Kikes want to build the Trump Wall

Figures, Niggers….first the Kikes slam
Trump for his "racist" and "xenophobic"
wall, and now that Shekels are up for
grabs, they want to build it.
"The holocaust never happened,
but it should have."

Other urls found in this thread:

We will build the wall as volunteers. And Trump will design it.

The holohoax never happened, but it will

While I could never support paying Israel kikes even more sheckles (we give them like $3 bil a year for free), I have to objectively state that nobody knows how to build a wall like Israel.

There doubly-fortified barrier on the West Bank is state-of-the-art and does an incredible job at keep out mudshits. Remember kikes only like diversity when they live in white countries. If we used the same technology they use to protect Israel from diversity, we might actually take a step in rebuilding our white majority here.

But all things considered, we should NEVER hire an Israeli company. I just admire they wall-building talents.

Nice optics, Jews

well, they have experience building walls

if dubs holocaust happens in 2017, on ahead of schedule and under budget.

off by fucking one

The spics want in on it too:

I'll re-roll for ya

They only want to build it so they can have all the keys and shortcuts to it, and sabotage it in typical kike fashion. That is a quality jewish made product, said no one ever.


Israelis have always been pro-Trump.

We don't need their tech. Walls are for losers anyway. America didn't get Texas and New Mexico by building a pissy wall.


It should be American companies that build the wall. Nationalism begins at home.

Israel is walling up like a mother fucker and they will go the way of the first crusade.

name one wall that has worked out well for the state.


this is some britcuck tier hurrr tuff guis don't need guns bs
pretty much everyone (except western europe) is building walls at the moment and it is the historical norm to have one

They just wanna build it so they can make it a frail and lousy wall. Typical Jewish "help", they will just scam you.

Fuck off cunt. I never said don't have guns.

Walls are for people under seige. If USA wasn't messing around in the ME for no reason for decades their border could be panama canal right now.

Look at china and how that wall has turned around to bite them in the ass.

To be fair the Kikes did a good job building their Israel wall.



the wall should absolutely be build using american contractors but some (kikes) itt seem to imply there shouldn't be one at all


The walls of Constantinople allowed the Byzantines to keep the city for almost a thousand years.

Honestly if we build a fucking wall, sideline the CIA niggers and send our Military in to exterminate the cartels then I honestly think that Mexico could reach Russian standards of living.

Maybe just by securing our own security we'd make Mexico decent for once.

Zionists love Trump while Internationalist Cosmopolitan Marxist Jews hate his guts.

You've got the ADL condemning Bannon while you have the ZOA adamantly supporting him. I think that the Isrealis realized that cultural marxism is out of control and it has to be shut down or else it will destroy Israel as well.


Doesn't seem likely, maybe 2018

No, Jewish Conservatives Haven't Been Silent on Trump. They've Been Leading the Resistance.

Its a 10 billion dollar project, of course the kikes want in

Jews never miss an opportunity to make a buck, even when their plans fail. After all, Soros made his fortune off of people fleeing fascist Hungary.

What, Istanbul?

Kikes are trying to pick the best seat in the oven. I hope they get a nice view of what's to come.

Guess who's schekels paid for their R&D, the wall and the tech put into those walls.
You might as well say that USA designed it.

Yeah nah, I think America can handle building a fucking wall.
It's not rocket science and we're not known for cutting corners like China filling concrete with styrofoam or some shit.
Go peddle your Shekelstein's GOLDEN wallcorp international, elsewhere.

How fast did you lose Londinnibad? 10, 20 years?



KIkes are not a monolothic entity, they are several different groups with common interest and everything they do leads to chaos and ruin for the host nation they are parasiting, but they do not do so because they have a master plan or because some kind of end game, they do so because it's the quickest way to generate shekkels in the short term, with complete disrregard for long term concequences
There were a lot of shekkels in keeping open borders, but now that that's off the table the best way to make shekkels is by offering to build the wall, sure it may piss Soros off but the wall builder is gonna fill his pockets

remember there is nobody a Jew loves to Jew more than another Jew

Fun fact, it was eventually blown up by the guns a Hungarian engineer designed for the Ottoman sultan.

Kikes will build the wall. And the American taxpayer will pay for it!

Good. The company has experience building the Palestine wall, if anyone says anything about the wall built with Israelian help, call them antisemite.

Fuck no, only American companies. No to the messihole company in the other thread about this, no the jewsrail company, no to any other non American company, all the money to build up America is going to go to American workers, taxes, you name it, in house all the way.

I think i know what they are planning, but i don't want to say it since i don't want to give them ideas either.
I know they are lurking.



Again here.

Reluctant check of Astral kikery.

I smell secret entrances, underground railroads, and backdoors.


They want the money and the opportunity to compromise its security. I'm shocked.


Top Kek!
