Memetic Warfare: European Women Edition

Europeans are one generation away from an extinction event.

At this time, only european women can give birth to europeans. Every failure to give birth to europeans brings europeans that much closer to complete annihilation. If there are no more europeans, all of your european friends and everything else european (european art, european music, european buildings, european science, european medicine, european nationalism, etc.) will cease to exist too.

Some jews probably know this AND specifically target european women with anti-european propaganda to exterminate europeans. Some might say it is a "coincidence" that the kosher media plasters their newspapers, TV broadcasts, and websites with pictures/videos/stories/etc. of childless european women, race-mixer european women, and the Kardashians 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Further, the kosher media RARELY, IF EVER, MENTIONS eugenic european mothers with eugenic & large european families. When was the last time you saw pictures/videos/stories/etc. about eugenic european mothers with eugenic & large european families in a kosher media newspaper, TV broadcast, or website?

This selective coverage by the kosher media was probably designed to create a FALSE illusion – childless european women, race-mixer european women, and the Kardashians are "normal/commonplace/good" AND eugenic european mothers with eugenic & large european families are "abnormal/rare/bad".

The jews are waging memetic warfare against european women to exterminate europeans. That said, jews are NOT the meme masters. You are. You can win the meme war and make the european nation greater than ever before.

Winning the meme war will not happen RANDOMLY. Winning the meme war will involve specific and effective actions. Winning the meme war in favor of eugenic european mothers and eugenic & large european families will make the european nation greater than ever before.

Meme magicians, do not let Trump steal your glory – show the world who is really in charge!

Here is a specific idea regarding how to win the meme war in favor of eugenic european women and eugenic & large european families:
Step 1) Create & broadcast portrayals via pictures/videos/stories/etc. regarding GOOD eugenic european mothers and eugenic & large european families.
Step 2) Create & broadcast portrayals via pictures/videos/stories/etc. regarding EVIL childless european women, race-mixer european women, and the Kardashians.

Doing BOTH steps 1 and 2 creates a CONTRAST between:
1) GOOD eugenic european mothers and eugenic & large european families
2) EVIL childless european women, race-mixer european women, and the Kardashians

Further, viewers will automatically resolve that CONTRAST in favor of GOOD and against EVIL. That is arguably the reason why the kosher media rarely, if ever, portray good things in their newspapers, TV broadcasts, or websites – and instead, portrays evil frequently and FALSELY claims that "evil = good".

Other urls found in this thread:

You have to make being white again a positive affirmation. The way to do that is to attack all MGTOW and Cultural Marxists while making positive OC about being white – without basing it on "we are better than them, they are wrong!"

It's psychological akido, OP.

European Caucasoid women is 'western' countries are so indoctrinated by feminism & degeneracy that most men will have little choice but to grit their teeth, wife up a whore and pray for the best.
Our meme war against the kikes wont change that.

The spiritual angle of this needs to be exercised. It would be a complete waste not to.
The idea of being a part of a line of loving families stretching back into humanity's foggy past and into the bright infinity of tomorrow.

Excellent OP, bump

Sex is of the Devil though. And Satan is truth.

artificial wombs are the future. Women will be replaced with sex robots and artificial wombs. Women are obsolete.

I'm OP with a new VPN, don't mind me samefagging/bumping

I've started an op myself on facebook and twitter with anonymous accounts trolling news sites and shit libs as well as drawing my own little cartoons. Got the idea from Redpanels, an user who got his start here on pol.

Also have a custom merchant

Some possible ammunition.

You put so much effort into this, I hope you were at least paid for your shilling

More, although most of the racial stuff is comparative. I know that some polacks have made some decent images hijacking feminism with very white pictures and some nazi-ish color palette back in some threads about white women getting bashed for "white feminism", but I sadly didn't save any. Would appreciate if anyone has them.

Also possible ammunition, songs can be powerful. Sadly the one video with english translations on youtube has a shitty translation and a lot of comments after the song on how the meaning of the song isn't what it is.

Nope. I never will be associated with a whore, and neither will anyone else worth a fuck.

European women are doomed because European men have become too effeminate and weak.

I live in Australia. I dont know what US women are like but I can assure you that the females here fuck around alot.
Perhaps US females are saints of virtue? Lucky you, I wish I lived in such a country.

people always post the same white baby shit in these threads and yet nothing happens with them, can I ask what do you intend to do with them?
Do you shove them in front of some woman and say 'look at how beautiful white babies are! or what?
Seems to me like anons are just sharing pictures with eachother and circle jerking about beautiful white babies and white women. That's the way these threads always go so please fucking do something about it this time.
Be results oriented or action oriented and not just posturing here on pol.

I know a lot of women who connect with the Victorian era and the vikings, interestingly. The former I believe appeals to melodramatic romanticism, because at some level every girl wants to be a Jane Austen character and float around being mysterious and aloof, while taking men's affections and deciding who they'll entertain.

The viking thing seems to be a prototypical form of that "stronk woman" energy which feminists try to siphon, only in it's original form is much more pure; it's the idea of a bear defending her cubs, or a valkyrie taking up the sword against those who would harm what she loves.

They're a little better in the US but probably because the population isn't stuffed into cities like here. More rural people = more decent values. Americans are also a lot more religiously conservative than Australians.

Obesity in the US and Australia is like what 40% of females? I would say another 30% are sluts.

At this point western males should have just 2 requirements: not fat and not a slut.
Men are so worthless here that they marry these fat sluts instead of NEETing life.

You had better explain yourself right this fucking moment

It's Kek's arm you faggot.


If the face doesn't show then there's a 50/50 chance you're a 4cuck.

it's Pepes arm you retarded niggers. You don't need to signal to everyone to show how 8pol you are. Don't let your autism flare up so much, goddamn.


fucking love that channel. Some of the recipes and tips are actually helpful.

It should be required viewing for American 8/pol/ users.

I watch it too. Lovely fellow, I wish him the best.

I actually got redpilled many years ago by mgtows, all had already had kids iirc. Attack them if they are encouraging whites not to breed.
Offtopic though

its fucking great

This is not OP

Shilling for what? For eugenic european mothers and eugenic & large european families? Does the kosher media pay for that kind of shilling?

Is this an example of kosher media shills trying to push the FALSE illusion that childless european women, race-mixer european women, and the Kardashians are "normal/commonplace/good" AND eugenic european mothers with eugenic & large european families are "abnormal/rare/bad"?

And in the name of world peace and social justice, white children will be outlawed with artificial wombs. White couples will have nigger children.













Here's a good propaganda slogan that came to me, that we can meme into peoples minds through sheer repetition;


Repeat after me anons


Attach this to memes, flood social media with it, especially in the comments of anti-white content. We are the meme magicians, we have the power put this in the consciousness of the entire West and take the next step in waking our people up.

Leafrogged right in the feels.

It sounds weak, but that is by design.
I`ll have to let it simmer a bit.

Is there a better translation? I might be able to work on something in After Effects.

The angle on female-oriented propaganda needs to be changed - women themselves cannot be targeted and addressed as rational subjects, they must be subconsciously influenced, and the only time women take lead on influence if it is being said by other women (gossip) and demanded in practice by men(sexual market).

A counter-culture that grows out of our movement has to go beyond militant politics and authoritarian appeals to men, a coherent and purposeful address to women needs to be created that reflects and strengthens good values without copying old format of state propaganda, but instead models it to be an alternative and strong lifestyle as opposed to the mass media consumption.

Imagery is good, but don't try to create a rational address. You have to essentially sell the movement to them. Taking a leaf out of our enemies' book, effective propaganda must be brash, colourful, happy, and it must address a core problem that women might perceive to exist - you are effectively marketing white and European nationalism to them as a cure for the latest problem they have, except this time it's a solution for life happiness that is guaranteed to work.

This propaganda has to be two-fold as well, in a sense where men are also addressed as benefiting from enforcing this particular cultural norm that is being sold to women.

An example - women are being encouraged and shown to marry and have children young because it's healthy, good for their hormones, increases their life satisfaction, it's fashionable and proves that you are healthy and able to take care of yourself and someone else, while men take notice of this and are being told that all this is theirs to have if they demand that women behave in a way that is portrayed, whereas women will start to seek out men that will conform to the idea portrayed in order to fulfill their (imparted on them) dream life.

Last but not least - ridicule. All good propaganda is based on a strong attack on your inferior opponents, and this case is no different. Hip and fash ideas are only strong because they contrast with lame consumerism, mindless liberalism and infantile lifestyle in your late 20's whereas you ought to be fulfilling your potential as a strong person in your early 20's with a good man at your side.

This has to be deployed in several formats - while mean are responsive to facts, images and appeals to ethos women are naturally more responsive to pathos, stories and "slice of life" portrayals that carry the parable with them.
Another example: "Mad Men" as a show is a deconstruction of the idyllic image of the 50s Americana, with the collapse of the housewife ideal, portrayal of men as sex-crazed drunks and consumerism eating away at the moral standards alongside with growing liberalism. An inversion of this would need to be created for modern times, where the collapsing idea is the leftist living and where success is had by the families that strive to live traditionally.

Sorry for a long post, but I'm more ideas rather than slogans or graphics. I hope someone can take this rambling and convert it into something useful.

Yes, it is deliberately weak by our standards. It's designed for normies, especially women, to combat white guilt.

baby steps, raising racial consciousness without scaring off women who would switch off immediately/run scared if exposed to a full redpill.

Catchy rhyme, gentle, normie-shareable redpill. Example.


11/non degenerate/traditional european girls dump complete

I would like to remind OP that while in the cities yes women are degenerate, but in the countryside, very much the contrary. Grills are traditional / attend church / hate niggers+dunecoons / know how to cook / clean / want to start a family and fulfill their role as mothers.

Thank you. So youtube already has a good version. That's good. This song always hits me in the feels

And woman need to be shamed. When woman cuck for the outsider they should be shunned in a way that is not considered an attack (it will only feed the victim complex) but which make her an 'outsider'.

Pic 4 uuuu

Another example

this, and attach

on pictures such as I posted

preferably the ones with mother and child

women love children. It triggers their biological / psychological response, they're hardwired like that.

So putting that text on an image such as related will have maxiumum conscious / subconscius impact

most excellent. great minds think alike

Meme magic is not about making the impossible happen, modern women are so far beyond reason that the only thing you can functionally do at this point is make sure quality women make it to men who can produce children and raise them well.

Conversely, the women who are unsuitable for this need to be disabused of their procreation opportunities. To the irrationally fearful WN this seems counterintuitive, but quality over quantity is the ONLY thing that's going to save white europeans at this point.

You cannot meme dead ends into not becoming dead ends, that's not how magick works.

Shame that the Anglokikes made her commit sepuku.

This won't work, women's brains don't work the same way those of men do, women are extremely conformist and opt for safety.

What you're describing has already been solidified in the minds of most women as bigoted and criteria for ostracism. Women go where the bigger better deal is, and that is jew-created society. That's where ALL the security is, and that's where most of them will stay.

Who is it?

There were a bunch of threads about her maybe 6 months ago?

She was a Polish girl who lived in southwestern England, and her English classmates bullied her because she was Polish, it ended with her committing suicide.

Forgive me for not remembering her name.

Quality post. I would add that the problem we are selling them a solution to is the unhappiness, guilt, shame, emptiness etc of the modern lifestyle.

In short, meme;

Simple really. Make it simple, emotional, and avoid logical arguments altogether. Make em FEEL the meme.


Make it about the children/family, or about themselves. Gets women right in the feels, as it should do naturally.


We could make more of those "modernity vs traditionalism" comparison pics and spread them around on social media
I'm all in for that

SS had some pretty great posters when it came to family and family values. Why not make similar ones and crop out the "Nazi" symbols.
Pic related
Which woman would not want such a man?

They don't see it that way. and honestly the solution you're selling them involves personal agency, making an individual effort and exposing themselves to personal vulnerability, especially social vulnerability.

Women are NOT like men, women in the best of circumstances are extremely receptive to and afraid of going against consensus and the consequences thereof. It's almost like a biological predilection that dovetails with other evolutionary instincts they have.

Mainstream society has those instincts and fears in their icy, iron grip, and what you guys are basically trying to do is convince these women who are ALREADY highly insecure to expose themselves to even more insecurity and perceived threat.

It's not going to work, those women are basically lost 90% of the time.


A woman who is convinced it's emblematic of patriarchy, female domination, bullshit white imperialism, oppression, bigotry, etc.

Women aren't like men, most of them are really naive and really dumb, and they succumb to fear very easily.

given what you are stating that women are impacted by their social instinct to go with the fashion of the day, the point is to impart new fashion which they will feel attracted to when the liberal mainstream starts to appear "played out."
The primal fear which you describe can be generated by addressing their personal issues that, you like it or not, are being covered up by a thick coat of liberal empowerment bullshit and women are not known for speaking out about something unless a dissenting voice tests the waters to show that it's safe to do so - resentment is there.

I'm pretty sure we tested the waters and broke few taboos already, the momentum needs to be kept up.

Yes, it really is. All she needed was a Holla Forumsack who would be a man and she could depend on.
and beat the shit out of those anglocucks
Her name was
Dagmara Przybysz

If I find a good woman, I'll have a dozen kids. But the odds of finding a good looking girl in her teens/early twenties who is still a virgin and will be faithful for a lifetime get lower and lower every year. At this rate, I will have more of a eugenic effect on the gene pool if I prevent my enemies from successfully reproducing.



checking those 88's.
Great idea. Also pictures of families in traditional garments
Pictures of mother and a baby, pictures of a young white family together, or just children in general really, all have a deep impact on woman's psyche.
We need to let women become women and men become men again

Good bread idea.
Make. Women. Great. Again.


We're selling them the IDEA of traditionalism simply so they become more susceptible to redpilling, easier for us to convert. We don't really need them to DO anything, women do not help a movement beyond the appearance of consensus.

And I know the consensus is against us. Cracking the consensus of liberalism is our job.

Their job is simple: be women
not a whore
not a crazy bulldyke
not an insane sjw

Be a woman.

Pretty sure your fourth picture is not of a white family. That girl on the very right of the fourth picture is pretty clearly mixed.

less palaver more statistics

I wouldn't know really, a random pic I pulled of jewgle image search. But yeah could, or could be some greek / slav mix. The mother at least seems to have those features

u wot m11?


How do we improve birth rates?

FTFY. Also, start breeding.

I intend to.

The subliminal "low birthrate is good for you, white man" continues on

Shame is jewish tool of subversion
Most normies never met anything with national socialist connotations except the jewish owned luggenpresse they watch every day.

No shame, double down.

These symbols stand for greatness, strength and security. It is due time to make the masses realize this again.

Iconography is very powerful. It's like a military uniform for the civilian.
It's a signal of an idea.

Imagine the swastika being seen as something positive again.
If you then saw a place or a person using it, you would automatically feel a stronger affinity to it.

Especially if it's as aesthetically pleasing as that.

Easiest solution - become an attractive partner and have kids yourself. Women will go to the best partner they can get, so be that guy.

How do we spread this? I mean beyond intertubes. We should get lug3npre55e to blow this up just like we did with pepe
I'm thinking Marine Le Pen but not quite sure which angle we take
in any case we need to use msm to really reach the masses

Comfy as fuck, glad to see others here like it.



thanks for the free cringe faggots.

picture related is basically Holla Forums in a nutshell. You will never know that she has sucked dicks like candy sticks and will start to LARP muh white waifu when she will need a provider and act like she has never seen a dick.

First time heard of it, seems pretty based, subbed

This may sound strange but try and find couples that are as young as possible (if possible). You want to be hitting them with this white family marriage meme as young as possible. You want it to speak to them now and not have them think "Ok that women looks about 10 years older than me so I guess I will have that life in 10 years time". You want them to desire this shit now. Show young motherhood in a good light.



You're deluding yourself and rationalizing.

You can't sell somebody on an idea that has already been sold as inherently harmful to their social and physical wellbeing.


nice logic you pleb


Quality posts
Remember that women naturally respond to a strong, kind father figure, a role which is superseded by the husband - any happily married user will tell you that getting married makes you become a father, simply as a result of normal male/female interactions. However, it is this authority that has been actively targeted by virtually every jewish trick in the last century, and as a result there is 100 years worth of propaganda to undo. Today, that authority figure has been abstracted into the "ultimate breadwinner" which is the government and popular culture as a whole; it is the one thing that can always be fallen back on, as the welfare state will always be there to serve them. Women respond to what they perceive to be the consensus (the true reason why feminists go on about "muh consent") of the largest group local to them, which in this highly-connected age is basically our hook-nosed friends.

Another thing to consider is that women will happily acknowledge that their greatest enemy is other women more often than men, as the directness of the male mind is in many ways a wonderfully simple thing, and men will cause harm in very visible ways rather than trying to backstab each other. The lure of drama is inescapable for women but a stable man makes for a healthy foundation.

With that in mind, my recommendation to memesmiths is to turn women away using the symbols of what they already know to be bad - ugly, bitchy feminists - and into stronger arms. By and large they don't respond to the equality meme, it just sounds good to them because of the empathy meme. It's really easy to get women to agree with you if you use other women as a negative device. This seems to be related to why Otto Weininger equated the jewish character with femininity; left alone, it's an endless cycle of backstabbing and unpredictable subversion. Men are the escape from that.

Meme white women Great Again.


Purity is the new sexy, and from there build the culture who focuses on purity, thus gaining momentum and making women great again.

praise kek

That is a great image. I`ll like to see some future fash with it.


And just how many women have you converted using these words user?

not your user, but actually it has helped me pick up some gurls.

But have made them my gfs, not only to fuck them. Women who cherish family will like those words, dykes will call you racists

She's clearly feeling uncomfortable :( We're going to have to be aware of this kind of stuff, women WILL pick up on that. Compare to 4th pic of

Who is calm+confident.


None of this "memes for moms" shit is gonna work and betrays a naive misunderstanding of feminine psychology. sorry, but I have to agree with the anons above.

oh for fucks sake… no you aren't.

No amount of memes or "redpilling" will counter the effects of the consensus culture as long as it is the consensus.

You'll never attract a high value female and keep her in a traditional family arrangement until you can offer her safety and security and maintain those powerful feels to a significantly greater degree *then she THINKS she can get from the consensus culture*

If you can't build, maintain, and defend a reality that she would desire to play the feminine role within, you might as well not even try. If you think you have the balls, then you'll need other men to help you, and they in turn will have to be able to count on you. You wont be doing this is the uprooted city and probably not even the 'burbs. You sure as shit wont be doing it online with memes, either.

So get busy out there in the real world building a life… or just stay here and shitpost. Fuck. What do I care?

This society is built by men. I do think we can build these arrangements, though. At least within a home.

Good stuff, user. I wonder to what extent this is just "me too" band wagoning. At any rate, clearly memes are an important tool.

Also, checked and checked.

The problem is the banks have made it financially difficult to raise a child, housing costs insanely much now due to (((mortgages))) its hard for parents to provide what they see as a nice upbringing without two working parents.

Yes, because polling is accurate and people (especially women) are capable of sober, honest self-assemessments and are willing to share this truth with pollsters.

Ok, let's assume the polling is accurate (it almost certainly isn't), how exactly did their views change? How is an election poll relevant to this discussion?

Women voted for Trump because Clinton's liabilities (temporarily) weakened the Consensus reality for a shit ton of white women. Their husbands, fathers, sons, and boyfriends supported Trump (often behind closed doors) and maybe this offered them a vacation in another consensus reality.

However, none of this is "redpilling". Did Trump shift the Overton window to the right? Yes. Does the window now include "redpill" truths? Hardly. And even if it did, you would not want your woman playing with these toys.

Part of being a man is accepting burdens. The "redpill" is all fine and dandy ideology (lolbertarianism turned aut-right) until you start living it as an adult man with responsibilities in the real world.

Luckily, few of us will have to go to war or otherwise deal with life-and-death decisions for which there are no easy answers where everybody wins. But you might have to make similar kinds of choices someday. Do you really want the mother of your children, that perky happy whimsical girl you married to have to make decisions on some "fucked up shit"? If you're ok with that, then maybe you don't know what it means to be a protector.

Dealing with the "fucked up" shit, is part of our burden as men. It's not just a willingness to run in to a burning building like a brave lunk. It also means being able to keep rowwing when your wife and kids and loved ones are in the lifeboat but there is still room and you could go back and save those frightened children but you know if you do, the adults will swamp the boat and you'll all drown. You have to keep rowing. Do you want your wife to look or do you want her to cover her ears and keep her head down with the kids? That decision and those sounds and memories are part of your burden and you and you alone should live with it.

You fucks want to "redpill" women? The part of the analogy where the women is distracting the kids and singing little songs and covering her eyes and ears? That's the sort of reality we need to be building for women… a harmless containment consensus reality that is supportive of the Home and Nation… basically Disney before it went all pozzed and jew.

This "redpilling women" shit is just another twist on the "stronk indepedent woman" meme. It's like you just want to fuck versions of yourselves with tits and a vagina.



>so, you're saying we should let women only get exposed to propaganda?

Right. Because there are only two choices: accepting the degenerate leftist mind-control matrix over our women or attempting to "redpill" them.

There can't be any other options (like, i dunno, being realistic about their nature and acting accordingly to protect them) and if anyone suggests there are, we should imply they're jewish shills.


Ok, Cypher from The Matrix. We get it, retard.

Now, since you seem to have misunderstood what I wrote, I'll put it another way: It's one thing to accept certain truths on an intellectual level ("the redpill") but it's another thing to actually put them into practice and live them. I think we can agree on that.

My point is that - further still - it's another thing to maintain relationships with people who are constitutionally incapable of being "redpilled", to bond with them and accept their thinking and otherwise learn to live with them. That's the situation with women. 99% of them can't be "redpilled".

I wasn't suggesting that the "redpill" is only a 'fine and dandy ideology' and that when you become an adult, you compromise and learn to 'be realistic'. I'm saying that being realistic means you accept that nearly all women and a significant portion of men can't cope with reality. Failure to get that people don't (and often can't) think like we do is the essence of 'lolbertarianism turned aut-right'.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with what *we* believe. It's about accounting for their inherently childish nature and constructing a containment reality for them that doesn't serve the interests of our enemies.

So, when you respond and post more Matrix memes, I hope you'll do so with the understanding that we should be putting WOMEN in a Matrix of our own design, not that I think the steak is really fucking delicious so we should all stay there.

antifa are planning to attack. how do we shill them into certain death?

At least you pivoted back to your earlier lie, which is essentially "memes don't work on women, that's why you should NOT send memes to women and let women only get exposed to kosher anti-european propaganda, goyim!", despite cited evidence to the contrary.

Fair point regarding the idea that SOME people don't/can't think like we do. That said, you twisted that argument into something else – that NOBODY thinks like we do, or at least NO WOMAN thinks like we do, again, despite cited evidence to the contrary.

Nobody thinks EXACTLY the same way, by virtue of the fact that different people have different brains. That said, plenty of human beings, men and women included, do think alike in a variety of ways – for instance, enough to share a common language and communicate ideas with each other. If this is hard for you to grasp, perhaps you should talk with a 3D woman for once. 3D women act differently than 2D chinese cartoons.

Speaking of Matrix memes, have you ever talked with a 3D woman about putting women in a Matrix?

Do you believe that pretending european women are stupid will make the european nation greater than ever before?

Do you believe that "Ignorance is Strength"?

(behold those digits)
Yeah I agree with you, women are followers. Fix the men, the men who are regenerating bond together in mannerbunds, men who act like sticks in a bundle can enforce whatver rules they want on their memebers and their women.


You didn't "cite evidence to the contrary", you merely greentexted your own (in this case errant) interpretation of what i said, which is standard operating procedure here - we all do it - and a powerful agent to the uninitiated… but we are initiated, aren't we?

I'll admit I could have taken better care with how I constructed that argument, considering the target audience here are clearly young lads desperate for a 1488 waifu.

Nope, what I was calling this "memes for moms" shit was specifically the attempts at redpilling women via the maternal instinct. Obviously, memes that reinforce a prior established and accepted consensus belief can be useful in modulating (but not breaking) that belief. If that's where you lost the plot, then it makes sense since it's plausible that someone already on the defense from being attacked by other anons might be hyper-vigilant. When all you have is Zyklon-B, everyone looks like a Jew.

I dunno, would this be before or after the "sexy" consent forms are signed in triplicate by both parties and notorized? what the fuck are you on, Nigga? Seriously. You guys really have no idea how to deal with women. Why the fuck would I be in that kind of conversation?

Nobody is suggesting that women are stupid but you. They're not stupid, they're just "burdened" by traits necessary to nurture infants and children. You have to respect that. Part of respecting that involves not "breaking your cool" by going full retard about socio-political theory on a date.

My point was and still is, you fucks aren't going to start redpilling women with memes and even if you could, you'ld regret it. Even if Trump shifted the spectrum of acceptable debate to include the Nazi party platform in its entirety, memes would only serve to make 99% of women coarse, paranoid, shrill, shrieking harpies for our God Emperor. Do you really want to come home to that?

We have to somehow impress upon women the profound desire to avoid politics and embrace the domestic life again. I am in no way certain how we go about doing that but I suspect it will involve IRL social pressure and a radical shift in the media's role in our everyday lives. I have no idea how that's accomplished without war or economic collapse or some other shitty scenario.

It just seems like we should learn to accept their nature for what it is. Let the idealistic, romantic part of you die. It's another one of those burdens of manhood, in my opinion. Generally speaking, you can't change people and you sure as shit can't transform a women's nature with frog pictures from an obscure Nepalese Yak taming message board.

As for what to do in the meantime while we're waiting for society to collapse so we can restart, I haven't a goddamn clue, but i'm not telling you to give up and i'm not suggesting you should make a deal with Hugo Weevy to wake up with amnesia as an actor after you betray your friends. I'm not saying that at all.

There is nothing to signify that arm belonging to pepe, there is however symbolism that clearly marks it as the arm of (cucked) user.

Why are you trying to make excuses for cuckoldry?

lie 1:

refutation 1:


some other lies in your response with zero facts to support them; "what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence":

"memes don't work on women, that's why you should NOT send memes to women and let women only get exposed to kosher anti-european propaganda, goyim!"

That idea is wrong no matter how many times you attempt to repackage it, comparable to repackaged judaism. As for the other lies you included in your responses, it might be a useful exercise for others to read through your responses and dissect your lies one at a time.
"The life which the Jew lives as a parasite thriving on the substance of other nations and States has resulted in developing that specific character which Schopenhauer once described when he spoke of the Jew as 'The Great Master of Lies'. The kind of existence which he leads forces the Jew to the systematic use of falsehood, just as naturally as the inhabitants of northern climates are forced to wear warm clothes."

The (((faggot))) doth protest too much, methinks.
"The life which the Jew lives as a parasite thriving on the substance of other nations and States has resulted in developing that specific character which Schopenhauer once described when he spoke of the Jew as 'The Great Master of Lies'. The kind of existence which he leads forces the Jew to the systematic use of falsehood, just as naturally as the inhabitants of northern climates are forced to wear warm clothes."

Women are not easily redpilled, but that's fine because it is not necessary to redpill them.

Remember: Men lead, women follow.

This is true regardless of what direction men are leading them. Currently, women are being led astray by a degenerate & subverted culture, but they are still being led by men. They lack good men to lead them to a good place, and so they are either wandering adrift or they are being lead by malicious men and institutions.

When good men retake the lead in a society, women will naturally follow them down on a good and righteous path.

Each man (whether redpilled or innately traditionalist) should guide the women in his life: mothers, sisters, wives & daughters.

The white girls in wheat fields / aryan qts / white girls with babies pictures are effective propaganda but not for young women — they are effective propaganda for young men.

It's inspirational and aspirational. It taps into a longing deep within every young man's soul. She is the girl of your dreams.

The concept is: This is the life that your ancestors had. This is the life of which you were robbed.

Is it a fantasy? Somewhat. Is it a realistically achievable goal for all of us? No, but…

We may not be worthy, we may not all be capable of being the valiant knight who slays the dragon and rescues the beautiful virgin maiden to win her everlasting devotion, but we should all be aspiring to that. We should all be trying our best to be worthy men. Only good things will come of that effort.

And we should be trying to restore the natural order in which your average young man is worthy man and your average young woman is a good woman.

And any salvageable young man will respond to the challenge. Improve yourself, make yourself worthy, and you might be able to win the heart of a fair maiden.

Because that is how the society is built, by men with traditional morals and values, and that is how the women will be saved and the natural order will be restored.

You know, I've been pondering the directions we can take "meme magic" to shape the public consciousness.

The thing is, there are characteristics of culture change that are very distinctive. Successful memes will tap into specific emotions.

We are all well aware of how effective Joy (in the form of humor, funny memes, etc.) can be in shaping the collective consciousness.
Another possible successful emotional exploitation is fear/anger (I believe the memes that target these emotions are similar enough to be categorized together).
Another successful meme targets embarrassment/shame/public ridicule. This particular one, I believe trends indicate, has been over saturated, and thus will be ineffectual in the near future.

Going back to the most effective one (Joy). It would be good if we could brainstorm some ideas that put negative life choices in a humorous light that shows them for their ridiculousness and ultimately their danger (mixing fear/anger here).
Sluts are funny when you think about how sad and pathetic their lives truly are.
The perils of single motherhood can also be made fun of in a way that shows them negatively, while making the consumer reali

I have to run, but think about this stuff, 'cause it's important to present your position in a way that makes it so normies will self replicate the idea, or else it will never spread.

Good luck guys


Listen, both of you, and everyone else with two dirty cents of their own.
You can't undo hundreds, even thousands of years of sickness in a single generation, let alone a sickness that takes years to notice, decades to put into words, and would take several books to analyze in depth.
Imagine a big ass knot of several strings or wires. You grab one end and pull it hard, and it seems to work for a short time. Then it stops and goes no further. You pull harder, but you're no closer to untying the mess, because you can't see the knot for the wire. Others start pulling other ends, and tying the knot even harder. Next thing you know, you're killing each other over it because it looks like everyone else is working against you. The knot remains as strong as ever.

Meme hard but wisely. Think, you're no nigger. Focus on cause and effect. Isolate what matters. Out of that, see what can be fixed right now. Discard the rest, because you'll be helping your enemy if you don't. You already know that consensus is stronger than a gun, especially when there are no guns involved.
Then take that carefully crafted snowball, and throw it down the hill, hoping for an avalanche. If it doesn't roll, try to find out why instead of throwing more down the same path.

These threads are always a fucking mess because this side of the issue hits everyone the hardest. No wonder most D&C revolves around sex, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. But you need to keep your cool in spite of that. How do you expect women to understand you, if you can't even stay on the same page with other anons?

Here's my mockup for a poster

In britain picture related is a solid 8

This user is correct. Women are the prime audience for propaganda. Unless you won't control a certain amount of media it's pointless. Social media can help to influence isolated cases of women who already struggle between two fronts.

BUT none of all this matters if women can't be isolated from the consequences of possible counter-mainstream actions and thinking (wishing for white kids, not being slutty). We can't deal with it on a large scale through memetic warfare like we do with combating refugee propaganda, because there our main subject are men who are more resilient towards urges to conformity than women.

You can only do a lot on a private level by talking to women and reassuring them that they are not alone - which goes for every gender.

But trying to meme whores back into the kitchen is an uphill battle which requires certain control of mainstream media, institutions and political spectrum. Women will become women again when we win our countries back, but we won't win by trying to tell whores to stop whoring because it's inherently female nature and society rewards them for this idiotic natural behavior.

Cvilization is always aritificial and a struggle, whereas whoredom, chimpouts and being retarded is natural. Never forget that.

Good luck if you can convince a modern woman to have a family. Children are accidents now, unintended, because of…

The (((media))) has covered all fronts to discourage women from having families and white children. If children are born now, they're usually accidents from whoredom and therefore dysgenic.

I talk about the women who are now in their 20s. Those in their 30s can perhaps produce children still, if they haven't sterilized themselves with birth control and alcoholism.

The odds are against us, but we've got to work with what we have.

They ruined a lot for me.

Why don't you have a bump right over here

I love that channel. I am not a good cook but his stuff is so simplistic and forgiving. I dont have a campfire or mud stove but instead I get by with a crock pot, dutch oven, and cast iron skillet in my home kitchen.

That's a shitty story to read before going to sleep.

Try speaking English with an accent and people asking where you're from despite growing up a town over. Its terrible.

Watching that shit right now and stumbled across this. It's so great that other people here watch it too, it is practically required viewing.

Men and women want sex but under different circumstances.
Women prefer the Alpha, the strongest and are not shy to share him.
In ages past we had a solution for this.
Marriage at a young age.
So you don't waste your 20's gooding around and instead use this to start a family.
Just reminding us what the goal is.

This. Although not the modern typical Alpha, the modern Alpha is actually just a jewish puppet playing the hand of degeneracy by sleeping around with all the women who SHOULD be having children with other men to secure good genetic stock. Many "alphas" of today aren't even white, and are usually just more social and willing to accept modern society.

Didn't Hitler say something regarding that, the difference of the male and female worlds? I know there was an image around here, but I can't find it.

There it is.

The project requires some assiduous planning.

These are the kind of threads I love on Holla Forums. Nothing is beyond our reach