Ron Paul

Would Holla Forums potentially vote for Ron if the two candidates for president were him and Trump?
Did we just evolve from Ron or he's just a dream that America is still not ready for?

No. I like Paul, but he is way over the hill and so is libertarianism.

2008: Ron
2012: debatable
2016: Trump

Trump came at a time when we needed him most. We tried the nice-guy, principled libertarian approach twice and we got shat all over. Now it's shoah time.


Ron isn't a libertarian at all though
Just like the Democrats aren't leftists.
The political compass isn't a reliable measure, but all US politicians fall in the same small segment of it including Paul and Trump.

But Trump isn't exactly antizionist. No I'm not a shill, I actually love Trump and hope he's more racist and more antiskype than he shows he is but I'm just saying what I think.
In fact I think (((they))) didn't eliminate Trump for that exact reason, time will show if Trump is the superhero we all want him to be, but I just think the system is corrupted at a level that no non-zionist politician will ever have a decent chance to be elected

I like Ron Paul enough that I voted for him twice. However, I've come to the realization that libertarianism can only work in a world that is 100% white, western European. Unfortunately, that's not the world we live in.

Ron Paul had potential, but he cared about political correctness. Considering this board is literally Politically Incorrect that would definitely create a gap between his intentions and our goals. I like him, but he would probably Cuck for BLM, Trump wouldn't.

Why? Are you looking for D&C ideas?

Lookie lookie a kike infiltrator.

How fucking new are you, nigger? Yes they most definitely are leftists.
Nice job outing yourself as a cuckchanner, faggot. Fuck off.

Sage isn't a downvote you stupid low-iq nigger.

Ron, unlike Trump, was openly racist though, I can see him supporting some cuck movements, but definitely not BLM

The amount of posts claiming to detect kikes has gone up recently
Honestly by detecting JIDF or even fucking TRS/CTR/SRS in every second post you devalue the meaning of those posts entirely, we're almost at the stage where those detector posts would be ignored completely which is worrying, to say the least

I know you're probably even more convinced that I'm a shill after this post, but consider what I've just said.

With Ron, we told them about the dangers of big government.
With Trump, we show them.

You're the one that's right btw
I visit 8 for actual news and 4 for laughs, not going to hide that.

And by leftist I meant economically leftist, I know some Americans refer to leftist as a synonym to liberal, but you understood what I meant.

Where have you been, nigger?

Strawman, I know, but I don't see the end results really, in fact I think he mainly educated cucks that roleplay as AnCaps

Everything is relative

Those posts still hold some value and start trains of similar responds to the same posts
Likewise their influence is still declining and is at an all time low

It's neither black nor white at this moment
And you're pretty naive about the userbase, I think you're considering the influence of those posts on you, and not on the general public

I would've chosen Ron over Don. Ron's been indirectly attacking Jews for decades and wants to drastically shrink government while Trump was, and still is, an unknown.

Hope so.


Paul was the hero we deserved, but not the one we needed.
Trump was the hero we needed, but not the one we deserved.

"Ron Paul - 95% of black males in Washington DC are Criminals"
Ron was definitely redpilled and open about it unlike Trump

And Ron is against militarising police and using it as army against Americans.

I've thought about this before, but I'm a little caught between them.

Trump gets things quite right anyway, and I think Trump has more ability to get things done, but he's still learning.

Paul has a really long and clear track record, and would continue course for sure. He also has a huge amount of knowledge about these things.

Trump can adapt extremely well, but he might get some things wrong.

Paul probably won't get things wrong, and his adaptability is a bit unknown to me.

If the US were over 90% white, we'd be ready for Ron. Until we reach that point, we need Trump or someone else like him. The demographic issue takes priority over everything else.

Voted for him once. Regretted it ever since. I hate this piece of shit for being an open boarders faggot traitor.

Fuck Ayn Rand and sociopathic "philosophy"
The john Galt speech was good though

It only takes 10% to re-infiltrate you moron. The entire world needs to be 100% white and Jews need to be GONE. Then Libertarianism is workable

Bye bye!

Still too optimistic
At the bottom of the bell curve we'll always have the nigger IQ whites

this meme needs to die.


Both Pauls are open border fags? Damn, what a bummer.

Nigger IQ whites are still better than niggers because they're generally not as violent.


They're still not peaceful enough to fit them in a libertarian society

2012 also Ron but otherwise this^

Not sure about Rand, but Ron is following Friedman on open borders issue.

Wew lad
*i keked*

Read the post he replied to, his grievance is the same as yours.
I'd vote for paulberg hi learningcode over Trumpstein though, just for the memes.

Ron Paul is a fucking cuck!

I only supported paul during my /n/ days, once 2012 rolled around I gave up on him and now he's only good for the doompaul memes

No. Ron Paul had his chance, failed horribly, and is no longer relevant. He couldn't stay up to half the things Trump is standing up to.

This. We gave Americans a chance for a constitutional republic. They can't complain what is coming now.

My bad, on mobile

He would have folded with little to no prodding and gone full puppet, as evidenced by how fast he threw 9/11 truthers under the bus.

Immigration is the biggest problem we have now. Paul wants to bend over where Trump wants to send em back. I have no doubt Paul would have been a great president in many ways, but Trump is what we need right now.

I love this image because it shows that sacred concepts, such as nationalism, can still be perverted by the Jews. After all, they got the Americans to fight wars over patriotism and (((freedom))).

Trump is in deep with the kikes, I don't think he is willing to risk expensive war, but we will see. Certainly better than Shillary, who openly advocates for the destruction of Israel's neighbours.
Ron Paul is isolationist, which is great, but he is globalism incarnate, a true capitalist, even if that means opening up your nation to (((foreign investors))). Hey, it's capital, right? $20 is $20.

Number 4: how tolerant, goy! If you don't like it, don't look!

Ron Paul knew what he was talking, that's why he was on the fringes.

No? Are you stupid? Ron Paul is for open borders, therefore he is anti-white.