Secrets thread time
Secrets thread time
I never played Starfox or Goldeneye 64
I took part in the destruction of a little girl at a houseparty when I was 18. poor girl was ever the same and ended up as a junkie
>>835536042You poor man.
>>835536119I was born in a time where the N64 was on its way out and the Gamecube was kicking in so I only ever played Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Excitebike 64, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Mace: The Dark Age, and Gauntlet Legends.
Sometimes I bump threads
>>835536107define little.and what did you do?
>>835535940Sometimes I take stories and information here as scientific works of reality and truth.
>>835536640middle schooland 2 days of debauchery, she was already a tweaker so we used that and the fact that hr parents were junkies themself to do whatever we wanted
>>835535940I am the "show your bellybutton then go to bed" guy.
My sister was my first
>>835537113What... did yall wanted to do?
>>835537113What sorta stuff?
>>835537224Prove it.
>>835537259>>835537286tied her to the bed and used her for everything shes was worth. She wanted to play with the big boys, she got to feel what it was like to have the feelings fucked out of her . she had only had sex 4 times before that night within an hour she had been DPed 3 times and was coughing up cum that went down the wrong pipe.
>>835537440Don't really feel like greentexting sorry
A few years back, I was really into anonymous hookups, I'd meet dudes off Craigslist, or Grindr, and they'd wait in their houses, door unlocked, stripped down, blindfolded, on all fours, for me to show up, fuck them, and leave. This turned into more and more creative meetups with people, and I was open to pretty much anything, bathroom stall glory holes, having the dudes wait for me naked in the woods, or in their car in public, but even more varied situations, some not unlike the one I'm about to describe.I get a reply to one of my meetup requests once from a dude who claimed he was married. He wanted me to come over, beat off with him, wait for his wife to "catch" us, and then we'd take turns fucking her. I was down. I head over to his place, and he brings me inside, says she's gonna be back in about 30 minutes, and pretends to text her. There were signs, obviously, but I wasn't exactly on the level at that point. We get into it, watching porn on his laptop, and jerking off, start jerking each other off, he tells me it would be hot if she walked in on me blowing him, not my favorite thing, but whatever, I'm in for a penny now. One thing to note, the dude was built. I was bigger than him, and in decent shape at the time, but he looked like a professional athlete, so I don't think I could have taken him if it came to it. We go for another 10 minutes before he straight up picks me up, and puts me up, and lays me back on his bed. I start to tell him to stop, as I realized at this point he doesn't have a wife, he tells me to keep it down, because his kids are sleeping. I tell him I'm not into it, he says he's just messing around. He held me down and raped me. I just went kind of dead when it started. Just stopped moving, or speaking. Waiting for it to end. He finishes and gets off of me. I say nothing, put my clothes back on and leave. I've never told anyone that it happened.
>>835535940I was involved with the mortis website and its sister sites.
Met this girl online when I was 14 and she wanted to run away. Got talking about sexual shit and she ended up secretly taking a train to meet me but we didn't do anything but talk. She got caught sleeping in the train station and got sent back home before we met up again.Police ended up calling me days later thinking I was much older and saying shit like 'you didn't think you'd be speaking to me did you' and telling me she was 13. Had to tell my parents and they didn't do shit afterwards lol
Every time I go out of town for work I always end up at the highest rated bar/restaurant in the area. Sometimes they’re small town shit holes sometimes college bars. I always try to bring women back to my hotel and am usually successful. Once they are in my hotel room I make it very clear that they belong to me for the night, and I lie about having had a vasectomy. I have came inside at least 15 random women throughout that northeast and always wonder if I have and kids running around without a daddy
>>835537672Tldr; dude figures out how to have sex, does it multiple times and keeps count
I have had sex with more then 200 prostitutes in slums around the world.ive fucked girls that would be supermodels if they had been raised in a better part of town. ive fucked girls that could easily been superstars in porn.and i have never paid more then $100 for any of them.
>>835535940I work for the swiss stock exchange and I made 1.2 million swiss francs over my friends broker account because I had insider info.
>>835537931>thinking insider trading is some big secretNext time you larp try to actually do some research into what you're larping.
>>835537460Kinda hard to prove. Believe it or not.
>>835537587Then regular text. Don't spark a match if you dont want fire.
>>835537928Trade secret?
>>835538087Its a secrets thread not a "tell us a secret and then write up the whole story of how it happened when someone asks" thread
>>835536042Loved goldeneye, didn’t play a lot of starfox though. Never got into it.
>>835538168trade secret?you just need to troll the street and pick the hottest ones.i mean look at this video from Brazil (not my video)xhamster com/videos/brazilian-hooker-show-us-her-shaved-pussy-6461241
>>835538237No, that's exactly what it is. We're just here for raucous shit and to jack off to voyeur taboo.
>>835538397Well maybe someone will make an incest thread and i might green text it there
I got a bj from my ex while on phone with current gf
>>835537820Lol why you mad tho? This is a secrets thread and I just shared mine. I’m married so that’s why it’s a secret.
>>835538460>>835532616Now hop the fuck to it.
>>835538757That's not an incest greentext thread that's just a guy asking a question
>>835538748So you're a married guy that's had affairs? Cool secret bro, really original!
>>835539099Uhhhh someone get this guy a fuckin beer and a Xanax Jesus Christ.
Due to the joys of alcohol and heavy sleepers I have had sex with two women that do not know it. One of them was a friend in college. The other was my youngest sister. Also, I used to regularly touch both of my sisters in their sleep when we were younger.
I cum in people's food and watch them eat it
When I was 16 I gave oral sex to a 9yo girl several times
>>835535940I'm a 30 year old virgin.I'm a doctor. I'm probably 6-7/10. Because religious reasons I turned down several possibilities and now it's too late for me. I work all day and I lost faith in both God and my chances with girls.
>>835539876i did something like that around that age too.fuck i miss that girl
>>835539310Someone get this guy's wife an interesting husband
>>835540036My religion is now masturbation and I can't even cum without buttplugging myself and watching amputee porn. What have i become
i never watched avatar: the last airbender
>>835540036Do you stink like BO and curry?
I put the screw in the tuna
>>835540201neighbour girl. live in a warm area with beaches, used to play a lot in the water with her. alsed her once to sit on my face when we were alone on the private beach by our houses.evolved into her sitting on my bed spreading her legs while i was devouring her pussy and jerking off.had sex multiple times. ended when i went off to college.
>>835540059Yeah young girls are so much fun
>>835540379thats an understatement. a young girl who is into it is the best ever!
>>835540036why not marry?
>>835540525Experimenting to find out what she likes then driving her crazy for the first time is awesome
>>835540992you never moved to sex right? just oral?me and mygirl eventually had full on sex and the feeling of her underme hugging me as i pushed it in was amazing !
A girl I went to school with has been stalking me online and obsessing over me and she's beginning to ruin my life. She's been fucking my dad for drugs for years now, and as of last year she's been practically best friends with my mom and my ex. And for some reason she thought it would be fine if she fucked my 12 year old son. She even got a few tattoos that look just like mine. She's so delusional she thinks I'm going to get her pregnant even though we literally never talk. I've told her so many time that I want nothing to do with her but she ignores me. I'm not sure what what kind of crazy she has but it's starting to worry me.
>>835541089Tried to have sex with her but she didn't want to yet so I didn't push the issue. Would have loved to destroy her tiny pussy though
1/2>Be me>10th grade>Have gf that lives in another town, about 40 miles away>When she comes to visit, usually stays the night at our place>Sleeps in the guest room, so no fooling around or anything>I do the same when I go to see her.>One night, she's staying over>Like I said, no funny business, she wants to wait until marriage>I never pressure her, because like having a gf who isn't a slut>Really, really love her>Plus my parents are very strict and religious, would probably kill me if I tried anything>Anyway, middle of the night, get up to piss>Can hear noises from the guest room>Is she still awake? >About to knock on the door when I hear bed springs>Think maybe she's playing with herself>Get rock hard at the idea>Start stroking myself>Then I hear a the unmistakable sound of my father's voice>"God, you feel so good!">Throw open the door>Dad has my sweet, precious, innocent gf's legs up on his shoulders and is slamming into hercont'd
>>8355415832/2>Scream at him to get off her>They scramble around>Throw a picture frame at my dad>Say I'm going to call the cops and report him for rape>gf says, "No! Don't! He's wasn't raping me!" >takes my brain a second to figure it out>she wanted it.>Start crying>gf says it just happened and she's sorry>dad says I can't tell anyone, he'll go to jail and it will ruin the familly>talks about financial problems and that family is only 1 paycheck away from being homeless>eventually agree to keep my mouth shut>BUTWAITTHERESMORE.ronco>gf is pregnant>won't have an abortion>will have to say I am the father to protect my dad>dad again talks about financial situation>agree to it>7 months later, sign a birth certificate saying I'm the father>Also, financially responsible for this little cunt>she and I "date" to keep up appearances, but she mostly comes over just to fuck my dad>ffw 6 years later>I dropped out of high school jr year to work and support the bastard cunt offspring>working a shitty construction job AND at fucking subway to afford child support>Have no social life at all because of how much I have to work.>Lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep a night.>Mom, completely oblivious to the situation, says we should pay for gf's college because I "ruined her life" >gf gets praised by everyone for being a hardworking single mother>my asshole father and clueless mother get praised for being such involved and loving grandparents>Me? Well, I'm the loser who coudn't finish high school and I'm the worst person in the world because I'm "cold" to "my" child>I'm going to off myself soon and put an end to this. >I'm going to leave a note telling what really happened, but no one will believe me anyway.>Don't really give a fuck anymore.
>>835541566dude you missed out then. i loved eating her out, and i loved having her suck on my tip, but slowly pushing it in her fucking tight pussy was divine.
>>835541612DNA test would be all the proof you need
>>835535940My wife got super stoned and drunk last night and I fucked the bajeesuz out of her. And I dumped my load in her, I got up and to clean up. After I came back, she was out like a light, still naked with my deposit leaking out of her. I flipped her on her side and spent the next hour and a half going between her coom soaked vag and her virgin ass whole, using the copious around of load as lube. She was out the entire time and I dumped my second load in her super tight ass whole. Passd the fuck out myself when I was done. Barely slept at all last night anons.
>>835541583>>835541612Holy shit you're retarded
>>835541871Yeah, I know that. They fucked me over hard to save their own asses.
>>835541683Yeah, but I wasn't going to rape her. Was her 1st time painful at all for her?
>>835541965it was but she was so willing and we talked about it that she was fully committed. he took me pretty well after about the 5th time. it was around that time i talked her into trying anal too she was quicker to like that actually.
>>835541583>>835541612Imagine being this fucking pathetic lol
>>835535940I got my girlfriend pregnant and its been a couple weeks but we still haven’t told anyone
>>835541819>her virgin ass wholeNo woman has a virgin asshole. Just because she won't let you hit it doesn't mean she hasn't before. If she says she hasn't she's lying.
>>835541924>Yeah, I know that.Good. Don't kill yourself though.You must free yourself and reveal the truth.
friend found out his sister was being assaulted.we found the guy, beat the shit out of him and took turns holding him down and kicking/stomping him in her crotch and only stopped after our feet started to hurt.a few days later i went to urgent care cause the pain was getting worse and found out i had multiple fractures
>>835541583>not joining in and pounding that jezebel pussy so no one knows who the dad is.
>>835541924tell your mom what happened and then proceed kill the kid, dad, and gf, killing yourself afterwards.
>>835536107How do you live with yourself?
>>835535940I'm regularly having sex with my current girlfriend. I'm 37 and she is the one I lost my virginity to.I've had a couple different sexual encounters, and I can't remember if I had PIV contact with my first girlfriend when I was a teenager.But I told my girlfriend I've had a reasonable amount of experience.