These people live in platitudes so hard they need help actually articulating their cognitively dissonant beliefs
These people live in platitudes so hard they need help actually articulating their cognitively dissonant beliefs
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This is actually a smart business venture
Why arent we capitalizing on liberal insanity? Seems like a easy market
not sure how you would make money from this particular venture as i believe it's a free service
but yes, capitalizing on liberal insanity … akin to printing "male tears" and "this is what a feminist looks like" on shirts made by little girls and their mothers in bangladesh and selling them at 400-500% markup. its a beautiful thing
so is gmail and facebook
I can see it now, leftists trying to lecture and talk down to their families on a day of thanks. Ruining it for everyone, as they always do.
"ENDORSED BY THE KKK" seems to be the standard excuse for everything
This is very gay
the "call me?" option kek
I can see this happening. All it's gonna do is make everyone hate the person using it. Like who the fuck is going to have the audacity to whip out their phone at fucking dinner just to "debate" when you get too triggered. Like what the fuck.
I wonder what jew mulatto came up with that one
you'd think these socially awkward pansies would just skip out. not like any of them even enjoy "white people food" anyway.
Call whoever picks up the phone a nigger
Bretons do have a +5 to Illusion (and thus Silence spells) so maybe it has a point.
user I don't know how to tell you this without fucking depressing you but it is fairly normal for anyone 30 and younger to be on their phones during thanksgiving dinner in normie families.
Why aren't we setting up our own "support" services to make fun of these people?
Hey look, this time they'll be family, and I can actually fucking deck them in their jew-loving face.
Just pretend that "your uncle" is saying all of the good points that are being made.
They're actors who think empathy wins people over. Those were fake tears.
Ooooh yeah. Sticky this… So much potential… We should destroy these people. It will be amazing. I'm actually feeling aroused by the level of trolling potential that has just been unleashed. Oh fuck yeah…mmmmmmmm
We could profit from this sort of scheme just by making the service cost money, like a sex line.
I remember talking about something like this on Holla Forums last year, and then the year before. Probably the year before that too.
Websites publish debate topics to "defeat your racist uncle who had too much to drink in an argument about privilege".
You usually can't call those numbers, look up what a "short code" is, they are typically carrier specific and are lease based. I mean, it already is connected to an automated premium SMS handler and is likely totally remote so nobody will be there to answer.
However you can look up the group and see if they have a frontend line for standard voice.
there is an option in the service that tells someone to call you tho. pic related
this is just sad
Holy fuck, those kinds of exchanges are expensive.
Gonna dig some info up…
Maybe it leads back to (((SOROS)))
Anyone have an interactive database to crossreference these names against?
Genetic, it has to be. They need to be removed the gene pool.
I had eyes like that for a week after a trip to amsterdam, it might just be drugs
I'll be surrounded by liberals tomorrow thanksgiving. Gonna say I voted trump cause of the TPP and I don't trust clinton.
Do they really think they're even gonna convince anybody when all they do is read shit out loud?
Let them know that meme magick guided you here through the will of kek, and you are his vessel.
Also let them know that you'll be having your turkey breaded and fried for eleven minutes and eleven seconds exactly.
Why do SJWs love the word "folk" and "folks" so much? I always hear "trans folk" and shit like that
They think they're infiltrating normies by speaking in faux folksy language.
It's their gay version of volk
the point still stands.
they took over Texas so they think they own "southern words". they use "y'all" a lot too as if a real hick would care about the punctuation involved.
I'm from the South, use y'all in daily speech all the time, and always make sure it's correctly punctuated when I type it…am I autistic?
They still don't use "ain't" though.
I think they took y'all from black usage.
Be sure and tell them about the interracial rape stats too, user.
It's hard to avoid using insensitive pronouns when you're discussing niggers and fags. So "gay folks" and "black folks" is safer than "homos" and "darkies." It's an expression of fear that they might go off the reservation and say something that will get them in trouble.
Feels bad man.
No, that's normal.
Yep. The fat lesbian mulatta Poz Studies major (possibly Muslim) has the highest status so they all end up adopting her vocabulary. Nogs are also overrepresented on twitter, hence fam, tbh, smh, thot, yt, etc.
It has gotten so bad in the past 3 years at thanksgiving that Grandpa has a list of rules, it used to be a few lines. Now it is 2 pages long.
FFS we are relegated to talking sports, the weather, and normie shit. My cousins have ruined thanksgiving since they have started college…
That's a murderous Dyke stare if I ever done seen it.
Think you can get their spouses to fuck each other? That might temporarily solve both problems.
Unlikely they don't get along.
Also the guy is a fatfuck and the girl is the only black girl I've ever seen in real life that I'd ever consider attractive.
Remind them that Hillary paid mentally ill people to be violent at Trump rallies. Watch them try to justify political violence while attempting to maintain the moral high ground. Ask them if paying the mentally ill to act as goon squads and starting riots like they did in Chicago is how they envision a democratic society or if they're only okay with political violence when it's used against people they disagree with.
So what Jew group is behind this shit?
honestly feels ok
Because you don't need "coached" when you're telling the truth.
B-but who will the hotline operator call for coaching when they're too triggered to retort?
Is this that jew kickstarter project?
This, bredy gud.
How DO I talk to my bluepilled cringy family about trump?
It's weird they used to be right-wing and now I that I've finally woken up it's like they switched all their ideals just to be contrarian to me
dub dubs checked
I don't believe it for a second.
So is KKK their answer to everything? Do they want their families to laugh at them?
It's gonna be such a shitshow tonight, I got my little cousin a MAGA hat so maybe he'll betray his Jewish blood when he grows up
I don't get how politics always jack up family events, mine are usually too busy drinking and watching sports, while everyone else bullshits.
Good thing I can't make it this year.
is there something you need to tell us?
Did you put that one in his head?
Family is German and Ukrainian (GIB CRIMEA), Uncle is same as us but since he married a Jew and kike spawn is matrilineal his kids are kikes. It disgusts me, and apparently my dad as well.
I've been introducing him to Holla Forums memes this whole election, my first redpill was him talking to me about how much of our family died during WW2 so I'm repaying him
with memes
These demons are so far gone, they can't even have a day of giving thanks with their family without fighting over their Marxist ideology.
Holy Shit, these "people" don't know what they have.
IMPORTANT NEWS. I am on Tor but somebody should repost this in a new thread.
Since gaslight tactics and the "fake news" meme have proven ineffective, kikes are going after internet opposition by trying to SHUT IT DOWN altogether. (((Bruce Schneier))) spoke before congress today about dismantling the internet as we know it.
“I like the world where the internet can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, at all times. It’s fun. This is a fun device. But I’m not sure we can do that anymore.”
We are planning on spending time after our Thanksgiving meal to fuck with them as a whole family.
We're making Thanksgiving great again.
Millennials might actually be a lost generation. Gen Z kids seem to be pushing back hard as fuck against this nonsense while their old brothers and sisters in college neuter themselves. I don't think it's unlikely that we'll see huge suicide rates in millennials, under and unemployment, stupendously small families (.75 average kids or something) and all the other fun benefits of cultural Marxist lifestyle like mental illness, STD's, toxoplasmosis, etc.
They're gonna sandwiched between racially aware adults and racially aware young kids and it's gonna rip their fucking brains apart. Especially when they snap out of it and they get shunned by potential mates for their past ruinous behavior.
I think they picked it up from blacks.
I spent my Thanksgiving redpilling my evangelicuck aunt about the Talmud (it's super effective against their philosemitic armor plating). Hope you guys had a good time with your family.
Anyone else see this video from half chan?
Nope. Nogs took it from white people.
Black "culture" stems from white southern culture. Listen closely to their words (ya'll, folks) and that horrid accent they all have (even Yankee nogs have it) It's derived from the south. These niggers complain about "cultural appropriation" yet are the biggest offenders of it.
Thomas Sowell actually talks about this in his book Black Rednecks and White Liberals.
dude fuck off promoting your own vid in multiple threads
I pity the cucks
What the fuck happened to him, I have even read his book. How do you end up like this?
Shit like this is why I was reminded why I love my family, today.
It was a fun day.
This is true but irrelevant
It went White Southerners -> Niggers -> Shitlibs
Don't get on your high horse, many of the people here are equally reliant on this board instead of their own experience. For people who share our views, they rely on other sources, whether it's a news outlet or a friend. There are idiots and smart people on both sides.
>I fucking hate them.
I wish I was back, Tending to my ranch.
Bong here. I honestly don't know much about thanksgiving. Isn't it a celebration of when the native Americans helped my ancestors? I'm French/Irish/English. You Yanks eat turkey
We eat turkey for Christmas and it's a bland meat. I prefer pork. It's tasty and offends Muslims and Jews.
the decline of culture. at least you still have pork.
reminds me of shut app
that flew when left and right were both different flavors of corporatism. it doesn't fly these days.
To which the obvious counter argument is to point out that Trump won Louisiana but David Duke only got 3% of the vote in his senate run, therefore even though he may have gotten the KKK endorsement the KKK is so fucking irrelevant in the grand scheme of Trump's support that the ONE candidate they put up ended up coming in like 8th place in a state that Trump won.
I'm a bit surprised they aren't encouraging people to just skip out in thanksgiving because the pilgrims "wuz opressin dem injuns"
How did they find the Cockmongler? What does he actually do for a living?
It's amazing how wrong they are.
== MUH CULTURoL APPROPRIAPON !!!!!11111!!!!one!!!111!1
b-but the KKK though
that sounds fucking depressing, as soon as unspoken rules become written rules they get way more forceful
yeah that his uncle married a jew
absolute madman
Good news if younger kids are starting to push back against this shit… What makes you say that though? I'm late 95, so later side of millennials and can't say I've seen this…
l hope this to die after this election.