I accidentally swallowed the red pill. Is there anyway of going back? I am in a state of panic at the moment, how could this all be real?
I accidentally swallowed the red pill. Is there anyway of going back? I am in a state of panic at the moment...
There is no way to go back. Just go deeper down the rabbit hole.
Nobody accidentally swallows the Red pill, user! If you're feeling hopeless, try adding a supplement of Green pill to your Red pill diet!
See you on /fringe/!
Well user, know you know you don't live for yourself anymore. You live for something greater. Start improving yourself and start working for the cause.
Depression is common but you gotta shake it off buddy.
You're a big guy.
This is your life now fam.
:^) :^) :^)=
You right now.
Remember Hitler was right.
Panic harder, then.
Did it fall on you?
Also, what did you get redpilled about?
Nope. You're fucked, lad.
CERN fucked up. They awakened an ancient frog God of Chaos, tearing the old world asunder.
One of us.
Nope, you're either going to have to accept that this is the way things are or you could deny it all, while still knowing full well that this is our world.
You know that there is wrong in this world, now it is the time to change it.
You could just pretend you're normal I guess. Just remember to fuck over a jew or run over a pack of niggers if given the opportunity.
Just remember… "Hitler did nothing wrong" isn't a joke.
thanks Holla Forums
that's, strangely the best way I've ever heard Kek explained in laymen terms
sorry, no going back
Welcome brother. The beginning is hard, but strength will find you.
Hope you were used to not having friends from before.
Literally all you can do to fight the sadness is lift weights.
When all your illusions melt away, everything and everyone is replaced by a keen sense of disgust. Your friends cant think for themselves. Every newspaper is full of distractions and people eat it up.
In a world where everyone is turning from wolves into dogs, the best thing you can do is remain a wolf and wait.
Start lifting today, brother.
It's not your fault your parents are degenerate race mixers, user. You can always fight for the good guys the way only an autist can.
don't touch the white girls though, I'm sure you can find a decent enough femongrel
Or, you know, you can worship God.
The Bible refers to all the idiocy of Moloch worshipping and the other child-murdering going on constantly.
The elitists worship Satan, and they find it amusing they got you to not believe in God.
Go away christcuck. I love the goddess Mazu and no filth that comes out of your mouth will convince me to stop.
how will that help anything?
I don't know how to go back. I know it's the right thing to do. I believe in following God's laws and following his will.
But I cant say I believe in God. I've never seen evidence of Christ or God in life. It pains me.
Most churches seem absolutely pozzed.
Enjoy that Thanksgiving dinner with your family.
If you cannot stand the church, then spend your Sunday reading the bible. Go outside your home, away from distractions and read the bible, and think upon its meanings, and how to apply the bible's teachings to your life.