Let's see, it's Don Sr., then Don Jr., then Eric (with a convenient Constitutional amendment to 33 years minimum age for the POTUS), then Barron right?
Let's see, it's Don Sr., then Don Jr., then Eric (with a convenient Constitutional amendment to 33 years minimum age for the POTUS), then Barron right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, nah.
The future is white, the future is bright, the future is right.
Election is over, we can stop the LARPing.
8 years … only if he delivers.
I lay $10K he shall user, in spades.
Eric Trump takes breaks from running his multi-billion dollar empire and comes here to shitpost, he was only overcompensating as a favor to his dad.
Don Jr is very pro-gun. He'll give us legal machine guns and buy every land-owning American man a tank.
You're referring to this image and I think it's an enormous leap of faith to assume that a guy who has Jewish family is a poster here just because someone with the last name "Trump" posted a credit card.
You can choose to believe it if you want, but for the sake of intellectual honesty, admit to yourself that this belief is wishful thinking and nothing more.
He had wads of cash posted alongside with it. I get it Eric, the heat of scrutiny is getting intense and you want to cover your tracks but embrace it!
It will only make the media look dumb if they go down and try to explain this path of reasoning. Your secret is safe.
To be fair, it was a few thousand dollars of hundreds. You don't need to be a billionaire to have that. Though combined with the Trump card, it does seem significant.
Wew. The United States is dead if this happens. Will the American Army become neo-redcoats?
Read John Glubb's The Fate of Empires. The American Republic will die this century, it cannot be avoided. Our only hope is to pray for the emergence of a true American Empire.
Barron Trump will be the first disabled/autistic president.
Cap it.
Don Jr. is our guy. Any support for the Trump dynasty should be for the elder line. Eric and Ivanka went over to the jew side, Tiffany is gonna be the California secession stay-behind and Barron's psychic powers make him too much of a wild-card.
Wasn't that event at 3am or something? Poor kid was probably just exhausted and now the whole world thinks he's a sonic enthusiast.
Who better than an autistic to design a comprehensive rail network?
After the election of 1816, the Federalists were BTFO so hard that they ceased to exist and we had an end of bitter partisan arguments for eight years.
History repeats.
Its unfortunate. Hamilton was actually pretty based. The Federalists were basically proto-Fascists.
Epub me holmes. Actually sounds good.
I'll never forgive Hamilton for the way he humiliated Pence.
Here's a pdf don't worry, it's short:
Trump is not a common name.
It's not even the original name of their family.
Ah it's dead. I'll grab the pdf elsewhere I was just hoping there was an epub.
I have same issue with that document meme
It's pure confirmation bias.
im not sure you know what youre talking about
Everything is confirmation bias.
Here's a hard fact for you though: No empire has ever lasted forever. What are the chances that America will be the first immortal civilization?
I have a relative by marriage who is Hispanic AND illegal yet I still voted Trump. Go fuck yourself.
Niggers will nig. Hamilton is a faggot.
There a 2 forms:
- Those based on referable evidence, logic and a degree of critical analysis
- Those based on pure agreeance
You are right though, everything is a relative estimation. But the more you estimate and clamp down, the closer to the asymptote you get.
Things can also be deduced to quantifiable logic too.
A NATIONAL bank is a good thing. Private banking is what's bad.
What's with the sudden surge of faggots dissing the God Prince? The kid is 10 years old ,the fact that he's been able to do all of these events so late into the night without collapsing right then and there is impressive for someone of his age, he's still young, he needs his sleep, but he stayed up to watch his dad give speeches at important events, and accept the fucking title of President of the United States.
Naw, Rome came back from the brink like 3 times at least. America right now is Israel, where they let non-jews in to replace them and converted to a kike religion known as (((Judiasm))) that had them doing weird spirit cooking rituals, fucking dudes, and being hedonistic fat sex addicts that fapped all day.
Soon, it will become Greece
I think the kid might have 'spoilt brat' syndrome personally - he just doesn't give a shit.
It never vanished. It just renamed itself and changed borders/structure/language/religion/culture
he probably doesn't want all this drama in his life and just wants to go back to his home and play with his neutered Brazilian/japanese slaves
In act, technically the western society has it's roots to Rome - meaning everything except china is a new manifestation of rome.
That comes with a full-kit bunker, right?
Pretty much this.
You. You are full of shit. Barron will reign as one of the greats in all human history. Think Leto II Atreides user.
Emperor, please.
Yeah I hit the nail on the head user.
*Unless we stop it, it's only inevitable because nations allow, constantly, weak dysgenic and degenerate people to thrive and drag the good people down.
Biblical Israel used to kill the fags and the racemixers and the people that worshiped faggy Gods and they thrived, but once they stopped doing that then they started to get conquered by people because they became a weak nation. Only degenerates call for "human rights" because only they are threatened by the death penalty.
It ceased to be an empire and fractured. The culture changed dramatically after the fall for a little bit too.
Change it to a dildo.
Goddamn you're ignorant as fuck.
Central/'National' Banks = Private Banks
You seriously need to watch Money Masters
my dubs of truth hold more power than your satan trips, for it was in '33 that Der Fuhrer came to power.
Autism is the next stage of human evolution.
Top Fucking Kek!
Moderate autism can be fucking beneficial. If you teach the kid how not to be a sperg and he has the willpower to overcome most of the social dysfunctions you will get someone who can focus and work towards a goal with an efficiency much higher than neurotypical people.
t. worked with autistic kids over the years and observed their development
The Sperg Type?
Spergs can be trained. Hell some resemble the Joker in personality in that they're TOO sane and come off as nuts bolts screws nails and possibly jelly beans.
There's a difference between aspergers and full retard autism. The autism spectrum is so broad that it goes from "pretty much normal person with a slightly different working brain" to "absolutely degenerated downs-syndrome tier subhuman". You've got exceptions of course, like savants, but those are exceptions. Think of the brain as a CPU. Savants dedicate a shitton of their processing power to a single task, making them excel at it but shit at pretty much everything else. The thing with autists leaning closer to the moderate autism (think aspergers) can do things resembling this in moderation and in control. If you teach them to overcome the difficulties their autism poses to them (since their brains are physically different and interpret reality in a fundamentally different, more abstract way) they can use that to their advantage. Of course, a lot of parents just tell their kids they're normal and everything they do is ok, so a lot of kids end up degenerate spergs, but a well educated sperg that's been taught to control himself can be extremely productive and efficient, even more so than a neurotypical would be.
It could be very well possible that autism is indeed a sign of evolution, showing the human race adapting to a more abstract way of thinking about reality and its problems. As with all mutations, some of the afflicted turn out worthless, and some just work. The ones that do work out would definitely help with a better, redpilled society of high-energy, high willpower Nietzschean ubermenschen.
Semi spergalicious. It's been useful throughout the years though, and I don't envy a single normie i've met so far.
The Trump surname goes back to the 1600s.
Get that nigger slang out.
John Oliver is retarding in thinking he could draw a direct line from a surname to hilter, whilst not realising how many people in the USA have german roots. This betrays what a plonker he is.
There is literally nothing good about being autistic.
I didn't think I was going to get such a informative responds. But thanks for the information.
There's no excuse for being a self-loathing faggot.
You may be right about that. To confirm your statement I found this sperg video.
At age two, when his butler came to give him breakfast, he said "Tony, sit down. We need to talk."
At age 8, he was in charge of the family's kids while they were hanging out in Trump's office. Ivanka asked "Barron, how did you manage all these kids"? He walks past the camera, looks right into it, and utters one word, because one word is all that is needed. "Discipline".
This boy will lead us to the stars.
You gotta colour those arms in for maximal triggering.
No, Finland still exists, and is by law technically still part of the Roman Empire, and also by law technically THE Roman Empire, since it's all that's left of it.
Based Finns.
I think Christina chan is enough reason to remove lego.
>the next 8 years
Will we be tired of winning by then?
Mfw it's already coming true.
We wont win until the US is 90% white and has a 100% white colony on Mars. I just don't see this happening in 8 years.
What part of under budget and ahead of schedual do you not understand?
How about just Barron? His older sons are total cucks. At least Jr.
Clearly I could not grasp the immensity of The Emperor's ambition.
So did Don Jr. Barron is the only one of Trump's children who hasn't committed racial treason.
What do you know, 200 years later the DNC is BTFO so hard that they'll cease to exist an any meaningful way in the next 8 years.
I'll never understand chris-chan until the day I die
Pic related. Barron's future.
I see the jewish psyop is still alive and well.
Put that book down, goy. Smile. Act normal.
There are a lot of good things on that list actually.
fuck off. don jr. was very right-wing and even re-tweeted pizzagate and spirit cooking stuff.
i meant don jr IS very right-wing
you're a fucking idiot
If you would've read my post you would've noticed I'm for training the kids to deal with being autistic in a neurotypical society and ironing out the difficulties it brings. Getting a kid hooked on highly addictive, volatile drugs is the last thing you want to do, unless you're an utter fucking subhuman shit, don't care about your child in the slightest and just want to ignore his existence as much as possible.
I don't get it
Deranged masterbation you say?