what does Holla Forums think about retrofashies from the baltics?
Inspired by such groups as national action, casapound Italia and Generation identitaire
What does Holla Forums think about retrofashies from the baltics?
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I love it. I miss the future fash threads.
Should make a cheesy action movie trailer for the baltics in this style.
screenshotted this
Gave me the same feeling I had when the whole Trumpians Hotline Miami RWDS thing came up.
D-Did we took over the ride Holla Forums?
Because I like were its going.
Great track mate.
Retro wave is the part of nowdays fascist movement. We are just returning to the roots of fascism, which is F U T U R I S M
looks promising
Let's be honest the main difference between the scum and us is that we realize that in order to save humanity we have to leave this galaxy at some point in the future, and that is exactly why we can not afford niggers, subhumans and other shit.
Our timeframe is already getting thinner and thinner and besides the muh spacerace stuff the U.S and the Soviets pulled we haven't really done much. We just need another rise of Facism in order to save humanity. Our technological advance compared to the other systems proof that in the most obvious way possible.
it's important to note that without the OP Paperclip Scientists taken by both the Soviets and the US, neither would have made it to space
this ×1488 times
Great movement, great to know that one of the last white countries is not getting cucked to oblivion yet.
It's so hard to explain the meaning of meta-irony to some people though, it almost makes us elitist because normal people cannot understand how Me Ne Frego shitcore works.
Praise the kek keeper of sanity, defender of absurdity
Embed you 4chan nigger
It really is for gentlemen of refined taste
We have a thread for that right now:
wow… That is everything, what I have been looking for.
Great video. Love the FutureFash style.
That was an excellent video op.
a bit different from what I expected, but even better because of that.
SKYDAS is incredibly A E S T H E T I C
Anyone who takes the axiom of national socialism seriously - that the objective is the survival and prosperity of one's genetic kin into posterity - can not help but quickly arrive at the conclusion that we must by all means go to space. And do so before we die out due to decadence, nuclear war or being bred out by lesser races incapable of spreading life throughout the galaxy. Most likely a combination of all of the above. So indeed, we must free futurism from the cultural marxist stigma that surrounds it.
The future is in the stars, not virtual reality masturbation machines for transexual otherkin.
the real reason I'm here is to be amazed at the lack of RIDF presence in the thread so far
I think space colonization is one aspect but the another is futhering human evolution. It is one of the clearest points in both mein kampf and for my legionaires.
I was convinced I would hate no term this year more than "alt-right" but seems I've been proven wrong
I have talked to many of the guys who are in Skydas. They do excellent work.
Latvian here. Hate to be the killjoy, but I gotta say that we're really quite boastful for a tiny nation that is dying out thanks to our own incompetence Sure it's all nice and fine and pretty to prance around with our little flag ribbons and torches during national celebrations, but the truth is that there is nothing to celebrate. The Latvia people fought for, the one created in 1918, is long dead and buried. The thing we have now is nothing but a meek vassal to the EU. What use is the fact that we have the flag and the language, when our government clearly does everything in it's power to fuck people over, and nobody seems to be willing or able to stop them. People just leave. It is highly possible that about 1/4 or more of our people have left the country for good. The official data shows that there is 1.9 million of us living here, but it is simply not true. Everything is empty, especially here in the countryside. It is honestly rather sickening when independence day comes, and shitbag politicians are bragging about how well we're supposedly doing, how much we have archived and how much "growth" we're having, when in truth the country is sinking in poverty. And change seems near impossible, since the only people going into politics are the ones who want to get loads emone. Our whole political system is designed in a way that fucks people over. The worst par is that people are too complacent to do anything about this, and even if we did- even if we completely overthrew the government, some other schmucks who only care about their own skin would take their place.
And also there is the fact that the independence from Soviet Union came too easily for us- people thought that you really can get anything done with holding hands, singing and dancing. And this is why we will never get better. It's a shame, but that's how things are. I honestly see no plausible way how we can save this place.
Seems like bitching about nothing. The brits live in 1984 its not that bad
Bump for Latvian bros, good stuff.
Latvians y u do dis
These niggaz have ties with NA, and it shows. They take aesthetics seriously.
Tu čīksti kā mana vecomāte.
Don't listen to this whiner.
Damn son. S K Y D A S might use this :D
We in S K Y D A S feel your pain bro. But life is boring and F U T U R I S M/F A S C I S M is they key to the interesting one. The same problem is in Lithuania. In 2017 there will be 1million Lituaen stronk left.
You still have it better than Ukies. Merely summoning Hitler is less destructive then sacrificing your own pseudo-country to Jews, it prolongs the suffering.
What's the name of that music genre? I like the sound but I'm old too follow musci trends, I'm sorry.
No need to apologize. The genre is called Retro Wave
The song is Jordan F - Our Destiny, Above Us btw
Praise kek.