Liberals are already celebrating the dismantling. Look up tara strong and Lauren faust. They calling for mass censorship and reeducation camps. Even horsefuckers are turning on them. This is how women voters think.
Election confirm stolen?
It won't happen: the American people won't allow it.
Mark, please go back to tricking liberals into saying stupid shit
You have too much faith in them
some user posted links earlier to jill claiming she now needs close to 7 mil due to legal fees and what not
there's nothing lefty libshits won't fall for
>The same American people who spent the last two weeks destroying their own cities because of the results of their democratic election.
We can only hope Trump supporters raise their voices and fight back against this shit. Trump ain't president yet.
Fuck off with your blackpill kike. The American people elected Trump and that alone redeemed them from decades of cuckoldry
It's sad that you are so much of a loser, you can't even realize when we've won. Instead of enjoying victory, you are convinced we must still somehow lose, because you always lose. You can't comprehend actually winning for once.
Very sad!
The American people that elected a nigger?
Clinton conceded. It's over.
Enjoying victories makes you weak.
I don't think that concession legally binds presidential candidate from dropping out. In 2000 Al Gore conceded to Bush and then retracted his concession because of how close votes were in Florida and he wanted a recount. So, no. it's not over yet.
But in all fairness. You are not wrong. Not wrong at all. I never won anything in my life. Nether i had a need to. I was a honor student. Got fucked over because of Common core equality mandates. Lost my chance to go to college. That was the closes i got into winning something. I can"t find love. I always get betrayed by sluts who did not even let me touch them in the first place. Yet they cry too me and me alone for emotional support. I am getting in shape for enlistment. I don"t care if get killed or not. If i live. I get the G,I bill. If i die i get rest.
They planned all of this.
Afterwards they'll take the guns to prevent another army of angry Trumpians from uprising against the gouverment.
Thats why the pennsylvania voting machines were rigged and yet they still lost that state.
Part of me wants them to try and do this, if only because it would spark a war. The normies are getting used to the idea of President Trump, he's almost finished building his cabinet, he's got his policies in place. Kicking him out now would result in instant conflict.
And you know what?
I kind of want that. The only way we'll successfully purge the leftist elements and their associates from society quickly and efficiently is through warfare. If peace is maintained then they'll always be there, hidden away, fomenting dissent and working to destroy everything we build. But if there's violent conflict…well, it becomes as simple as grabbing them by their stupid haircuts, dragging them screaming and begging out of their safe spaces, putting them up against a wall, and shooting them.
Bring it kikes.
oh those ebil electronic voting machines, we only did poorly in counties that relied on electronic voting because we can't (((misplace))) paper ballots
i know some of you fucks leaned on the soros voting machine bit but the reality is that paper ballots and the like are notoriously easier to rig simply because you can put them in the trash
Didn't Trump win military and police vote by a landslide? If lefties fuck this up then they may really regret it.
you mean the zogbot welfare queens?
Incorrect. It raises your testosterone levels.
Pump your fists above your head and let out a celebratory shout. You will immediately feel better. That is the feeling of testosterone flooding your system.
That sounds like anime feel good bullshit
I didn't say that he didn't win military and police vote. I posted it as a question
Didn't she already concede?
It's true to some extent. Act like a man and your body will respond in turn. Act like a wussy faggot and, well, you get the picture.
World as will and representation, my friend.
That nothing but dragon ball tier bullshit
So can the electoral collage change their votes? I remember an user saying this type of shit doesn't happen.
Hi Donald
Yes. They're known as "faithless electors"
He's right, but he's explaining it like a retard. Essentially, look for pain, user. As the Nietzschean perspective demands, a man is as strong as he is conversely "damaged", I.E., having the capacity to deal with an extensive amount of pain and having "the will to power"-through. Challenge yourself, break yourself down and rebuild yourself (through physical improvement, say working out or sprinting regularly, all with a goal in mind, as well as "spiritual missions" to try and find what you truly value in life), and suddenly you will have strength beyond your means. Simply put, perform something you did not want to do today, and do not do something you did want to do. Repeat this mantra often, perform these tasks often, and you will see improvement in your willpower and typically your body after you incorporate this into your diet and/or exercise habits.
tl;dr fuck vague larping faggots.
In theory yes, but the amount of them that would have to do it would be extreme.
Even if by a miracle Hillary won a recount (all these so called "anomalies" are in heavy conservative areas btw) she would come in more unpopular than before. Also she would end up losing the re-election unless she just started giving out blanket citizenship to every 'world citizen' washing up on American shores.
that was never a secret
Just because we've won doesn't mean they can't jew us over.
Kek grant The Donald strength.
Incredibly rare scenario from what I understand. Like only a few since 1990 (I think.)
Good luck finding 50 of them.
What a dysgenic faggot. Read some books on masculinity. I have it on good authority that
Are good reads for people, even if they already have a good grasp on manhood but required especially if they do not. Please look into it, eat a better diet, and workout instead of fapping.
Lauren Faust has been hated on /pone/ for a long, long time. She became a tumblr-tier feminist libtard about 2 years ago.
But that's a good thing user.
Bronies are fucking cancerous retards, but they're still normalfag fedora tippers. But they can still call out bullshit which means not everything is a lost cause.
This is true. As much as I hate to admit it, I used to be one of those pony cartoon watching fedorafags. I didn't fap to it, even then I thought it was degenerate and wrong, but I used to enjoy the cartoon.
There's some hope for them, but not all of them can go from a slouching, shaggy-haired, glasses-wearing, beta to a tall, handsome white nationalist. Some just aren't worth saving.
Never said it was a bad thing. Besides, you'd be fairly surprised how common fascist and, dare I say, nazi imagery is among the more cancerous and degenerate communities, especially bronies and furries. The fact that they're already social outcasts lets them explore and express right-wing ideologies more freely than if they were typical people. I remember browsing a brony forum that frequently discussed politics, and a lot of the users there were full-blown natsoc. Then again, most of them were also WH40K larpers so take that for what you will. Not saying that you have to tolerate them or anything, just putting that out there.
This is the most realistic outcome in life. Victories are fleeting and can be snatched away in the blink of an eye. Hope leads to disappointment. Overconfidence leads to laxity. We have not one until he is sworn in.
Jews will Jew. The oven should never stop burning.