Are you gonna celebrate grav-mass this year?
Are you gonna celebrate grav-mass this year?
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God has made the universe including its physical laws, this basic bitch antitheism would have been laughed at by any scientist born before the CYE
So like Christianity stole the pagan holidays, the religion of science is stealing Christian holidays.
More like supplanted them
Isaac Newton was a Christian. I doubt he would have wanted people celebrating him over Christ.
If I remember correctly he belonged to a particularly weird branch that thought that claiming Jesus was divine was one of the greatest possible sins, so who even knows
I celebrate grav-anukkah
Yeah, Isaac Newton would be pretty pissed about being used by the SJWs against Christianity.
what did he mean by this?
It means you can do whatever you want to it, as long as you remember who was the author and redistribute with the same rights.
this shit is so fucking autistic holy shit
Stallman just can't hide his Jewish side.
No, more like placed their holiday in the vicinity of pagan holidays. It falls neither on Saturnalia, nor Yule, and considering that pretty much every day is some feast day it's practically impossible not to fall in the vicinity of one.
He rejected the Trinity, so technically he was not a Christian, but a heretic.
Christmas is solely an economic strategy, nowadays. That's why kikes want you to spend on presents. They gain a profit.
Unorthodoxy doesn't not imply heresy.
I guess we can just ignore all the ((coincidental)) similarities.
If you can't even manage to adhere to the nicene creed you're ridiculously heretical
Getting tired of these reruns
Any teaching that doesn't come directly from the scriptures is safe to discard as not being from the scriptures. The nicene creed does not come from the scriptures but by the concensus of catholic popes.
If it's being taught in churches? Yes.
it's from the 50s
Are you gonna celebrate gravy-mess this year?
Heretics get hanged too.
Scripture didn't condense out of thin air, the Church decided the Canon. Please pay a visit to /christian/ before you embarrass yourself further.
Reported for being a potato on the loose.
is stealing *pagan holidays.
They never were 'christian'.
Praise Spacetime Newton had more sense than I thought!
*tips respectfully in your direction*
>literally Christmas
Christmas is both Christian and Pagan. It's basically the ultimate celebration of western culture
The Nativity and Sanctus Nicolaus are both obviously Christian
Yuletide and Sinterklaas are both Pagan
Santa Claus is literally a combination of Sinterklaas and Sanctus Nicolaus (Sinterklaas is a Dutch corruption of St. Nicolas and was celebrated with Pagan tradition)
Thus, Christmas can be seen as both
Could you please reddit-space a little more?
I need more blank rows in order to read properly.
Sinterklaas is pretty Christian. Far more Christian than Santa Claus, who's thoroughly secularized.
He's explicitly the Christian Saint Nicholas, uses the same holiday, and wears a mitre with a cross. Sinterklaas is the combination of Christian and Pagan traditions, Santa Claus doesn't add any additional Christianity into the mix. It only borrows a bit from Father Christmas for good measure.
I understand it perfectly fine. It is Judaism wearing stolen Indo-European robes! Christianity would be nothing without Hellenism, and the jewish elements continue to drag the whole complex down. A European spiritualism which is scientific/atheistic in nature, i.e. its adherents understand there isn't an endless existence and that THIS is the one shot for both themselves individually and the species as a whole, and that we have much potential to grow, evolve, and eventually come to fully inhabit the universe.
Reported for "muh plebbit spacing" forum derailment.
Hellenism has nothing to do with Christianity. Hellenism has many gods while Jesus is about one god.
It's still shitposting, even if you're being ironic
But Newton was a Christian and he wasn't even born on Christmas?
The Jews would be fine with you 'trolling' them with that as it still reduces the sacredness of Christmas.
He's a retard who thinks the Hellenist aesthetic and culture is its own distinct religion.The Greeks, Romans, Norse, and Celts, all essentially worshiped the same exact Pantheon of Gods. It was all the same religion, just with slightly varying customs and different names that if anything were just a reflection of the local languages.
The branch of Christianity that is recognized globally is the Western Church or the Latin Church that was established by the First Council of Nicaea in the Roman Empire and was greatly influenced by Roman culture and law. It was basically the Roman State Religion that took over traditional Roman religion. You'd be a fool to think it has anything to do with its original Jewish sect but superficially at best.
I grew up in Germany and I had never heard of any of those traditions until I saw them in American cartoons. They are not ancient pagan leftovers, they are modern inventions.
Unorthodoxy is something like "Sola Scriptura". Denying the Trinity is a full-blown heresy. Otherwise we might also consider Islam to be Christian. Pic related is St. Nick slapping Arius the heretic over this exact issue during the Council of Nicea.
The Nicene Creed is a TL;DR of already established teachings.
This. The Bible was written by the Church for use within the Church. Luther had it wrong, you cannot just grab a Bible off the
What are you talking about? Sinterklaas is St. Nicholas, the spelling is just warped to fit the Dutch language.
I had a friend who told me that santa used to have a nigger servant called krampus who would break into houses and kidnap children by stuffing them into his sack full of coal.
Is this world even real?
That's not how culture works. The formally pagan peoples who were now mostly Christian just refocused their usual festivities on their new religion.
The Bible is a collection of books that are relevant to the Christian (and jewish) religion(s). You can say the NT canon was chosen for use by "the church", I suppose.
Yes, and who wrote those books? The Church (or whatever you want to call its Old Testament equivalent).
Nice try
Then why are kikestians so buttmad about admissions as to where every part of "their" "religion" originated?
The bible is a hodgepodge of random texts written by a variety of unassociated Semitic tribal religions (who themselves ripped each other off constantly, compare most of the OT to the Epic of Gilgamesh, for instance), compiled by various heterodox Jewish mystery cults, before finally being segregated into CanonⓊ and Apocrypha® by various gatherings of church leaders throughout history.
Fedoras tend to forget that there are two ways of looking at that.
Newton was a massive Christfag so Im going to celebrate Christmas so I might be as smart as him.
Are you going to deny the trinity?
Watch rick and morty as well
Fedorafags trying to make secular versions of holidays reminds me of those religious people that think Halloween and Halloween costumes are some sort of sin against God, even though it's a traditional Christian holiday.
In name only, regrettably
I celebrate festivus, but I think I'll try Grav-mas this year. Feliz Gravidad, everybody!
Or maybe he's just an atheist.
Hahah holy shit dude this is Soccer Mom levels of newfag retardation
The more you learn about Jews, the more you tend to develop a hatred for them. It's only natural. It's why Jews seldom like expressing their culture to non-Jews
So you think his opposition to religion has nothing to do with his atheism and everything to do with the fact that he's ethnically Jewish? You do realize how fucking retarded that is, yes?
What Jewish culture? I mean, really. Please tell me about this genetically ingrained culture and how you came to find it, because you really need to get your head checked.
Stallman was a self-described Jewish Atheist. He had his dick chopped off and a Bar Mitzvah like every other kike. You're delusional
Except he's never used that term. He said he's an atheist of Jewish ancestry. Read Free as in Freedom instead of talking out your ass.
I yet have to hear an "atheist Jew" propose to replace Hanukkah with a secular holiday. They always focus on Christian holidays for (((some reason))).
Maybe it's because Christians don't directly celebrate Jewish holidays so therefore, there's no need to replace them with other things - only Jews are thinking about them and Christians do not. In a society of Christians, it's only natural that the society will hold celebrations at those holidays.
The endless butthurt about Christmas from ((( those ))) people gets tiresome.
Because retards don't come up with terms like "The war on Hanukkah" or start celebrating Hanukkah in October. Or get offended when people don't say Mazel Tov on Hanukkah or some whatever it is they say.
Also, Stallman said that what he really hated about Christmas was the blatant consumerism and the idea that you have to buy something. I would think that the commercialization of a Christian holiday was more likely to insult than the suggestion that we do away with pretense and just make it a secular holiday anyway. Because if you're going to suggest that Christmas as it is practiced today has anything to do with religion, you're kind of delusional. I'm an atheist and the only reason we celebrate Christmas is because it's a good excuse to give presents (and if you're my niece, to receive presents) and have a day off work.
1% of the population and they act like they're 90%. Gas them all.
Eh, just celebrate New Years like commies did. All the consumerist attributes are present, the Santa, The Presents, The Tree, except there is a pentagram instead of Star of David on top of it.
It's a bit too early for that m8
So you're an atheist celebrating a Christian holiday. It doesn't make Christmas secular. But it sure does make you a fucking faggot
intelligent Falling
A chunk of ice fell on my head last year
here is the formula
idiot stands under ice + god teaches idiot lesson = hurt head and lesson learned
Isn't he right?
So you're a christian celebrating a Pagan holiday. It doesn't make Christmas religious. But it sure does make you a fucking faggot
This is retarded and Stallman is a moron.
If intelligent design is so funny to him, let him (or anyone else) prove that a universe can be created without it. Come on, do it in your shiny laboratories. Not so funny now, huh?
I'll give you five, not even one
don't you get tired of being blown the fuck out constantly? why do you pursue shame so singlemindedly?
This is not how burden of proof works, moron.
A universe this bizarre can't be the product of an intelligent designer.
If God exists he's probably one of those people who exclusively prpgram in AWK.
Look up "fine-tuned universe theory". Pretty interesting, the only argument against it I've seen it "what if there are multiple universes" which is also unprovable.
'Burden of proof' just gets abused by fedoras to pretend their own assertions need no proof. They pretend to know everything about the universe despite being constantly proven wrong about it this century. Like in tech, our incorrect use of 'atomic' comes from science being wrong about atoms being the basic building blocks of the universe.
1. It's an argument, not a theory.
2. It's a tautological argument. If the universe was different, then you wouldn't be making that argument, therefore you can only make this argument in a universe where you live.
3. The universe is surprisingly devoid of life. If it's so finely tuned, then why is 99.9999999% of everywhere we look unlivable?
The funny thing is that science has always been proved wrong by more science. Not once have we ever had the Bible or any religious text overturn science and declare that "God did it." Curious, isn't it?
The Bible warns about the sinfulness of blind pursuit of knowledge, and the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE crowd is rapidly dying off and will be gone within a few generations from side-effects of doing so. I'd count that as the Bible proving science wrong.
It's a good thing we ignored that shit and established modern civilization, where you can complain about science using the fruits of its labor.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you damaged in the brain?
I'd count your post as evidence of mental illness or retardation.
Tell me of your birth rates. How long until you're Muslim?
Never. Why would I be Muslim? Are you stupid?
I lean towards multiple universes, but another good counterargument is that it's possible the constants can't just take just any value, but instead derive from a smaller more fundamental set of constants we haven't found yet that doesn't logically allow higher-level values that don't allow matter to form.
And any argument for a creator runs into an infinite regression problem of explaining the creator's origin.
Christianity and SCIENCE are two different moral codes guiding the development of a population over successive generations. While Christianity said to be fruitful and multiply and guided its adherents away from dangerous experimentation with society, SCIENCE has you experimenting with gender identity, re-classifying transexuals as not mentally ill, putting your women in the workforce where they delay childbirth to have a career, and it has destroyed your birth rate. It is so low that your societies would have already collapsed were it not for diluting yourselves with a flood of Muslims to pay down the human debt accrued from 60 years of children that were never born. That dilution will have to continue and the end result is your people will be Muslim. They will hang SCIENCE.
No, science is not a moral code. It's a system for finding things out.
I'm going to stop reading here, because it's clear you're a fucking retard.
I think you're looking for "social marxism" or something, not "science".
What you mean when you use the word "science" is not what everyone else in the thread means.
Not science. SCIENCE. I thought you'd understand seeing as you're from reddit.
No, I don't understand, and since you're the one spouting what seem to be reddit memes, I'd guess you're heavily projecting.
So what's your country's birth rate, user?
I don't know. I live in the US. What does this have to do with whether the Bible is a source of knowledge or not. You do realize you've heavily veered from that and went on a retarded rant about birth rates, right?
I didn't make any claim though.He's laughing at "intelligent failing", so clearly he thinks the universe is not the work of intelligent design. Well, then he should prove it, or shut the fuck up.
No, he said intelligent falling is religion pretending to be science. So you can't even read the OP. Nice job proving you're retarded.
Except intelligent failing is not a real theory, but a joke made up by atheists.
Holla Forums - Creationism
Yes, retard, and it got you so butthurt that you started ranting about Muslims and birth rates. Do you realize why people laugh at you now?
1.84, and most of that is not from Americans in any sane use of the word. You need at least 2.1 just to not die.
When did the US stop following the Bible and let SCIENCE drive the culture? I'd say it was the '60s, and I think most would agree with that. Guess when the birth rate crashed? Seems the Bible was right where it mattered most.
No, I think I'll be just fine if the birth rates stay as they are. I'm not powered by the consumption of babies.
Of what?
We use science to find things out. We live in a liberal republic, which has been the case since the founding of this nation.
Again, what does this have to do with whether or not the Bible is a good source of knowledge? Because so far you've made allusions to one passage as if that justified believing other stupid bullshit, and ignoring that even if valid, you could come to these conclusions without the bible. Seriously, get your head checked.
I said nothing whatsoever about Muslims in this thread?
Was that not you?
So, then, since you're clearly the guy using the reddit memes, on the post prior to that, what were you on about when you said this:
I think he means Intelligent Design as an alternative to evolution, not an intelligently created universe. That's what the capitalized brand name usually refers to. There is strong evidence against the biological idea of intelligent design.
What's the other way, the one where a Sumerian epic written a thousand years before the Yahweh cult separated from other Canaanite tribal religions to become Judaism, not to mention Yahweh's consort Ashera later vanishing into noncanonicity, happened?
Little-known fact: Young-earth creationism, and religious opposition to evolutionary biology with it, barely date back to the 1920s. Back when discoveries like Abraham Gottlob Werner's in geology and Charles Darwin's in evolution were made, churches were largely ambivalent, and rapidly accepted scientists' findings with little objection. To this day, every major church (Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, etc.) holds mainstream science as official doctrine.
Instead, young-earth creationism and anti-evolution sentiment is primarily the doing of a small, kooky fundamentalist sect in the US called Seventh-Day Adventists, and in particular to a series of pamphlets written by George McCready Price in 1923. From there, it spread through other fundie sects in the Anglosphere by the 1930s, thence to the rest of the world.
Okay, I've already said I'm an atheist, but I used to be SDA. They have odd beliefs, but they're honestly nice people. Just because I think it's bullshit doesn't mean I think they're crazy. Also they're healthy as fuck.
I'm not trying to defend their beliefs, but just thought I'd get that out there SDAs are not even half as weird as shit like Mormons.
You're so reddit, why are you even here?
How can he be from Reddit if he doesn't know about memes from Reddit?
Well, I frequent Holla Forums and I haven't seen this meme, so what are you on about?
56% is that amerigoblin meme
So a retarded Holla Forums meme posted by crossboarders that have no interest in Holla Forums topics. I figured.
Ontotheologists are cancer. Approaching the problem of God like a greasy car-salesman or televangelist.
Guys, this totally works. My gf is with me right now.
Step 2 contradicts itself
It is supposed to be pure logic akin to Plato's true form argument. The prime mover is purely a causal inference etc.
So what does Plato have to do with Aquinas?
It's actually a parody of Anslem's ontologycal argument:
God programmed this world and we are his A.I. waifus.
you are gay and this thread is gay and all previous repliers are gay
There is a war on Christmas. I live in a very liberal city but most people I know are from Christian background. No one says Merry Christmas. People from my home country notice immediately that no one says Merry Christmas and that people get awkward when you do say it.
Some employers of customer facing employees instruct their employees not to say "Merry Christmas". My company doesn't say anything specific but there is such an atmosphere of political correctness that people feel compelled too ay "Happy Holidays".
Merry Christmas to you too.
wtf i'm pagan. Feels good man
literally wicca for numales
If you participate in the commercial ritual of end-of-the-year presents, please avoid the digital products that would mistreat the people you give them to.
I feel violated, but comforted.
That's not really a War on Christmas. It's just trying to be inclusive to attract more people to their businesses. This is basic capitalism. So Merry Christmas, faggot. My atheist ass is going to go prepare some gifts so my niece and sister can freak the fuck out and have a good time. Seriously, Merry Christmas. Enjoy it, and I hope you don't have to work the day after.
I best Christ-chan is only a "technical" virgin.
Konbanwa homo-san
You know what to do
There's really no way to do that any more than you can start believing in Santa Claus.
There's a war on Christmas. Have fun being directed by the Jews to tear down your own society.
Christmas starts in October now. There is no war. If there's anyone you should be pissed at it's people making money from your religious holiday, but that's all anybody knows it as. Instead of being pissed off at people telling you to skip church, be mad at people using your religion to sell shit. I remember Jesus whipping some Jews over that.
It's not my holiday, I'm an atheist. But I see what the community is being used for. Every form of group power white people have is being torn down so everyone's hyperindividualized and powerless.
I don't think Christmas is a whites only thing, and I really think you're reading too much into it. Edgy atheists have always been that way, and there's no reason you can't build a community of like-minded individuals without religion or other such bullshit (including atheism). If you're talking politics and such things, I don't see parties being torn down and done away with, or any political action groups. If you're not active in that regard, then you've only yourself to blame. Are you even a member in any professional organization? That's mostly white guys basically all over the tech industry.
But you do. What happened to/did Sanders? And he wasn't even going to change much.
Assuming we're North American. Try, for example, to create a party with the main public objective of removing your government's dependence on the private corporation that is the Federal Reserve, returning to the gold standard, or regulating the amount of interest a bank is permitted to charge you based on your income. Try something like that and see what happens.
You're advocating playing a rigged game as a way of exercising your freedom. You are naive beyond belief. Then again this is Holla Forums and nobody expects you to have an informed opinion about how the world works.
I don't know if there's a war against Christmas, whites or whatever, but we are certainly herd arguing which part of the pen is the "freest".
Do you have any idea how hard they mindfucked white men in tech over the past 20 years? The SV ones I have to deal with practically punctuate sentences with some sort of faggotry. This was done intentionally to make sure none of the people the Jews are depending on to build a surveillance society to enslave whites throw a wrench in the machine when they notice what it's doing to their people. Argue with them about it sometime and you'll eventually reach the "Well it's for the better as humanity is a disease on this planet and white people have done so many terrible things" tier. That self-hate suicide cult bullshit didn't used to be in their heads.
The party, actually. A group of people decided to gang up on an individual. The opposite of what you're claiming. Then we have the triumph of Trump, who was an individual standing against the party. Believe it or not, things are a bit more complex.
It's called the libertarian party, and nobody is interested. You're basically complaining that your ideas aren't popular.
I believe technological solutions are more permanent than political ones, but that doesn't mean we should stay out of politics, because they are everywhere.
Well, the argument was about a supposed war on Christmas, so I guess we can conclude that if there is, we can't seem find evidence of it.
I'll take that as a no. If you aren't involved in IEEE at the very least, you're fucking up. But if you feel like complaining about Jews instead, go ahead.
Not once in my admittedly short career have I heard someone say this in any professional conference or setting. Too many memes have started to rot your brain.
Please get your head out of your ass, user. I don't know when we mentioned "dying". Maybe your autism is acting up.
I'm honestly horrified to read such ignorant and at the same time condescending responses.
It is true Trump was against the Republican party, but he had a massively powerful apparatus behind him, and contrary to what Holla Forums might have you believe, their goal is not to be the saviours of Western Civilization. Just to take power in their own hands. Please listen to this: parties mean shit. Agendas are promoted by individuals and groups of individuals who do not label themselves for public consideration.
Perhaps Sanders was not the best example.
Ask yourself this: why did you assume those are my ideas?
My point just was that if you try to change certain things for certain powers you will hit a brick wall or media invisibility. And you will certainly not be popular, as you observed.
And then there's this... You really think people decide what they consider popular? You think 90% of your ideals and opinions are your own? I myself realize every day something or other I believe turns out has been put there by media influence or peer pressure. I'm not even mad, I'm appalled someone on Holla Forums would show this level of ordinariety.
I'm serious. I don't want to talk to you anymore. Have a good one mate. In fact, Merry Christmas/holidays.
Because you were complaining they weren't popular as if it was some kind of injustice.
Well, goodnight, and have a Merry Christmas too.
Why would I celebrate the birth of a religious fanatic that would have been executed if his research didn't include some serious papal fellating when I could celebrate the supposed birth of the object of his fanaticism?
#lovescience #raises_spork #xdddddddd #p3ngu|n0fd00m
Ironic, considering the man on the right is Saint Nicholas and I have no problem believing in his existence
Wrong. Marketing changes its theme past All Saints' eve, but the original meaning of Christmas is forgotten more each passing year.
Gravity is fucking gay. Always making shit fall, not letting me fly if I feel like it, slowly dragging the Moon closer and closer to the Earth until the eventual but inevitable day when they collide and end all life as we know it.
wrong, it is moving farther away
First, I don't think it is true that not saying "Merry Christmas" attracts more customers. Look at what the NFL is doing, is that attracting more customers? Sometimes business owners do things for other reasons. In this case i think it's either being Jewish or extreme liberals themselves, or being influenced by this mindset where inclusivity trumps all other considerations.
Second, even if it was good business to say "Happy Holidays" it doesn't mean that it's ok or normal. Our society is not completely dominated by capitalism or the profit motive. If you believe that, you are either far left or have allowed far left thinking to influence you. As I said above, business owners don't have to 100% maximize profit in all cases, and could choose to carry on (or not interfere with) this tradition if they wanted.
So what we have is that people in power are making a choice to repress the term "Merry Christmas", either because they are far left and/or Jewish or because they are influenced by that mindset. And that, in my opinion, constitutes a "war on Christmas".
Btw you also come across as really pissy and passive aggressive. I never attacked you or anyone else, just giving my opinion.
I don't care about commercialization. I like capitalism overall, it's one of the reasons the West is so nice to live in. Maybe Christmas is too commercial but that is a minor issue to me. In any case, Christmas hasn't been exclusively religious for a long time, so singling out this issue comes across as just another excuse to attack Western traditions.
shit quality picture
go eat a dick
without gravity you won't have any air to breathe, because it will scatter infinitely into space
get educated, kiddo
Sage negated btw