David Patraeus Secretary of State

David Patraeus for SoS, what do you think about this?



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Is he going to keep his dick in his pants this time? Or did he get divorced so it's not a big deal anymore?

Even though he defied Obama he is still a neocon. Fuck em.


Hillary did the exact same thing though, and that's the point.

For those that don't know an investigative journalist blew the whistle on this piece of shit for having an affair. The bitch that he was fucking attempted to access his private email as well and he pulled strings to get her off. He retaliated by having the journalist murdered using the power of the cia to kill him with a car bomb. Holla Forums had already broken down this story in detail when it broke a long while ago. This man is not your friend and he is just as corrupt as Hillary, Bush, Obama, etc..

I am worried why Trump would choose this lawbreaking, oathbreaking, murderer and degenerate as secretary of state. I just hope Trump knows what he is doing with these fishy appointments.

Maybe he is trying to find something out by interviewing Romney, Bolton etc? It is pretty clear none of these people actually have a chance at being in Trumps administration… I hope.

I literally don't care

Anyone but fucking Romney or Bolton. Please.

Well its a shitty point. Just because the democrats have shitty hiring policies doesn't mean that Trump should also have shitty hiring policies.



4d chess goy


He Betrayed us and helped push the Zionist wars that destroyed us!

seems like hes just attention whoring after reading the article. trump hasnt contacted him. but if he does, fuck that.

Are you faggots going to create a new thread for every person Trump has a meeting with?

It won't be Romney. Romney's not getting offered shit

hawk != neocon, faget

who cares. he's military; he should be fucking (and killing and destroying)

better than fucking romney

I don't care if he fucks women on the side, I care if he runs his mouth about state secrets to the women he fucks like he did. Very easy for a foreign power to exploit that.

looks bad after hammering Hillary for the classified emails while she was SoS

David… Patraeus is an Israel firster.

We are putting America first, which is NOT something Jews can do.

This would be worse than Romney or Bolton. He is guilty of the exact same sorts of crimes (regarding handling of classified information) as Hillary "You'd Be in Jail" Clinton. Trump would look like an unprincipled hypocrite. There is no indication he is any better ideologically than Romney or Bolton either.

This. I'm not liking any of the current selections (according to media) though. They're almost all neocons that want war with Russia or Iran.

Pictures like that piss me off. To see people getting maimed and irreparably disfigured fighting ZOG wars in the Middle East while their country at home withers. Makes me angry, even if the soldiers are Zogbots themselves.

I still want Tulsi Gabbard tbh. I think she's a tough cookie, and it would send the left into a Category 5 meltdown.

Scumbag careerist who got a LOT of men fucking killed pushing COIN when he knew goddam well it was a failure. He was a shit bag. Also, his conviction prevents him from holding that post, he'd first need Trump to pardon him.

the conviction MAY only lawfully apply to elective office but would surely come up in a confirmation hearing and he still might need a pardon. Having said all that, still better than fucking Mittens, the Jews have pushed so hard for him that it's barely to be believed.

I with you on that one.

Petraeus is a shitbag, I'd love to see Mattis and him go 5 rounds.


I can't tell if this is a master 5d chess troll move or a total blunder. That's what makes it so perfect.

my thought exactly. It's probably not a good idea, but the leftist salt would be amusing

Tulsi would be an absolutely perfect pick.

I've had my eye on her for awhile. Yeah, she's a Hinpoo and there's no fixing that, but she's a combat vet; sharp as a whip; pro-America and anti-ZOG. I think she's got a bright future in Washington and if Trump makes her SoS she's set for life.

Agreed, the drawbacks would be worth the leftist flipout. Its not like she's anymore pro-Israel than Petraeus anyways.

I just looked up that guy he killed.

Based Patraeiyes. Taking out the blockheads.

Isn't Petreus a jew?

I don't think OPM will clear him.

Hopefully this is 4D chess

If the media that bashed Trump and protected Hill comes out and says "patreus is not fit for SoS! Emails! Classified info! Jail!"

Trump can go "yeah exactly what the fuck you think Ive been saying about hillary?"

Media BDFO again. Puts her wrongdoing back into the spotlight, perhaps from there that opens up an avenue to have her investigated by a special prosecutor without it looking like its revenge?

Exactly what I though. A classic Trump move. I'd bet you anything the media will bite and fall right in the trap.