France- "observant Jew" lawyer helping muslims fight profiling

If you ever want to know why people hate Jews, this story sums it up nicely. a Jew is helping Muslims sue and get settlements for being "profiled." Keep in mind, if she ever hit the fan, this "observant Jew" would head right to Israel, where he have NO problem with police "profiling," torturing, or blowing up the home of muslims…and THAT is in the muslims own land stolen by Jews, not fuckign europe…Do Jews really think we don't notice things like this?

“The government created a theory that when you are becoming more and more religious, in an orthodox way, you can become a terrorist, or make an allegiance to terrorism,” says Arié Alimi, a Paris lawyer, who is suing the government in about 15 different cases of wrongful arrest or police abuse under the state of emergency. “These people have nothing to do with terrorism,” says Alimi, himself an observant Jew. “They are just Muslims.”

Other urls found in this thread:

you really have to fucking pinch yourself while reading this to make sure you are awake. Here is a Jew, out in the open and bragging of making the French easier prey for his tribesmen when the poor bastard cops are running themselves ragged trying to prevent the next Nice or Bataclan, and who do they have to worry about?

A fucking JEW lawyer scrutinizing their every move and looking to sue. And he has already obtained a 6 figure sum for one, which…how she got it when the "state of emergency" cuckold Hollande put in is still in effect, just amazes me.

Do these fucking Jews really think the goyim don't notice this type of thing and rage at the hypocrisy? "Time" is Jew-owned and operated, so clearly, they think it's good for Jews to show one trying to let Arabs loose to commit more terrorism in France to show how "liberal" he is.

Things like this are why the Jewish media bosses lost Clinton the election, and why I think their reign is close to over. They are so fucking out of touch, they can't imagine why normal people would be enraged by this given how they behave in Israel.

It is incredible. The very same Jew who would have no problem with the way the heels treat muslims there, is suddenly taking a principled stand about "profiling" in Europe. But you can bet he'd keep his goddam mouth shut in Israel.

Look at the number of fucking Jew groups in France who are involved in trying to keep borders open, while at the same time they flee inn record numbers. They will do just as they did in South Africa– make sure the nation is destroyed, then be on their way to Israel.

Jews have been working together with Muslims against the interests of Europe at least since the crusades.

I know that user. For fuck's sake, during the Islamic invasion of Spain, the Jews literally open the gates for them. I guess I'm amazed because the same Jews who demand $40 billion from the Us for their "Security needs" are perfectly willing to put European nations in danger, and are so proud of it they want their names out there.
I want to look for this jew fuck on twatter to let him know how I feel.

with muslims and jews
you lose

Can I have some info about this? Thanks.

Unfortunately many don't notice.

About Jews opening gates for muslims? I went to uni at a time when they still had stacks (just learned that my undergrad alma mater is doing away with them, which make me rage since that was my own private quiet reading room on fri and Sat., all 6 floors.

I can't recall book exactly (and obviously google isn't going to be willing to put it close to the top of their results), but it was recorded by man Spanish Catholic historians, and in enough detail and enough instances that it has to be true.
Try juggling and if you can't find it, will look through my bookmarks.


here is a start user (and keep in mind, this is a JEW hero-holyco$t website admitting this):

"The Muslim conquest of Spain in 711 was generally welcomed by the Jews. According to Moslem and Christian sources, Jews provided valuable aid to the Muslim invaders. Once captured, the defence of Cordoba was left in the hands of Jews, and Granada, Malaga, Seville, and Toledo were left to a mixed army of Jews and Moors."

brake your links

I thought I'd have trouble finding this, that they'd at least be ashamed of it. nope. And then they have the balls to complain about things like inquisition, being forced to convert or leave (they should just have been fucking killed, for operating the machinery of oppression over Christians for 700 years

It's all here, and there's much worse if you go to a good university library with books in good condition from at least early 20th century and sometimes a bit earlier:


what madness is this
how do you explain ~2-4% of the population being responsible for ~90% of the terrorist attacks, that are doubling every year?

"…it seems obvious that Jews appealed to Arabs for relief from the Visigothic “final solution.” “We can hardly doubt that the Jews of Spain looked upon the Arabs as liberators,” the distinguished medievalist Richard Fletcher concluded. A furious Egica had reached the same conclusion and promptly instigated the Seventeenth Toledo Council, at which grave charges of treasonous plottings within and without the realm were drawn up against Jews. Evidence was presented of secret Jewish appeals for help in undermining the monarchy—those secret contacts with Jewish communities in Egypt and with the Muslims who were just then adding North Africa to the Dar al-Islam. It was recalled that Jews had sided with Muslims during the second rashidun caliph’s siege of Jerusalem."
"When Mughith’s men finally forced their way into the city through an old, unrepaired breach in the walls, they found themselves welcomed by a large portion of the populace, the Jews in particular."

I should have added, not only did they help with the logistics of the raid, they asked for and encouraged it in the first place. The fucking amazing thing is that no one decided to deal with these 2-faces creatures in a "final" way in European history.

And all this would have been known to Isabella and Ferdinand. Instead, the Jews who left Spain landed in the Netherlands where many grabbed a sizable chunk for themselves in the business of importing flesh to the new world.

but user

I know what the Jews claim, but IMO if AH and the Germans really intended to do away with all of them permanently, they'd have probably done a better job.

Just think what the Us did in WW 2 – made the world safe for Jews to keep swindling Europe, for communism, and for Israel.

And, just when you think Jewish Chutzaph can't be any more brazen? We get this of course: the Jews rediscover Lysenkoism!

"Genetic changes stemming from the trauma suffered by Holocaust survivors are capable of being passed on to their children, the clearest sign yet that one person’s life experience can affect subsequent generations.

The conclusion from a research team at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital led by Rachel Yehuda stems from the genetic study of 32 Jewish men and women who had either been interned in a Nazi concentration camp, witnessed or experienced torture or who had had to hide during the second world war.

They also analysed the genes of their children, who are known to have increased likelihood of stress disorders, and compared the results with Jewish families who were living outside of Europe during the war. “The gene changes in the children could only be attributed to Holocaust exposure in the parents,” said Yehuda."

I know we have a lot of new people here these days. The above is from the Guardian, a liberal rag but still "respected" at least by the medical community. Do we have any med-school-fags here who can comment on if they've started teach this yet or if professors are refusing to participate in what is clearly a Jew shake down to set up the next generation for gibs…

I still can't believe that's a real article
the fucking balls!

Nobody noticed during the past decades, so it really doesn't surprise me. Unless we bring this to the attention of normies, nobody will care.

you mean Rosenberg? Does anyone have the collage of his articles "We must Never compromise on Israel's Jewish Identity" and then "White Nationalism: The Scourge that won't go away"?