Julian Assange preparing to blow a massive load

Julian Assange has been edging himself for over a month. Well known Europian and Russian cryptanalysis and hackers have just heard rumors and chatter that Wikileaks was intentionally compromised and that Julian assange will be blowing a massive load in the coming days. We are getting the biggest load of a leak we will ever see in our lifetime.

Open wide kiddos it's happening.


I'd rather not flood those places with people that don't know what they are doing or even talking about. Some big names in the scene and important to the past of wikileaks and associates of Assange have been getting info in the last couple of hours that Julian really did escape the embassy and that wikileaks has been compromised for a while now. Hes supposedly getting together something huge to mark the end of wikileaks and start of something new. This kind of chatter hasn't happened since Julians internet was "cut" so something is happening.

Fuck off nigger.

This is the second or third thread we've had on this in the past day. Almost seems like it's some goon disinfo and demoralization op.

If you don't already know of the mediums im talking about then you have no business going there and flooding the places with your own dog shit brain and ignorance. If you do then go check for yourself and don't take my word for it. this is huge.

Last thing anyone needs is an ignoraumus going to the source and trying to be part of the conversation, of which he knows nothing and can contribute nothing.

You're on Holla Forums, you know how this works. Proof or fuck off. We have intelligent conversations backed by tangible evidence here. If you are unable to provide that in your discourse, then maybe reddit is more your speed.

Sorry kiddo not helping the places get flooded with idiots like you. If I shared info of infinity chan with other people i wouldn't link them directly to the source either. If you aren't able to figure out some reputable mediums where well known Europian and Russian cryptanalysis and hackers gather. And its not just one location…. Maybe you shouldn't be there.

You have the relevant info to go take a gander and see for yourself I'm not going to hold your hand the whole way son.


Disinfo, sure, but demoralization? Seems to be the opposite of that.

If its real, get hype. Sounds like they are working on releasing the insurance file passwords.

New leak is coming directly from Assange, with his personal pgp and all the data to corroborate.

Sure thing, disinfo kike. You have no proof, no archive, no link, no source, and are asking everyone to take you at your word.

If it's not real and we get hyped, then when nothing happens, or the opposite happens, it has a depressing effect.

Some of this is pure speculation on their part, but that doesn't change the fact that there is apparently credible chatter going around right now and its getting a lot of people hyped. These are places and people that haven't been hopeful of anything since the internet was cut off from the ecuadorian embassy. Some of them are saying its very credible info.

We will just have to see, but it's interesting either way.

Oh great, more larping.

Roger that Alpha Tango Niner.

The Ice Is Slippery.


Fuck off retard.

I gave you the source and if you actually cared you could do a little research and find one of those places pretty easily. You just have to put in a little effort. I ask no one to take my word for it go and look for yourself.

I just have no interest in holding your hand and taking you somewhere so you can try to be part of the convo there and just waste everyone's time because you don't have a clue about any of it.

If the cost of verifying what I am saying is true is putting in a little effort I think thats a good thing. You should try it instead of being so bitter and asking for everything to be handed to you.

Blatant falsehood. You have in fact refused to provide any source, in your own words
When you were asked for a source.

If it's so easy to find this source, somebody else would have posted it just to fuck with you.
If its so easy to find this source, somebody else would know what the fuck you're talking about.
If you didnt want clueless faggots to go somewhere and shit up "the convo", you wouldn't mention it here in the first place.

Kindly fellate a cactus.


oh, look another JTRIG-wikileaks PSYOP thread

This one should be named "The emotional exaustion continues" by your JTRIG trusted staff

Delete thread plz

Updated version with side images


I want his load all over my face tbh no homo

Source or report, its that simple fuckkwad.

If you guys cared as much as you are crying you would go find some places where Europian and Russian cryptanalysis and hackers tend to go and then see for yourself.

Anyone newfag thats not from cuckchan will put in enough effort to verify this stuff. Cuckchan users need to be spoonfed everything yet are so gullible. There isn't one source for this is being talked about in multiple places right now but the complainers cant be bothered to do a little work on their part.

I agree with proof or fuck off… But i also agree with the position of not directing Holla Forums to this dankweb meeting place. Since the election before and after Holla Forums has fallen and none of the newfags deserve the chance of shitting up the dankweb.

I do seem to remember stories from a few months back about how the London police were no longer maintaining a 24/7 watch on the embassy on the off chance he stepped outside. Smuggling him out with the laundry would probably have been a formality after that.

Satanists is a term used to direct attention away from what they are really doing.. i.e. worshipping the kike god moloch who could be called satan but his real name should be used because it name (((them))) at the same time instead of letting them laugh it away as "evil satanists whoare against (((us))) too, goyim"

Look up "loosening and tightening", with regards to China. Right out of the playbook of literal commies.
The legal status of weed in the UK, and probably other countries, is managed similarly. One month you're going to jail, the next you can walk unless you have a truck load of it.


thanks for the added value, i will check

John Young says hes been in contact with Julian Assange since last week and to Expect news before the week is over directly from Assange.

Shit just got real.


I just gave a name. Do some research you autistic fuck


If you had a single source for any of this, you would post it instead of going HAH YOU CAN FIND IT YOURSELF OR ARE YOU THAT UNENLIGHTENED UNLIKE ME WHO IS IN ALL THE DEEP CIRCLES HUH?

We are limited
we do not remember
we do not condemn
overlook us

If you are interested enough to cry like a bitch you have the energy to use that name and see where it takes you.

Fucking autistic lazy dog shits. You guys go around telling everyone about infinity chan? probably which explains why so many people are here and unable to do a modicum of self interested research even after they are given specific groups of people and a name.

What is even funnier is there are two people who are already carrying a conversation about pol there so some at least used their brains. I guess my work is done I weeded out the dog shit from capable people. Enjoy


Why? Forget about "it's happening" proclamations, it's a few days if at all, so it will happen shortly and if it doesn't, hence the preemptive forget about it to not waste time on it.


Thread reported.