I Disavow David Duke

That Nigger Lover Is Finished. Fuck this concern troll and his shitty campaign. Fuck Stormfront and their ban on the windmill of friendship

Look at him sucking this nigger cock on video

Other urls found in this thread:


I wouldn't rally behind someone who identifies themselves as a Nazi, either.
The proper term is National Socialist.

Adolf Hitler is a cuck.

And who the fuck are you? Kill yourself, faggot.


We aren't particularly concerned with remaining Americans or carrying on that mantle.

He's right. He doesn't say anything negative, just pointing out the fact that the average pleb would never in a million years associate with natsoc ideals because of the stigma. Not saying they can't be rebranded or that people can't be taught the truth about it, but its too far gone to be salvaged. Ethnonationalism that stands on its own without tying into natsoc is the only reasonable way forward.

Of course you should never ever ever let the jews get a free pass for the lie of the holohoax though, national socialism should only be brought up by ethnonationalists as an example of what happens to your nation if you pursue this reasonable goal, you get dogpiled by kikes and shabbos goys.

I think Duke's comment is a condemnation of the electorate's inability to look past the brainwashing that has been massaged into their brain to give a Pavlovian disgust response to anything related to Nazis other than the killing of

The D&C is strong and coming from all sides.
We are racist. We are anti-semite. Cucks going into hiding because a roman salute or two were thrown is a good thing.

He has a point on this one, however I decided to hate the faggot long ago when he started blaming Anglos for oppressing his Irish ancestors.

No respect for any piece of shit who cries 'oppression'. The US died when it ceased being majority Anglo, and the world as a whole suffered as the British Empire lost its grip and was slowly co-opted by kikes.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Nazi, is in fact, National Socialist, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Alt-right.

fuck off (((Mike Cernovich))) and your self help books

He's right, when the year is 2016.

>>>/reddit/ and stay there


"Never" is a strong word, but the sustained propaganda required to make "Nazis" (or their imagery) palatable is almost sure to not happen.

He's got a point, we need American nationalism, not German nationalism. Another user put it well, do you actually think Marine Le Pen would win her French presidency running on a Confederacy-based platform? It's silly. National socialism has a lot to be learned from, but general fascism is better suited, in my opinion, for the American far right.

Deprogramming a half century of brainwashing is also a bit of a challenge among the older generations.

Imagine if people put the same effort into making something the equivalent of national socialism except with brand new imagery and branding. It would be immensely appealing to normalfags since they wouldn't have to 'feel bad' about liking it.

And by brand new imagery I really mean brand new, no runes, no hard fascistic imagery initially. Just the main tenants of national socialism except with a more explicit emphasis of ethno-nationalism without going full gas the non-whites. It needs to start out as 'a secure nation for every group of people' to get people comfortable with the idea, then utilize a state run public service system to reveal in droplets just how poorly non-white nations are going, which will make people more hesitant to think of them as equals.

The nazi shit needs to be given up. Only degenerates still roleplay that. Like what this guy says there needs to be a rebranding. Like National Capitalism

This seems so obvious to me, I just wish I was more skilled with marketing.

He would know it's a dead end and retarded as fuck. This isn't a Nazi board, kid, you want >>>/trs/

Buzz off

based duke booty blasting the jerrycuck faggots who have to hitler salute at fagparties




Nothing attracts people more effectively than Nazi imagery in a society that has become completely degenerate.

sorry mates. Socialism just doesn't work.

I still like David Duke, but this hasn't been more relevant in the past two decades.

Confirmed for politically challenged.

today's youth, ladies and gents.

Yeah we should just let corporations control everything. I loved it when Amazon and Wal-Mart banned the confederate flag. CEO/President and spokeman of the people, what's the difference these days?

Oh yeah, I forgot how terrible the free market is. State-planned economies sure have a great track record, as does socialism!

More like yesterday's youth.


Strawman. I'm not an anarcho capitalist. There will still be a state dumb ass.

The fact that state-planned economies don't work doesn't mean that monolithic corporations controlling everything sounds anymore appealing. Both suck in their own right.

There's no point in having a state if it can't control the corporations you fucking retard.

Who the fuck is going to let corporations control the show? That's why the state exists. We could draft anti-trust legislation, it isn't tough.


It's only befitting that a person who is opposed to meritocracy would post a nigger picture, because it probably reflects your own shit skin.


No fucking shit. That means the state doesn't plan the economy per se, but that it does have some control over the market.

I wholeheartedly agree but you can't have a cake and eat it at the same time, you're talking about state control over corporation control.

nazis were a politcal party in germany, that as far as most normies know are genocidal monsters, we literally cannont do anything to convince them otherwise at least on a wide scale
the Nazi movement is dead, deal with it, it's never coming back but that doesn't mean we can't start a new movement while sharing many of the same ideas like white nationalism and especially anti-semitism.

Show me where I implied it couldn't

Nepotism isn't meritocracy, it's corruption due to an excessive concern for material gain. Meritocracy requires more than an incentive for a bigger paycheck, you need a stable family structure and ethnic homogeneity.

Right here:

I know there was a hell of a lot more to the Nazi party than what I listed but I don't think I need to explain the credentials of the Nazi Party on Holla Forums

this and the PJW thread? this is getting ridiculous

why do you think that one guy was spamming anti-mod threads?

Guess #imwithcher now


because he's a retarded faggot?

Maybe we're having trouble understanding one another because of English. I was mocking the idea of a state planned economy as in, a communist planned economy. Not a market economy. I'm not talking about controls on a market economy, but rather a state that literally controls supply and surplus of goods. This is socialism, but not like today's socialism. I guess communism would be a better word. National socialism is market socialism, which is not what I'm mocking. It could work with white people and only white people.

The fuck is going on? OP is shit but at least we have some decent discussion going on in here.

Why are the mods having a shitfit today?

Try making an argument. It may surprise you but America is moving closer and closer to national capitalism right now.

So you failed to be specific, even though in reality you were just wrong about what you said about socialism and now you're being a hypocrite. It's cool though, nobody cares.

Daily reminder to go swim in a cement mixer.

That's an oxymoron, you should have been aborted.


partly but you'd be an idiot if you didn't see his point, with the blatant bait threads pitting Holla Forums against itself with NPI, TRS, and the Alt-Right while mods just sit back and let these threads continue is fucking ridiculous
not shilling for these groups just saying that they are a source of contention that no one on Holla Forums would give two fucks about if it weren't for baiting trolls constantly making threads about them

If you mean this post then yes, I did not know that "national capitalism" was "state capitalism." But I'm not this user so I was never shilling for it in the first place.

Maybe they don't want to be Long Live Holla Forums!s?


still waiting on that argument

If the state is running the whole economy as a corporation, that's a pretty bastardized form of "capitalism"

That still doesn't sound logically coherent at all. Markets and states are entirely separate entities that both need correction from time to time.

still waiting for something logical to argue, try harder, I'm not going to indulge such poorly formed thoughts

I enjoy mods who aren't too overbearing, maybe reddit is better for you?

>>>Holla Forums


You were doing alright up until this point

>>>Holla Forums

You're not on reddit faggot.


Okay, I'm just being retarded then, forgive me. I know fascist economics are not left-wing socialism. I just need to better familiarize myself with all these labels. A lot of them confuse the shit out of me because they seem to contradict, but that's my fault, and I'm not even a newfag, so my autism is all that is to blame.


Same here. Think of it like this: there were three players in WWII, the two that won were materialistic and anti-racist, one over-emphasized state-control the other a free market, neither work, the losers of WWII were right. National socialism is a synthesis of different elements of American capitalism and Soviet socialism. It's the Third Position.

It's fine my man.


"Nazi" term was invented to insult National Socialists.

The word "socialist" has become the polite term for communist. But there's nothing wrong the good old term "Nationalist" and it basically sums it all up.


Nice post.


That's pretty leftypol-tier tbh familam.




Is that real? Also checked.

I'm aware we aren't

post related

Then I guess that means you're projecting?

I disavow ur mom.