France Offering Migrants €2,500 to GTFO

This is awful generous of the frogs. Hopefully it will be followed by forced deportations in 2017.

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God fucking damnit, don't pay them to leave! Throw them out, or kill them! This only gives them an incentive to come back and get paid to leave again.

That's more than what i make in two months, fucking disgusting.

Sign me up. Heading to France next week to report in as a rapefugee. Time to get me sum xmas gibmedats.

I think they might be anticipating a situation where Le Pen could win the upcoming election.
Immigration: Marine Le Pen Sets the Political Agenda in France
Counter Punch:

Is France retarded ? That will attract even them even more.

Me too before. Now I work online, don't pay a shekel in taxes and laugh on my way to the bank.

Things might change with Le Pen in office.

They are going to be building rotatory gates at the border.

Thought the same thing.

This is just going to encourage more to come. They should just take any that won't leave and dump them in Somalia. Do they even have a government there? If they do, France could probably pay them like €20 a head to take them.


That's a fucking fortune in somewhere like Afghanistan or sub-Saharan Africa. Fuck these people. They need to be driven away at gunpoint. I'll be humane and throw in a carton of MRE's and some water.

How do you work online? I thought that was a scam. Or you do surveys for $0.03/hr.

You literally pay them for invading?

kinda of interested as well out of a job still looking had a few interviews no bites yet
other option is to be a twitch meme manwhore

I do customer support for an american company. Helps to speak a language from a high income euro country instead of just English.

They will just take the money and get on a boat to Italy all over again.

hasn't finland been paying 50 grand or something like that?

Do they seriously think this won't happen?

DEATH is the only solution to the ecological disaster that is the subhuman.

Are you fucking dumb? They will take the money, and come back with a different identity. Or even worse, go to Germany or Austria.

Drop in a fucking bucket. Italy receives more invaders per week than this.

Rome once did that, paid the barbarians not to invade.

Then Rome collapsed.

It's so bizarre to me how subhumans have this idea that the British Empire was some genocidal scheme. If anything its absolute worst and most terrible mistake was that it wasn't ruthless enough. Now we're in a world of 1.3 billion Indians. Thanks.

What I'm guessing is it costs a shit load more to have them stay and leech off of resources along with causing all sorts of costly problems.

Just for argument's sake, how much does a bullet cost?

All the shitskins will do is take the money, leave, then just come right back and do it again. The only solution is extermination, and this should be a final solution if the kikes are rammed in the ovens for real.

If the british empire comes back we won't make the same mistakes as before. Extermination is the only option on the table.

t. Britbong

This is a terrible idea. For one thing it's literally like paying protection money to the mafia for another, they'll just take the money, either give it to their family or spend it partying and then they'll just come back and the process starts again.

Indeed, we gave those savages sewers and they fucked it up.

webm related.

Nukes the frog, why do you have to ruin everything every fucking time?

That very much depends on the caliber, brand and model but I'd say about 1/1000.

How many people did India have prior to becoming a british colony in 1857?

In 1950 just after gaining independence, they had about 400 Millions.

Look at what the savages have done to africa since Whitey left them to be happy and free– not only gone backwards, but have elephants, rhinos, and almost every other fauna and flora on verge of extinction thanks to Jews selling them guns.

If you want a good laugh, watch first 15 minutes of a movie called "Lord of War." It's about an Israeli Arms Dealer. HE has an Israeli passport, he is deeply involved in Jew community but, wait…he's only PRETENDING to be a jew!! Because we all know nice jewish boys don't sell arms.

Mu fucking jaw dropped when I saw that the Jews had the balls to actually try to push that in that film, and how much time must have gone into it, since there was no way to tell the story without him being a kike so…make him someone just PRETENDING to be a kike! NEvermind that Jews need their mothers synagogue certificate to get into Israel..

Depends on caliber, brand, and design, but you get a bulk discount. You could easily deal with rapefugees for 20-25 cents apiece.

Actually, it's explicitly stated that he made his first arms deal thanks to contacts within the Jewish community. He met his first client thanks to being hooked up by someone at synagogue, and he got his weapons (Israeli Uzis) from another Jew.

I think 5.56x45 round, some Ca(OH)2 and few man-hours is way cheaper.

How about some water wings instead?

Exactly go home, see how things are, maybe invest $1500 in the family opium crop and use the remainder for another trip back to Europe. Turkey to France is probably only a couple of months travel for an experienced border hopper.

How about some water wings instead?

A mini iceage would be a great motivator right about now. I really hope this winter starts turning these camping refugees into popcicles this year.

If you believe anything you hear most of them paid more than that to le ebil poc smugglers to get that far.
Also back in the 70s when our nignogs were getting feisty for the first time, Enoch Powell suggested giving them £1000 and sending them back to the west indies or africa. But that was rejected. That would equate to about £25000 in todays money. So they are probably short on their offer by at least a factor of 10, which is rather jewish I must say.

Paid Vacations

Reminder we live in Gotham. Instead of a revolving door prison, we have a revolving door illegal invasion. They come, get paid to stay, get paid to leave, leave, come back, get paid to stay, get paid to leave… And your citizens work their fingers to the bone for what the rapefugees get in gibs. All this will do is bankrupt you even faster.


On the assumption that they're "escaping war in "syria"". How would money help that? Does a dollar stop a bullet, now? Does it prevent the mortars from blowing your shit up? And if they're "war refugees" how are you sending them back in the middle of the "war"? By even proposing this they've revealed everything about their narrative has been 100% bullshit. They can't even lie competently.


This is like paying the neighborhood nigger $3000 to not vandalize your car. What happens is tomorrow he comes back and holds a baseball bat over your windshield and demands more money. Are you frogs brainless? Are you naive?

The money the rapefugees took from europe will never be recovered at this rate. You may as well have taken a permanent hit to your bank accounts. It was not even an investment, you will never see that money again. Now you want to let the bandits take more loot. Honestly the only way you can salvage your reputation as men at this point would be to loot and pillage the near east and apefrica, any nation that participated in this, and to loot the israeli human traffickers. Then you might see that money again.

I mean shit, what a great fucking deal. Take transit over, come in, get gibs to go away, go home with a ton of dosh, then repeat a few months later. It's a neverending well of free money, all you have to do to qualify is be brown and have no shame. Maybe I ought to roll in coffee until my skin gets darker and I can go get some of that. That's like 3k freedommoney, about 3x the cost of a plane ticket. And the air back is free, too? Sweet fucking deal.

Between 10-80 cents each, average being 30 cents.


They take the payment and then only pretend to leave and then come back

Do they collect biometric data before sending them?


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

These same invaders paid over 20,000 to be smuggled.

Frogs negotiating with terrorists what could go wrong ?

It's not a bad idea actually, if it's done as a final solution thinghy.

1) Admit coexistance of different cultures is impossible and only cause conflicts, so you want a peaceful but final solution
2) Give 5k each to like 5 mil migrants total = 25b and begin "mass reimpatriation".
3) Then you close borders forever and limit immigration to high-education, same-culture people only.
4) Secure the deal with a constitution reform so that it's written in stone.
5) We get away saying "multiculti didn't work so we helped them with some money and food and brought them back to avoid civil war" and if shitskins rebel we get to say "see this is why they need to go, they are violent savages who want to cause more conflict even if helped, they need to go".

Otherwise, if expelled solely by force and without a proper narrative, the kike stooges will get to say "yeah but multiculty didn't work ONLY because you were racists and didn't want to help them!", thus leaving the door semi-open to future attempts to misgenate our people.

It's pretty much what Hitler wanted to do with the jews, it didn't work only because kikes had no country to go back to.

I have a salary but don't pay taxes since I'm in an apprenticeship. Still, I would be pretty mad if my taxpayer money went to pay to send back savages that never should've crosses the border in the first place. Also, knowing how retarded our government is I would be ready to bet that this system will be abused and that folks paid to leave will just come back right after.

It'll be a worthless effort if they don't take their fingerprints and share them with Europol. What would stop them from just coming back in with a different name. "Oops I dropped my passport in the ocean, but I can assure you I'm Syrian. Asylum pls":


Once you pay the Danegeld, you'll never be rid of the Dane.

Dank propoganda there

What's stopping them from coming back and claiming another 2500?

I hope they're not actually thinking about giving any of these shit skins money.

I want to get out.

Good job France, you just made your immigration problem even worse.

They did the same with gypsies.
They took the money, went back to their countries and travelled back to France.
This is idiotic at best and at worst just a plot from the jews to finance more terorrists and immigration.

It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation
To call upon a neighbour and to say: –
"We invaded you last night–we are quite prepared to fight,
Unless you pay us cash to go away."

And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
And the people who ask it explain
That you've only to pay 'em the Dane-geld
And then you'll get rid of the Dane!

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: –
"Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away."

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we've proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.

It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
You will find it better policy to say: –

"We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it is lost!"

Yeah, totally can't imagine these roaches re-doing this cycle to make infinite gibsmedat.