God Emperor Trump zuccbook page has gone full cuck/weak willed white

God Emperor Trump zuccbook page has gone full cuck/weak willed white.

Here he is trying to say they need to be more inclusive. There is no room for moderates or fags selling out to the ZOG. What's even more pathetic are the fags trying to defend him and perpetuating the Holohoax.

I think they're in desperate need of a full-on raid. 88


Does anyone here actually worship Hitler?

No, but he was definitely was a man to look up to.

This is the chess move counter to the heil trump german salute larping, as if this wouldn't be a likely outcome. Things are still up in the air and retards have sperged out before the deal is done that could screw the pooch. If spencer and friends hadn't gone potato we wouldn't be seeing Trump etc. having to disavow. Smooth move retards.

All triggering is necessary.


The keyword is worship. You shouldn't worship any man, but that said Hitler was a great man and a great inspiration with excellent ideals to follow.

who? what? kys?

Come on, guys, get your shit together.

He's worthy of respect. Even Churchill said of Hitler
>“In fifteen years that have followed this resolve, he (Hitler) has succeeded in restoring Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his country, but he has even, to a very great extent, reversed the results of the Great War (WWI)…. The vanquished are in the process of becoming the victors and the victors the vanquished…. Whatever else might be thought about these exploits they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.” –Sir Winston Churchill

Same with JFK
>"You can easily see how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambition for his country, which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."
>Adolf Hitler is one of the greatest men
-President John F. Kennedy

I'd quote General Patton too but his was fucking long. People should read it. Patton even called out the kikes and he was redpilled on the true nature of Jews.

So that's a "no" on worship. So what the fuck is G.E.T. going on about? Did he start dating a feminist or something?


thats some sort of bait OP

No clue, my Caucasian. IMO you're either on our side or in the way. We need to call out these weak willed whites. Fuck being inclusive. Classic sellout rhetoric.

The page is now riddled with cancer like this…

Him disavowing these elements means they can act without dragging trump's image with them. It's a band aid that needed to be ripped off

Man Holla Forums's average IQ has really suffered since the cuckchan mods went nuclear.


It's not Donald, it's a fucking e celeb, kill yourself faggot.

nobody here uses facebook
we literally don't care

I don't see it that way. When people call us racist and Nazis we need to double down instead of kowtowing to the weak willed whites and moderate cucks. I'm a white nationalist and anyone who isn't will do nothing to contribute to the movement. G.E.T. needs to be called out for mourning the "six million" and hating Nazis like a normalgoy weak willed sellout.

Yes. You don't?

Why not? It's fun to shitpost there.

go back to cuckchan

because we're not cucks like you
I bet you use (((chrome))) while signed to your jewgle account as well

Go back to hell, faggot.

Trump isn't Hitler. Trump will never be Hitler. He needs to maintain normie appeal to win a second term and therefor, it shouldn't be his job to make radical pushes like these.

Adolf Hitler was an avatar.

and you use Kali to beat it to kiddie portn

Who the hell is this retard and why would anyone give a shit?

He hasn't even started his first term yet. He should not be campaigning for his 2nd term.


I think he was taking the piss.
I mean who doesn't worship Hitler?

that's all the first term is for, you stupid nigger
to secure a second term
then you can set loose

Yeah, normies are cancer. Nothing new.

as you post an old ass dad meme

Sound logic there; you should get into politics.

Unfortunately, America will never be great. The best we can hope from Trump is to make it tolerably less shit.

All you're doing is setting up the "Trump can do no wrong" scenario. After all, it doesn't matter what he does his first term, right? He doesn't have to build that wall or deport anyone or put HRC on trial cuz 'muh 2nd term'.

Hold Trump to task. Don't sit there waiting for some magic future moment.

Kid, you don't seem to understand where you are. This is not the next grade level of 4/pol/. This is not where you graduate to once you've figured out that the mods are pozzed and international bantz while fun have zero substance.


Get the fuck off our board. You don't belong here.

Nah I think I'll stay just to piss you off. I know what Holla Forums is, you triggered faggot.

Doubling down doesn't mean go act like fucking retards, which is what they did. They're a joke, a cringefest embarrassment, it did not come off as what spencer tried to pawn it off to be.

I'm not saying it was a smart move, but I don't see how it justifies this fagmin's selling out to "diversity."

You are cancer, leave and never come back, you unfunny faggot.

Here's a hint, newfriend - nobody will know you're a cuckchanner if you don't act like a moron.

You should throw a fit about it some more, fag.


No one knows who this is, OP. Go away

Cuckchan truly is terrible at bantz

You fags need your safe space. I understand.

Your signal:noise ratio is Jew-tier.

That is the same autistic logic that made 4chan as shit as reddit and made the west decline, you fucking autist.
End yourself

??? mixed signals there.

I care so much about this.

Exactly. I'm proud of my Nazi heritage and apparently this fag is proud of his Zionist roots.

safe spaces seem to work great for the left

You cared enough to reply dumbass

lol look at this faggotry


wanna hug it out?

This seems like a nice complement.
