Donald Trump Says Happy Thanksgiving

Donald Just posted this a few hours back on the transition 2017 channel, seems like we're really gonna get fireside chats if the frequency of these videos stays. I can't wait once the Victory rallies start, too.

Other urls found in this thread:

What's with all of the subtle references to America during the Second Zionist War since the election ended?

Why do we give a shit? Are you really on trumps pay roll or something? You gonna make a thread every time he takes a shit faggot?

Trump is pretty bluepilled on some things, but so long as he builds the wall, he's alright.

It feels like I haven't heard that in 8 years.

You completely miss the point. "Fireside chats" is referring to Trump making personal correspondences with the general public. The jewish media will distort anything that Trump says to slander him, so if he can establish some means of direct communication with the public at large, he'll render the media irrelevant and completely bypass their filter.

Right now his "fireside chats" might appear simple and innocuous but it is critical that Trump establishes this direct line of communication with America and marginalizes the media's role as the information provider.

what's with all the not so subtle D&C shills?

Drumpf you mean ;^). If only Dummy Drumpf hadn't disavowed us alt-rightsters

all I want to see is term limits on congress and a return to rule of law (eg: mass deportations of illegals). Wall is more symbolic to me than functional so long as everything else happens and works, anything the wall does is a bonus.

Who's "we", nigger?

attempting to connect to the people of the USA directly instead of through the media is something that should be praised, and that's what the fireside chats were. I understand that the opinion of FDR for some anons is pretty low since a lot of the stuff from the New Deal is now plaguing the budget such as social security, but he did something right when directly speaking to the American citizen through radio on a weekly basis on the state of government and his actions in office.

Term limits is the last thing he'll pass, they won't vote to get fired. He'd need a mass Trump vote in 2020 and 2022.

Is anybody gonna buy the new maga christmas ornaments?

You belong on reddit r/the donald is thd place for your uncontrolable faggotry

The wall is important in case there is ever a time when the Left regains the White House. Obama used executive orders to force ICE agents to basically disregard all border enforcement laws and the illegals kept pouring in. However, if there is a giant physical barricade, even if the President won't adequately enforce our laws, at least there will be a major hindrance where spics can't simply waltz into the country.

People on pol not gigantic sacks of shit is we

You gonna make a post every time you suck a dick?

I'll be honest, until somewhat recently I felt the same way. I consider myself a lot more moderate than probably most of Holla Forums, and I get that most people here illegally are overstaying visas and not actually border hopping. But on the other hand, like you said, the Wall is symbolic. A literal line in the sand. Sure, it may not actually prevent the problem, which will need to be dealt with by a properly-functioning government agency willing to enforce immigration laws, but it will be a symbol people will be forced to look at and understand. America doesn't owe you the right to be here, we give that right to people we deem worthy of it.

This man is correct


The Emperor is correct.

Awesome come back bro im sure you get all the upboats back on reddit

Holy fuck.

I don't like your tone.


This is neo pol where we discuss worthless shit and FDR was amazing and ww2 was a great war gotta save them jews right

Good shit. Once they fall in line his job is going to get much easier.


Just an aside, does anyone recall the media tearing Obama apart in 2007 when he was President-elect? That they went on and on scrutinizing his every hem and haw and delighting in how his campaign rhetoric was being back tracked?

There was no need for the jews to attack their puppet.

We should spread these on twatter and kike book.

pol our job is never done

you can't even spell correctly, bitchboi

Pretty sure I remember that. Though the tone was different to what we've seen against trump. The media was scrutinous of obama to make people worry that he might fail, not that he might succeed.

I won't be comfy until he goes back off script.

according to lefties this happened because they think Fox News encompasses the whole media.

It was so bad the networks, both national and cable, had infomercials shilling Obama commemorative plates.

Don't you feel it? That sense of pride for your country slowly coming back?

I just saw a commercial shilling Trump half dollar coins

I haven't felt national pride in so long I almost forgot what it felt like.

On which network/s?

Embedded related was shilled everywhere, for months, after King Nigger's first election.

it's almost over
50 something days left

Was it this?

A cash-in attempt.

all memorabilia is

Fresh anger floods through me.

happy thanksgiving, burgers.
lets appreciate what we have.

the sticks cannot corrode other sticks or the fasces will break.


typical crossposter scum or shill
probably doesn't even have autism
saged, reported, hidden

Is this a new meme, burger?

Happy Thanksgiving, 8ch – Even to the Haters and the Losers!

Happy Thanksgiving, Don!
Happy Thanksgiving burgers! (especially to )

Fact is I'm a bit disappointed with the transition of Trump, he is quite a different man from what he was in the beginning of the year, now it seems he went full pc, saying ghettoes are important, disavowing the alt-right bending to the media, now when he should be mostly strong and independent.

Let's wait to see what he actually does

Another insufferable defeatist.


He was going to calm down when he became president, he even mentions he would change his tone months ago, he also always said he was going to help niggers.

I'll ride it out and see what happens. Trumps a pretty ambitious guy, I think he'll do as much as he possibly can in the limited time he has.

It's a bot. Sometimes it goes apeshit replying to all posts on the board with "burger" in them.

pick one shill


How new r u to not know he's running the country like he runs his business. Protip - Trump is nice to everybody by default, because if someone lets him down or attacks him, then its that much easier for Trump to cut ties with them or punch back ten times harder.

Paper is much much cheaper.

Seventeenth dimensional chess game.

It IS important–to throw the niggers in prison and dissolve HUD and section ape (housing-gibs for dem underprivileged negroes.) We need to take back our cities, they are the crown jewels of this nation, and they've been allowed to fall to gang rule where a man can't walk around without being mugged and shot by feral cement chimps.

Understand who Trump is – A New Yorker. He knows what state our beautiful cities, that our forefathers built for us, are in now because of demoshit policies. As we saw in the elections, the state of the cities being Planet of the Apes also impacts our elections as one city can take an entire state hostage. Our ghettos are the reason demoshits got king nigger in for eight fucking years of country-destroying knee-bending cuckoldry. They are important, as in, it is important we rid our cities of their porch monkey infestations. Preferably by building big, giant underground prison complexes. Think about it, what's more security than an underground fortress? And we lock the nigs up and throw away the keys, and suddenly all new land right in the middle of cities, hot commodity, opens up for development. Lots more housing is built, rent price comes down, people have shorter commutes, our cities are safe again, families can even live there without their kids getting enriched. Whereas we currently fled like rats to shitty suburbs, where our kids grow up in isolation, get fat, act like wiggers to seem cool, and have to drive two hours a day to get to anything other than a walmart or mcdonalds.

Further, when other nations look at the US, what do they look at first? Our cities. What face are we showing them? One of weakness, where pavement apes are allowed to run rampant and throw us all into a state of terror, where we have to flee and hide and cower. It's embarrassing.

So yes, inner cities ARE important–we need to prioritize their de-cucking and throw the fucking niggers in perma-prison. And same for the welfare-frauding negresses. Once all of them are behind bars there's no more fucking like chimps all day and no more little turd children. And America is Great (White) Again.


Is that that youtuber ceciley? Was the picture ironic? Thought she had to be a libtard because media people.

Fucking this. Going around the 4th estate is crucial since they won't be able to twist his message without.

He is talking to the people, not talking to the media for the people.

And the press can't Fucking stand it

I approve all those targets