So, all the devs out there deleted their 32 repositories. I'm stuck with an awesome X60 with arch32, and no repos.
Does anyone know where user can find 32 bit packages or repos after this yuge wipe?
32-bit Linux repos
Other urls found in this thread:
install gentoo
Just fucking install Gentoo.
I set my CHOST to i486-pc-linux-gnu, -march=i486, and -mtune=i486 set in CFLAGS. This way I have a set of highly compatible Gentoo stage and packages ready to go for old systems. I'm even building ZFS into it (... and everybody says ZFS doesn't work in 32bit. That's bullshit it worked fine on a P4 HT I ran it on in the past!)
They wiped all the pure x86 repos? There's something (((suspicious))) about that. In either case install gentoo. I think puppy linux still has pure x86 builds if you don't want the meme distro.
I had an old Kali distro lying around, but I think it's gone now.
32 bit Devuan and Debian are still doing fine user.
Disk space, compiler time. What percentage of home computers with Linux installed use 32 bit computers? I'd say less than 2%. It's a waste of time and energy to cater for this absolutely minuscule group. Pre-compiled software is a matter of convenience, it is not a necessary part of computing.
You must be kidding.
Most packages are compiled for 32bit architectures, that's why on Arch you'll have probably multilib enabled and the i386 architecture added on Debian.
Just install Slackware user. "Bob" will never let you down.
You did not answer the question.
So I guess developing Linux itself is a waste of time, since less than 1% of people use it.
As well as any web browser that isn't Chrome or Firefox.
Linux is probably the kernel that's the most widely used in the world. The 1% Lignux figure is only for desktop machines. The total Linux install base is far larger than that.
Meme distros tend to only support one architecture. I'd recommend Debian instead.
Parabola GNU/Linux supports 32bit iirc.
Actually Minix' kernel is the most widely used. Thanks, Intel.
rg -NA 1 "\[multilib\]" /etc/pacman.conf#[multilib]#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
My guess is that the number of Intel IME chips worldwide is still smaller than the number of Linux installs worldwide.
ITT: archfags go full MAD
t. gentoo patrician
manjaro still has 32bit isos, so i assume it supports 32bit still. you can try looking into switching from arch to manjaro repos to see if its possible. otherwise perhaps a fresh install may be needed
LInux Mint still has 32bit
Android doesn't count, you street shitter.
Use Artix
Basically amateur-hour os.
Fuck off back to where you were a month ago, you lazy ignorant shitbag.
Why would you sage this thread you jealous nobody?
Why not install a 64 bit distro? From what I just saw, that laptop seems to have a 64 bit CPU.
obsolete isn't absolute
tools and techniques can find use decades, centuries, and millenia after use has fallen out of favor
what you are saying is equal to saying that carpentry skills are obsolete because power tools exist
absolute degenerate
Down to the same model?
gentoo, slackware, free/net/openBSD. debian if you are ok with systemd botnet.
no need, just go with devuan
If everyone didn't already know arch is a giant cia nigger/red hat shill system u should get it now. switching to systemd and breaking everyone's shit?
removing all support for older hardware ?
whats the next step in "progress" ??
The people with money do NOT like linux
Ok, and any of those 3 cpus are not 64 bits? I thought intel made only 64 bit cpus since p4.
The original Yonah Core Solos and Core Duos are 32-bit. X60s equipped with 64-bit Core 2 Duos are very rare.
In addition to Yonah, some 2008-2009 Atom CPUs are also 32-bit.
There was a time where the developers dropped support for ZFS on 32bit systems.
OpenZFS brought back compatibility.
You can also run ZFS on low memory machines, although I wouldn't suggest it.
why the fuck is anyone using 32-bit
Can I put a RISC-V based SOC or BGA chip on the mainboard then if the power and voltage going to that section where the old proccessor socket is at, exceeds what it needs?
Backwards compatibility. Much old windows software was compiled for x86 in 16bit and 32bit modes. Most consumer x86_64 linux distro's include 32bit and 64bit libraries for backwards compatibility. If you aren't doing gaming and you are going for battery life while using a web browser then go for a pure 64 bit distro. If you want legacy software/vidya then go x86_64 with 32 and 64 bit libs. I am not sure if there is a distro with pure 64 bit builds other then gentoo.
muh memory
no, that's not how it works, at least with current off the shelf parts
It's fine as long as you don't turn deduplication on.
In embedded, many platforms aren't 64 bit yet.
im using an ia32 sub notebook because its very portable and i have no real reason to go 64 when im only using 1 gig of ram.
This is why I use Debian. I really wish they still had official PPC32/64 and SPARC support, but they had it for the longest time when everyone else ditched a decade ago. I am 100% sure they will have i386/i686 support into 2020's. Their goal isn't to be bleeding edge. Arch will always be bleeding edge. There's nothing wrong with that, but you can't expect to use old hardware/software on that distro. That's not who its for.
muh poorly ported videogames
As far as I can tell, its pretty much industry standard for anything older than 5 years
Its also false that tons of businesses run xp right?
My 64-bit Atom netbook has 1 GB of memory. What should I do? (inb4 replace it) Can you justify installing a 64-bit OS on it over the 32-bit version?
Only if by Linux you mean GNU/Linux, otherwise yes Android literally is Linux you retard. This shit annoys me more than people who insist ChromeOS somehow isn't Linux despite literally just being custom gentoo.
install gentto
Install GNU GuixSD with HURD, or as an alt Debian GNU/HURD
Let me interject for a moment to blather about obscure naming conventions backed by freeturd logic and sperg terminology.
When people say "Linux" they're referring to the hackable desktop OS that typically comes with GNU. Besides, the Android kernel is heavily modified Linux; it doesn't even support ext, which is literally the Linux filesystem. You could just as easily call it a different kernel.
My Android system lists multiple ext4 partitions.
linux lite. I know people dont like using open source stuff when it says lite on the packaging but the truth is that it works really well with a lot of libraries preinstalled so you just start pecking out programs that you like. it runs with any gui on 2gb ram
I know places that are running shit a hell of a lot older than XP...
Because they have a 32 bit machine.
Android Linux being modified from the mainline doesn't stop it from being Linux. People who call Linux an operating system and also a kernel program at the same time are making a mistake.
What carpentry can x86 do that x64 can't? Less heat? Cheap processing power?
Holy shit you fags are still posting in this thread? I've gone through like 4 distros by now.
Do you know how many single CPUs are hosting dozens and dozens of linux installs in VMs and containers? That's practically all that AWS even is.
Doing God's work, son.
Why not? 64-bit CPUs offer very little for most users.
How about being able to use more than two GB of RAM in a single process?
Please tell me you're not serious.
I've installed Bodhi Linux (Legacy release) on my old Thinkpad T41. It runs pretty smoothly.
Point proven. There is no advantage.
What process are you doing in a laptop that requires more than 2GB RAM? Use the right tools for the right purpose. Laptops are for low powered portable computing. If you need high powered computing, don't do it on a laptop!
Wasn't talking about myself.
And of course they are not for gaming!!! Right?
"any colour's fine for as long as it is " aka "you're free as in freedumbs to use our distro for as long as we are merciful enough on you to keep the repo online"
x86 is lean and is true legacy of the 80386, the first actually good PC CPU, while x64 is generally associated with all-encompassing botnet, """modern""" bloat and unnecessary complexity.
1. ext* is not a required feature of the kernel. It's entirely optional and can be disabled in the configuration just like any other filesystem.
2. Most if not all Android devices do use ext4. There are some exotic runaways that use f2fs for some partitions, but at least /system will probably be ext4.
You don't really understand how the kernel works if you think there is such a thing as "the Linux filesystem". I'm comfortable saying that the most important area where Linux differs from the rest of the Unix family is that instead of "everything is a file" its more like "everything is a file-like object". All these file like objects need to be kept somewhere, and organized somehow right?
Do X60s not have x86-64 CPUs? I was really considering getting one but I might have to hold back if that's the case.
ext4 is *THE* Linux filesystem.
I propose the term "memeware" to encompass all "meme software" dismissals, including "meme distro", "meme language", "meme software", etc.
Oh boy if you only knew how wrong you are. Look up what a keyboard controller is and down the rabbit hole you go. Look up A20. Look up SMM. x86 is so full of layers and layers of legacy shit is isn't funny any more.
The ones with core2duos support 64bit architectures.
How does x86-64 remedy this? By putting even more and more layers on top of it? How is that an improvement?
It's hopeless goy, utterly utterly hopeless. Haven't you seen how, any time there is a discussion of security issues, somebody shows up to prove it's hopeless and that the 386 is just as bad as full CIA nigger ME backdoored recent machines?
Here on this board we've seen blackpill artists assert that system management mode is exactly the same as Intel's AMT/ME because they all have the word "management" in them. When you see a post like that it's just confirmation that the glowing niggers are in the thread and watching.
Their new shit is even more complicated and badly designed. Didn't you hear about the Meltdown and Spectre bugs?
If you want an old chip, get an m68k or PowerPC. If you want a new chip and you're a poorfag, get an ARM Cortex-A7 on a board that that doesn't require non-free boot code. Some are listed here:
debian sid bro
theres a torrent out there. iirc some anons are trying to save old linuxes. idk if its in or our /t/.
You knew this was coming. I stopped using Arch early 2017 and switched to Gentoo and GuixSD because of that blatant BS from Arch.
And besides, it turns out the memers were right; Gentoo is way more /comfy/
It's true that ChromiumOS is built using the Gentoo package manager, but it doesn't use the actually Portage tree and doesn't ship with any Gentoo utilities, either. ChromiumOS uses Upstart as its init.