fucked up like that, no one would even give a shit anyway.

Welp, if I ever needed a reason to move out of bongistan to raise a family, now I have it.

people have been brainwashed into apathy
it's not that they WANT it. they simply don't give a shit.

Orwell must be turning in his grave. The current year is 1984, Anons.

Such is life in Airstrip One

Yes. Are you kidding me?
Most people are complacent with computers. They think nobody knows shit about what you do.

Was Orwell based?

Well average Brits are the best betas (in a good way). How do you think they got an empire? They follow orders with a smile and don't complain. Sometimes this works for you, and sometimes against you.

Is it even feasible to store the entirety of browsing history for millions of people? Didn't some mad cunt in Russia try to pass something similar, being BTFO by pretty much every internet provider there, saying that it's pretty much fucking impossible to monitor every single of their clients and save that data due to how quickly it'd pile up?

Can't you britbongs just start massively shitposting to effectively DDOS that entire system?



this is a good meme



I'm almost starting to wish I was Ghanan or something. The one consolation is this country is fucking itself and will get what it deserves further down the line. Not planning on having kids, so don't really care.

It's got to be one of the most miserable places on earth.

Don't forget about all the diversity.

I am busy searching for traps and gore. If I convert one government agent into fapping to traps or gore it will be revenge enough

it's literally this easy


All true. Really the new right (apparently rising everywhere) hasn't made any inroads into British political institutions. UKIP was a one shot one man band that culminated with Brexit. The conservative party leadership feels like it has to make some concessions to the anti-immigration bloc now, but otherwise intends business as usual. My guess is plenty of them bitterly resent Farage because of the inconvenience and disruption he's caused. Cameron stepping down could be mistaken for some sort of triumph over cucked conservatism - but the fact he's succeeded by Theresa May speaks for itself.

Could hope that Trump generates some knock-on effects that shake up the British political scene, but when it comes to the security apparatus and mass surveillance, nobody is going to roll that back. It'll reshuffle its priorities but guaranteed will still creep everywhere it can. Normalfags would care if they realized the true extent of it, but try telling them without sounding like a tinfoiler.

This pepe with the funny face, what's up with him? Is he autistic?

Frankly, he's welcome here and even if we have SJWs and various other bootlickers they don't run this place completely.

this is why I started looking at all kinds of weird grotesque shit years ago, and always say crazy shit on the phone and in emails about how I have a dead hooker in my closet and shit. they'll never be able to figure out what is real or not

>now thinking that I should just tour my own country and its hat instead

what yuo tlk about, nothng wroong

Bump for exposure.

You should make a script that makes endless google searches for words from a list of triggering phrases and NSA keywords. If every computer in britain made a million searches for pipe bomb everyday it would throw a wrench in the system.

Actually, international banking Jews are the source of the problem.While I can appreciate your point to some extent you must remember that Jews are the destroyers, not Americans.

This thread is being slid.

Right. An axe permit would take too long so why bother?