What are the chances the electoral college is dismantle?

What are the chances the electoral college is dismantle?

Doesn't this mean the end of the constitution and federalism?

Not a burger, but would appreciate any burger input on this.

The Electoral College is a flawed system, but it's more inclusive to the less populated areas of the country to have more pull in the country, versus say a straight democracy where the Election would just be decided by Population centers like NY or Commiefornia, the founding fathers were actually pretty forward thinking when you look at it like that, these big population centers usually have a large consensus and thus a plain democracy would hardly be a democracy at all if they only picked the same party again and again year after year

yeah, but isn't dismantling the electoral college means the end of your constitution?

Pretty much, which is why it shouldn't happen, or rather if it is being "dismantled" a better system needs to be put in a place that isn't just "popular vote wins everything"

Question: Why not just have the votes decided by states go exactly as they are to the national level (i.e. Trump would still win because it's not based on the city-controlled popular vote) and cut out the electoral collage aspect (i.e. a bunch of career politicians who get to cast the actual votes and are just expected to do so in line with the actual vote.) That would cut down on the uncertainty post-election-day.

will dismanteling means civil war in some sense?

It's really a distinction without a difference, over the years, at the absolute most 2 or 3 electors go rogue, the majority of them know that if they go against what the results were on election day they'll be hanging from nooses in a week, Is there still a bit of uncertainty in there? Sure, but you have to realize electors going against the will of the people in droves would be catastrophic for them and the system itself, I guarantee if and when something like that ever happens the electoral system is switched out almost immediately, but as of yet it hasn't happened

Really depends, I honestly think the majority of America is too lazy to actually start any sort of civil war at this point, regardless of what the gov't do, but I hope I'm wrong, I think it would definitely start national outcry though

Then why would you possibly want to remove the electoral college system? That would put everyone at the mercy of people in cities. In truth anyone in a major city shouldn't even get a vote.

I shouldn't say "shouldn't even get a vote" rather votes should be based on land area occupied as opposed to population.

But the republic is such a fucking cool concept! The electoral college can't be dismantled! Look at this hermaphroditic hoe, her milk is great!


It is a flawed system, make no mistake, the Census is only conducted every 10 years, and in that time demographics can shift, places that weren't as populated before might be getting more or less representitives and therefore more or less electoral votes, so in any given election the electoral votes are not necessarily representative of the population of the country. It works but there's definitely flaws within it, It could certainly be replaced with other forms of democratic process, and maybe it will be some day, but straight democracy should be off the table, period, it always leads to mob-rule

To your other point, it's a difficult situation, on one hand these large cities are sort of cheating by packing all of these people into one place and perhaps population shouldn't be a factor for deciding the state in that case, or maybe the electoral votes should be proportional to the popular vote in those areas, but on the other hand, determining the amount of pull any one state or county has based alone on the area of land occupied is just an invitation for the leftists to spread out and infect the rest of the counties in the country

It's not gonna happen. Republicans run state government. The current tactic Democrats and cuck retards are using is to persuade state legislatures to enact the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would kick in once states holding a majority of the electoral votes passed it and cause all those states to throw their votes to whoever won the popular vote. That technically wouldn't violate the Constitution but everyone knows it would accomplish the opposite of what the Founders intended.

However, our side has something realistic we can do: push for dividing states' electoral votes by Congressional district.

Leftists didn't pay attention to middle school American History. If they did, they would have known that the Founding Fathers had this argument when drafting the Constitution, with urbanists siding with the New Jersey Plan and ruralists siding with the Virginia Plan. The entire layout of the Electoral College system dictated by the Connecticut Compromise is the exact compromise which they whine about wanting.

Spoiler that pedo stuff, man.

Republic is motherfather, bitch!

you keep using that word

I don't believe that would be an issue. The reason cities are filled with leftist scum is because people are tribal in nature and crave to carve out a niche for themselves in their group, in a city such a thing isn't possible because the population density is too high so everyone is in a constant state of existential crisis over their own deplorable nature projecting their flaws on everyone around them to make up for it until such a point where the mob chews them out. Once that happens they become a member of that mob believing everyone is special to make up for their own lack of self worth because surely if everyone is special they too must be.

The short of this is that cities and high population density are the source of liberalism, if you remove the liberals from a high density city to a rural area they will be forced to adapt to survive (nobody will want to hear about their shit because there are actual things to do in order to get along with neighbors and if they choose to reproduce their offspring will come to despise them and their beliefs for their inability to adapt.) While there are definitely demographic differences if you take a corrupt liberal group of white people out of the city and stick them in a rural area they will be conservative within a generation or two, if you take a morally upright and just group of people of the same demographic and place them in a city they will likewise be bottom-dwelling liberal scum within a generation or two.

Cities are the sources of corruption, people didn't evolve for that nonsense.


You need an amendment for that. And it has to be ratified by house, senate and 3/4 of states.
Guess which states get the most out of electoral system and which states are the most numerous.

It's impossible, plain and simple.
the reason why you hear of this is becouse democraps ALWAYS whine about it after they lose. 2000, 2004.
It's like a broken record.

Furthermore, about half of illegal immigrants are counted in the census. Census workers go out of their way to tell them that they won't be deported for reporting. Reagan tried to get their numbers separated, but was unsuccessful.
Source: my left-wing demographics professor

Zero unless the current incarnation of the Democratic Party manages to get a foothold in congress and convinces fake (((moderate))) Republicans to jump on board.

We aren't a "Democracy", those are one of the worst forms of government imaginable. We are a Republic.

If you ever wondered why Israel makes the United States push mob-rule (Democracy) onto nations that don't want it, this video is a great redpill.

Using the rough lowball 11 million illegal immigrants number, this makes approximately 7.5 electoral votes, or 7.5 congressional representatives that are apportioned according to the illegal immigrant population.
(# of representatives)*((half of illegal immigrants, millions)/(US population, millions))