People like Cenk are living proof that even the most absurd and disgusting individuals have a role to fill and place in the universe.
Keep preaching to your sermon Cenk, its incredibly inspiring that you have one.
Young Turds shilling for george soros
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't get it, why are they named The Young Turks? They know we use the internet, yes?
Yea, Cenk looks older than my dad. kek
I'm talking about their sharing their name with the Young Turks political movement that genocided the armenians
We live in a multiverse, OP.
They don't believe the Armenian genocide happened so that political group to them are "good guys".
Checked, considering the chick is Armenian, she must be an absolute cuck to participate in that show.
She sure is
Replace Turks with "whites" and armenians with "blacks"
Officially the turkish government denies it
Unofficially the turks work with kikes to continue playing the West against Russia so the USA and Germany dont force Turkey to own up to how many white christian armenians they massacred and raped
dont forget the turks also did the same to the assyrians 3 years before the British began arming the assyrian militias
The Young Turks is forever the name of a political organisation that claimed turkroach racial superiority and attempted to severely cripple any ideas of independence of the christian populations of the ottoman empire/turkey by massacring them, destroying their culture and mass rape of their women and children to miscegenate them into half-breed turkroaches
they nailed children to crosses, stamped babies into blood pulp
boys from the age of 14 were rounded up under the guise of conscription, put on trains to the balkans where they'd be taken off trains and machine gunned into a ditch
the women and children were resettled into islamic areas and were raped, force married and converted by kurdish and arabic bandits
reporters from the UK, Germany, Russia and the USA all saw this shit independently
women giving birth to half-arab mud babies put in them from gang rape on the side of the road and carrying the squealing shits until the newborns starved to death then just dumping them on the roadside on the forced death marches to the deserts in Syria
The Young Turks are Donmeh.
And Cenk is a brown shade of kike.
TYT=Training Young Terrorists
Fucking Turks
Most of the Young-Turks were Donmeh crypto Jews
That sounds familiar
They probably know only of the one or two "good" references associated with that name. Not the host of others that went by that name following the originals.
THe (((SPLC))) working with (((Soros))) to investigate "reported hate crimes"
ie. "Trump 2016 was shouted at me when I was yelling FUCK TRUMP in a child's face".
Because they are terrorists
they officially jumped the shark
*slow claps*
Because of this definition:
It's just a matter of coincidence that the host denies the Armenian genocide, and that the "Young Turks" government carried out said genocide. :^)
as a Georgian I can tell you that nothing of value was lost. having first hand experience living with both turkroaches and armenians.
cenk looks like a roach
Kebab must be removed
lmao shouldn't you be choking on some Kike/Turkroach dick by now?
Armenian here. She is considered a complete degenerate traitor to everyone I know. A disgrace to her people (alongside Anita).
pure coincidence goyim
/cuckquean/-tan pls
Georgians outrank you in the whiteness scale therefore disregarded.
No stable woman is a cuck. A woman being a cuck conflicts with what a woman is on so many levels. You have better luck finding a transgender (The cock and vagina, not the tumblr) black astronaut who is successful at their job.
Go shill your fetish else where.
Why Malaysia?
Armenians group in the R1b y-DNA haplogroup, the group commonly associated with western Europeans. They are specifically closest to the L23 subgroup of R1b.
The Crescent moon and Star should clue you in. They're Muslims. Thus they don't get along well with Jews.
Y-dna composes less than 2% of the human genome, it's only use is to study general displacements of populations and nothing else. You would know this if you looked into genetics to learn instead of to climb racial ladders like a subhuman.
I don't even have any beef with you, I just want you to know how pathetic it looks when you orientalids glue yourselves on to a priest's dick or parrot our memes ad infinitum in hopes of getting some kind of in-group acknowledgement from Europeans. Learn some dignity and self respect, don't whore yourself out for approval.
Y-DNA is still important because it shows patrilineal descent. Also, I'm not Armenian.
Just go and meet a fucking Armenian chick, fam, all of them are queans.
Around elves watch yourselves.
Actual Armenians are literally Aryan though. If they are pure. Georgians, I have no idea really. What the fuck are you even?
What does it matter if some distant great grandmother of yours got pumped by some alpha aryan if his genetics have been completely washed out throughout the generations?
Hell if I know what you armchair scientists even mean by the term Aryan, all I can say is that Armenians sure as fuck are not white, or if we are to use white as a spectrum, they lean more on the shitskin side. I do not mean this in a condescending way, despite what my language might imply.
Georgians, I guess just a principle of "the norther you go, the whiter they start to look", but I'm not here to whitewash Georgians either.
armen please, stop. you know only tradeway to armenia goes thru georgia ;^) we could just block it off and starve you shitskins to death.
speaking of turkroaches:
‘Don’t go any further’: Erdogan accuses EU of betrayal, threatens to open borders for migrants
" Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that his government will open its border gates to allow migrants to flow into Europe if it is pushed any further by the EU. It comes after lawmakers in the bloc voted to halt membership talks with Ankara.
“We are the ones who feed 3-3.5 million refugees in this country. You have betrayed your promises,” Erdogan told the EU, as quoted by AP. “If you go any further those border gates will be opened.”
He also accused the EU of not treating people fairly, claiming it “never treated humanity honestly” and “did not pick up babies when they washed ashore on the Mediterranean…,” Hurriyet reported. "
Gas youself kike :^)
Semites teaming up against white men.
No shocker here, of course.
Daily reminder that TYT got their start on Air America: a liberal talk radio network started by turbojew Al Franken
Great meme. Saved.
(((EUSSR))) still forcing the "Turkroach land is part of Europe meme"
Someone needs to put a bullet in Ergogan's head ASAP.
Well I mean at one point it was, but that was before the Turkroach infestation. Man I wish that coup wasn't a falseflag…..
Armenia got at least a partial revenge.
fuck off armenian kike.
As far as I know, there were many people who protested the koch brothers' money in politics including any people who were former Democrats. Furthermore, I don't recall the Koch Brothers undermining a democratically-elected Government in Ukraine because it was pro-Putin.
Spotted the wastern LARPer/cumgurgling serbs.vid related, serb ass-kisser
when are we going to get the old kurds?
What's the deal with the armenian shoa anyway? did it actually happen but turkroaches deny it to make themselves look good?
Oh good TYT is killing themselves for us.
I gotta check this out. pic related is my only turk related image.
Anyone else noticed that Georgians are bloodthirsty mongrels. Stalin, what happened in South Ossetia 8 years ago, some rapist Soviet commander, etc..
And you have the highest acceptance of homosexuality in the Caucasus.
And they are far more noble and likeable that someone who sucks Turk dick, kill yourself Georgian traitor scum.
lmao armen, did mongol dick make you go cray cray???
Yes, but it has no crazy shit like holocoasters.
To them, the Armenian lolcaust never happened.
To Armenians, their genocide AND the jewish one can't be criticized even if USA and Their Greatest Ally don't give a shit about their 1/4th of a shoah and that's why they're one of the top goyim when it comes to the 6 million.
Please. Vratsa, stop. believing (((statistics on homo acceptance.)))