Advent of Code 2017 #2

Advent of Code is a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels. They are self-contained and are just as appropriate for an expert who wants to stay sharp as they are for a beginner who is just learning to code. Each puzzle calls upon different skills and has two parts that build on a theme.
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:>.>.import

more hard challenges on

The hardest part of all the challenges so far have been deciphering the instructions of a few of them. Some of them are quite cryptic.

this, whoever wrote them has a terrible way with words

#[macro_use]extern crate nom;const INPUT: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("../input");enum E { Group(Vec), Garbage(Vec),}impl E { fn score(&self, depth: u32) -> u32 { match *self { E::Group(ref x) => x.iter().map(|y| y.score(depth+1)).sum::()+depth, E::Garbage(_) => 0, } } fn count_garbage(&self) -> usize { match *self { E::Group(ref x) => x.iter().map(|y| y.count_garbage()).sum(), E::Garbage(ref x) => x.iter().filter(|&y| *y != '!').count(), } }}named!(group, delimited!( tag!("{"), map!( separated_list!(tag!(","), alt!(group | garbage)), |a: Vec| {E::Group(a)} ), tag!("}") ));named!(garbage, do_parse!( a: delimited!( tag!("") )), tag!(">") ) >> (E::Garbage(a.clone())) ));fn main() { let parsed = group(INPUT).unwrap().1; println!("Part 1: {}", parsed.score(1)); println!("Part 2: {}", parsed.count_garbage());}
yes, I cheated a bit for garbage counting

I can't even do this one. Fucking Firefox piece of shit can't handle more than 4096 characters and I can't save it from my browser because they're fucking retards who don't know the difference between saving something and redownloading it, which shouldn't even be a problem anyway because I'm still logged in and can open it just fine.
Nice work, assholes!

Works fine on machine my machines.
Why not just open up the network tab, visit the page, copy the request it makes as a curl command, and paste it into your terminal to get the input file.


Nvm, I solved it.

Today's instructions (part 2) are 100% cancer. Some examples are plain incorrect and some things are contradicting each other. Still I somehow managed to guess the answers. The code is nothing special, but I think I'll golf the 2nd part in a few minutes.

Hmm I figured it, I actually forgot one thing. Now it can do correct answer in all cases. Great luck that I got a star with incorrect solution lol.

287 characters
R=rangez=256*l,=R(z)s=0p=0f=0for r in R(64): for n in[*open('i','rb')][0]+b'\x11\x1fI/\x17':o=(n+s)%z;l=[*reversed(l[:n]),*l[n:]];l=l[o:]+l[:o];p+=o;s+=1c=(z-p)%zl=l[c:]+l[:c]print(''.join(map(lambda x:format(x,'02x'),(eval('^'.join(map(str,l[i*16:i*16+16])))for i in R(16)))))

fug, of course I forgot to golf 2 more bytes
285 bytes
R=rangez=256*l,=R(z)s=0p=0f=0for r in R(64): for n in[*open('i','rb')][0]+b'\x11\x1fI/\x17':o=(n+s)%z;l=[*reversed(l[:n]),*l[n:]];l=l[o:]+l[:o];p+=o;s+=1c=(z-p)%zprint(''.join(map(lambda x:format(x,'02x'),(eval('^'.join(map(str,(l[c:]+l[:c])[i*16:i*16+16])))for i in R(16)))))

day 10. fuck. void one_round(uint8_t(& mylist)[256], const vector& lengths, size_t& skip, uint8_t& cur){ for (uint8_t length : lengths){ for (uint8_t i = cur, last = cur + length - 1, l = length, l2 = length / 2; l --> l2; ++i, --last) swap(mylist[i], mylist[last]); cur += length + skip++; }}void knot_hash1(string_view input){ uint8_t mylist[256]; iota(begin(mylist), end(mylist), 0); vector lengths; for (uint8_t length : input | split(by_num) | map_to(to_int)) lengths.push_back(length); size_t skip = 0; uint8_t cur = 0; one_round(mylist, lengths, skip, cur); cout

c++ solution is serious indeed
but can you also golf it?

Today's puzzle annoyed me enough that I don't feel like touching it again.

cancer. why not a patreon donation link for Literally Who 5 guys while you're at it?

A github account is a necessity nowadays anyway.
Idk what the fuck are other 3 options doing here though.

they were mostly fine in previous days, but day 10 is really fucked up indeed.

come on
Time: 0.12 ms

Day 10 was a chore to read through. Crazy that someone solved it in 5 mins, 51 seconds.

nasty fucking trick, day 10. You clearly intended that. 30 fucking minutes burnt because I 'treated my puzzle input as a string of ASCII characters' in the the wrong fucking way.module Knot =struct let knot_size = 256 let secret = [|17; 31; 73; 47; 23|] let rounds = 64 type t = { data : int array; mutable at : int; mutable skip : int } let make () = let data = Array.make knot_size 0 in for i = 1 to (knot_size - 1) do data.(i)

That part got me too, at first I didn't realize they wanted the commas in that input.

Wow reading is sooo hard. Didn't you learn reading in elementary school? Or are you niggers that didn't attend such a facility?

What are you even supposed to do in 7b?
The example is totally different from the actual data and their description is absolute ass.

I read that just fine. My code produced the correct answers for each of the examples which are presented as strings. And then I used my input, interpreting each number as an ASCII code, because it's set up that expectation already.

I said at first, fool.

You are supposed to find the one node that unbalances the whole tree and give its corrected weight as answer.

You are still unable to read simple instructions.

Find the single weight that has to change.

Well clearly not since I solved the problem. Also if you're going for speed, you may opt to skip their example outputs. Obviously a mental midget like yourself needs everything spelled out for you in explicit detail.

ok kid

note that you don't have to care about the whole tree. That's just the setting. Since the entire tree is composed of "waiter holding cups that all have the same weight", you just need to find waiters with differently-weighted cups. Since waiters are standing on top of each other you'll find more than one waiter like this with a simple scan. Then it's just selecting the right waiter, which should be obvious.

You're a waste of time.


stay mad


Have you even posted a solution yet?

Radio silence I thought that'd make you shut up.

I just don't want to shit up the thread further. So let us stop arguing about irrelevant shit?
For my solution see here:

wew lad

c'mon Holla Forums why aren't you using perl6?
do you hate women or something?


never used arch. do you mean that that's the only 'perl6' that you have, and that's why you're not using it?

There is no perl6 in the arch repos.

Every node's children has to have the same weight. If they don't match look at the bad one's children to see if they all match.
Once you find the child with all matching children, you need to adjust the child's weight to fix the whole tree.

/** * Copyright m712 2017. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see>. */#include #include #include #define GROW_CHUNK 8#define CHECK_GROW(type, arr, len) \ if ((len) % GROW_CHUNK == 0) \ (arr) = realloc((arr), ((len) + GROW_CHUNK) * sizeof(type))#define PUSH(type, arr, len, item) \ do { \ CHECK_GROW(type, arr, len); \ (arr)[(len)] = (item); \ (len)++; \ } while (0)// Thanks rust#define loop for(;;)char *get_input(void) { char *output = NULL; int outlen = 0; int c; while ((c = getchar()) != -1 && c != '\n') PUSH(char *,output, outlen, (char)c); PUSH(char *,output, outlen, 0); return output;}int *get_lengths(const char *input, int *lenlen) { int *output = NULL; int outlen = 0; char *cursor = (char *) input; // Explodes on '\0', so no need for bounds check loop { int num = strtol(cursor, &cursor, 10); PUSH(int *,output, outlen, num); if (!*cursor) break; cursor++; (*lenlen)++; } return output;}int *generate_range(int end) { int *output = malloc(end * sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) output[i] = i; return output;}#define RANGE_SIZE 256#define PRINT_RANGE(range) \ do { \ printf("["); \ for (int i = 0; i < RANGE_SIZE; i++) \ printf("%d, ", range[i]); \ puts("\b\b] "); \ } while (0)int *knot(int *input, int inlen, int iters) { int *range = generate_range(RANGE_SIZE); int cursor = 0, skip = 0; for (int t = 0; t < iters; t++) for (int i = 0; i < inlen; i++) { int len = input[i]; int *reversed = malloc(len * sizeof(int)); int j; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) reversed[j] = range[(cursor+j)%RANGE_SIZE]; // Copy it in reverse for (j = 0; j < len; j++) range[(cursor+len-1 -j)%RANGE_SIZE] = reversed[j]; free(reversed); cursor += len + skip; skip++; } return range;}intpart1(int *lengths, int lenlen) { int *range = knot(lengths, lenlen, 1); int product = range[0] * range[1]; PRINT_RANGE(range); free(range); return product;}char *part2(const char *input) { int salt[] = {17, 31, 73, 47, 23}; char hexdigits[] = "0123456789abcdef"; int lenlen = strlen(input) + 5; int *lengths = malloc(lenlen * sizeof(int)); // char to int for (int i = 0; i < lenlen; i++) lengths[i] = (int) input[i]; memmove(lengths + lenlen - 5, salt, 5 * sizeof(int));int *sparse = knot(lengths, lenlen, 64); char *hex = malloc(33); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int dense = 0; int *chunk = sparse + (i * 16); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) dense ^= chunk[j]; // Fucking ugly but can't bother hex[(2*i)] = hexdigits[(dense>>4)%16]; hex[(2*i)+1] = hexdigits[(dense)%16]; } hex[32] = 0; free(sparse); free(lengths); return hex;}intmain(int argc, char **argv) { (void) argc; (void) argv; char *input = get_input(); int lenlen = 0; int *lengths = get_lengths(input, &lenlen); printf("Product of first two items: %d\n", part1(lengths, lenlen)); char *hex = part2(input); printf("Hex output: %s\n", hex); free(hex); free(input); free(lengths); return 0;}
m712@nextchan:~/advent$ time ./day10 < day10input >/dev/nullreal 0m0.002suser 0m0.002ssys 0m0.000s


C is a meme.
rustc 1.18.0 is too old for for_each methods on std::iter::Enumerate

pathetic turkroach

Are you retarded nigger seriously allocating a new array instead of reversing in place???

printf("["); \ for (int i = 0; i < RANGE_SIZE; i++) \ printf("%d, ", range[i]); \ puts("\b\b] ");gross. at least isatty(fileno(stdout)) before you do stuff like this.

Whoops. It's indeed 0.12ms my bad.

Unfucked it: 66a67,73>> #define SWAP(x, y) \> do { \> int temp = (x); \> (x) = (y); \> (y) = (temp); \> } while (0)79,80d85< int *reversed = malloc(len * sizeof(int)); SWAP(range[(cursor+len-1 -j)%RANGE_SIZE], range[(cursor+j)%RANGE_SIZE]);
It only does 15 allocs/frees now.

It was for testing. Here: 60,66d59< #define PRINT_RANGE(range) \< do { \< printf("["); \< for (int i = 0; i < RANGE_SIZE; i++) \< printf("%d, ", range[i]); \< puts("\b\b] "); \< } while (0)101d93< PRINT_RANGE(range);
This is your brain on Rust. (aka corroding)

Day 11 was pretty easy once you understood how the hexagonal grid worked.
I solved it by just writing a simplifier. I recognized that each step is commutative (the order doesn't matter) so I count up how many of each type of step is made. I then wrote my simplifier in 2 phases. The first phrase combines all the n/s, nw/se, etc pairs and cancels them out. My second phase of my simplifier handled what happens when you get stuff like n/se, ne,s, etc where you can take two directions and simplify them into 1. For each of these phrases they keep running in a loop until it detects it has finished by when nothing was updated that iteration. Once the whole thing was simplified, I could simply count up each of number of steps and present that as my answer. For the second part I just wrote a loop around it so that it would do the same thing except I had it done for first step, the first 2 steps, the first 3 steps, etc. At the end of each iteration I checked if the sum it found was the greatest and saved it for later if so.

Somewhat similar shit, but I was again lucky to grab both stars with incorrect solution.
After that I think I figured how to do it 100% correct, now gonna golf it to hell, stay tuned

Yeah, mine was pretty copy paste heavy. I could have defiantly abused symmetry for this one.
You'll probably be able to get a pretty nice code golf for today's.

#!/usr/bin/env python3# Copyright m712 2017.## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with this program. If not, see>.import sysimport mathmoves = { "n": (+0, -1), "ne": (+1, -0.5), "se": (+1, +0.5), "s": (+0, +1), "sw": (-1, +0.5), "nw": (-1, -0.5),}def parse(input): return input.strip().split(',')def get_steps(x, y): x,y = abs(x),abs(y) return x + (y - x/2)def solve(inm): x, y = 0, 0 max_steps = 0 max_index = 0 for m in inm: move = moves[m] x += move[0] y += move[1] max_steps = max(max_steps, get_steps(x, y)) return (get_steps(x, y), max_steps)if __name__ == "__main__": print("Enter input:") input = parse( part1, part2 = solve(input) print("Number of moves:", part1) print("Furthest move:", part2)
This one was pretty simple but I misunderstood the question (how many steps it took from start instead of max steps) because the AoC creator is a fucking rabbi or something because he can't into English. I checked out the subreddit and everyone used a Z thing. I just solved it by literally emulating a hexagon.

Clever, I was originally going to do something like that but didn't get the idea to use a fractional increment.
Could you explain what that Z thing was?

257 bytes

n,ne,se,d=[0]*4a=absdef D():x,y=ne+se,n-se;return a(a(x)-a(y))+min(a(x),a(y))if x*y

I didn't care enough to check it. I just used basic coordinates. Apparently it's explained here:

this is all without anything fractional btw.
I simply view hex grid as 2d board which allows walking in 1 of the diagonal directions.

254 bytes
forgot to get rid of f''

n,ne,se,d=[0]*4a=absdef D():x,y=ne+se,n-se;return a(a(x)-a(y))+min(a(x),a(y))if x*y

Substring search can be golfed more, I should fix it when I go back to computer.

/** * Copyright m712 2017. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see>. */#include #include enum move_type { N, NE, SE, S, SW, NW, EOM};#define abs(x) (xb?a:b)#define GROW_CHUNK 8#define CHECK_GROW(type, arr, len) \ if ((len) % GROW_CHUNK == 0) \ (arr) = realloc((arr), ((len) + GROW_CHUNK) * sizeof(type))#define PUSH(type, arr, len, item) \ do { \ CHECK_GROW(type, arr, len); \ (arr)[(len)] = (item); \ (len)++; \ } while (0)#define NOPE \ do { \ printf("Unexpected char %c\n", c); abort(); \ } while (0)enum move_type *parse(int *movlen) { enum move_type *moves = NULL; int c; *movlen = 0; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n') { if (c == 'n') { switch(c = getchar()) { case 'w': PUSH(enum move_type *,moves,*movlen,NW); getchar(); break; case 'e': PUSH(enum move_type *,moves,*movlen,NE); getchar(); break; case '\n': case ',': PUSH(enum move_type *,moves,*movlen,N); break; default: NOPE; } continue; } else if (c == 's') { switch(c = getchar()) { case 'w': PUSH(enum move_type *,moves,*movlen,SW); getchar(); break; case 'e': PUSH(enum move_type *,moves,*movlen,SE); getchar(); break; case '\n': case ',': PUSH(enum move_type *,moves,*movlen,S); break; default: NOPE; } continue; } else NOPE; } return moves;}intget_steps(double x, double y) { x = abs(x); y = abs(y); return (x + (y - x/2));}voiddo_step(enum move_type move, double *x, double *y) { switch (move) { case N: *y -= 1; break; case S: *y += 1; break; case NW: *x -= 1; *y -= 0.5; break; case SW: *x -= 1; *y += 0.5; break; case NE: *x += 1; *y -= 0.5; break; case SE: *x += 1; *y += 0.5; break; default: printf("Unexpected move_type %d\n", move); abort(); }}voidsolve(enum move_type *moves, int movlen, int *part1, int *part2) { double x = 0, y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < movlen; i++) { do_step(moves[i], &x, &y); *part2 = max(*part2, get_steps(x, y)); } *part1 = get_steps(x, y);}intmain(int argc, char **argv) { (void) argc; (void) argv; int movlen; enum move_type *moves = parse(&movlen); int part1 = 0, part2 = 0; solve(moves, movlen, &part1, &part2); printf("Number of moves: %d\n", part1); printf("Furthest move: %d\n", part2); free(moves); return 0;}
m712@nextchan:~/advent$ time ./day11 < day11input >/dev/nullreal 0m0.001suser 0m0.000ssys 0m0.001s
Works for me. The parsing and incrementings parts look like horseshit but I don't care enough to make it look better.

249 bytes
n,ne,se,d=[0]*4a=absdef D():x,y=ne+se,n-se;return a(a(x)-a(y))+min(a(x),a(y))if x*y


These solutions do not end with the same values that I came up with which the website accepted. They are quite far off actually.
Did these actually work for you?

This is the path the retarded child took.

can you also check

North is negative, south positive? Explain yourself.

Works great! Just had to delete the trailing newline from the file for it to work.

Fucked that one up. I thought of a grid where y expands downwards.

Both worked for my results. I wonder what's causing the problem?

it will cost 1 byte
instead of
I probably deleted the newline myself before starting

if I got it right, there are 2 distinct cases in the math model, maybe your input is the other case

Which distinct cases? i dond ged id DDDDD:

in my interpretation (used in the golfed solution) where I view hex board as regular 2d board with integer coordinates, diagonal moves are allowed in one "axis" (when x and y are changed by (-1,1) or (1,-1)).
one case is when these moves are not used at all (x and y are same sign, or one of them is zero)
other case is when min(|x|,|y|) moves are made by that diagonal and the only other direction to move is either x or y

Too easy (again):
Time: 0.13 ms
fn main() { let instant = std::time::Instant::now(); let mut pos: (i32, i32, i32) = (0, 0, 0); let mut max_distance = 0; for s in INPUT.trim().split(',') { pos = match s { "n" => { (pos.0 + 1, pos.1 - 1, pos.2) } "ne" => { (pos.0, pos.1 - 1, pos.2 + 1) } "se" => { (pos.0 - 1, pos.1, pos.2 + 1) } "s" => { (pos.0 - 1, pos.1 + 1, pos.2) } "sw" => { (pos.0, pos.1 + 1, pos.2 - 1) } "nw" => { (pos.0 + 1, pos.1, pos.2 - 1) } _ => { unreachable!(); } }; max_distance = std::cmp::max(max_distance, distance(pos)); } let d = instant.elapsed(); println!( "Part 1: {}\nPart 2: {}\nTime: {} ms", distance(pos), max_distance, (d.as_secs() as f64 + d.subsec_nanos() as f64 / 1000000000.0) * 1000.0 );}fn distance(pos: (i32, i32, i32)) -> u32 { (pos.0.abs() + pos.1.abs() + pos.2.abs()) as u32 / 2}

Try this one. I tried to implement it as you said. Also I changed the matrix a little bit. Let me know if it works on your input.
/** * Copyright m712 2017. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see>. */#include #include enum move_type { N, NE, SE, S, SW, NW, EOM};#define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b)#define min(a,b) (a

take some english classes, retarded turkroach

But it's not just me, other people said he sucks at typing out the puzzles, see , , , ,

epic defense bro
day 10 is a lot of text, but it is clearly worded and has fucking step-by-step instructions.
i don't know about you, but i learned reading comprehension in elementary school.

jesus fucking christ, you're just saying the same thing over and over again. You have added nothing to the original insult.
you are why this board needs filter-by id.

Keep fellating yourself you cocksucker. People are not perfect and can misread instructions and when you have a lot of people complaining about it you know you're doing something wrong.
sage for replying to obvious rustfag bait

if I can proceed to day 12 without getting today done, I will.

no. i'm able to read.
how is the author at fault when people don't read the instructions? can you actually provide me with an example of a not clearly worded puzzle?
??? what does that even mean and how is rust relevant? are you really that butthurt that you have to bring irrelevant shit into the discussion?



here's some OCaml that keeps track of total n, nw, sw (the upper-left of the hex) while parsing the input. Turning that into an answer though seems to require the same work I'd hoped to avoid. I don't have time to absorb the universally-referenced hexagonal grid article to get out a solution today.
Would preferred this shit for Saturday morning.let parse s = let len = String.length s in let rec step i n nw sw = if i >= len then (abs n + abs nw + abs sw, n, nw, sw) else if i = len - 1 then match s.[i] with | 'n' -> (abs (n + 1) + abs nw + abs sw, n + 1, nw, sw) | 's' -> (abs (n - 1) + abs nw + abs sw, n - 1, nw, sw) | a -> failwith (sprintf "invalid step %d : %c" i a) else match s.[i], s.[i + 1] with | 'n', ',' -> step (i + 2) (n + 1) nw sw | 'n', 'w' -> step (i + 3) n (nw + 1) sw | 'n', 'e' -> step (i + 3) n nw (sw - 1) | 's', 'e' -> step (i + 3) n (nw - 1) sw | 's', 'w' -> step (i + 3) n nw (sw + 1) | 's', ',' -> step (i + 2) (n - 1) nw sw | a, b -> failwith (sprintf "invalid step %d : %c %c" i a b) in step 0 0 0 0

Why? It's easier than you're imagining.

Have you only been completing half of the puzzles? You must log in to get each day’s part 2.

day 11. More pleasant than day 10. void hex_ed(string_view input){ int x = 0, y = 0; const auto walk = [](string_view dir, int& a, int& b){ if (dir.size() == 1){ ++a; --b; } else if (dir[1] == 'w') --b; else ++a; }; const auto dist = [&]{ return (x < 0) == (y < 0) ? abs(x) + abs(y) : max(abs(x), abs(y)); }; int maxdist = 0; for (string_view dir : input | split(by_alpha)){ if (dir[0] == 'n') walk(dir, x, y); else walk(dir, y, x); if (int d = dist(); d > maxdist) maxdist = d; } cout

If you want to poke at it yourself here was my input:

it's depressing. I still don't get hextiles at all, but the cube distance function is enough for this puzzle.let distance (x2, y2, z2) (x1, y1, z1) = max (abs (x2 - x1)) (max (abs (y2 - y1)) (abs (z2 - z1)))let extent = ref 0let parse s = extent := 0; let len = String.length s in let rec step i x y z = let d = distance (0, 0, 0) (x, y, z) in if d > !extent then extent := d; if i >= len then (x, y, z) else if i = len - 1 then match s.[i] with | 'n' -> (x, y + 1, z - 1) | 's' -> (x, y - 1, z + 1) | a -> failwith (sprintf "invalid step %d : %c" i a) else match s.[i], s.[i + 1] with | 'n', ',' -> step (i + 2) x (y + 1) (z - 1) | 'n', 'w' -> step (i + 3) (x - 1) (y + 1) z | 'n', 'e' -> step (i + 3) (x + 1) y (z - 1) | 's', 'e' -> step (i + 3) (x + 1) (y - 1) z | 's', 'w' -> step (i + 3) (x - 1) y (z + 1) | 's', ',' -> step (i + 2) x (y - 1) (z + 1) | a, b -> failwith (sprintf "invalid step %d : %c %c" i a b) in step 0 0 0 0

It's overkill for this problem, but here's more than you could ever want to know about hex tiles.


Maybe try reading the reply chain next time. The output doesn't matter, but rather the fact that other people's approach's answer did not match my own, while for other people's inputs it did.
My answers are irrelevant, if you think I was just begging I am not as I was in the top 500 fastest solvers for both parts on that challenge.

Today's was pretty boring. The only trouble I had was running into a stack overflow when traversing the list. To fix it I just kept track of all the nodes I had already visited.

so this is officially BS
Day 12 (today) was a piece of cake

314 bytes
could be less but it is boring
from collections import defaultdict as Dn=D(set)for l in open('i'): p,r=l.split(' ');*r,=map(str.strip,r.split(', '));n[p]|={*r} for a in r:n[a]|={p}g=0while n: p,*_=n.keys();o={p};q={p} while len(q): s={*o} for x in q:c=n[x];o|=c q=o-s if'0'in o:print(len(o)) for x in o:del n[x] g+=1print(g)


Ugh I left in something superfluous. PartA can be
Length@ConnectedComponents[g, {0}][[1]]

Stallman doesn't approve

Made on Mac too. Stallman would love me.

At least it's easy to replace macOS with GNU/Linux when you're ready — a lot of software works on both.
But Mathematica addiction is serious shit, because it doesn't have drop-in replacements AFAIK. Get well soon!

Well let's be clear, I'm using Mac by choice. Mathematica does run nicely on GNOOO/Linux by the way (Not that it pleases Stallman). My Mathematica addiction is probably inoperable though.

#!/usr/bin/env python3# Copyright m712 2017.## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with this program. If not, see>.import sysimport reclass Program(object): def __init__(self, id, piped): = id self.piped = piped def __repr__(self): return "".format(type(self).__name__, str(self)) def __str__(self): return "program {} [{}]".format(, ", ".join(map( lambda x: str(, self.piped)))def parse(input): programs = {} for l in filter(None, input.strip().splitlines()): id, _, piped = l.split(' ', 2) id = int(id) programs[id] = Program(id, map(int, piped.split(', '))) for p in programs.values(): p.piped = set(programs[x] for x in p.piped) # Bidirectional pipes so finding groups is O(log(n)) for p in programs.values(): for c in p.piped: c.piped.add(p) return programs# Need to maintain state between recursions so we need this helper functiondef get_group(program): group = set([program]) def add_piped(program): for p in program.piped: if p in group: continue group.add(p) add_piped(p) add_piped(program) return groupdef get_all_groups(_programs): groups = [] # Get a copy programs = dict(_programs) # Loop until no more programs while programs: # Pop a random one and get groups _, current = programs.popitem() group = get_group(current) # Remove all items in group from programs for p in group: programs.pop(, None) groups.append(group) return groupsif __name__ == "__main__": print("Enter input:") programs = parse( zero_group = get_group(programs[0]) all_groups = get_all_groups(programs) print("Length of group which includes 0:", len(zero_group)) print("Count of all groups:", len(all_groups))

This is kinda bulky but whatever. Wasn't too hard.

Fucking graphs man. Gonna optimize it later. Don't want to deal with graphs so early in the morning.
Time: 2.7 ms
Christmas is ruined again

why are you measuring the size of the script as if it means anything. the python executable and the memory footprint that's going to create is going to be like 10MB minimum. I like python but you can't claim this.

sage leftover from old thread

sorry, my code for day 12 is just ridiculous. No effort towards treating this as a graph and being sensible with it. At least, it shows that you can also brute force solutions in OCaml? The language is not too proud to go down into a gutter with you.
let count_rooted input = let known = Array.make (Array.length input) Unknown in let mark list status seen = Hashtbl.iter (fun k _ -> known.(k) () | n :: rest -> match Hashtbl.mem seen n with | true -> loop rest status | false -> Hashtbl.replace seen n (); known.(n) () | 0 :: _ -> raise Found_root | n :: rest -> match known.(n) with | Rooted -> raise Found_root | Rootless _ -> raise Found_rootless | Unknown -> match Hashtbl.mem seen n with | true -> trace rest seen | false -> Hashtbl.replace seen n (); trace input.(n) seen; trace rest seen in for i = 0 to (Array.length input) - 1 do let seen = Hashtbl.create 100 in let list = i :: input.(i) in try trace list seen; (* found neither root nor rootless *) mark list (Rootless i) seen with | Found_root -> mark list Rooted seen | Found_rootless -> mark list (Rootless i) seen done; let seen = Hashtbl.create 10 in (Array.fold_left (fun acc v -> if v = Rooted then acc + 1 else acc) 0 known, Array.fold_left (fun acc v -> match v with | Unknown -> failwith "still unknown at end" | Rooted -> acc | Rootless n -> match Hashtbl.mem seen n with | true -> acc | false -> Hashtbl.add seen n (); n :: acc) [] known)Result: (count of members of 0's group; count of non-0 groups)

code's missing:type isrooted = Unknown | Rooted | Rootless of intexception Found_rootexception Found_rootless

You've never heard of code golfing? He's trying to solve the problem in the fewest number of characters.

Code size / Time / Memory size are all valid things to try and optimize, and typically, to go to the extreme for one, you might have to sacrifice the other two.

Also, see this:

Santa's computer must be *at least* ten times as fast as my laptop, surely?

that golfed solution is pretty fast though.

the fact that it's golfed was also mentioned in the "subject" field of the post.

btw it's funny to see how vastly bigger are the other solutions posted, so much unnecessary code, when the run time will be under 1/10s of second anyway.

the golfed solution also takes 10ms on average (if I ignore python's own startup time).
not really good for ocaml.

type isrooted = Unknown | Rooted | Rootless of intlet count_rooted input = let known = Array.make (Array.length input) Unknown in known.(0) () | 0 :: rest -> ans := Rooted; trace rest seen ans | n :: rest -> match Hashtbl.mem seen n with | true -> (match known.(n) with | Rooted -> ans := Rooted | Rootless g -> ans := Rootless g | Unknown -> ()); trace rest seen ans | false -> Hashtbl.add seen n (); trace input.(n) seen ans; trace rest seen ans in for i = 0 to (Array.length input) - 1 do if known.(i) = Unknown then begin let seen = Hashtbl.create 100 in let list = i :: input.(i) in let ans = ref Unknown in trace list seen ans; if !ans = Unknown then ans := Rootless i; Hashtbl.iter (fun k _ -> known.(k) if v = Rooted then acc + 1 else acc) 0 known, Array.fold_left (fun acc v -> match v with | Unknown -> failwith "still unknown at end" | Rooted -> acc | Rootless n -> match Hashtbl.mem seen n with | true -> acc | false -> Hashtbl.add seen n (); n :: acc) [] known)let () = let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in for i = 0 to 500 - 1 do ignore (count_rooted input) done; let (a, list) = count_rooted input in let stop = Unix.gettimeofday () in printf "part 1: %d\npart 2: %d\n" a (1 + (List.length list)); printf "That took %.2f (%.6f) s\n" (stop -. start) ((stop -. start) /. 500.)holy shit.$ ocamlopt -O3 unix.cmxa -o day12$ ./day12part 1: 175part 2: 213That took 0.16 (0.000323) sthe refactoring to have trace continue to build seen had no effect. the speed savings only came with the 'if known.(i) = Unknown' in the for loop.

grats. OCaml now takes 0.3ms. Got any plans to improve the Python that don't involve writing C?
You aren't writing Forth, friend. You're writing obfuscated Python. If that scratches any kind of minimalism itch then you're living a lie, like someone taking Heroin and calling it happiness.

Cleaning up my code for autism's sake.

type isrooted = Unknown | Rooted | Rootless of intlet count_rooted input = let known = Array.make (Array.length input) Unknown in let rec mark k = function | [] -> () | n :: rest -> if known.(n) = Unknown then (known.(n) failwith "still unknown at end" | Rooted -> acc | Rootless n -> match Hashtbl.mem seen n with | true -> acc | false -> Hashtbl.add seen n (); n :: acc) [] known)0.1ms over 500 iterations:part 1: 175part 2: 213That took 0.07 (0.000137) sthrow mud at a wall -> notice properties of dripping mud -> take properties into account -> 70x improvement in efficiency. of course it'd be more impressive to not throw mud at the wall in the first place.
sage b/c spam

Rewrote it using the excellent petgraph crate:
Time: 0.68 ms

How the FUCK are you managing to do the whole thing in 0.137 ms when it takes me already 0.27 ms to just parse my input???
Is your input really short? Do you have a monster CPU?

I haven't parsed any input since problem #1, except for where the problem called for it. But OK, parsing raises it to 0.9ms:let get_input () = let a = Array.make 2000 [] in let ch = open_in "day12input.txt" in let re = Str.regexp "^\\([0-9]+\\) \\(.*\\)$" in let split = Str.regexp ", " in for i = 0 to 2000 - 1 do let line = input_line ch in assert (Str.string_match re line 0); (* used for side effect *) assert (Str.matched_group 1 line |> int_of_string = i); (* unnecessary check *) a.(i) Str.split split |> int_of_string) done; close_in ch; aI've heard that the Str module isn't great, so this could probably be improved by using another regex module or by doing my own parsing. I just like regex for the readable validation (relatively speaking) that you get along with the parse. Speaking of which, it costs a whole 'nother 0.1ms (so 1ms for the whole thing) to match against this instead:"^\\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]*\\(, [0-9]*\\)*\\)"

as for the rest, maybe the problem is too simple for an excellent graphing crate to pay off

thanks, no i haven't heard of code golfing before

also, you're timing a single run and I'm getting the average of 500 runs in succession.

What do you mean?
Average time of 1000 runs without parsing: 0.097 ms

Sorry, not enough free time to go that far.

Rewrote it without dependency on petgraph:
Time: 0.7 ms

wew, for the first time I made it into the global leaderboard
apparently a lot of people had trouble with this problem, while it's brute forced even in python (pypy) just fine

I almost got onto the global leaderboard fort he second part. I mistakenly assumed that for the second part that it allowed us to delay at any point, not just the beginning.

fug, as always forgot some shit
185 bytes
L=[*map(lambda l:[*map(int,l.split(':'))],open('i'))]o=0f=1while f: s=0;f=0 for d,r in L: p=r*2-2 if d%p==-o%p: s+=d*r;f=1 if o:o+=1;break if o==0:print(s);o+=1print(o)

and the runtime on my half dead gaybook with battery removed:
$ time pypy3

real 0m1.857s
user 0m1.781s
sys 0m0.065s

it's crap but it's faster than implementing a more clever algorithm :D

Whoops, forgot one more thing.
181 bytes
o=0f=1while f: s=0;f=0 for d,r in [*map(lambda l:[*map(int,l.split(':'))],open('i'))]: p=r*2-2 if d%p==-o%p: s+=d*r;f=1 if o:o+=1;break if o==0:print(s);o+=1print(o)

yeah, on the other hand reading the file many times is quite bad (if it was a named pipe for example, it wouldn't work that way)

Even though it will be a lot slower from the IO overheard, I did save three bytes from doing that. I also saved another byte from chopping off the final newline. In the end the performance of the golfed program doesn't really matter.

I didn't count the final newline anyway, it's just there to have something before "[/code]".
The thing about inlining L is a good catch, I'd also do that, but I tried it once when I fucked up the code with some other error, quickly rolled back and forgot to finally do it again later.

And it's more about correctness than performance. But of course nobody said that it must support reading from pipes, so count that as just a lame attempt to give an excuse lol.

Oh, I see. I also got rid of the byte for the L in the for loop.

Can you explain how this works please?

it simply uses remainder operations to check whether the packet and a scanner will interfere, it is pretty obvious if you think about it
and to find minimum delay, it just uses brute force — tests each delay starting from 0 until the next delay doesn't hit any scanner.

The main meat of it is the modulus stuff. Since the scanner moves back and forth we can detect if the scanner is on the first (zeroeth) lines by just doing time % ((length * 2) - 2) == 0.
That's essentially what I used for my solution.

yeah I read the description and just went to bed

ocaml:let part1 layers = let caught d r = d mod (2 * r - 2) = 0 in List.fold_left (fun acc (d, r) -> if caught d r then acc + d * r else acc) 0 layers let part2 layers = let rec loop delay = let caught (d, r) = (d + delay) mod (2 * r - 2) = 0 in match List.find_opt caught layers with | None -> delay | Some _ -> loop (delay + 1) in loop 0
Time: 45 ms
Too much of a brainlet to optimize part 2.

Likewise. Part A is easy modulo arithmetic once you see the pattern. Part B is of course the same, with delays, yet my solution is an ugly brute forced one. Going to try and find a slicker way of completing it.


It's multiplying the contents of lists two levels deep.

Mathematica is similar to Lisp in that expressions are tuples with a function or tag in the head (car) position. {1,2} is equivalent to List[1,2], which would be (list 1 2) in lisp. The Apply function changes the head, so Apply[F,{1,2}] -> F[1,2]. @@ is a shorthand for Apply, and @@@ for Apply at nesting level 2.

Times@@@{{0,1},{4,6}} -> Times[0,1],Times[4,6]->{0*1,4*6}

Nice proprietary software faggot 🐻

the furry containment thread is this way >>>832419

fugg :DDD

So today is regurgitation of previous problems. How nice.

It takes unpractical time if I golf the variable which is costly to recompute. Also, tired of this shit.
531 bytes
R=rangeb=set()for w in R(128): z=256;*l,=R(z);s=0;p=0;f=0 for r in R(64): for n in open('i','rb').read()+f'-{w}'.encode()+b'\x11\x1fI/\x17':o=(n+s)%z;l=[*reversed(l[:n]),*l[n:]];l=l[o:]+l[:o];p+=o;s+=1 c=(z-p)%z;l=l[c:]+l[:c];i=int.from_bytes(bytes(eval('^'.join(map(str,l[i*16:i*16+16])))for i in R(16)),'big') for d in range(128): if 2**d&i:b|={(d,w)}print(len(b))g=0while b: g+=1;v=[[*b][0]] while v: j=[] for x,y in v: try:b.remove((x,y));j+=[(x+1,y),(x-1,y),(x,y+1),(x,y-1)] except:pass v=jprint(g)

Today's was pretty annoying for a combination of reasons. One, I started late. Two, it reused stuff from a previous challenge. I had already deleted that solution since I succeeded. Three, I had to redo my whole implementation for the second day by actually creating a bitmap. Originally I just used an instruction which counted the amount of 1s in an integer.

Day 14 Or 10, 12

but can you write that without using built-in algorithms, like a real programmer?

I can, but these days I do very little 'real' programming, so while the algorithms would be easy, I'd take me a couple days to get back into writing code, probably a few more if I did C. I'm planning on redoing these in Ada in the near future.
I sometimes wonder if I've forgotten more languages than most will ever learn.

14 done again, with even less coding, using a built in image processing function.

I wouldn't normally recommend reddit, but this thread is funny if you want to watch someone sperging out.

Solve :: Reddit -> Solution
pfft I'll leave the trivial implementation up to you "real" programmers.

lol today's wasn't even worded confusingly. It was one of the few where I didn't need to look at the example to see what the designer even meant.

I didn't post C versions of today's one and yesterday's one because it's not really worth it and more than half the code would be memory allocations (implementing vectors and such), also both were pretty easy so I didn't bother.
t. m712

This conversation thread is a disaster:
Imagine being this dumb.
Time: 6.4 ms
Slightly gay puzzle. Part 1 was cool because i could just use u8::count_ones without actually building the grid but then part 2 fucked it all up.

I didn't read everything carefully but it looks like there's almost entire thread of dumb people.
Or that's just fine for reddit?

It's odd for the AoC sub because there are at least some talented people there. I guess the idiots just pooled into that one thread.
**Reddit on the whole is so retarded I feel bad even linking it. Their news pages are just recitations of:

part 1module K = Knot (struct let knot_size = 256 let secret = [|17; 31; 73; 47; 23|] let rounds = 64 end)let count_bits_in_string s = let rec loop i n = if i < 0 then n else loop (i - 1) (n + match s.[i] with | '0' -> 0 | '1' -> 1 | '2' -> 1 | '3' -> 2 | '4' -> 1 | '5' -> 2 | '6' -> 2 | '7' -> 3 | '8' -> 1 | '9' -> 2 | 'a' -> 2 | 'b' -> 3 | 'c' -> 2 | 'd' -> 3 | 'e' -> 3 | 'f' -> 4 | c -> failwith (sprintf "invalid hex digit: %c" c)) in loop (String.length s - 1) 0let part1 input = let rec loop n acc = if n = 128 then acc else let key = input ^ "-" ^ (string_of_int n) in loop (n + 1) (acc + count_bits_in_string (K.hash_of key)) in loop 0 0there's fast bit math to count set bits but I'd rather add that to Knot than turn the string back to numbers.
part2 is going to be ridiculous.

part 2module BitTable =struct type t = int array array let int_of_hexchar = function | '0' -> 0 | '1' -> 1 | '2' -> 2 | '3' -> 3 | '4' -> 4 | '5' -> 5 | '6' -> 6 | '7' -> 7 | '8' -> 8 | '9' -> 9 | 'a' -> 10 | 'b' -> 11 | 'c' -> 12 | 'd' -> 13 | 'e' -> 14 | 'f' -> 15 | c -> failwith (sprintf "invalid hex digit: %c" c) let of_knotkey key = let bt = Array.make_matrix 128 128 0 in for i = 0 to 127 do let row = Array.get bt i in let hash = K.hash_of (key ^ "-" ^ (string_of_int i)) in for j = 0 to 31 do let x = int_of_hexchar hash.[j] in row.(j * 4 + 0) 127 || bt.(y).(x) 1 then () else (bt.(y).(x)

I revisited my day13 solution for part B .

After plotting their example data, it becomes clear that after the first zero value, each scanner follows consistent periodic cycle (see the bottom left plot plot). Once that offset is known, you can just sieve out multiples of the period. Do that for each scanner, and the first non-zero in your array will be the required offset time.

Also: Mathematica arrays are 1-based, adjust for your favorite language. Secondly, this solution doesn't check for solutions which occur before the latest period start.

fug less than 10 away from making top 100.
Why are challenges still this easy on day 15?

I dunno but I agree, today's challenge is stupid

If it asked for 40*10^12 pairs for example, then it would involve some maths to solve, but today's problem is trivially bruteforced even on shit hardware.
I won't even bother posting code today, this problem is too stupid.

and even in fucking Python lol

Went back and redid the first part in day 15 in haskell because it looked like I could abuse list comprehension. Note that you'll need to import Data.Bits from the standard library for it to work. length [() | (x, y)

Extremely easy, but my brain doesn't work on mornings. Also fuck integer limits, made me lose 3 minutes.
380 chars
Inspired by python golffag
#include #define H 65536#define I if(u%H==r%H)#define Q(n,v) n=(n*v)%2147483647#define U Q(u,16807)#define R Q(r,48271)#define F(n) for(i=0;i/dev/nullreal 0m1.046suser 0m1.036ssys 0m0.000s
Ideone ( reports 0.52s, so the Nextchan box is being shitty. I'll test in on my render rig at home and post benchmarks.
I could probably cut off a few more bytes and optimize it but I don't care. The loops have to be separate (I think) because the generators behave differently.

If you are golfing why do you check argc? Also can't you leave out the return in general at the end (might just be a gcc thing though)?

Taken into consideration.
330 bytes
#include #define I if(u%65536==r%65536)#define Q(n,v) n=(n*v)%2147483647#define U Q(u,16807)#define R Q(r,48271)#define F(n) for(i=0;i
Time: 600ms
Christmas is already beyond ruined

To be fair, unless you have a supercomputer this will be hard to compute in 1ms. C solution is faster than yours at 520ms :^)

#define I if(u

Did this one in Ada (I'm a rank amateur at this language). The cool part is in line 4, where a modular subtype is declared, meaning all operations performed between those types are automatically in modulo 2147483647.

with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO;use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO;procedure day15 is type AOC is mod 2_147_483_647; Gen_A : constant AOC := 16807; Gen_B : constant AOC := 48271; Start_A : constant AOC := 289; Start_B : constant AOC := 629; A, B: AOC; Matches: Integer;begin -- day15 A := Start_A; B := Start_B; Matches := 0; for I in 1 .. 40_000_000 loop A := A * Gen_A; B := B * Gen_B; if (A and 16#FFFF#) = (B and 16#FFFF#) then Matches := Matches + 1; end if; end loop; Put("PartA: "); Put(Matches); New_line; A := Start_A; B := Start_B; Matches := 0; for I in 1 .. 5_000_000 loop loop A := A * Gen_A; exit when A mod 4 = 0; end loop; loop B := B * Gen_B; exit when B mod 8 = 0; end loop; if (A and 16#FFFF#) = (B and 16#FFFF#) then Matches := Matches + 1; end if; end loop; Put("PartB: "); Put(Matches); New_line;end day15;


I'm saying shift the lower 16 bits into the uppermost position, pushing out all bits we don't care about.

Christmas is ruined, so I played a little bit with the module system.module type GeneratorDesign =sig val factor : int val init : int val test : int -> boolendmodule Generator ( GD : GeneratorDesign ) =struct type t = { factor : int; mutable last : int } let make () = { factor = GD.factor; last = GD.init } let next g = let rec loop () = let n = (g.last * g.factor) mod 0x7FFF_FFFF in g.last

Part2 was pretty low effort by the creator.

ok I guess I'll at least not parse the string that many times.
type moves = Spin of int | Exchange of int * int | Swap of char * charlet assemble moves = let moves = String.split_on_char ',' moves in let whatmove move = let rest = String.sub move 1 (String.length move - 1) in match move.[0] with | 's' -> Spin (int_of_string rest) | 'x' -> (match (String.split_on_char '/' rest) with | [a; b] -> Exchange (int_of_string a, int_of_string b) | _ -> failwith (sprintf "invalid dance move: %s" move)) | 'p' -> (match (String.split_on_char '/' rest) with | [a; b] -> Swap (a.[0], b.[0]) | _ -> failwith (sprintf "invalid dance move: %s" move)) | _ -> failwith (sprintf "invalid dance move: %s" move) in whatmove moves... waiting ...

looks like it's going to take.. 50 hours? well plenty of time to go to sleep then.

or enough time for me to attach a hashtbl to this and see that the dance is repeating 42 moves

528 bytes
T=open('i').read().split(',')A=lambda x:chr(97+x)B=lambda x:ord(x)-97F=lambda n:''.join(map(A,n))E=rangeG=tupledef D(C): *C,=C for t in T: k=t[0] if k=='s':l=-int(t[1:]);C=C[l:]+C[:l] else: t=t[1:].split('/') if k=='x':a,b=map(int,t);c,d=C[a],C[b] if k=='p':c,d=map(B,t);e={C[i]:i for i in E(16)};a,b=e[c],e[d] C[a]=d;C[b]=c return G(C)print(F(D(E(16))))H=G(E(16))I={H:0}J=10**9for i in E(J): H=D(H) if H in I:K=H;L=i+1;M=i+1-I[H];break else:I[H]=i+1H=Kfor i in E((J-L)%M):H=D(H)print(F(H))

-1 byte for stupid read() function

527 bytes
T=[*open('i')][0].split(',')A=lambda x:chr(97+x)B=lambda x:ord(x)-97F=lambda n:''.join(map(A,n))E=rangeG=tupledef D(C): *C,=C for t in T: k=t[0] if k=='s':l=-int(t[1:]);C=C[l:]+C[:l] else: t=t[1:].split('/') if k=='x':a,b=map(int,t);c,d=C[a],C[b] if k=='p':c,d=map(B,t);e={C[i]:i for i in E(16)};a,b=e[c],e[d] C[a]=d;C[b]=c return G(C)print(F(D(E(16))))H=G(E(16))I={H:0}J=10**9for i in E(J): H=D(H) if H in I:K=H;L=i+1;M=i+1-I[H];break else:I[H]=i+1H=Kfor i in E((J-L)%M):H=D(H)print(F(H))

you are not supposed to do bruteforcing for that much time.
this is an example how to do it in ~1 second.

may God have mercy on my soul
let dance moves = let start = ref 0 in let dancers = Bytes.of_string "abcdefghijklmnop" in let len = Bytes.length dancers in let spin n = start := !start + (len - n) in let exchange a b = let i = (a + !start) mod len in let j = (b + !start) mod len in let c = Bytes.get dancers i in Bytes.set dancers i (Bytes.get dancers j); Bytes.set dancers j c in let swap a b = let i = Bytes.index dancers a in let j = Bytes.index dancers b in Bytes.set dancers i b; Bytes.set dancers j a in let dance move = match move with | Exchange (a, b) -> exchange a b | Swap (a, b) -> swap a b | Spin x -> spin x in let moves = assemble moves in let previous = Hashtbl.create 1000 in for i = 1 to 1_000_000_000 do List.iter dance moves; let return = Bytes.make len ' ' in let j = ref 0 in for i = !start to !start + len - 1 do Bytes.set return !j (Bytes.get dancers (i mod len)); incr j done; Bytes.blit return 0 dancers 0 (Bytes.length dancers); start := 0; (match Hashtbl.mem previous (Bytes.to_string dancers) with | true -> print_int i; print_string " : "; print_int (Hashtbl.find previous (Bytes.to_string dancers)); print_string " : "; print_endline (Bytes.to_string dancers); | false -> Hashtbl.replace previous (Bytes.to_string dancers) i) done; Bytes.to_string dancers
fake rotation at the cost of expensive return step. Doing that return step every time because I worried I'd run out of bits to store the offset. The long print_int line was me avoiding Printf.printf because it wasn't flushing enough during the billion-iteration loop. Super messy code but... somehow still preferable code to my messy code in other languages. I feel like I could take this as it is and polish it very easily, without having to give up and rewrite it.

hmmmm, does it always have loop size = 42? because I also got 42

yeah that's totally obfuscated. Are you doing something other than detecting the period of the dances and then calculating what the billionth dance will be from that?

maybe. I just remembered that the circuit diagram I got while loading today's puzzle included some incorrect math: "9 * 6 = 42". So the meme number is clearly in the guy's head.

My dance had a period of 24.

nope, I am only doing exactly that

I enjoyed this one.
Time: 11.3 ms

Stayed up to write a better version. I saw a comment on reddit mentioning that you can treat the partner swaps separately from the other two kinds. That makes it quite simple (and fast) with built in Mathematica functions for composing permutations.

The only trick is you have to do them separately, and remember that two kinds manipulate index values, and the other manipulates values.

$ time ./omghklecbpnjigoafmdreal 12m16.506suser 12m16.526ssys 0m0.004sliterally one billion dances in 12 minutes, by optimizing the 10k-move dance into a 27-move dance:utop # input |> assemble |> counterspin |> reexchange |> reswap;;- : moves list =[Swap ('a', 'b'); Swap ('b', 'c'); Swap ('a', 'd'); Swap ('a', 'e'); Swap ('d', 'f'); Swap ('d', 'g'); Swap ('b', 'h'); Swap ('h', 'i'); Swap ('b', 'j'); Swap ('e', 'l'); Swap ('a', 'm'); Swap ('l', 'n'); Swap ('n', 'p'); Exchange (0, 1); Exchange (1, 2); Exchange (2, 3); Exchange (0, 4); Exchange (2, 6); Exchange (1, 7); Exchange (7, 8); Exchange (5, 9); Exchange (6, 10); Exchange (6, 11); Exchange (2, 12); Exchange (8, 13); Exchange (12, 15); Spin 8] The simplest is:let counterspin moves = let rec loop moves spin acc = match moves with | Spin n :: rest -> loop rest ((spin + (16 - n)) mod 16) acc | Swap (a, b) :: rest -> loop rest spin (Swap (a, b) :: acc) | Exchange (a, b) :: rest -> loop rest spin (Exchange ((a + spin) mod 16, (b + spin) mod 16) :: acc) | [] -> List.rev (Spin spin :: acc) in loop moves 0 []

another day. another circular buffer. another "bruteforce it if you can :^)"
well here's my bruteforce-it-if-I-can code:class spinlock steps = object (self) val mutable buffer = Array.make 60_000_000 0 val mutable at = 0 val mutable length = 1 val mutable n = 1 val steps = steps method buffer = buffer method at = at method length = length method show = for i = max 0 (at - 3) to (at - 1) do Printf.printf "%d " buffer.(i); done; Printf.printf "(%d)" buffer.(at); for i = at + 1 to min (min (at + 4) (Array.length buffer - 1)) (length - 1) do Printf.printf " %d" buffer.(i); done; print_newline () method step = at

Day 17 was very straight forward, won't bother posting the code.

Spoiler: You don't need to insert for part b

ha. you think you can spoil me? you think I understand anything after reading the spoiler? I understand nothing!

I'm not sure if you're serious, but you'll kick yourself when you see how easy part b is.

completely serious. halfway through brute-forcing it with a circular list, m8.

It was pretty obvious
Unless someone is a brainlet

What position would you have to be in, to insert something after the zero?

the puzzle says
there's no connection made there between zeor and position you insert 50mil to.
OOOH obviously the tree is in your pocket!

What position is always after the 0?

*after as in, adjacent to.

position 1. what does that tell me about what's inserted in position 1? if 'step' takes the spinlock back to zero, then what it inserts becomes the new position 1. It can do that a number of times on its way to 50mil. That number of times can probably be mathed out. I do nazi the obvious thing here.

Yes, position 1. So perhaps you only need to remember the last value to be inserted at position 1

and that saves me from inserting 50mil times, how?

Sucks to be you

I hope there are multiple people jeering at me and not just one guy who thinks that remembering what I insert means I don't have to insert things after I explained that position 1 can be replaced multiple times throughout the spin.

It's the insert that is slowing you down. You still need to iterate 50 million times, but you only need to track one number.

Multiple people. Me Mathematica poster and some other guy who I assume is the Rustfag from use of the term brainlet.

Multiple people, not counting the ones said in

Literally the only difference between the two solutions is a simple if statement

... oh.
ok. I get it now.


$ time ./day17b (50000000) 4970712 8649148 1386265after zero: 33601318real 5m2.388suser 5m2.214ssys 0m0.232susing this buggy code:class spinlock steps = object (self) val mutable buffer = (let rec xs = 0 :: xs in xs) val mutable zero = [] val mutable n = 1 val steps = steps method buffer = buffer method zero = zero method show = Printf.printf "(%d)" (List.hd buffer); for i = 1 to 3 do Printf.printf " %d" (List.nth buffer i); done; print_newline () method step = for i = 1 to steps do buffer

Nope, I am not him
Beautiful Iterators. Rust truly is the most elegant language.


You can do that way more elegantly in Rust:
if &buf[..4] == b"GET " { doing_get = true; index = 4;} else if &buf[..5] == b"HEAD " { doing_get = false; index = 5;}

ugly and unreadable wiith none of the benefits of a language that actually requires something that looks like functional syntax

Sure thing anti Rust shill. I'm a #cmissile now


it is C though

it's casting chars to byte
you do that in Java because chars are 16-bit whereas bytes are 8-bit
you don't do that in C because bytes aren't a thing and the explicit cast does nothing to benefit the numeric comparison

oh shit you're right

oh also the +'ing of strings together. I know that the code is shockingly low-level-looking but actually it's just shit. C can look much better than that.

oh, I thought of this while coding but found out how to do the magic thing and went with it instead, but you can avoid magic and bugs by defining your own list type (which doesn't need an empty-list variant in this case). With record types the code actually looks slightly cleaner than it does working with a literal list. and it's not any slower.


(import (srfi srfi-1) (ice-9 receive))(define (list-insert lst pos val) (receive (head tail) (split-at lst pos) (append head (cons val tail))))(define* (part1 stride count #:optional (lst '(0)) (state 1) (pos 0)) (if (positive? count) (let* ((new-pos (modulo (+ 1 pos stride) state)) (new-lst (list-insert lst (1+ new-pos) state))) (part1 stride (1- count) new-lst (1+ state) new-pos)) (values lst (1+ pos))))(define* (part2 stride count #:optional (ans -1) (state 1) (pos 0)) (if (positive? count) (let ((new-pos (modulo (+ 1 pos stride) state)) (new-ans (if (zero? pos) (1- state) ans))) (part2 stride (1- count) new-ans (1+ state) new-pos)) ans))(let ((stride (read))) (receive (lst pos) (part1 stride 2017) (format #t "~A\n~A\n" (list-ref lst (1+ pos)) (part2 stride 50000000))))


even worse.
with that 'ice-9'
I believe it is Guile

Haskell programmers are just desperate to be acknowledged (used to be one and writing slick haskell code is often a false sense of accomplishment), there was a guy the other day showing off his haskell solution saying: It features clever use of a monoid!, p-p-please like me.

haskell is gay, everyone can write it after 5 day crash course.
real badass fuckers write distrubided fault tolerant 99.999% uptime systems in Erlang. :D

erlang is gay, everyone can write it after 5 day crash course.
real badass LARPers write distrubided fault tolerant 99.999% uptime posts on Holla Forums. :D

And then another 5 years in academia where you right papers on type systems, and proving that you can use Haskell's type system to solve Rubiks cube puzzles, replete with category theory you learned and now need to find an excuse to use.

I like Erlang, and in that case, a sufficiently talented programmer could teach themselves it in 5 days. It's a small language.


Guile is the official extension language of GNU.

In 2nd part of day 18, is simply executing these codes viable?
Mine doesn't terminate, I mean the lower bound of the answer gets over 1 million and I am not sure how long I should wait

now it's larger than 6 millions

real cool day.
unfortunately my part 2 answer isn't accepted.
nothing to do but stare at code until error is apparent.
open Printftype arg = Lit of int | Reg of int type instruction = | Send of arg | Set of arg * arg | Add of arg * arg | Mul of arg * arg | Mod of arg * arg | Receive of arg | Jump of arg * arglet assemble code = let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' code in let reg s = assert(String.length s = 1); let c = s.[0] in Reg (int_of_char c - int_of_char 'a') in let lit s = Lit (int_of_string s) in let arg s = if String.length s > 1 then lit s else if s.[0] < 'a' || s.[0] > 'z' then lit s else reg s in let decode line = match String.split_on_char ' ' line with | ["snd"; x] -> Send (reg x) | ["set"; x; y] -> Set (reg x, arg y) | ["add"; x; y] -> Add (reg x, arg y) | ["mul"; x; y] -> Mul (reg x, arg y) | ["mod"; x; y] -> Mod (reg x, arg y) | ["rcv"; x] -> Receive (reg x) | ["jgz"; x; y] -> Jump (arg x, arg y) | _ -> failwith (sprintf "invalid instruction: %s" line) in decode lines |> Array.of_listtype state = Ready | Sending of int | Receiving of int | Haltedtype program = { pid : int; mutable code : instruction array; mutable at : int; mutable registers : int array; mutable state : state; mutable mailbox : int list}let p0, p1 = let instr = assemble Day18input.input in let r0, r1 = Array.make 256 0, Array.make 256 0 in let reg_pid = int_of_char 'p' - int_of_char 'a' in r0.(reg_pid) p.registers.(x) in let rec next () = = Array.length p.code then p.state p.state () | (Halted, Ready, _, _) -> run p1; loop () | (Ready, Halted, _, _) -> run p0; loop () | (Ready, Ready, _, _) -> run p0; run p1; loop () | (Receiving a, _, x :: mb, _) -> p0.registers.(a)

Now I rearranged the code and it started to work. Seems like I seriously fucked up it the first time when I decremented pointers instead of using continue to skip the rest of the loop when needed.

trying it against the example shows that this should be 'arg x'. there wasn't a literal in my input... so no change to behavior on my input. I get the correct answer for the test code though.

Too lazy to golf today, I already got fucked in the ass by 1.5 hours of debugging. But I got the accepted answer.

from collections import defaultdict, dequedef parse_line(l): return tuple(map(str.strip, l.split(' ')))instructions = [parse_line(l) for l in open('i')]registers = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(2)]pipes = [deque() for _ in range(2)]instruction_ptr = [0, 0]locked = [0, 0]current_pid = 0def get_value(x): try: return int(x) except: return registers[current_pid][x]answer = 0registers[0]['p'] = 0registers[1]['p'] = 1code_length = len(instructions)while 0

> p1.mailbox

ok. yours also doesn't allow the IP to run outside the instruction array. your modulo answers are the same as mine. that's what I've tried varying on so far, so it helps to know there's no shenanigans there (probably).

*sigh* checked the subreddit for people bitching about problems they had
oh hey as of part2 rcv is no longer a no-op if the arg is 0

uh, no that wasn't my problem.
I just edited the test out of the Jump instruction. true, it is adjacent to Receive...

536870912 * 2 = -1073741824

are you not using unlimited size integers by default?
sucks to be you

unlimited size integers is a bad default and it is irresponsible and biased and probably hateful for this contest to support them.

since when?
it's a lot worse when your shit overflows silently

a bug is unexpected behavior. If your head is in the clouds you'll be surprised by floating point and fixed-width numerics. If you're working with a particular architecture you'll expect exactly that. It's not like I enjoyed losing 40 minutes to a silent overflow, but I also didn't enjoy having a serious project never get released at all because the performance was never good enough.

I was stuck on today's until I realized stuff like jgz 2 1 is a valid instruction. All the examples always had jgz read from a register so I thought I could leave out that case.


fug I only needed 63 bits for this.
somehow I was using /usr/local/bin/ocaml with only 31 bits.


Abused dynamic scoping so I could reuse most of my part A code.

Oh boy what a mess.

Thanks to Rust checking arithmetic in debug mode I didn't have this problem.

Thanks to Mathematica, "what is overflow?

It is something only blazingly fast languages have.

Python is also fast (if you use appropriate implementation for the task) and it doesn't overflow.

It is a feature of the cpu.

Heh. Mathematica does of course have a notion of 'Machine Integers', but they're for rare occasions.

do you know that premature optimization is ass?
optimization should be done when it is justified somehow, and you are simply wasting time here.


Yes yes, the joke was that mathematica automatically converts to big integers whenever needed.

if you can't use it efficiently, it's your problem

The only way to make a Python project fast is by rewriting it in a fast language.

only for a few kinds of projects
why do you continue asserting things in a topic where you clearly lack knowledge and experience?

What a nasty language.


at least he didn't use AppleScript

you started with "python is fast". how about you back your claim up?
protip: you can't

I can't be bothered to spoonfeed you,
at first please try searching the web for the following keywords for example:

also you should understand that the "speed" is a property of an implementation and not a language

Then stop making baseless claims.

Still slower than using a real language.

So, is this the power of Python?

Wrong. Demonstrated by the lack of fast python implementations.

why are you telling me common wisdom like I've never heard of it? Is this some roundabout way of asking me to explain how it can possibly be that Santa isn't real?
programming is a field that has incredibly poor tools. If you choose them, out of some phobia for optimization, then it can be so hard to make a product that is good that the effort will be aborted. programming is not so refined that the deficiencies of those tools will actually have sufficient compensating advantages sufficient. For a woodcutter to choose steel over rotten cursed plague-bearing wood is not 'premature optimization'; it is 'having basic faculties of perception'.

hahaha just kidding kids Santa is totally real.
But programmer common wisdom is mostly bullshit.

define "good product" then
apparently what I do gets me good money, so it must be good right?

Today's was pretty simple since the line had no loops you had to worry about. Part 2 was trivial since you just add a counter to it.

cool. we're implementing befunge today (or something much less interesting than that, but befunge-inspired features might show up for part 2)
ocaml will be much delayed.

aw, I guess not about befunge then.

Started on time for once, rank 282.

btw I got rank 259 on part 2 :D

For autism's sake, I should have replaced that If after the switch with another switch clause,
:_?LetterQ, Sow[at]

Do solve it normally and golf afterwards?

I don't know if it would save space, and correct me if this is what you are doing. I kept track of a dx / dy and for getting the new direction I would either swap dx and dy, or swap them and then negate both of them.

I got 141

349 bytes
a=(*open('i'),)x=a[0].index('|')y=0b=0z=0c=1e=[]k=lambda f,g:0

of course. it's only moderately golfed at first.

It's been a while since I've used Python, but can't you do a multiple assignment to zero for y,b,z ?

I could get higher but I had to take a dump right in the middle of the coding.

Not sure about golf score and too lazy to check now, but it could be more efficient

afaik only like this
it'll start being profitable only with more variables

more golfing
323 bytes
a=(*open('i'),)x=a[0].index('|')y=0b=0z=0c=1e=[]k=lambda f,g:0

don't use list for letters, put them directly into str
311 bytes
a=(*open('i'),)x=a[0].index('|')y=0b=0z=0c=1e=''k=lambda f,g:0

apparently compression only makes things worse with small programs, but it can be used to put anything at all in one line.
import base64,gzip;exec(gzip.decompress(base64.b85decode(b'ABzY8Zm>970{=aa!EVDK42I9)DcA`ZWFpt5ev*g-1V~UaQbm+bv|y5)(?00(Q{mD`g)FXHO=`0h&0h6KjNy1YnFTu-b3uEsbir=qpUu6+Nu5*;B;$#$hso{LE

Can you save a byte by removing the + from the third to last line?

also what about replacing index on the second line with find?
I don't know python but there just happened to be a find function that works in this case lol****

nope, only if I add more characters in other places, to exit early in other branches

yeah this is a good catch

Could you at least get rid of the space then, since it would have already breaked in the if statement above?

sure, yes
I should have read it more carefully, but I'm still sleeping

why you nerds do this shit for free ahah while you fags were doing autism puzzles you could have been trading cryptos for 1000% gains instead

because we can; and you can only produce noise.




unless you don't control cryptos markets, you can't win anything on average, it is more like casino b.c. your decisions to trade are arbitrarily crippled by transaction delays which are only really controlled by (((them)))
at this point the only winning move is not to play


…so, you're either a LARPer or a lucky bastard which will eat a dick next time when luck is not on your side


you're in a wrong thread dude
it's not really intended for brainlets and low effort trolls



Could you just not reply to the nigger???

a=b=c=0 also works

thanks, idk why I missed it

What the fuck were they thinking?

white background is racist

I meant Rust's syntax my dude

but it's just fine

if b'|' => ((you) say!) so[#~|b].unwrap();

Sorry, but that does not compile. You are a pretty awful anti Rust shill.

I like the idea of Rust and I've tried to get into it, but the syntax is just... The need of constant unwrapping and hop jumping is off-putting to me.
I would like this philosophy in a language to be implemented better, that's all.

Even writing Haskell or Lisp is a smoother experience than this, sorry.

No. You don't unwrap in serious code.

Read this, you retarded anti Rust shill:

No. Thank you.
I have made up my mind about Rust. I'm not shilling anything. I just don't like it despite having wanted and tried to. If it becomes more comfortable to write without convoluted syntax then I'll look at it again.

I mean, if I want the "result of a computation", why do I have to .unwrap() instead of the compiler doing it automatically, erroring, panicking and everything on its own?

I think this language is not well thought-out. It feels like half its syntax is the result of after-thoughts and corner cases.

Again, it's my fucking opinion and you can use the language if you want. I'll stick to using the software made with it.

Rust really is full to the brim with retarded design decisions.

Fitting, as the life of a SJW is probably a sequence of random panics.

Wow are you serious or just pretending to be retarded? I already said that you dont use unwrap in real code.
Typical anti Rust shilling tactics. Going full >muh syntax without realizing that C/C++ are even uglier.

Man I'd sure love that Result could blow up in my face when I'm not careful if it implicitely unwrapped. In actual code nobody uses unwrap, but instead you'll have a lot of ? flying around.
fn gay_shit() -> Result { // ? returns early from a function if the Result is Err as Err let mut thing = BufReader::new(File::open("nigger")?); // same thing as let a = dothing(&mut thing)?; let a = match dothing(&mut thing) { Ok(a) => a, Err(e) => return Err(e), }; // x::dicks returns a Result // if any of the calls to dicks errors, it will return the Error // otherwise thing will be a Vec let thing =|x| x.dicks()).collect::()?; // ? also works in functions returning Option fn thething(v: &Vec) -> Option { // ok converts Result to Option and throws away the Err v.iter().last()?.parse().ok()? } // Options can also be promoted to Results thething(&thing).ok_or(Eror::Error)}

Why did I even write that? You'll just complain about how the compiler doesn't automatically derive all error handling by reading your mind.

truly patrician syntax

OCaml and M-x htmlfontify-buffer

OCaml syntax does look nice. Is OCaml free from a lot of the intellectual masturbation you find in Haskell? Muh Monad transforms, applicative functors etc..

remarkably masturbation-free. It doesn't even have the compose operator in the standard lib, so pointfree Haskell programmers find it disconcerting. There's a video about you can sort of get "monad-generic programming" through abuse of functors, that's the worst I've seen. And there are some 'monadic' libraries that aren't that bad. I don't know what "applicative functor" means in general, but 'functors' in OCaml aren't bullshit, they're just an advancement of the module system; this is an example from the last thread:module type KnotDesign =sig val knot_size : int val secret : int array val rounds : intendmodule Knot ( KD : KnotDesign ) =struct type t = { data : int array; mutable at : int; mutable skip : int } let make () = let data = Array.make KD.knot_size 0 in for i = 1 to (KD.knot_size - 1) do data.(i)

80 people did part1 of day19,
and then saw part2,
and then didn't do it.

If I wasn't such a baka I could have done part 1 really quickly. I literally solved it by just eyeballing the data to pick out the smallest acceleration.
For part 2 I only had to simulate 38 steps.

I didn't bother to write complete deterministic solutions for today. I simply filtered the list to 3 possible candidates and then guessed.
For part 2, I ran endless simulation and tried numbers when they seemingly stopped changing, turned out it converges quickly so I didn't have to guess more than 1 time for part 2.

Could have answered part 1 from first try if I didn't accidentally use max instead of min.

If anyone went for full code solution, it'd be quite interesting to see the algorithm.

import refrom operator import addfrom collections import defaultdictsp = re.compile('[pva=\s]+')def parse_line(l: str): p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, v3, a1, a2, a3 = map(int, filter(None, sp.split(l))) return (p1, p2, p3), (v1, v2, v3), (a1, a2, a3)def abs_sum(t): return sum(map(abs, t))def cmp_abs(d): return lambda t: abs_sum(t[d])min_acc = Nonemin_vel = Noneanswer = Nonefor i, x in enumerate(map(parse_line, open('i'))): acc = cmp_abs(2)(x) if min_acc is None or acc 1: clz.add(p) return tuple(step_one(x) for x in ps if x[0] not in clz) passps = tuple(map(parse_line, open('i')))l = len(ps)while True: ps = step_cld(ps) nl = len(ps) if nl != l: l = nl print(l)

there's more than 1 particle with the minimal acceleration (by manhattan measure)
the answer needs to also have smaller velocity than other candidates
and the WTF part is that it's not trivial to measure velocity because depending on signs, each component is either always increased, or it first cancels out (goes through zero).

If I sort the strings by length and then find the smallest acceleration for it that happened to be my solution.

I think the brute force solution is to simulate canditates until in all of them for each axis acceleration has the same sign as velocity, and then pick the one with the smallest velocity.
Hopefully then there is only one particle.
If not, need to also resolve by position by similar algorithm

and this proves that this challenge is very poorly composed

These are getting easier.

Forgot code.

I'd call this brute force except it was just brutish, with not much force required.

as noted it converges very quickly. I just ran a loop interactively to run N ticks, then looked at things, then ran N ticks again. No change in answer? That's the answer. where N=10000, probably massive overkill

maybe this was a challenge made with only the serious leaderboard nuts in mind. "who will be first? look at all these potential shortcuts that you could have taken!"

Low effort animation

Sorry can't appreciate it, I have blocked any and all .gif urls in uBO because most of the time they have particularly low usefulness/network traffic ratio.

nice blogpost fag

anti-sage btw

Nobody mentioned C/C++ in this debate before you did, he said writing Haskell/Lisp was easier. Who hurt you? Alternatively, who's paying you?

Why not just include the ? in the function name? The current syntax for that looks very terse. Is it because it's a postfix operator? Also, maybe something like ?{...} for exploding if any failing calls (even inside chains) inside the block will cause it to explode?

Anyway, the gif crashes sxiv for some reason. But xanim plays it ok.

Yeah ? is a postfix operator. In the future you will be able to apply it to your own types.

Didn't post for the past few days because was busy. Won't do day16 in C because it's too much of a chore (string procesing days are boring).
Day 17
227 bytes
#define J#define F(i,t) for(i=0;i

#define F(i,t) for(i=0;i

pic related: how that rust stuff translates to OCaml. A more reasonable '?'-like operator in OCaml would be a prefix operator that throws an exception:let ( !? ) = function | Ok thing -> thing | Error e -> raise e ... which is more like .unwrap(). Either strip the 'wrapper' of an OK response or else throw an exception.

Checks out.

Polite sage for off-topic. Go ahead and "negate sage" xDXXDXDXDXD

Netscape were the ones who amended the spec 89a to allow "looping gifs". Nothing odd about that.

sage negated btw xDXXDXDXDXD

You look like a faggot, write like a faggot and use an operating system for cock gobblers .

I don't use macOS though. How have you gotten that idea?
Try harder, anti Rust shill.

Alright, time to slowly catch up.
day 12 struct group_t { vector next; bool visited = false; };void digital_plumber_rec(uint16_t cur, vector& group){ if (group[cur].visited) return; group[cur].visited = true; for (uint16_t next : group[cur].next) digital_plumber_rec(next, group);}void digital_plumber(string_view input){ vector group; group.reserve(2000); for (string_view line : input | split(by_line)){ auto [num_s, rest] = parse_n(line, by_num); uint16_t num = to(num_s); while (group.size() < num + 1u) group.emplace_back(); for (uint16_t next : rest | split(by_num) | map_to(to)) group[num].next.push_back(next); } digital_plumber_rec(0, group); cout

day 13 void packet_scanners1(string_view input){ size_t severity = 0; for (string_view line : input | split(by_line)){ auto [depth_s, range_s, rest] = parse_n(line, by_num); size_t depth = to(depth_s), range = to(range_s); if (depth % (2 * (range - 1)) == 0) severity += depth * range; } cout

637 bytes
from itertools import chain as GF=filterM=mapT=tupleR=rangeK=reverseddef I(i):s=len(i);return T(T(i[s-a-1][b]for a in R(s))for b in R(s))H=lambda i:(i,I(i))A={}for C, D in M(lambda l:M(lambda l:T(M(lambda r:T(M('.#'.find,r)),F(None,M(str.strip,l.split('/'))))),F(None,l.split('=>'))),open('i')): for E in G(H(C),H(T(K(C))),H(T(M(lambda r:T(K(r)),C)))):A[E]=DJ=(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(1,1,1)def Z(b): S=len(b);L=2+S%2;N=[] for y in R(S//L): O=[] for x in R(S//L):O+=[(A[T(T(b[y*L+Y][x*L+X]for X in R(L))for Y in R(L))])] for Y in R(L+1):N+=[(T(G(*M(lambda c:c[Y],O))))] return T(N)for _ in R(18):J=Z(J)print(sum(M(sum,J)))

btw got ~140 place before starting to golf

and with pressing:
583 bytes
import base64,gzip;exec(gzip.decompress(base64.b85decode(b'ABzY8+*vzX0{>M}+lt#T5Pe>Kg`gDAY_!RGpNfMDVJ}H@g^eFJD@?HyxfS?^

perhaps this is because C doesn't even have any support for strings whatsoever and you have to either link some 3rd party shit or reinvent strings.

null-terminated, 1 byte per "character" arrays are not strings


day 14 void disk_defragmentation1(string input){ const auto popcnt = [](char nibble){ static constexpr uint8_t popcnt_lo[10] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2 }, popcnt_hi[6] = { 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4 }; return nibble < 'a' ? popcnt_lo[nibble - '0'] : popcnt_hi[nibble - 'a']; }; input += '-'; uint16_t sum = 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 128; ++i) for (char nibble : knot_hash(input + to_string(i))) sum += popcnt(nibble); cout

seems legit now try to golf it, and post as text because I'm not gonna count symbols from picture :D

I don't play golf. Especially not with Mathematica!

I'll give you this though.

Same again, at 600dpi, so you can actually see the 18th iteration.


Characteristically long function names.

day 15 void dueling_generators1(uint64_t a, uint64_t b){ const auto next = [&]{ (a *= 16807) %= 2147483647; (b *= 48271) %= 2147483647; }; size_t count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; next(), i < 40'000'000; ++i) count += (a & 0xffff) == (b & 0xffff); cout

How long does your part 2 take?

On my computer,
part 1: ~ 0.46 s
part 2: ~ 0.65 s

so shorten them
or it won't let you?
I thought it has first class functions

Truly disgusting shit:

Jesus. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

The kind of people who does things like these:

Either hobbyists or professionals as a joke.
But Rust took too much time to be a joke, so it must have been made by hobbyists.

What is your problem though?

isn't it better than though?

that c# thing is pretty lame, you'll only impress some young schoolgirls with that.

Ah. Yours is the first solution I've seen that used a queue for part 2, so I wondered what the time penalty might be.
Ada did both parts in 580ms

It does, and I could, but I have no motivation to code golf.

then stop giving bland excuses (mathematica this, mathematica that), you should have just admitted that you're not brave enough to golf.

You were told directly that I didn't care to golf.

Alright forget this, I'll do it this one and only time.
You triggered my competitive autism, you bastard.

You stick out like a sore thumb you insufferable faggot.

even outside of rust, this is why classes are a mistake

At least try and make sense when crafting an insult. You just sound like a gibbering idiot.

385 bytes

r=Reverses=StringSplitl=NestListn=Nestc=Countv@i_:=r@ih@i_:=r[i,2]o@i_:=Transpose@v@it=Join@@Map[Table[p->#[[2]],{p,Join[l[o,#[[1]],3],l[o,h[#[[1]]],3]]}]&,Characters[s[#,"/"]&/@s[Import["g","List"]," => "]]];z={{".","#","."},{".",".","#"},{"#","#","#"}};p@i_:=ArrayFlatten[Partition[i,If[Divisible[Dimensions[i][[1]],2],{2,2},{3,3}]]/.t]c[n[p,z,5],"#",2]c[n[p,z,18],"#",2]

Runs slower than the nicer version, since the optional Dispatch function has been removed which provided an optimization for rule replacements. Enjoy!

355 bytes

r=Reverses=StringSplitl=NestListv@i_:=r@ih@i_:=r[i,2]o@i_:=Transpose@v@it=Join@@Map[Table[p->#[[2]],{p,Join[l[o,#[[1]],3],l[o,h[#[[1]]],3]]}]&,Characters[s[#,"/"]&/@s[Import["g","List"]," => "]]];Count[Nest[ArrayFlatten[Partition[#,If[Divisible[Dimensions[#][[1]],2],{2,2},{3,3}]]/.t]&,{{".","#","."},{".",".","#"},{"#","#","#"}},#],"#",2]&/@{5,18}
I'm done with this now. Mathematica wins.

continuing. day 16 auto sep_by(char nc) { return [nc](char c){ return c != nc; }; }void permutation_promenade(string_view input){ char id_perm[16]; iota(begin(id_perm), end(id_perm), 'a'); uint8_t pos_perm[16]; iota(begin(pos_perm), end(pos_perm), 0); const auto by_not_slash = sep_by('/'); for (string_view arg : input | split(sep_by(','))){ switch (arg[0]){ break; case 's': rotate(rbegin(pos_perm), rbegin(pos_perm) + to(arg.substr(1)), rend(pos_perm)); break; case 'x': { auto [a, b, _] = parse_n(arg.substr(1), by_not_slash); swap(pos_perm[to(a)], pos_perm[to(b)]); } break; case 'p': swap(*find(begin(id_perm), end(id_perm), arg[1]), *find(begin(id_perm), end(id_perm), arg[3])); } } char prog1[16], * buf1 = prog1, prog2[16], * buf2 = prog2; iota(begin(prog1), end(prog1), 'a'); const auto dance = [&]{ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 16; ++j) buf2[j] = id_perm[buf1[pos_perm[j]] - 'a']; swap(buf1, buf2); }; dance(); cout

Tried with vectors instead and it worsened the time initially (not too unexpected), but enabled some easy parallelization for a time of ~ 0.49 s: void dueling_generators2_para(uint64_t a, uint64_t b){ const auto gen = [](uint64_t a, uint64_t mask, uint64_t mul){ return [=]() mutable { vector q; q.reserve(5'000'000); while ((a *= mul) %= 2147483647, q.size() < 5'000'000) if ((a & mask) == 0) q.push_back(a); return move(q); }; }; future gena = async(launch::async, gen(a, 3, 16807)), genb = async(launch::async, gen(b, 7, 48271)); while (!gena.valid() || !genb.valid()) this_thread::yield(); vector qa = gena.get(), qb = genb.get(); size_t count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5'000'000; ++i) count += (qa[i] & 0xffff) == (qb[i] & 0xffff); cout

oops, I guess .valid() doesn't do what I thought it did. Maybe I should use .wait_for() or something.

Guess I wasn't tired of winning yet.
r=Reverses=StringSplitl=NestLista=Partitionj=Joinh@i_:=r[i,2]o=Transpose@*rk={2,2}c=Characterst=j@@Map[Table[p->#[[2]],{p,j[l[o,#[[1]],3],l[o,h@#[[1]],3]]}]&,c[s[#,"/"]&/@s[Import["g","List"]," => "]]]Count[Nest[ArrayFlatten[a[#,If[Mod[Dimensions[#][[1]],2]==0,k,k+1]]/.t]&,a[c@".#...####", 3],#],"#",2]&/@{5,18}

r=Reverses=StringSplitl=NestLista=Partitionj=Joinh@i_:=r[i,2]o=Transpose@*rk={2,2}c=Characterst=j@@Map[Table[p->#[[2]],{p,j[l[o,#[[1]],3],l[o,h@#[[1]],3]]}]&,c[s[#,"/"]&/@s[Import["g","List"]," => "]]]Count[Nest[ArrayFlatten[a[#,If[Mod[Length[#],2]==0,k,k+1]]/.t]&,a[c@".#...####",3],#],"#",2]&/@{5,18}

day 17. I'm sure there must be a clever more efficient way to do it, but whatever, I got the right answer. struct circular_list{ auto take(circular_list* cdr_, int car_) { cdr = cdr_; car = car_; return this; } circular_list* cdr; int car;};template void spinlock(){ circular_list* node = new circular_list[50'000'001]; circular_list* cur = node[0].take(&node[0], 0); const auto step_insert = [&](int x){ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < step; ++i) cur = cur->cdr; cur = cur->cdr = node[x].take(cur->cdr, x); }; for (int i = 1; i

day 18. Simply magical. template struct ins_t { F op; int64_t* to, * from; };template auto make_duet(string_view input, const F& snd, const F& rcv){ static const F set = +[](int64_t* to, int64_t* from, int pc){ *to = *from; return pc + 1; }, add = +[](int64_t* to, int64_t* from, int pc){ *to += *from; return pc + 1; }, mul = +[](int64_t* to, int64_t* from, int pc){ *to *= *from; return pc + 1; }, mod = +[](int64_t* to, int64_t* from, int pc){ *to %= *from; return pc + 1; }, jgz = +[](int64_t* to, int64_t* from, int pc){ return *to > 0 ? pc + (int)*from : pc + 1; }; unordered_map data; int cur_data = 0; vector prog; for (string_view line : input | split(by_line)){ switch (line[1]){ break; case 'n': { auto [x, _] = parse_n(line.substr(4), by_word); prog.push_back({snd, &data[0], isalpha(x[0]) ? &data[x[0]] : &(data[cur_data++] = to(x))}); } break; case 'e': { auto [x, y, _] = parse_n(line.substr(4), by_word); prog.push_back({set, &data[x[0]], isalpha(y[0]) ? &data[y[0]] : &(data[cur_data++] = to(y))}); } break; case 'd': { auto [x, y, _] = parse_n(line.substr(4), by_word); prog.push_back({add, &data[x[0]], isalpha(y[0]) ? &data[y[0]] : &(data[cur_data++] = to(y))}); } break; case 'u': { auto [x, y, _] = parse_n(line.substr(4), by_word); prog.push_back({mul, &data[x[0]], isalpha(y[0]) ? &data[y[0]] : &(data[cur_data++] = to(y))}); } break; case 'o': { auto [x, y, _] = parse_n(line.substr(4), by_word); prog.push_back({mod, &data[x[0]], isalpha(y[0]) ? &data[y[0]] : &(data[cur_data++] = to(y))}); } break; case 'c': { auto [x, _] = parse_n(line.substr(4), by_word); prog.push_back({rcv, &data[0], isalpha(x[0]) ? &data[x[0]] : &(data[cur_data++] = to(x))}); } break; case 'g': { auto [x, y, _] = parse_n(line.substr(4), by_word); prog.push_back({jgz, isalpha(x[0]) ? &data[x[0]] : &(data[cur_data++] = to(x)), isalpha(y[0]) ? &data[y[0]] : &(data[cur_data++] = to(y))}); } } } return pair(move(data), move(prog));}void duet1(string_view input){ auto [data, prog] = make_duet(input, +[](int64_t* to, int64_t* from, int pc){ *to = *from; return pc + 1; },+[](int64_t* to, int64_t* from, int pc){ static bool b = false; if (*from && !b) return cout = prog[0].size()){ status[oldcur] = dead; cur = !oldcur; } else pc[oldcur] = updatedpc; } cout

1. "I don't need to rotate or flip stuff, lol. I'm not using APL. I just need to step through the structure while translating its coordinate system. It's just math."
2. ... ok but how do you do that?
3. pic related
I should've just implemented APL. I don't have the will to continue living long enough to even test this shitty code.

Yeah, you don't need to actually do the inserts, since what you're looking for is always in a known position.

With a fresh look, got it down to 303
r=Reverses=StringSplitl=NestLista=Partitionj=Joinh@i_:=r[i,2]o=Transpose@*rc=Charactersj@@Map[#/.{y_,w_}:>Table[p->w,{p,j[l[o,y,3],l[o,h@y,3]]}]&,c@s[#,"/"]&/@s[Import["g","List"]," => "]]Count[Nest[ArrayFlatten[a[#,If[Mod[Length@#,2]==0,{2,2},{3,3}]]/.%]&,a[c@".#...####",3],#],"#",2]&/@{5,18}

Probably time for a new thread before the Day22 round.

r=Reverses=StringSplitl=NestLista=Partitionj=Joinh=r[#,2]&o=Transpose@*rc=Charactersj@@Map[#/.{y_,w_}:>Table[p->w,{p,j[l[o,y,3],l[o,h@y,3]]}]&,c@s[#,"/"]&/@s[Import["g","List"]," => "]]Count[Nest[ArrayFlatten[a[#,If[Mod[Length@#,2]==0,{2,2},{3,3}]]/.%]&,a[c@".#...####",3],#],"#",2]&/@{5,18}

what language is this?
besides Greek.

r=Reverses=StringSplitl=NestLista=Partitionj=Joino=Transpose@*rc=Charactersj@@Map[#/.{y_,w_}:>Table[p->w,{p,j[l[o,y,3],l[o,r[y,2],3]]}]&,c@s[#,"/"]&/@s[Import["g","List"]," => "]]Count[Nest[ArrayFlatten[a[#,If[Mod[Length@#,2]==0,{2,2},{3,3}]]/.%]&,a[c@".#...####",3],#],"#",2]&/@{5,18}

Mathematica. It's a golfed version of this code . Code golfing is surprisingly addictive, but not something I'd want to do often.

Have any of you guys donated money to AoC?

I'm a rich fag, so I'll probably toss him some shekels, it has provided pretty good entertainment.

day 19. void series_of_tubes(string_view input){ vector tubes; for (string_view line : input | split(by_line)) tubes.push_back(line); static constexpr array dirs[4] = {{-1, 0, 1}, {1, 0, -1}, {0, -1, 1}, {0, 1, -1}}; const array* dir = &dirs[3]; string res; size_t steps = 2; for (uint16_t x = tubes[0].find_first_not_of(" "), y = 1;; x += (*dir)[0], y += (*dir)[1], ++steps) if (tubes[y][x] != '-' && tubes[y][x] != '|'){ if (tubes[y][x] != '+') res.push_back(tubes[y][x]); for (int8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) if (&dirs[i] != dir + (*dir)[2] && tubes[y + dirs[i][1]][x + dirs[i][0]] != ' '){ dir = &dirs[i]; goto keep_going; } break; keep_going:; } cout

nothing fancy.
I amended part 1 in place to get part 2, so no part 1 here, I'm too lazy to recover it.

284 bytes
e=enumerateb={}for y,l in e(open('i')): l=l.strip() p=(len(l)//2,)*2 for x,c in e(l): if c=='#':b[x,y]=1c,d=0,-1a=0for _ in range(10**7): k=b.get(p,3) if k==3:c,d=d,-c;b[p]=0 if k==0:a+=1;b[p]=1 if k==1:c,d=-d,c;b[p]=2 if k==2:c,d=-c,-d;b[p]=3 p=p[0]+c,p[1]+dprint(a)


Today's was pretty interesting relative to the other challenges.

I accidentally quoted you. I think I had your reply already in the message box from last time.

skipped day21, first actual skip.
day22 looks completely easy but my answers are wrong. Again, NFI how. Nothing but "heh easy day" and 22s Python crap on reddit.

and as soon as I say that:
I was adjusting the virus's coordinates even when the grid was extended to the right and to the bottom, which are coordinate-preserving extensions.

you could've just used hashmap and not have to fuck with 2d arrays relocation etc
like here

ocaml. commented out: the part that doesn't count already-infected blocks.

yeah, I did that before, and it would've saved a lot of time here, but the actual 2d array work wasn't that involved except for my errors and it's easier to draw.

Whenever it says infinite grid it does not mean infinite. You just have to make the grid sufficiently big. Doing a 1000x1000 was enough for the challenge.

dictionary is also trivial to draw, you only need to find the bounds

having to guess is so-so. even more if you fuck this up and it will exceed the limits silently.

I abused this fact considering the language I used java errors when accessing an out of bounds element. If it crashes I know I messed up somewhere.

Bump limit has been reached. New thread?

Woo, part b seems tricky.

because it is!
and it doesn't involve writing code

Haven't solved it yet I thought I might be able to solve it via just my text editor and some nice labels.

new thread