Post YFW you realized the Holla Forums mods will die of colon cancer

You can ban a man, meatcucks, but you can't ban an idea. So go ahead and do it, hotpocket. Enjoy your kosher God Emperor, after all, he's the only thing this board cares about anymore.

Hitler would be ashamed of you kike puppets.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sage for slide

you have failed, the whites have won

There's a lot of truth to this post. There's a large scale disconnect on this board from what National Socialism genuinely means.

it's time to stop posting user

lets start a thread about what natsoc is all about, you know unless the mods anchor this one

This shit triggers them to no end.

Vegans belong in the trash.

"each nation-state was an organism that required a particular living space to survive"

emphasis on rural folkways and traditions, opposed globalism and cosmopolitanism

"Völkisch nationalism denounced soulless materialism, individualism, and secularised urban industrial society, while advocating a "superior" society based on ethnic German "folk" culture and German "blood".[40] It denounced foreigners and foreign ideas, and declared that Jews, Freemasons, and others were "traitors to the nation" and unworthy of inclusion.[41] Völkisch nationalism saw the world in terms of natural law and romanticism; it viewed societies as organic, extolling the virtues of rural life, condemning the neglect of tradition and decay of morals, denounced the destruction of the natural environment, and condemned "cosmopolitan" cultures such as Jews and Romani.[42]"

racialism and the concept of racial purity


get out degenerate


It's likely there are some connections to agribusiness through the domestic agencies that have set themselves up here. Lot of money on the line selling people meat, raising meat, selling hunting gear, providing hormoes and antibiotics, the dairy industry. The whole 9.

Hitler was a vegetarian who didn't drink alcohol. I'm sure he didn't start out that way, but that's where he ended up.


Kek. Some people truly were born just to die.

nice edit, moishe


It's a real quote. Do you know where the idea that Hitler wasn't actually vegetarian comes from? All Jewish smear books.

nigger you edited that fucking quote in, the quotes color doesn't even blend in with the black of the original picture


Yeah, I edited the picture, but the quote is real.

It's from The Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi

pajeets are subhuman and we should not follow their ways

Sup rabbi

back to reddit for you nigger boy



Here's a bit of info

Holla Forums steals a lot of ideas form her, even if they don't realize it.


Hitler would be ashamed of you.

he would be ashamed of you for posting niggers and being an overall degenerate

The vast majority of them are subhuman, you only have to look at the state of their country to see that. The TRUE high caste Indians are such a minority that they may as well not exist at this point. When I say high caste I don't mean an untouchable who has bought his way into high society.



Do you have any actual defense for your consumption of animal products aside from they taste good (muh dick tier), I'm used to it (appeal to normalfaggotry), or it's healthy (total falsehood)?

killing animals is funny

And? Should we not call Louis Carrol Louis Carrol and Mark Twain Mark Twain because those are pseudonyms?

You're trying to slide the digging threads aren't you shlomo shekelberg?


Stay edgy, chaim. Maybe post that webm of shooting a chicken with a shotgun next.

The point is that she's not Indian.

if only you were a dog so the chinks could kill you

Meta-threads aren't sliding.

I never said she was.

Everything in moderation, vegfaggots!
Also, do you consider eating cock to be a violation of vegan principles?
Because you sure like putting meat in your mouth when it comes to man meat

go away, vegangains

The hunt. The killing. And whenver a vegan piss me off on the internet, I kill the most sentient being I can find and kill it cruely.

Go sleep tonight having the certainity you caused unecessary suffering.

indeed they are

I don't try to be cruel, I'll put things down when I get to them, but I don't do any of that shit like 'only shoot when you can be humane.' Humane applies to humans. Nature is cruel. People hunting or killing animals is the least cruel thing out there. Not starving to death, not dying of disease, not getting eaten alive by predators, not getting trampled by their own herd.

I enjoy hunting and anyone who doesn't isn't a real human bean.

lol, you're a huge faggot