Mike Pence - Race Bannon

It's happening, anons. Trump is making anime real.

When did it all go so right?

Sorry weebcuck, but that character is from a western cartoon. You lose again, soy face.

I'm aware, but keep tryharding.

What I'm getting at is that this is our chance to meme Pence into the collective consciousness. Pic related.

nice meme'ing user. keep up the good work


He's crashing this plane.

western cartoons are made by jews, face it faggot

But was Johnny Quest made by jews?

made in the (((60s)))

Decades can be jewish?!

How many hippies were jewish, anyway?


Stop making same thread

Sage negated, faggot.

not gonna do it… I am NOT gonna do it…

-god dammit


I find it mildly amusing but also sad in a way that lefties hate Pence even more than they hate Trump.

Negating your sage because if you didn't like this thread you should have ignored it and let it die on its own, faggot. Stop acting like sage is a downvote

Most of them seem to think Trump picked him as assassination insurance.

Mike "Machine Gun" Pence

pence must have bought a high capacity assault MAGAzine

Yeah, that's what all the lefties I know are saying.


Good effort, chaim.