The Trump Effect: Whites Become Less Racist?

I'm going to be pessimistic about Trump right now, fam. Don't be triggered.

I'm seeing a lot of normies who before the election were all on board with pro-White identity politics stuff now retreating from that, saying "We won, by being "racist" now you're just making Trump look bad". Trump is allowing a lot of White normies to kick back and forget about demographics. This is obviously fucking stupid, but it makes me wonder: could Trump be acting as a safety valve for White unease? **(Not that he was put there to be that, but that he is, anyway)**.

Also Trump is not an ethnonationalist, and won't do a thing to stop legal immigration (except of Muslims, maybe). A sad feature of Trump winning is that Republicucks are spending enormous amounts of energy to prove that "Trump is not raaaacist". Also I expect to see a lot of Trump racecucking over the coming years because he wants to be "the great unifier" and show that he can "Make America Great Again" for "All Americans". You know the drill, right?

Anyone else feeling this way right now?


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Trump ia means to an end, i don't give a fuck.

wtf I shill for hill now

In some ways Trump may be going in the right direction, but there is a hell of a lot of backpeddling, too. The urge to "not be racist" in the age of Trump is still strong.

No I didn't say Hill should have been elected. I voted Trump. I'm just wondering if he'll turn out to be much, much less good than we hoped he'd be.

The average Trump voter is not very smart and not very based, either.

Into the gas chamber, Chaim.

stop being a faggot and go make white babies

Are you thick? We memed him as a turbo-Hitler that would exterminate the mud races and take us to the stars. Of course he's not going to be what he hoped he would be.

Trump isn't our victory, he's only our opening move. Everybody here knows this. We don't need a thread about you fretting over this.

Trump is not our savior, you fucking retards! He's elected, now we need to keep pushing harder and harder until we can elect a real savior.

OP is raising a perfectly valid point. Address it.

its called a trump card for a reason. even Holla Forums got played like goyim.

Chamber time, Chaim.


So what we can't have a discussion about the possible negatives involves with Trump? Seriously? Again I still support Trump, but this is an interesting political and cultural discussion. There's no need to sperg out and sage me like this.

It's interesting to discuss the way normie Republicans are reacting to Trump's win, politically and so on and so forth. That's all. As though this discussion is going to hurt anything. Please…

And no of course I never thought he was going to literally be Hitler 2.0 but come on, this is a real discussion to be had. How do normie Americans react to Trump winning? What effect does this have on ethnonationalism and identity politics? We need to be smart, like a think tank. Anti intellectualism just turns you into a nigger in a ghetto.

Think a little

I've been warning you idiots from the beginning.

This is the future you chose.

I suggest everyone filter this ID

You don't get to pretend the people criticizing Trump are Jewish, you fucking redidtor.


I still support Trump, it just might be a double edged sword. Let's think about this calmly and clearly. Trump winning will be good in some ways, but also it could hurt ethnonationalism, as well.

Trump is a fucking idiot.

His winning is only bad if we allow civic nationalist faggots like /r/the_donald to taint our victory with this election. Those faggots voted for Obama, they want things to be like they've always been, they don't want actual change.

We need to keep things chaotic.


They might be able to taint his victory, but luckily the left and nignogs will *probably* chimp and keep Whitey awake. Hopefully.

This is what shilling looks like

I'm so proud that I was never a leftist. How anyone could have ever voted Obama is just insane to me. This country is really full of normalcy bias numskulls.

Remember where you came from

Trump's election has to be the biggest case of buyer's remorse I have ever seen from this board. We spent an entire year memeing him because it pissed the left off. But what came with that? Redditors and cuckchanners. Trump will do some good, if he builds the wall and leads to better Russo-American relations then he will have done right in my book. Thinking Trump will do nothing bad means you need to return to r/the Donald. thinking he will do nothing good means you need to go back with the other Black-pilled faggots on endchan

I am still glad he won because fuck the left, but I have a bad feeling that cuckpublicans will meme him into "the great unifier in chief" and just bluepill everyone harder on race. We'll see how things go.

Trump was always a planet. His whole role is to release pressure. Turn down the heat so the frogs don't jump out of the boiling pot.

>I'm seeing a lot of normies who before the election were all on board with pro-White identity politics stuff now retreating from that, saying "We won, by being "racist" now you're just making Trump look bad". Trump is allowing a lot of White normies to kick back and forget about demographics. This is obviously fucking stupid, but it makes me wonder: could Trump be acting as a safety valve for White unease? (Not that he was put there to be that, but that he is, anyway).

bullshit. at most only faggots like (((mike cernovcich))) did that and they were never pro-white to begin with

A plant*.
Whether wilfully or not, he fulfils that goal.
Democracy is not the answer.

It's just mass shilling. Soros thinks that if he turns all media into an echo-chamber of anti-trumpism then he will win. Just bear with this for now since it will end after the inauguration.

This is how I know you're a shill

Cern is a cuck no doubt, but he has an audience full of normie Trumpkins who /were/ drifting towards ethnonationalism and White identity, now they have an excuse not to because "We won, stop making Trump look bad by being racist".

There are fucking millions of almost-White-nationalist Whites whose jimmies have been unrustled by Trump being elected.

Trump isn't going to save us, though, so we need to unrustle their jimmies and make them see it's still a critical time for Whites in America.

We'll have this discussion towards the end of January, you fucking colossal faggot.
Fucking sick to death of these goony D&C+demoralization threads. Just go drink yourselves into a coma.

No idiot. If I'm wrong about that, tell me. I could be wrong. I'm not claiming to know fucking everything. Just politely correct me! Constantly calling each other names isn't going to help!

We have to be united for our people, all jokes and memes aside, this is serious.

We are nationalists.

Such a weak memer, Chaim. What am I even supposed to be worried about with what you're talking about?

Gas yourself.

No one has to be divided right now, idiot. Just disagree with me all you want. No need in the world to get mad. Why the fuck would this thread make you mad? I'm not at war with the people who think Trump is going to be uber ethnonationalist, I just disagree.

That's the point of democracy. It's all a safety valve.
You got what you needed and the balance is renewed.

The problem with this theory is that it completely ignores what the left is doing right now. They're doubling down on identity politics. They're pushing a fucking Muslim nigger as the next head of the DNC (yes, I know we already had one as President–but he had to lie about it).

Sounds like a good start.

I totally agree, and I think it's an interesting as fuck thing to talk about. I always love to try to predict what will happen.

I think that it will be a cultural conflict between the cucks who want to present Trump as the "President for everyone" and signal their love for nigs and the left that doubles down on the "fuck whitey" stuff. Ironically the left is helping to build White racial consciousness, while most of the so called "right" is very busy signalling how "not racist" they are.

I just want the highest number of Whites to be radicalized racially as possible. It's a very interesting time in American politics.


One of the things we succeded with was weakening the "racist" label by appealing to rationality. That is, making people realize that it doesn't matter what scary word they put on truth. This is a counter-offensive to restore it. It's probably time to rebuild your beliefs from principles to tighten up your normalfag arguments.

He's going to push for immigration that favors intelligent, productive people. That effectively means Europeans and east Asians. And he's clearly distrustful of the Asians. If the Chinese keep sending spies over here he may very well ban them too.

it doesn't matter.
the more the truth circulates, the better it is for all.
form public opinion.
otherwise, just worry, bitch, and moan about public figures.

That's why I keep saying we need to meme Trump to be what we want him to be, and we need to go after shitlibs building up their paranoia and fear levels until they overreact. Shill subs like plebbit's /r/The_Donald are Jew-infltrated and seriously cucked; they're trying to reconcile with our enemies.

We need to do the opposite - make reconciliation impossible, make sure the shitlibs stay energized and ready to attack all the time, keep the pressure on. Keep stoking the fire regardless of what Trump says. Get them to do things so unforgivable that Trump will have no choice but to react.

Too many people on here even are resting on their laurels. This "victory" is only the beginning. Pull a Scott Foval and provoke shitlibs until they lose their shit in some riot and get batons smacked across their empty skulls.

Anyone who thought electing Trump is where we obtain victory is smoking crack - what we do know about Trump is that he has a mentality of reacting to bad actors, so all we need to do is get shitlibs fired up. I guarantee you also that for a large number of these shitlibs, beating the fuck out of them will radicalize them to the point where they will form terror organizations, form third world coalitions - then we can really fucking go after them.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

shoo shoo shill

I never said he's not better than Hillary. He will help a little bit. But also the intelligent productive thing imho might mean opening up immigration more to Indian tech people. Who knows, right?

I'm not saying he will cuck, but he might. We need to be prepared for that possibility. Resting in a sense of victory when we have only just begun to fight is dangerous. It makes us sitting ducks. Or sitting cucks? lol

This guy gets it. You think just like I do. I'm glad someone can see it. We have to think about this stuff, Holla Forums, these issues aren't going away.

Yes, I approve this message.

Ding ding ding ding ding. Maybe Holla Forums, after two years of this torture, is finally beginning to realise what the plan was the whole time.

It might not be a plan, it might just be happening by accident. But either way it sucks. Trumpkins cannot rest on their damn laurels. We need to help boost polarization so that this "reconciliation" bullshit dies the death is deserves.

The great America or our grandparents is dying a death by a million nigger chimpouts and spick anchor baby births. We can't just chill, now, everything we love and revere is dying.

Now is the time to be White, racially loyal, making White babies and spreading our message of self determination for our people.

of our* grandparents

Missed ya buddy! Glad to see you're still here

Pretty much. Him marrying off all his kids to the chosen is sort of a giveaway. "Democratic" elections in the west is about being a release valve for pleb anger and time will tell if it worked or not this time.

Well.. that depends. If there is a radical and rapid shift in demographics – and I am really stressing radical and rapid – then he's going to be the only move.

South Asians are substandard. They compete by cutting corners and doing shitty work for less money. Good for profits, bad for brand.

Getting rid of H1B1 will cut them out, mostly.

No one's suggesting that people rest on their laurels. When he started hinting at a bunch of neocons on his staff, people flipped out. Now it's mostly bad goyim.

Meant H1B, not H1B1.

He flip flopped on that. Let's be realistic, he might fuck up on some things. I still support him, though.

Funny how its Dicky Spencer and TRS who have gpne through with this plan and triggered the left the most, but of course Dicky walked back on the Roman salutes and said it was done 'ironically'

You get some people in front of a kike's camera and they'll cuck immediately under the allure of fame. This is one reason e-celebs are not to be trusted. It takes a certain degree of narcissism to desire a stage and if someone can appeal to those tendencies, such a person will surrender their values in order to maintain that access.


hahaha where do you come from that you imagine YOUR feelings would affect anyone? That's really some ego you have there kid.

YEAH? How about you quantify that for us? Four homos you went to high school with now represent the entire country? Maybe the planet? haha

You clearly haven't read his campaign material. H1B visas immeidately come to mind.

And yet you imagine they will become less racist? When their pitiful efforts (if there even is such a thing) fails and it will because niggers are niggers, what do you think their reaction will be? FUCK NIGGERS. Ungreatful, stupid black bastards is what they will say and it will be glorious. Think, before /pol after /pol irl edition.

OH he does, does he? You know this how? He would have to be a fucking idiot to not only repeat Obongos game but try and beat him at it. There's no upside and plenty of risk. He's got a ton on his plate and the shit you're talking about isn't even quantifiable. Nigs have to change themselves. If he can get them jobs, improve schools, health care, that will go a long but it's the horse to water analogue.

It already triggered some people, dumbass.

Look dude, I'll tell you the same thing I tried telling everyone else, and was banned every single time. These faggot mods aren't even real Holla Forumsacks, they're some dumb faggots who censor any differing opinion that doesn't fit their little bitch world view.

Back on track though, Donald Trump is not your friend. Do you really think the Jews would allow him to be the president of these United States if he WASN'T on their side?

It's a faux. His one and only purpose is to lure you, me, and anyone else who is sick and tired of their shit into a false sense of security. The people were about to reach a breaking point, that couldn't happen. Basically, they elect a shitty faggot leftist who will take away a bunch of our rights (ex. Bill Clinton & Obongo) then immediately afterwards put someone who will calm us down again by acting like he's fixing things without actually doing so. (George Bush & Trump) They "fix" half the problems the last guy made before the next guy doubles them again.

It's how they are slowly degrading our rights little by little, and if we don't stop them we are fucked. Our children will be actual slaves if we allow them to do so.

Holla Forums has definitely been subverted.

fuck you might be right, good post too btw, thank you

Tbh, there's nothing that will fulfill the alt-right's dreams today, specially in America. In some totally destroyed economically country maybe, but not America.

I except one of this will happen:

* Trump putting some alt-righties to sleep just as Obama did to the left for years.

* Some alt-righties changing their views knowing they aren't doable.

* Some alt-righties go to violence with militias and stuff.

I don't know which of those group would be the bigger…

Here's your spoon-feed:

Yeah, I've been seeing it everywhere. People are still too comfy. The good thing is anti-whites don't appear to be relenting a bit and we know this war isn't going away, no matter how much Trump does.

There might be some examples of an economic collapse bringing about the kind of change we seek, but I can't think of any that didn't accomplish it without violently suppressing the left. Who's to say that an economic collapse won't simply lead to more gommunist gibsmedat bullshit? Look at Venezuela. I don't see that ending until someone starts slaughtering leftists in a bloody coup.

great, all you have to do

And no Holla Forums doesn't have to be a big shitstorm of infighting. I don't expect to get fucktons of respect, but also being insulted a lot for no good reason just detracts from what we're trying to do.

Save up that hate and vitriol for the left, cuck.

Trump will tame the white pleb anger without doing much demographical change. while the right sucks on the bones he gives out as a few nifty policies.

The left will wait it out and eventually gain systematic power in four tears.

PEOPLE: that trump won is not a victory. Our society will only continue to be more embed in their suicidal customs. Even more so with the increase of wealth we might suspect. Extreme groups MUST act now on their influence

this is what worries me

But I really think there's a good chance the left will chimp hard for the next 4 yrs

Stop worrying. This is the final push there is no time to do anything but to act. Waiting for the left shit, we ca not keep reacting we have to keep attacking. Use the environment as tinder and keep blowing on the flame that got us THIS far.

The alt right is already miles ahead pf us. It is my opinion that we have to stop ostracizing them since they have consolidated a few genuine intellectuals that are a great use to us. Ideally we slowly take over the alt right which isnt going to be as hard as changing society anyway. We have a tendency to act like 14 year old emo girls and isolate keeping us blind from the many opportunities. The alt right is fucking OURS and we should fight for it and embrace it.

I don't trust them. I consider them a *possible* ally but we have to be extremely careful.

Also some of the Alt Right people are very suspicious and I've heard they might be shills.

My point is that we need a new standard. Trump is now the enslaver he is a pacifier. He is just as bad as the globalists and their tools. Our greatest enemy is satisfaction.

We do not have a core we are too malleable. But the alt fight on the other hand has definition and a role in society. We have to exploit this and get rid of the shady community organizer types

If we take over the ALT RIGHT (hate the fucking name) then the media will boost us like they did with trump while also keeping the good peoples in the movement already. With numbers we can brute force our influence. We shy away too much its irrational

Real NS guys should run the AltRight, but be careful some of the AltRight are cucks we need to be secretly NS and subvert them completely.

fuck you might be right

The alt-right are over represented on the internet by frog posters. The only reason the alt-right is famous is because of Holla Forumss.

Excuse my out of loopness. What this Holla Forums is wanting exactly? don't you want the same thing the alt-right want?

Why you hate the name? becuz it's vanilla?

Holy fuck I'm literally going to frame this quote in my house. PLEASE write articles or something, you are AMAZING.

I am not being sarcastic, I'm just blown away, honestly.

We need to take over AltRight orgs like Amren and NPI and make them more hardcore rightwing and we need to use the AltRight name recognition to build the White movement and our people's racial consciousness.

It's so clear now, Just purge the cucks like the cucks would purge "the extremists". It's perfect!

In america we are too caught up with labels and etiquettes and short term satisfaction. This is a cancer in us placed by the consumerism that kills our humanity every day. We can not forget all great movements have shifted as the numbers of people rose. We thin of ourselves as so educated and we are but yet we act like the common idiot this is the greatest evil of all

I didn't listen to Richard Spencer much but he seems hardcore to me. Not hardcore enough?

too soft and afraid of liberal anti white scum, he can be a good member of an org but NEVER a leader

How do you suggest the White movement goes forward, now? You seem smart so I'd love to get your thoughts.

I started getting some ideas, I don't listen to Richard much since he is boring… but he seems to like Jews…

What you think about David Duke overall?

nah he is antisemitic he just tries to hide it

Spencer is weak and fearful of offending people. He needs to give his leadership role to someone tougher than him.

Duke is OK but he basically talks too much about Jews and not enough about Whites. Also Duke is too nice, we need a tough man who is also likeable. That's a hard combo but we need it.

We need a middle ground between Duke and Spencer.

Dude seems fine to me, he talk sense.

The problem is that media smeared him to the point that even you guys hate him now and don't want to be associated with him.

I laugh a lot tho whenever he do an interview and he come so prepared with papers and stuff then the interviews say "our guest today is the ex-KKK grand-wizard David Duke", suddenly all his argument are invalid.

Take ownership of all far right labels. Create local clubs of all sort but mainly of volunteering that have our ideology as its spirit. From Neighborhood watchmen to mowing a seniors lawn. We have to represent the strength we already have but also the beauty that glows from it. Consolidate ALL pro trump idlers is our main goal. But to also garner attention by using compassion and love ( a window to the future we want) but also prodding the ugly reality with the laws that are already in place.

Doing this is necessary to successfully infiltrate and subvert republican clubs and mainstream republicans.

Not even him but since when the fuck is name fagging against the rules? We seriously need new mods.
