-the exploitation of the working masses, the third world, and global natural resources?
Why does Holla Forums support capitalism
Because socialism just doesn't work, Holla Forums.
We don't.
It's a broken system, but at least it works long-term, can't really say the same about socialism can you Holla Forums?
But you guys realise state-capitalism (or state-socialism, as marxists calls it) is different from marketsocialism?
Go back to 4kanker.
But marketsocialism has never been implented only state-capitalism under authoritarian control
You aren't fooling anybody chaim.
slide thread much?
But there is a difference, bro
Just a shit thread so I will give a shitty answer.
Capitalism and socialism both serve to further the kike agenda. We support neither.
Capitalism itself is just and economic phenomenon resulting from policites and does not include a philosophic and spiritual doctrine, which is one of the reasons it tends to lose to socialism in the long term.
We believe the Aryans are destined for something greater that individual pleasure-seeking.
We are pragmatists. We do no believe in a universal foolproof magical solution.
We believe that nations need to work in their own benefit for objetive commonly shared values.
Socialism is against the law of nature and extremely detrimental to nations.
Your desperate cries for attention are just getting sad to watch, Holla Forums.
So you'd support a 1984 type system?
We've had fruitful discussions about distributionism, something you probably want to check out, dudes like Belloc etc.
A good thread might be about how to move toward that. One the pother hand, centralizing capital and labor via socialism is obviously retarded.
I certainly don't and I hate consumerism in general, but don't kid yourself, Marxism/Communism and Capitalism are both our misfortune.
Nice try Schlomo, socialism has a proven history of failure.
We don't.
I'm going to go ahead and filter you. I suspect I won't be the only one to do so. Sage because of back and forth.
Wew lad, looks like I triggered you so hard you blocked me like shitlibs on twitter.
Hi skankhunt
Oh shit you really are a jew
Because NatSocs believe in the free market within their nations
We don't.
But here's a question to you, leftypol or one of their comrades.
Why do I get the feeling that you are implying that there is only one dichotomy and no other choices. Between capitalism and communism.
Both are infact the different cheeks of the same ugly butt. Why do you unironically think that it's material goods and deeds that are the most important?
Im not a marxist im a libertarian socialist
>I'm not a cuck, I'm a cuck
Oh, (((you)))
Well, trips confirm I guess.
But why on the earth are you unironically giving us a question with only 2 similar options, even though there are many many more.
How does that even work?
Not all of us support it. What we all support is Nationalism (which, surprise, goes against both international communism and international capital). I have no doubt a White, Nationalist, country which puts the needs of the people first would work well be it with a more Capitalist or more Socialist approach to the economy.
If I remember right, Mussolini went more to the Socialist side (economy-wise) right before the end, but he didn't have much power then.
1st pic is fake you fucking retard its a gregor [email protected]/* */ quote
Also the whole labor theory of value is retarded since value is how useful, or desirable something is. Labor doesn't have influence on that.
Stop huffing your own utopian farts.
Libertarianism doesn’t work and socialism doesn’t work, so when you combine the two it cancels out. UTOPIA!
Personal autonomy with decentralised structures etc
So anarcho communism lite?