Hitler Needs a Hug

Hey Holla Forums. Dunno how many of you use Steam, but considering this is a chan, I figure nearly all of you. I thought we could take a break from there ebin doxxing and hacking and serious political discussion and take a look at "The Steam Awards". It's some bullshit indi award thing or whatever that they do every year, but this year they decided to allow users to do the nominating for the awards, and I was scrolling through the categories and I saw the "Villian Most in Need of a Hug" award and thought it would be pretty funny if we all nominated Sniper Elite 2 since the 'villian' is Adolf Hitler. You don't even have to own the game to nominate it and this could appear on the Steam front page for a week or so. Might be funny. Just a thought.

You know that could be fun but my money goes on that goat flower from Undertale winning this shit.


Lurk moar you disgusting newfag.

But I see the radtrad autismos are in this thread so have a bump and a smug.


Jesus Holla Forums, I thought you liked Hitler



This is a better idea than the one I had, so I'll go with it.

I like it, but is right. You'd need a cross board effort to defeat the Untercucks.

Mind the sperges, I laughed audibly for like 15 seconds.

Id suggest half/pol/ for this tier of action. People around here are much more stuffy.

I voted for Metal Gear Rising's "Villain", but Hitler is good too I guess.

Yeah why the fuck not, voted.

Get out reprobate

bump for cheering up Adolf.

What has gone wrong in your life, user?


these tbh

I still have a Steam account, why not. If Holla Forums weren't such a load of faggots they'd see the kek in this. Most of you are closeted electronic entertainment enthusiasts and certainly still have a Steam account, you're preaching to the choir regarding it's fast descent into extreme kikery. Sage for not politics.

Joke's on you, I never had one to begin with.

Why pay for shit ass games that at the end of the day you dont even own.

The fuck do I care, you virtue signaling queer?

bumping it

I did my part and got my good goy steam """"Friends"""" to do the same.

Then why the fuck we care about you, your poll and your fucking entire existence nigger?


people read: shills around here seem to hate everything. it's getting pretty retarded tbh.

Chill the fuck out you fucking sperg, i was just saying

>reddit spacing

Wrong board friend.

It's a good idea though but I think that cuckchan might be a better place to advocate for it.
If you can still post positive about Hitler there, which I am unaware of because that shithole went to full_pozz since i've left.
Believe it or not but we're a lot more serious about our shit here and the salt alone just isn't worth it.
