So apparently Trump picked a Billionaire ethnic Scott as Commerce secretary.
Goy picked as Commerce secretary
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omg i hate trump now
We Scrooge McDuck now.
Looks like a solid pick. He's obviously one of those psychopath Wall Street types who is obsessed with earning money, and he called out PC culture. Exactly who we need for this job.
Isn't Trump a Scot as well?
Quads confirm Scrooge McDuck (based Nationalist) as Commerce Secretary
his mother was
WTF is Trump thinking? Besides Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions, all of his picks have been shit so far.
I can't imagine!
On April Fools’ Day 2000, the 62-year-old banker raised $450 million to plunge into fallen companies.
It might surprise you, but almost everyone successful in the finance sector has worked for one of the big (((names))) at one time or another
This includes Trump himself.
Well I'm just hoping that Trump has him on a very tight garlic leash with a stake ready at all times. Choosing him for competence is good but a man with such history on such an important position with a depression looming, you have to be careful not to get a nose in the back.
Or he's going the "keep your enemies closer" approach, as he went with Krispy.
And Hitler did the exactly same thing with Schacht.
They're taking the long road.
I've never heard about this guy before and he's probably a greedy motherfucker, but at least we're getting the jews out of our government. Step in the right direction.
Turning around bankrupt companies so they could earn profit and still employ their workers (albeit for less money) isn't something bad. The usual alternative is to buy bankrupt/underperforming companies and then sell their assets and fire their workers. I won't say the man is a saint but the mindset of trying to rebuild instead of sell is something we should want in a commerce secretary
Holy shit, Trump really thinks he can renegotiate the national debt, pucker your assholes, shit is about to go crazy.
He might not have the jewish genes but he sure does have the memes.
It's shitty pick are shitty pick, besides Flynn and Sessions.
hell if i know, maybe he is paying back the kikes for saving his company years ago? maybe it's the "keep your enemies close" tactic? maybe he don't want to get killed? maybe he is a Zionist dog? we have to wait and see, only after inauguration we will truly know if Trump is the real deal or not, unless he picks Romney for SoS that i would never defend or understand.
Ross, Ross…
haven`t heard that name in years
it's a nonjew selfmade billionaire. Who would you suggest do the job?
Someone not Rothschild related?
all the finance companies in the US are echoed mate. Are you saying you don't want anyone who doesn't know jew tricks trying to fix the economy?
as point out, someone not related to Jews and specialty Rothschild kikes, do you really think he is going to put America First or serve the interest of his Masters?
How good or bad is this on a scale of 1-10?
hahah that made me laugh out loud
All the indicators were there if you actually bothered to look at what was being said rather than what you were projecting Trump meant.
Nigger, he didn't just work for kikes, he worked for the top kikes.
Half Scottish, half German.
oh no guys trump really is a jew puppet we lost before it even begun. #NeverTrump, right Pool?
[Freemasonry intensifies]
the top kikes are involved in all the major finance firms. Just because some dont have jew names doesn't mean they aren't pozzed. but w/e I would trust Trump to find someone jewwise for this kind of position but I dont know maybe being constantly blackpilled is the only way to live life
WTF, I hate Trump now
But seriously anons, he's not an actual jew. When it comes to finance - everyone has been involved with jews, unfortunately.
Don't let the demoralization kikes get your down, we're still winning and they're BURNING
No one is concerned that jews dominate finance, but rather, this specific family of jews. the literal progenitors of jewiness.
that said, it is a bit of magical thinking to assume Trump works for Rothschild because he made deals with them and hired someone who worked for them. But to assume someone who works for Rothschild might still work for Rothschild? Well, that's not all that outrageous.
He's a MacLeod on his mother's site.
Never change, retards.
I'm waiting for policy, that'll prove what's what once and for all.
Yep, until then I have no qualms straddling the edge. Unless 9/11 is reinvestigated, he's just covering up for more crimes.
A goy as commerce secretary? Truly, the fire monkey has arrived.
Guess all that Anglophilia is paying off, nice.
I know he's claimed it, I've been excited all along, but I'm not blindly excited, he needs to follow through.
Based on the video, I wouldn't hold your breath. Maybe if you're lucky they'll whitewash the whole thing and pin everything on the Saudis.
Sorry, thought that clip was him claiming to reinvestigate 9/11, which he has done. Shit like that is why I'm not blindly excited, I wouldn't be surprised if nationalism/globalism is just a kike turf war. Then again, if I was running for office, I'd just play along and put on a big show.
That's my fear, and what I mostly expect. The uncovering of Saudi documents or some other bullshit. I mean, what a joke.
You're not ready for this level of FREEEDUM
Where are my tube grubs!
You want a forecast at policies? Study how Bill Clinton got his shit handed to him in less then a week in office and how he backed out or did the exact opposite of his campaign promises (dead serious, do study Reagan-Bush-Bill Presidencies back to back when you can afford the time).
Exactly the same will happen again. But this time the orange fuck and his fuck buddies won't be able to process the gravity of "things". I think it warrants the praise, Trumps resistance will be beneficial to everyone, not just US of A, while Shillarys pre-bent-over-waiting-for-the-d stance would have fucked entire planet instantaneously.
Though I'm just the same drunk (I managed to spend seven days of my only free~ish week in my doctorate studies) you might've catched earlier waiting for the world to burn, and no I still can't find a way to fix things without letting everything burn, boy how will the first orange president after the nigga president will fuck things up. Praise Kek.
Saying "kek" will never make you one of us. 8ch has been swamped with shills post-election but you are especially pathetic.
Shut up, addict.
next he picks a Rockefeller for Energy and you will still defend it as 8D chess move, people SHOULD be suspicious always and question everything, Trump is not immune to this. unless of course you want people to blind trust Trump and just listen and believe, i will not throw Trump under bus yet, have to wait until after inauguration to see what really happens and if his policies will be implemented or just changed for (((for thew greater good and unity))).
I don't think Refugees are that bad. Praise Kek.
You are definitely not from these parts judging from your adjective choice. I will agree with you that Trump won't take orders sitting down, but your claim that he'll fold like his predecessors doesn't take into account the possibility that Rothschild & co. don't have blackmail on Trump. They obviously did on the Clintons, Bushes, Reagan, etc. Trump also has narcissistic personality disorder, making him very much a renegade.
An alcoholic dipshit thinks he can see the future, lay off the sauce Nostradumbass
Election campaign is over, will you fuck off already?
That's what I'm getting at, he will fold, even without the blackmail the financial system is really, really that fucked unless he goes nuclear on Wall Street he simply won't have the means to do so.
Daily reminder that this guy spent ~a quarter of a century working at Rothschilds Inc. and was a key player in the deal Trump made with the Rothschilds to save his failing businesses. the deal which led directly to his appointment as Israeli puppet president of the United States
This shabbos goy is a Rothschilds plant you fucking retards. He is also exactly the type of person you'd appoint if you plan on continuing to auction off sections of the government to the highest bidder for mass personal profits.
In case you didn't realize, the president gets to act as benevolent dictator through EOs, even if he only garners minor military support. Unless psychotronic warfare and a massive psyop campaign has already been planned by international kikery (likely), they don't really have much authority to stop him.
This is my concern.
shit we all should have voted for Clinton. we got scammed fam
wew, pure coincidence
Nice deflection retard, both were plants from the very start
silly goyim that's just 6d chess
I'm disappointed that Holla Forums is taking a Wikipedia article at face value. I actually decided to take the effort to read the citation for the line " Trump was allowed to keep the casinos and rebuild his businesses ultimately engineering one of the greatest turnaround in US business history" and it's from a completely uncited anti-Trump hitpiece from a news source I've never heard of.
I haven't checked the Wikipedia edit history but I bet that paragraph was added in the article within the last month. It's completely made up (which is par for the course from Wikipedia)
Let's go down the memory the lane and remember what happened to the last president tried that to fix America (and rest of the world by extension)… yeah.
And then you and I have the same concern.
All of these (1)'s. You know you guys would look more believable if you didn't switch IP's every 5 seconds.
Not an argument, faggot.
Here's a (2) buddy.
Let that sink in for a second.
you're a fucking retard. Go drink someone you useless shit and fucking slit your wrists. you're a degenerate who is worth nothing and you should curse your father for not pulling out and having let you live a wasted life.
Anyone got a webm of the times Trump repeatedly said that the people he hired would not be nice people? That they'd be really nasty people that we never wanted to have dinner with?
Trump didn't pick one of god's chosen?
B-b-b-but that's anti-semitism!
I found an article (well, a special edition) of New York Magazine where Norman Mailer details a bit of the history behind Resorts International and its transformation from Mary Carter Paint, a CIA money laundering company started by Dulles and Dewey, to Resorts International.
Also this is interesting,
So, make of this what you will, I'm still putting pieces together because there may be a bigger picture. If Resorts International is a CIA/Mossad front, and somehow ended up in Trump's hands… and Assange was part of a weaponized pedocult contracted by intelligence agencies like the CIA to blackmail elected officials and heads of state…. and Snowden is possibly a Booz Allen CIA plant to discredit the NSA because they developed surveillance capabilities that rivaled the CIA's… and the CIA gave Bill Hicks "The Alex Jones Show" where Trump garners passionate support…
We're seeing an intelligence agency insurrection folks, but whose side are they on? Historically, the CIA has carried out Rothschild bidding. Meh, I'll have to think about this.
that, or pic related
Nigger contain your Pavlovian reactions and point out something bad he's done.
Pick one and only one.
Ever notice whoever posts these terrible merchant shoops never contributes anything to a discussion? Either that, or they just copypastes news articles for an OP…
Trump did say he knew the best people, people we never even heard about that would do a great job. I suppose this one kind of fits that.
don't let them know how easy it is to stop them through reaction images
Either some people here got truly insane or Kike Kushner really has a CTR of his own, i mean believing working for the Rothschild is just "work" is insane, i was joking but maybe Trump truly really can put a Rockefeller in the cabinet and people will make any excuses for it.
kike kushner is probably running a one man shill operation on Holla Forums
So Trump picked a non jew who's specialty is restructuring debt. Sounds exactly like what the country needs. Of course restructuring would be a pretty big blow to the economy at first so it would take some serious balls.
you've gotta be kidding.
Trump is gonna drain the swamp guys!!
Good pick, white, not a Jew in any way.
Right, because people never change their views and their side?
How do you know this guy didn't get Jew fatigue from 24 years of working for them, become redpilled by constantly seeing how they behave, and now secretly wanting to gas them all?
More hilarity from his wikipedia article.
Although he was an early supporter of Donald J. Trump's presidential campaign, Ross in earlier years was a registered Democrat, served as an officer of the New York State Democratic Party and held fundraisers for Democratic candidates at his apartment in New York City.
What's up with Trump and people he has ties with being former democrats who hobnobbed around with the Clintons and even use to host fundraisers for the Democratic party? His daughter's father-in-law use to have the Clintons and even Netanyahu over to his place on 666 Fifth Ave for parties.
This is the candidate that has been forced onto Holla Forums. These are the people he appoints to cabinet positions. These are the ties and connections they have and yet you'll get banned and called a kike for pointing out these massive red flags.
Nobody forced Trump onto Holla Forums. Most of Holla Forums are just much smarter than you. If you still haven't understood why Holla Forums supports Trump, perhaps you should try something else than Nationalism? Doesn't really seem like your thing.
haha quads
Nigger, I was here when all the random Trump meme threads started popping up out of nowhere. One day there wasn't a single mention of Trump anywhere on here, and then the next day people were filling threads full of pleb-tier Trump OC. It flat out came out of nowhere and was obviously being pushed by an outside source who had been planning and generating OC prior to his announcement for presidency.
Also, I'm sure it's just a pure coincidence that this all also lined up perfectly with the Launch of Jim's alt-right/Trump propaganda news source "The Goldwater" or whatever the fuck he calls it, and also coincided with the moderation forbidding all dissenting opinions of Trump. But yea, sure, OK. I'm sure Trump Inc. didn't take over this site/board. LOL, OK.
Good god you're fucking retarded. They didn't "pop up out of nowhere". I was here too. They were made by the general populace of Holla Forums because guess what, a fucking nationalist was running for the US presidency for the first time since Andrew Jackson.
Go back to cuckchan, this is the chan for intelligent discussion not for morons like you.
Lying kike with your endchan meme. I was here too and that didn't happen AT ALL. Trump earned his status through Lulz and shitposting and scaring kikes
Some digging
I don't get it, anons seemed happy with some picks but now all of a sudden there's an influx of worry of Trump's picks being terrible? And I don't think they're shills either, I just noticed a shift recently.
Holla Forums has been in fact shilling the meme hard: "shit policy picks" and "backtracking".
Trump already won you stupid fuck, there's no point in shilling here now. JIDF and Holla Forums are the only ones left. What ever happened to an actual discussion on Trump after the election? I know I was promised it during the election, or are we now just blind cultists like /r/the_donald? We need to put pressure on him, not just cheer him on when he makes stupid mistakes. Are you going to keep doing this shit if he starts breaking campaign promises? (no I'm not saying he is or will, but there is always the possibility)
Even Uncle Adolf didn't think anything of Jews until he witnessed their unique behavior during his time in Vienna. He believed they were no different than Germans, until they showed him otherwise. It is possible that this goy underwent the same effect.
t. Mein Kampf
I would like to think Trump is using this guy as a "keep your enemies closer" tactic, in that he knows how the Rothschilds work and that information can be used to Trump's advantage if he really wants to go after them. It could also be that this goy hates the kikes after being redpilled by working with them for 24 years. Keeping in mind that Trump worked with kikes for a great portion of his career, it doesn't seem unreasonable that there would be other people redpilled into hating kikes.
Part of me thinks this guy could be a great asset. Think of it, a man who worked directly with the Rothschilds, someone who knows how they operate, and he can be used to plan against Rothschild resistances to Trump's efforts. That kind of person would be very useful to have around, but it is also very risky because he could still be working for the head kikes.
Guess what.
They are.
This a new D&C tactic. He hasn't even stepped into office yet and they are all readying trying to plant the doubt seeds into Trump voters minds. First with guilt, then with doubt in their decision.
White nationalists disappointed in Trump
Every news outlet you will feast your eyes on will be taking part in the D&C campaign to credit the Alt-Right for electing Trump, and the dis-credit Alt-Right for losing trust. We are not the alt-right. They will catogorize everyone who voted as being part of this extreme ideology.
You're right. Their trying to demoralize WN by making it look like Trump is making anti-white decisions, even if he isn't.
Do what I said to my boss on election day, when he said he didn't think Trump would win: "Never let yourself be demoralized. Have faith. You must be reasonable, but you must also have faith."
There really isn't any Western bank I'm aware of that isn't replete with Yids executives. Trump will probably get a few more Jewish appointees here and there, but it isn't cause for outright alarm.
Now this Mitt Romney as Secretary of State business… THAT disturbs me. Mormons subscribe to the same "God's Chosen Ones" BS as the Jews. I'm concerned he might prioritize humanitarian efforts in places ripe for Mormon congregation building. Southeast Asia, for instance.
So, a lot of us have been saying that Trump winning the election is the best thing we could hope for at the moment, so lay off it until he wins the election and if he turns to shit we'll be right there criticizing him ahead of anyone else. Naturally, they didn't stop shilling against him even up to election day because most of them are literal d&c shills (or mere trolls, who cares which), not genuinely misguided white ethno-nationalists.
I guess all their tiny shill minds got out of that was to try a new line of attack immediately after the election. This is foolish though, because the only thing this will do is harden our support for Trump (barring true betrayal). Just like we hardened our support early on for Trump due to the massive unreasonable counter push he was getting from every angle, pushing him as having wronged us worse than any person ever before even taking office is a doomed strategy.
Keep fighting us faggots, you only make us stronger and make our constant winning that much sweeter. We will meme Trump into our better than Hitler god Emperor, or we will use him as a stepping stone to that person. You will all burn and the sum of your lies shall measure out the sum of your agony before death takes you. Get on board now or get gassed. You know we have the power, we just won the election against the impossible. You know we have this power. Think carefully.
What's the point of that? Trump has already won, even if they demoralize shillary is such a shitty choice no amount of kike dick sucking Trump does will make her look like the better candidate. Dismissing all criticism of him is ridiculous, we need to be skeptical of him and put pressure on him to make sure he doesn't pull a Franco
Right now I don't know if there is really a reason to start shit since the majority of this news coming out now is pure speculation on the part of the Lugenpresse. I'm biding my time until things in his transition are completely sorted and his cabinet picked to start tearing into the whole thing. With the exception of the rumors placing Mittens as SecState, fuck that guy.
Trump does love firing incompetent people, and to do that you have to technically employ them in the first place. Many Anons in thread have many opinions and facts both defending Trump and scrutinizing him.
What if Trump is employing a few key True picks, and picks he has full intent of replacing down the line for various purposes? Be he the real deal or just a very convaluted and entertaining Con, that doesn't seem outside the realms of possibilities The Don has opperated along.
Oh, so are none of these his actual picks? It's just like the media claiming trump would pick gringbitch as VP? If that's the case, I'm a retard and should actually read articles before posting. But I still do stand by what I said, we have goals in mind and we need to pressure Trump and his campaign to further our goals the best they can. I still do not like Pence though or that rat faced jew kushner (?) zI hope Trump doesn't take his jewish lies seriously.
That's definitely a possibility, and one I didn't consider. Right now, Trump has to make sure the kikes don't try to fuck with the electoral votes and don't try rigging the election in post and recounting Wisconsin, Michigan, and Penn. If he makes it look like he's a good goy right now, they'll be less likely to sperg out over him being POTUS, which would give him more ground to push harder once he's in office. He'd be employing his tactics from Art of the Deal, again.
However, we really don't know until he actually starts doing shit in office.
So what? Even if your bullshit was true, it doesn't change the fact that Hillary would have been dramatically worse.
Trump had my vote when he called mexicans rapists. Honestly I don't care about what happens we have 4 years of not hillary.
he's right
ireland is fucked now that trump is going to lower the corp tax rate. Goodbye tax haven.
Hypothetically speaking, what's the worst damage this guy could do?
Those were made by A Wyatt Man himself you fucking newfag. He posted a shitload of them several months back, and despite everyone's paranoia they were ultimately proved genuine.
Even if Trump did hire an establishment goon for a particular purpose it means he is absolutely sure he can control them. Someone with insider knowledge of how things got to this point would be good if he is trying to unravel it all. Also, this:
This is why Trump doesn't want to start a land war in Asia
Is he exaggerating the "our greatest ally" thing to signal us but cover himself on the normie front?
Well they all come from ((trusted sources)) in the team, from the article
Kikebart has proven to be more credible than say, CNN but at this point nothing is certain. The Romney pick specifically I hope is Trump trolling him/the media again.
Wouldn't China love to have a global default on the 200 trillion dollars?
It would mean the Debt wouldn't cause countries/individuals to stop buying their products.
Imagine Americans having their debt wiped out.
Imagine what that could do for the Chinese with the debt shackles removed.
The appointment as secretary of state of a losing former nominee for President or a rival for nomination to the new President is a very old tradition in American politics. Abraham Lincoln did it with Seward and Obama continued this with Hillary Clinton. Its considered to be a type of consolation prize.
Is it a lock that Mittens is going to get it? Not necessarily but even though Mitt was a top tier faggot you have to respect traditions and at the very least let it seem like he is being considered. Even if he is picked and starts to cuck, you throw him out, its not en elected position, if you don't preform to the president's guidelines you get the boot.
Can the pres just sack cabinet members without any outside input? That would hold Romney's ass over the fire if he can just get tossed aside like that.
If there's one thing Trump is good at it's judging people's character and using to to the utmost of their ability.
I thought Trump was eyeballing him but didnt select him…?
As far as I am aware, yes.
Cabinet officers are nominated by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate by a majority vote. Cabinet members serve at the pleasure of the President and may be dismissed at any time.
Being a kike not enough for you? How long have you been here?
Who drew that?
Fuck if I know.
Wouldn't that mean China loses the trillions of dollars we owe them? I might be retarded but I don't see how they benefit.
Ireland is the low tax, English-speaking entry point for the major corporates into the EU market (look at the number of companies that have their European/EMEA HQs in Dublin). This situation will persist likely after Brexit.
Holy crap Trump appointed the Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance?! He appears to have the lobes for business.
that's exactly what I was thinking for the last 2 weeks.
he'll take china to the cleaners and give them 10c on the dollar for their debt IF they accept now.
if not, he'll invite them to come collect…
Actually, there was a lot of content which was obviously produced professionally or semi-professionally. It was spammed so badly that it was genuinely annoying for Holla Forumsacks and we were on the verge of counter-spamming until we actually listened to what Trump was saying. Then once we realized Trump was for real, we collectively lost our shit and got on the Trump train. Personally, Trump's statements on the Fed won me over, since I don't believe any change is possible until the kikes in charge of the monetary system are all hung for treason and we move to deflationary austrian economic policy. Once we got on board, the PR campaign pretty much ended (as I assume they were re-allocating resources for efficiency's sake) and we took off running. I think a few pieces of OC are still commissioned from time to time, but it's largely community-made now. We already know that one of the Trumps is a Holla Forumsack, so I'm sure he hired a graphic designer and a video editor to spend a few hours on memes. I have nothing against that nor the fact that Trump ad donations have basically kept Holla Forums running for the past two years.
Trump has played the game, but he is for real in a way that no other politician has been in our lifetime. He may possibly get even more real once he's inaugurated. We have to wait and see on that. All the kike and cuck salt from the election, all the shit that's happened, we've had the best year or so of internet history at this point, and it's only getting better. So don't get butthurt that Trump had some people make OC and shill him a bit, it was in good faith and being up front would have been political suicide. (It still is until the inauguration or so. I give him until around February to start showing some good faith to Holla Forums in particular and we start seeing if his cabinet is pozzed or not. If things start to go shit THEN I start reconsidering my position on him.)
tl;dr Trump is one of us, tried to play us (in good faith), we listened to him and now we're playing each other at chess levels previously thought impossible, all in order to defeat the jews in a final battle, while winning like motherfuckers. So far so good, let's see where this takes us.
We've been had.
How can we get Trump to not do this?
tl;dr let's just see what Trump does