Ethnically european

Does anyone suffer more than I do?

If you're actually European and not larping we don't care. It's about your race, not what dirt you were born on.

Nice blogpost, where can I subscribe?

easy to say when you're in the first world, let's be honest



If everything goes to shit and Europe trades its non-whites for the couple of million whites still living in Africa it would be a fair deal.

The only reason you may feel like this if you are not really a European.

Holla Forums is pro-white immigration, if the immigrants are also right wing.

More like you don't have any skills and couldn't if you tried, so you're hiding behind your pride.

Truth, where you're born doesn't affect what genes you have. And as can be seen from generations of niggers living in America and yet still chimping out, nature trumps nurture after all.

I have skills but it's not like that would matter much, since I have dual-citizenship with an European country.

Try midwest burgerland, its pretty fucking white still, and mostly uncucked. If you're white and from overseas you can probably get a white wife without much difficulty.

I can't do that, I'm engaged. My fiancée has Italian citizenship already, though.

Ah, the truth comes out. He's not even a turdworlder at all, just misrepresenting an unusual situation to win some pointless argument. Reminds me of a certain group of people…

Go back to your yuro homeland and vote for the most right wing party there, faggot. And then go preach to all your countrymen.

Stop being a pussy and work to uncuck your country. I don't want a world full of black, chinese, mudslimes and poo-in-the-loos slaves of jews to constantly war with white people.

You can get dual-citizenship and not move to the place through ius sanguinis.

You're a faggot and a kike. How the fuck does your situation have anything to do with turdworld migration when you're a citizen of a first world country?

He does have a point, you can get european citizenship without even touching that country's ground or knowing the language, most of the time by having a grandmother/father from there
Some places are more strict than others, for example Italians were very lax with it, Spain too except Euskadi

He's probably saying he's ashamed of migrating to his country without even being from there in any way other than blood
I'll say just learn the language, jump ship and work hard to earn a place, it's not like there aren't negroes who can't even speak native and still have the nationality

If you're white I don't care from what country you're from.

Come on over fam.

Retarded thread. If you're 100% genetically pure European then you can come to Europe.
Not if you're a race mixed mongrel though, then you're not ethnically European as you claim to be.

Wew lad.

What fuckery is this? He already said he has citizenship in a European country. He can just get on a plane and move there, he doesn't need to "immigrate". So why is he trying to D&C here and act like somehow it's Holla Forums's fault he chose to live in some shithole instead of going to his own country when there are zero legal barriers to it?

And what point is that? That we should argue with each other over some insignificant trivia when he won't even honestly state his situation?

Yeah, unless you're him, let's let him say himself what's on his mind. He can type, can't he?

What's your deal OP? You're a European citizen, you're European, yet you still live in a turd world shithole even though you claim to hate it. What gives? What are you not telling us?

What's wrong with you OP? If you are white then there's nothing wrong with emigrating to europe.

This. Dirt isn't magic. Come home, white man.

I can see your point but you projected way too much, do you have 20 niggers outside your house to be that touchy?
I can't bash too much thou because i was angry at the newfaggory some days ago too
OP does need to clarify what is he rambling about, we can only suppose what does he mean

Or he can just DELETE THIS

You're a colonialist. It's your duty to bring civilization to the savages, not the other way around.
Teach them to poo in loo.

I just don't like how sneaky he is about it. From reading the OP, you would think he's some white brazilian or something, stuck there and complaining that Holla Forums won't let him leave. But the thing he conveniently leaves out is something that completely resolves this supposed dilemma, because it turns out his situation does not involve immigration at all. His response doesn't acknowledge this as a significant omission either, he just brings it up as an offhand detail.

You're right, the only way to be sure is if he explains himself, but he isn't, and his behavior is already suspicious.