BREAKING: Terror attack fears as gunman bursts into retirement home for monks in Montpellier, France

The suspect, who was reportedly wearing a hoodie and carrying a gun, is still believed to be at the site in Montpellier, France


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Religion of peace strikes again.

Rolling for mudslime.

Sky news reporting two dead at least.

God damn Germans can't stop invading France.


who could it be

Rolling for Al Syaam Hiyed.


Last two digits decides how many people die.

Was wondering when the attack would occur.

what did islam mean by this?

Well, what did he do? He snuck in wearing a hoodie and wielding a gun. Has he shot anybody yet? Is it an ongoing thing?

Why on earth would you post Mirror as your source?
That's a shit fucking rag.

This is all what we got for now.


This stuff never ceases to amaze me. Wow.

Get ready for very few fatalities.

Retirement? For monks? Topkek. I thought this was a life long vocation that one only finishes with death.

nothing on france 24 live news, as of yet.


Apparently they are African monks, so it is no surprise that they are so lazy.

its nothing goyim

bumping for unlikely but possible happening

It's a bizarre world we live in.


True hero.

How many retirement age African monks can France realistically have?

I don't know about monks, but priests "retire" when they can't do their job well enough. They still pray/etc, but don't hold mass every day.


21 years

Looks like one of the sandscum became impatient waiting for the 1st. We're gonna see some serious shit aren't we?




Is that a picture of the same place?

It's both Paris. That's what Paris looks like now. I don't know if that's the same exact location though.

rolling for mudslimes


Kek confirms it!

Guys on that news feed are pushing globalism, for crying out loud.

White people gassed 6 billion jews to death with a delousing agent. And then burned them all in an oven. If we let Islamophobia get out of hand, white people will murder 6 billion innocent colored children. Not all moslems are terrorists! Tell all the moslems you know that you will shield them from hate!

Rolling to find out if bears shit in the woods.

Dude, stop posting disinfo. We all know that it was 6 gorillion.

meant for

They just said the incident with the monks was one woman stabbed

*60 gorrillion

Oy vey how dare you antisemites forget the 6,000,000 gorillion.

What a nice day to be comfy on Holla Forums

I hate to be the devil's advocate but it doesn't say that the guy is a muslim

Coulter's Law. The longer it takes to report on physical properties, the more likely they aren't white.

Yeah, I bet it's one of those ebul pagan nazees.




The chicken coming home to roost.

Nevr fogit bout 6,666,666 jillion mews! newer ewer!! or else..

Is that a CWC creation?


Well it seems the bears shit inside your house instead

Niiiice. Muslim extermination soon.

Kek is with us lads!

OC from halfchan ages ago




so was there rape or not? moneis its a sandnigger or african sandnigger


Seems like a common occurrence, probably easy to do with all of the migrant population supporting them

Seems not to be a terror attack as they have ran, instead of murdering everyone there.>>8355562

http:// www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/24/armed-man-bursts-french-retirement-home-monks/

So the gunman was only helping them retire properly? What a saint

Yea, the dubs don't lie



NYE purge


It was the beheading of poor Father Jacques Hamel that while he gave mass that inspired me to wear a cross every day. I set up a small altar to him and now give the sign of the cross when I pass it. This will only trigger rage in the hearts of Europeans. Terrorizing old retired religious folk is supremely evil and will awaken the Deus Vult in even the most apathetic agnostic.

How can ANYONE doubt that a violent purge is the only solution to fixing the demographic problem.

According to the news article cited? At least 70 in this one branch alone.

Retired monks? Ain't they supposed to stay at the monastery doing monk stuff until they die?

You should forgive them, user.

I just like the Christ-chan meme you D&C faggot, fellate a gun.


I hope they make Father Hamel a saint soon. He would be a good figure to rally around in the fight against Islamization

We just need some rich madman to fund a covert paramilitary Extremist Combat Unit to defend Europe and we'll reach full meme circle.

Tough call.

The fire rose in Israel only 4 years since the movie was released, I'm sure RWDS aren't that far off.

Beat me to it.

Me too user. He will always be a saint to me.

No it's not a tough call. They aren't all pedos and faggots. I was lucky to go to 12 years of catholic school. No common core, no muds, no beaners, no gang bangers. When we heard a siren nearby we all made the sign of the cross and said a little prayer for them because that's the kind of kids we were. The nuns and priests taught us well. No history of pedophilia there either though a church in the next town did have one. I'm very grateful for that experience and I hope kids can one day have such a wholesome education. That school is now filled with beaners.


You are thinking about Papacy. You are always a priest once you are ordained but you can retire.

I was not expecting that.

I made a looping version a while ago. I could make it loop for 3 hours if I wanted.

Do you know where that beat is from? It sounds strangely familiar.

probably butchered/mutilated like in the Bataclan

we'll be lucky if we hear about it at all

Da Rude - Sandstorm

Placeboing seems to do everything original. If he stole the beat from somewhere I think it would be hard to find exactly where (plus certain genres of music naturally have very similar traits like the slowly pulsing baseline).


Ah yeah, I think it was reminding me of the song from the beginning of '"Drive''.

Well done.


Apparently these guys are from a missionary/outreach centered order, so when they get too old to travel or perform manual labor they just get ushered to a home and instructed to spend their time meditating and praying for the world.


Needs more exposure

keep attacking Muslims, pretty please, shift the Overton window even further to the right until literally RWDS roam the streets of Europe.

A new war is looming just over the horizon and my body is ready

What?Were they 'evacuated' from the 'building' while police searched 'the' floors?

They tossed rocks at a visiting ethiopian priest the other day because they saw his cross.

French "African" monks are white of the Trappist order (Ordo Cisterciensis Strictioris Observantiae).
They're is plenty left in Maghreb (which was french for over century) and a regular target of the religion of peace (since they consider that they spread Christianity, which is not even the case unlike burger evangelical missionaries).

It was on niggers too. We also had Ohio attack in which I think no one died. All these attacks and no losses is pretty great.
