“In its 1947 strategy plan, the advertising agency strongly emphasized a psychological approach. “We are dealing with a problem in mass psychology. We seek to … strengthen the tradition of the diamond engagement ring — to make it a psychological necessity capable of competing successfully at the retail level with utility goods and services….” It defined as its target audience “some 70 million people 15 years and over whose opinion we hope to influence in support of our objectives.” N. W. Ayer outlined a subtle program that included arranging for lecturers to visit high schools across the country. “All of these lectures revolve around the diamond engagement ring, and are reaching thousands of girls in their assemblies, classes and informal meetings in our leading educational institutions,” the agency explained in a memorandum to De Beers.”
Memeing "No hymen, no diamond" is very Jewish of us to do. Yes, women's innocence should be protected by their fathers and brothers until their wedding night! No, women should not be excited for worthless Jew diamonds! They should be excited about their wedding night, having lots of babies and hopefully having enough money to afford a house to clean. Which is why starting out your marriage by throwing away money on a Jew rock is a terrible idea we've been programmed to accept! Redpill your lady on how stupid Jew rocks are, go for a simple gold/silver/platinum band (wedding rings are not necessary for a happy wife, believe it or not!)
This meme is new to me but I see the point: appealing to women's greed and vanity so they'll remain "pure" of body.
Sebastian Allen
It's not called Jewelry for no reason, but where's your source for this malarkey?
Dominic Russell
Dont tell me what to meme and dont tell me what to buy my wife.
Babbys first post
Charles Watson
For the love of Kek, would you newfags please fucking LURK for a month or two before starting threads and posting in them?! Anyone who's been here at least a couple months knows everything about De Beers and their little rock cartel!
God damn fucking kike on a stick, this isn't halfchan!
Bentley Garcia
It's a figure of speech, sweet summer user.
Christian Howard
Liam Morgan
Marketers rule the way we live and their Prussian tactics have been at work for over a hundred years, i wouldn't doubt what OP quoted for a second.
Jason Wood
More evidence to the pile that it's not a condition and they are just retarded.
Chase Wilson
Jude outs himself
Lucas Rodriguez
One story I've heard from a lot of men is that
This hasn't happened to me, I wouldn't put up with it, but a lot of men struggle with this line of reasoning from women. What can be done to combat this?
Levi Ortiz
There is an abundance of mainstream sources for this. This is the sort of shit even normalfags can figure out if they care to, not special Holla Forums knowledge. Go google or bing it you lazy fuck.
Jackson Clark
It's a figure of speech which reinforces jew parasitism.
Jaxon Campbell
You just realized this? It's well known diamonds are essentially worthless, gain no value, and have no resale value whatsoever.
And yes, the world's supply is carefully horded and maintained to keep their prices high.
This started much earlier in the 20th century with the work of Ed Bernays.
This doesn't require a source, anyone with a passing interest in lapidary is aware of this.
Luis Sanchez
Quit spamming. What exactly am I supposed to do about that, even if it's true? I don't know any of you fuckers so it is impossible for me to make an informed decision about who should moderate this board. It is impossible for anybody to make an informed decision on that matter, since none of us know any of us. Am I a jew shill? Are you a jew shill? Who the fuck knows?
So what is the point in me wasting my time and effort worrying about this? If I can't do anything about it, why should I waste my time worrying about it?
Luke Watson
The cognitive dissonance of you rabi-sucking sellouts is beyond description.
Don't you have a Wailing Wall to bow down to, you god damn cuck?
Aaron Roberts
Don't even bother, christians are inoperable. Nothing you can say will get through to him, it will only cause an unending argument with no possibility of meaningful conclusion.
Austin Brooks
Michael Robinson
I like you anyway, so here, have this.
Eli Garcia
Buy an artificially manufactured diamond. Tell her you don't wanna support blood money or some shit. With women it's all emotion, so you just need a good romantic story she can tell all of her friends.
Cooper Price
Good suggestions, thanks.
Something one of my friends did is convince his wife that they should both make rings for each other. They each forged/machined/whatever rings for each other out of titanium or something. They both seemed quite pleased with themselves for thinking of it and it was very cheap for them. Then again they are also both engineers, so results may not be typical.
William Torres
Beliefs are only changed during a triumph.
Like the old story of the Frog King. And its story is even timely for this thread.
Jose Ward
Parker Lee
Don't be retarded. It's just a euphemism for marriage. I'd much prefer "no ring" but this is something mainly made to enrage femicunts, and "diamond" strikes the nerve better by targeting their materialistic fantasies.
If a woman actually made me buy a diamond to marry her, unless it cost less than 1% of my annual income, I'd tell her to get the fuck out. The fact that I found her worthy of proposing at all should be reward enough, the ungrateful cunt.
Chase Butler
"Bitch, do you care more about what some stranger faggots say, or what your husband says? Cuz if you're not willing to put me and our children first 100% of the time, I don't even want to marry you, you can go fuck yourself."
Also a good position to take for suppressing the latent liberal cancer present in all women.
Really, the woman has power in a relationship up until the first time you fuck her. After that, the power starts shifting more and more to the man every time sex occurs. The woman's power is tied up in being able to say you're not worthy of fucking her. Once you've done it she can no longer say that, but the man still retains the decision of whether the woman is worthy of committing to. If the things you bring up are a problem for you, you need to realize this and stop acting like the woman has power because she did back when you were still courting her.
Michael Cox
That's good advice and all, but I'm interested in wide-scale social engineering. Messaging that stands a chance of going toe to toe with the diamond meme and breaking it's back.
Sebastian Brooks
How so?
Ayden Wilson
It's easier said than done, that's for sure. The diamond marketing of the last century is second to none.
Blake Wood
"Blood diamond" is a great meme, it's gotten widespread traction throughout the population, but even it hasn't stopped the diamond meme. Slowed it down a little maybe.
Aaron Ross
What's your goal, to reduce diamond ring sales by 99%? Can't help you there.
But if you're concerned with marriage, I think the solution is to educate men and teach them how to defeat women bullshit. Almost no man wants to buy a rock for his wife, the only reason they do it is because they're whipped. Teach them to stop being whipped, and who cares about niggers getting killed in some African mine?
Jaxson Price
Good point OP. You were not a faggot today.
Aiden Perry
Nolan Price
I don't care about the niggers, I care about the jew middlemen who are enriched and use those funds to finance the destruction of our race.
Appealing to bleeding hearts with tales of poor niggers is just a convenient tactic.
Levi Perry
"You can pick either this Refrigerator or the Diamond."
Matthew Thompson
I like the way you think. You can also translate this example to explain idealistic values and real values or ficial economy and real economy.
Christopher King
I don't care what jews claim, my waifu deserves the sterling band on her finger. Rings predate the jew, diamond or not, and unlike the Christian "till death do us part," this pure love is eternal and the ring symbolizes that wondrously.
Michael Reyes
It's an 8300 dollar fridge.
Parker Fisher
Fair enough then. Might still help to frame it as narcissism and shame women for spending such money on jewelery instead of putting it in a college fund for their children.
In which case yes, it would compete with the meme. The meme could just change to "no hymen no ring".
Christopher Kelly
There is absolutely nothing wrong with rings. The problem is with the rocks.
Charles Wilson
Well some people that studied economy think that idealistic values (like a work of art) is the same as a car or a house given an economy that exponentially generates gdp, as an example how inifinite exponential growth can work.
It is like your wife can choose, either that fridge or a diamond ring on her finger if in that though experiment only those two options are viable, in a soft version of that thought experiment.
Leo White
Sounds like a winning strategy, OP. The way Holla Forums memes women as whores, gold-diggers, retarded children, etc, certainly offering them nothing in exchange for a lifetime of dedicated domestic servitude is the way to go, particularly when the most traditional women are the ones who want diamond engagement rings the most. Surely this is the way to ensure the future for white children.
Any man who asks me for my daughter's hand in marriage better be prepared to show me a lovely engagement ring before he asks her or he better get the fuck off my porch.
Oliver Taylor
I would want to keep my wedding to a minimum and use that money toward a nice kitchen.
For instance I would want a wall steam cooker,and a wall sous vide cooker that would enable my family to have 4 Star Restaurant food on a budget..
Evan King
Cuck logic, ladies and gentlemen.
And no, traditional women don't obsess diamonds or expensive weddings. Tradition says that a woman who bankrupts her family by blowing all her money on pointless shit is retarded. The women who insist on diamonds are the used up carousel riders with princess syndrome who read cosmpolitan and watch sex and the city, but when a rich suitor comes around put on the "modest" dress and go on about how they're not like other girls and don't kiss on the first date.
Evan Wright
Along with a smooth minibar.
Na you fucking dipshit, diamond ring a status symbol and a symbol of wealth. What you outline are the ones that want that diamond ring no matter the circumstances. They like wealth and status, it isnt princess syndrome it is a natural instinc just like you like big tits and a shapely ass. In a way you are the opposite of a feminist, because the feminist female version wants to be fat and ugly while imagining the prince on the white horse with the big strong armes, the six pack and the 7 inch cock that finds its way into her hole like a cruise missle.
Daniel Sanchez
What he is trying to say is: You get all that done what you outlined and you get that fucking diamond ring.
Jayden Mitchell
With your mentality your daughter would probably grow up a crypto-feminist and not be marriage material anyhow. But if by some stroke of luck it happened, you really think a young woman would listen to her father and not marry a man she's in love with?
Do you also regularly pay 20% APR on your purchases of Apple products outside your means, because hey it's a status symbol? Do you regularly have trouble paying rent because you blew your savings on a Rolex and Armani suit? Are your kids going to have to pass up on college because you can't afford the tuition after that Bentley you bought, and it fucked your credit score?
If you look at my earlier post, I don't mind a diamond ring in principle, if I was already making a lot of money from my job, or if it was very cheap. But the prospective husband to strain his finances (which are about to become her finances too ;^) over it is retarded.
He's not trying to say anything of the sort you claim. If you look at his post, it's very clear, he believes the husband makes no contribution to the marriage and just gets a free "domestic servant" out of it. Of course he expects payment for this indenture in the form of expensive jewelery, since in his mind he might as well be selling his daughter into slavery.
I don't know if it's blatant lack of compassion for his own child, or some very strange psychological stuff going on with over attachment, or he'd flat out so obsessed with his own status that he'd stake his daughter's happiness and future for it. But either way, he sounds like the stereotypical terrible in law that made in law jokes possible.
Bentley Morris
I said "matter the circumstances". And i give a fuck about rolex or armani if i cannot afford it.
Given that he isnt a larper, he is concerned that the future husband doesnt bring the qualities to will ensure a save future materializing in a fucking diamond ring. Which is a bit short sighted but then again he mad a short post and not an essay. Also young women tend to be dumb, depends on the age and the general character of his daughter aswell. So in a way it is idealism over pragmatism in a broad way. For him the goy has to be able to afford the diamond ring with ease, and for your perspective his lovely child picked the right man to be happy wit etc. Nothing to do with slavery just a show of good will if you will or an indicator of wealth. And compassion is stupid if it is in a naive way, if for example his daughter is 25 and the guy she is going to marry is 30 and has a decent carrer but is broke or in debt atm then well that would be retarded to make a fuzz about a diamond ring. If the guy is 22 and she is 19, then this a whole different story.
Blake Carter
And to stay on topic: The diamond ring is just a marketing thing to bundle certain instincts into a selling sheme. The "no hymen no diamond" thing is trying to use that preexisting meme to achieve other means. But in reality women are sluts these days and wont be too impressed by it and the pretty ones depeding on where they grew up and their circumstances will take a lot of cocks, no matter how smart and educated, if they are good looking have a regular personality they will take a lot of cocks if they can, gladly this wont be any beta numale cocks, no google developer cocks, no tech (i m a feminist) cocks and for the most part no "i m so educated" cocks, maybe bad judgement if they are drunk.
Blake Hill
Fake tits
Fake hymens
Welcome to the current year you stupid fuck
Aaron James
If a modest diamond ring is going to be such a huge strain on your finances, then I doubt you're financially stable enough to support my daughter and her children anyway.
The ring is a symbolic promise that A. You will follow through on the wedding and B. You will follow through on the VOWS of supporting your wife and children financially. If you're incapable of coming up with the cash for ANY SORT of engagement ring or church wedding, you're too damn poor to support a family and too damn poor to support kids.
My engagement ring + wedding came in at under $5000 and if you can't come up with $5000 to celebrate the most important day of your life with family and a few close friends, you ought to give up now and spend the $59.95 you do have saved up on condoms, a 12 pack, and a deluxe car wash because marriage is not for you.
Ryder Scott
Stupidest meme on the planet and anyone stating it unironically proves immediately that they have absolutely zero idea of how the human reproductive system works.
Ah, I see. You're Muslim. That's why you don't understand how women's bodies work.
Cameron Fisher
Jews deserve to be gassed just for shilling diamonds alone, if not for the enormous amount of crimes and blood associated with those diamonds.
Aiden Lopez
Fuck yes, I'd much rather have someone propose to me with a bar instead of a diamond.
God that sounds like such a terrible idea. I could understand the intent IF more men wanted virgins, but because so many of them don't or don't care these days, it sounds like unnecessary bother, pain, and money to get a fake one. But women can be insane so idk, maybe some do this.
Lucas Price
Buy her a NexusDiamond and don't tell her : you'll be down for 100$ and she can dump you afterwards all she wants without you losing anything of value in the process. diamondnexus.com/
Michael Turner
I think it is mostly mudshits who are pioneering this nonsense.
Joseph Green
Regardless of the industry’s bullshit, the phrase still stands.
Zachary Russell
No hymen, No diamond isn't saying if no "x" then no "x".
It's a two part saying but it's very subtle. If you don't have a hymen I don't want you, but also meaning I'm not getting you a diamond either way. Most normies think it means that MGTOW will only put a rock on a virgin. It's actually countering the kikes at all angles.
Asher Brown
So let me get this straight:
Did I get it right? Because frankly I'd be less offended if you outright asked for a dowry. At least the dowry will improve the lives of her parents, who, cunt as one of them may be, are still her parents. But now, you want it to go towards a charitable donation to the benefit of international jewry.
And don't try to switch goalposts, faggot. We were talking about ring only, not the wedding. But I have to ask, how does it end up costing five grand if it's "a day with family and a few close friends"? God, you even sound like a jew salesman. Begone! If you ever get over your shekel lust one day maybe I'll talk your daughter into forgiving you and we'll let you meet your grandchildren.
Grayson Lopez
Fucking kikes man. I bet most wedding caterers are kikes.
Andrew Edwards
Of course you have it wrong. Jesus Christ, you're an idiot.
I'd learn everything about you before I let you marry my daughter, and I wouldn't stand for you kiking out on the ring or the ceremony either. You'd give my daughter a white wedding in a church, which she merits as a virgin. You'd also give her a proper engagement ring so that everyone who meets her, even strangers, will know instantly that she's spoken for by someone serious and she's not not some whore they can just pump and dump like your sister, OR you can go back to jerking off into your Japanese comic books and get off my porch, it's really simple, son.
And the sum of $5000 is reached real quickly if you don't get married in jeans and a torn t-shirt in someone's back yard by someone with an Internet ordination, and if you dont serve KFC and charge $5 for a plastic cup at the reception.
Dylan Baker
I'm pretty sure everybody here understands that.
Michael Young
Interesting that you bring up Muslims, who actually have effectively this policy in many of their countries. The sluts just stick to blowjobs and anal, assuming they don't just go all in and get reconstruction surgery after.
And you get so many poor women, who are perfectly pure and innocent, but oh boy this evil man that said he was gonna marry her, he fooled her and took advantage of her youthful naivete, what a terrible man! She would never have done it, if she hadn't thought 100% he would absolutely marry her, honest! Such a tragic epidemic of indecisiveness among Muslim men, they just keep cancelling marriage plans that were all so set in stone.
If she's the kind of woman who has to be lied to about this, she would probably take her to a jeweler to see if it's real. I think they are required to mark the diamonds as natural/synth precisely for this reason, plus there are also other ways to tell.
But then of course the question is why you would marry a woman like this at all. Divorce law being what it is, there's a lot more at stake than the price of some ring.
It really is a gigantic pit, and you get to decide when you stop shovelling money on (while everyone cheers and yells "more! more!").
For 24k, you get: I fail to see how any of these things would not improve your life more than one awkward social occasion. I wonder what the budgets for these things look like.
Isaiah Peterson
isnt it tradition for the bride's father to pay for the wedding? so you would be paying for it
Parker Green
Kill yourself.
Ryan Thompson
I think it's shameful that De Beers, once set up by Cecil Rhodes to promote white Christian anglo civilization, has fallen into the hands of destructive, satanic kikes.
Thomas Barnes
a lot, if the woman is a worthless materialist whore.
Juan Lopez
Ahahaha faggot, I'm starting to believe you're an actual father, probably a cuckservative male feminist as well, kek. All this talk and all it takes is five measly grand -about a month's wages for the average American- for you to give your blessing to any cock having his way with your daughter.
Where do you think you are, India? Have fun with your shotgun wedding when penniless badboy Chad knocks up your girl and you have to do a shotgun wedding, bet you'd have to pay for gas on his motorcycle too.
I understand caring about your daughter's future, but you have to be reasonable, man. Get your head out of your ass.
Ian Reyes
If your woman says that, get a different woman. Bitches are going to wake up when they realize they pissed on an opportunity with a smart man in favor of some shiny chunk of carbon.
Also the diamond thing is pretty much only a US thing. not even eurocucks do it as much as we do.
nope still expensive chunk of carbon
And when the bitch picks the diamond, you dump her
Sterling is 92.5% silver. that's not unreasonable… a ring would contain less than $3 worth of metal.
like marriage is a good deal for men? knock up white bitches but no need to marry them.
fucking hipster
drinking is degeneracy
the hymen isn't the indicator of a virtuous woman.
OK i dont want anything to do with your vapid ass or your daughter. bye
are you suggesting that a diamond is required for the human reproductive system to work?
Jaxson Carter
Apperently that's not the case seeing as how this thread exists.
Luke Davis
May they burn you.
Austin Butler
Oh mein sides, thank you for this
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
Zachary Edwards
Camden Sanchez
You are misunderstanding the nature of the concerns being raised. Everybody here is parsing "No Hymen, No Diamond" correctly.
Jaxson Taylor
There is a benefit to having something that she wears 24/7 and no matter where she is she can look at it and think of you.
You all sound like Jews when you say the bottom line is the $$$
William Green
I have more ripip ur sides
Ian Murphy
point and laugh, everyone
Josiah Hill
I think despite the other disagreements we can understand that diamonds are a bullshit industry run by kikes. If your wife-to-be wants a ring she can have a fancy gold band of whatever weight she thinks she is worth (or not worth). Gold at least has some intrinsic value and can be sold or bartered later.
Women that demand you spend multiple paychecks on trinkets aren't going to go away anytime soon but if you must indulge one at least make it worth the money.
Samuel Powell
No Cherry, No Marry
Brody Cooper
We paid for our wedding on the cheap, but not the rings. My in-laws provided the rings. Those were family heirlooms and were good luck. Been together for 15 years, wouldn't trade it for all the tea in china.
Austin Green
Apt replacement. Only one I could think of is "purity is marriage security"
Aiden Wilson
My wife's father didn't pay for my wedding, I did, so I figure it's not a tradition after all. I'll probably chip in for the honeymoon (which was seperate expense) but the bride and groom shouldn't expect it.
This from a Jew who's too cheap to buy a fucking ring for the woman he expects to raise his children. GTFO Hymie, you'll probably serve catfood on crackers to your guests and tell 'em it's chopped liver.
They ARE Jews. They want the milk AND the cow for free, plus they expect the cow to milk itself. Anyone who wants something for nothing is automatically a Jew.
Isaac Myers
3D isn't important
David Cruz
I've already said that I'm all for buying a plain gold ring, maybe even a cheap diamond, daddio. You're the one who insists on muh diamond.
You still haven't said, what makes you think you get a say? I personally recognize you should by virtue of being the father, but our society doesn't. If she marries a "Jew" against your will, no ring, wtf are you gonna do about it?
Brayden Butler
please post more
Angel Nguyen
Exactly, 2.5D is where it's at.
Lincoln Anderson
Jaxson Cox
I mean to be sure, neither is that great, but I thought we were trying to avoid the worst here.
Your pic is qt, would rub one off, but if I was actually with her I could never get over the fact that millions of basement dwelling virgins have jerked it to her pantyhose upskirts.
This is a woman obsessed with her ability to arouse lust in strangers. She could get a hobby and get really good at it, she could read up on a subject and become an amateur expert, she could write witty poems or learn to draw pictures, she could get a job where she teaches kids to love learning, but no - she decided that the best thing about her should be that men can look at her photo and masturbate.
Jayden Long
3DPD is a state of being, if your waifu becomes real she is 3D technically, PD is if she acts like normal woman.
remember only your waifu matters
Jason Green
Ridicule also Agree and Amplify.
Appeal to their supposed "intelligence" show them data how diamonds are not rare nor valuable and show them alternatives, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, opals, tanzanite.
Show them articles documenting De Beers as a corrupt and evil company. Be sure to include the articles about supposed "Conflict Free Etched" diamonds being bullshit too.
Make it a choice. Honeymoon with memories forever, or a physical rock mineral that will only depreciate 50% once placed on her finger.
Lie. Straight up bye her a fucking lab made gem/diamond and forge an appraisal. When I was stationed in Japan the smarter jarheads would do this shita ll the time - it was fuking hilarious. Then you drop her like a bag of shit, shame her and praise Kek for the bullet your dodged. Had a buddy who "upgraded" a synthetic stone due to guilt after 7 years of marriage with a 3K rock. 11 months later divorced and she lives with her girlfriend from work.
If you spend more than 1K on a ring, you're a dummy. If you buy "new", you're a dummy. If you can't convince your lesser sex to accept a different gem and compromise, you're a dummy and are going to have a bad, bad time in your coming divorce.
Austin James
What catfish man should have done for day 6 is copied the picture of the 9/10 set up another catfish account catch a dud and arrange a meeting between the two.
Nathaniel Brown
All 3D is PD, normalfag.
Elijah Robinson
It's a fucking joke mate, don't take everything so seriously.
Aaron Campbell
underrated post
also, she wears metric tons of cosmetics over her plain face, wears colored contacts to mask her shit brown eyes, dyed hair to mask her shit brown hair, the photo is airbrushed as fuck and you can see she has hammer toes
this girl clearly gets zero attention irl so she needs to cosplay to feel any sense of beauty or self worth
Evan Jenkins
I fucked up, I know.
Isaac Ramirez
She won't, she'll always ask for my approval because that's the way she's been raised. First she asks her mom, and on important issues, her mom defers to me, and she has to ask my permission. Her mom, her church, her extended family, all of them agree that the man is the boss.
If she should choose to rebel and become a whore, then she's no longer my daughter. We won't be raising her illegitimate children while she's out smoking nigger pole like most girls. She'll be raising bastard kids on her own without our help, and she already knows it. Pretty simple.
Samuel Jackson
Joseph Sanders
It's okay bud. Thanks for the semen demon.
Why are you trying to make it into this weird scenario? I never said about bastard mixed kids. The hypothetical is, an otherwise perfectly agreeable husband, who just happens to dislike being ripped off on jewellery, which to you means a "Jew".
What then? You're just gonna cut her off because hurr durr muh diamond? And how do you expect that to help you? You think the husband will need your help to raise the kids? Your church is gonna be okay with you writing off your daughter because her husband doesn't want to prop up a morally corrupt industry?
You really think this is all about her, getting something from you? That you have the bargaining position? And who will be crying bitch tears and saying sorry begging to see his grandkids at least once?
I like how you keep insisting on the diamond ring. You say the expense proves the man's financial status, but you could have easily accepted something else as demonstration of that, like a nice house, a new car, or any number of things that actually have some intrinsic value. Face it, pops, you've fallen for the marketing. You've bought into the crystalline jew.
Best of luck to you and your daughter, but I hope you change your attitude, or it could cost you your family one day.
Anthony Ward
Nero did nothing wrong
Josiah Price
At least he got out in the end; that's more than I can say for most cucks.
Jose Howard
I had a friend who sold all of his firearms for a diamond wedding ring. The girl was a landwhale.
Needless to say: No guns, no friendship.
Jose Sullivan
This 3D is just a burden we have to carry in order to preserve the White race until artificial wombs for 2D waifus are feasible.
Noah Ortiz
Go ahead, carry it for me and I will wait for artificial wombs.
Carter Davis
Doublesingles confirm.
Easton Reed
Stop being a degenerate you fresh off the boat faggot and show some goddamn respect to the thing you're pretending to uphold.
Andrew Moore
No thanks, faggot. I'll be waiting for legal cloning so that my identical son might have the chance to find a 2D AI that will truly love him. Now go reproduce yourself, I bet you are also Whiter than me.
Evan Walker
What the fuck are you going on about?
No thanks, faggot. My plan is to get a vasectomy if I can.
Asher Martinez
A man who refuses to buy my daughter an engagement ring is not going to be "otherwise acceptable". He is going to have something else wrong with him, it's almost certain. If nothing else, he's not going to have enough respect for my daughter to buy her something she wants. He's not going to be committing himself prior to the marriage, yet he's going to expect my daughter to commit her virginity to him prior to the marriage. He's going to expect her to do all kinds of things for him while being unwilling to make one symbolic gesture to her.
If he comes from a good family and can get a ring from his parents or grandparents that's been passed down, fine. If he wants to buy a ruby or an emerald instead, fine (although that's gonna cost even more, check for yourself). As for cars and houses, those are not GIFTS, they're NECESSITIES, so being able to care for her properly includes buying cars and houses as needed. I intend to help my daughter and her husband out in the housing department someday, but again, they'd better not be expecting it because I'm not obliged to do it.
And if she should whore out and have children out of wedlock, I won't ask to see them, I'll just dedicate all my time, financial resources, and affection to my son's children. I won't lack for grandchildren. Both of my children want to have big families of their own.
This is why so many modern women are whores, because they know the grandparents will knuckle under and raise their kids for them if they fail. They squirt out kids with every Tom, Dick, and Harry, neglect them when parenting gets too hard or their worthless men leave them, and dump them at Grandma and Grandpa's house to be raised. This will not happen at my house, and both my children know it. It's tough love, the White way of doing things, and a big part of making America great again. Why you think this is some strange scenario is a mystery to me, because people dumping their kids on the grandparents is common as dirt these days.
Brody Evans
What tha fuck, i am really tired of how a bunch of irrelevant kids with a degree of autism always destroy threads with their stupid trollings, isnt a well knowed fact that most assburgers are atheists?
Jordan Gonzalez
>bails the thread
Thi is your 3rd time doing this. FUCKING STOP YOU AUTISTIC MESS No Hymen, No Diamond means no virginity no fucking marriage. It's that simple you retard. Maybe you should go outside and talk to others before imagining up this dumb slide thread.
Cooper Murphy
You're literally just missing the point again and again.
Yeah, not true. You just don't want to admit that you would literally cut off your daughter over a worthless rock. You can't comprehend a normal man disagreeing with you because you're too invested in the propaganda. So you invent this delusion that it's impossible.
It's not impossible, that's what I'm telling you. It may come and find you one day, and you'll be in a world of trouble.
This has nothing to do with gifts. A man can't really gift something to his wife anyway, their finances are effectively unified. It would be like me gifting myself a hundred bucks. It's an imaginary transaction. The important thing is value. The transaction you want, husband's money for a ring for wife (in reality it is husband and wife's money in exchange for husband and wife's ring) is economically unsound, because they are paying $x for something that is only worth $0.01x. You are asking them to get ripped off. A car, or a house, or even gold (although gold jewellery only resells for like 50% so same problem really) retains its value and does not have this issue.
Again, you keep handwringing over the husband's finances, but then you act like they need your help. Why would this man need your help? Why would he care? You need to realize that as father of a woman you have very little bargaining position, beyond that which the husband chooses to give you. And you act like you can just throw tantrums over such frivolous things. It's ridiculous. Grow up.
You keep saying this, but it has nothing to do with our present discussion about diamond rings and marriage. There's nothing stopping her from marrying against your will. It doesn't have anything to do with the children being conceived before, or after.
Yes, I'm sure it has nothing to do with feminism telling them that strong independent single mothers are beautiful at every age and size, and men need to man up and put that ring on their finger. No, it's because geezers are fond of grandkids. Because god knows back in 1910 all the old farts were heartless and hard as a stone and couldn't give a damn about their grandkids, it's just that the boomers went all soft and now their daughters are whores.
From the sound of it if a dark, dark fellow has enough dosh to blow on a rock the size of an olive you'd be fine with it because oh, the security! Such a provider! And then you'd try to give him some pennies "to help with expenses" and act as if that buys you any power.
Nathan Richardson
Not if you're smart and put all of your money in a separate account or distributed in a trust that guarantees you get it. Give your bitch an allowance if she earns it, but don't ever allow equal control over your money.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Good luck putting her diamond ring in a trust.
Owen Moore
Nolan Perry
Please tell us about how your gf lost her hymen horseback riding or playing sports or never had one.
I see, sinead-posting again
My thought exactly.
Eli Bailey
The whole diamond things comes from the emergence of a middle class. Averave people had enough money to imitate wealthy people, among whom gifts of jewellery was common. A lot of our cultural norms come from common people copying English aristocrats.
Joseph Ortiz
You really are a fucking autist, guess we don't have to worry about you spreading YOUR genes.
I buy my wife gifts all the time. Doesn't matter if it's both of our money, doesn't matter if the things I buy her appreciate or depreciate in value, doesn't matter if it's something that's worth the money I paid for it or not, doesn't matter if the purchase is "economically sound". ALL THAT MATTERS IS THAT I GOT HER SOMETHING THAT SHE WANTED AND GAVE IT TO HER SOLELY BECAUSE SHE WANTED IT. In case you're still unable to understand this,
It's literally the thought that counts
and that's the same whether it's an engagement ring, a bouquet of flowers on Valentine's Day, or some lame ass overpriced figurine for her birthday like those ugly-ass angels my mom used to collect. You're the kind of guy who buys his wife a vacuum cleaner for your anniversary and savings bonds for your kids' birthdays because you are a joyless, autistic Jew with no understanding of the concept of gifts, generosity, or pleasing other people solely because you love them. You can now get off of my porch, I don't talk to Jews.
Eli Gray
If it's the thought that counts then stop wasting your money like a dipshit and give her a handmade gift, numbnuts.
Sebastian Reed
I can't believe you're getting this mad over an idea literally planted in your brain by advertisers so a merchant can get your shekels.
What said.
Tyler Campbell
lel. She is reassuring herself that she still controls you.
Come one now, we don't want to break up his marriage.
Aiden Jones
Tyler Richardson
So are you going to pay thousands of dollars for something you pop once and then it breaks…. and how does the blood flow out of it if it is fake. Do you want to just slide a tongue depressor in there with some ketchup and snap it with your dick?
Oliver Ward
No one believes you.
No Hymen, No Diamond means exactly that. Only whores think otherwise.
A simple band is enough.
Jayden Harris
Henry Scott
where did you come from?
Cameron Davis
It's a shame that's these are mod posts.
Kevin Kelly
Joseph White
Logan Kelly
No kukuku~?
Brandon Sanchez
Chase Taylor
You're dumb enough to use the same crops. I'll let you spot which ones.
Christian Bennett
Bum bamboozled Rump rustled Sphincter shattered
Ryder Gomez
Please stop ruining animeposting for everyone else you stupid cuck, and while you're at it go back to 4/a/.
Liam Gutierrez
You merely adopted anime, I was born in it.
James Kelly
I for one am pretty rectal ravaged if our mods don't have the time to talk to us like normal people, but they find the time to shitpost in slide threads without even saging.
Austin Davis
Where in my post did I say we had a claim to anime?
Julian Williams
You directly implied it
You don't get to say shit about how people post with anime. This is the politics board.
Grayson Reyes
tell that to Japanese birthrates
Gabriel Cox
Yes, and rule 9 exists to keep them that way.
Isaac Thompson
Rule 9 exists to keep the discussion of the topics separate, not the posting of pictures separate. How much of a rusecoaster are you trying to take me on?
Charles Brown
Spamming reaction images is spamming, you dumb newfag.
Alexander Torres
Yes, and you don't get to say shit about how people post with anime here. We built a wall and you paid for it.
Xavier Reed
Maybe not, but I can point out how much of a faggot you are for spamming them.
Kevin Gomez
No, he didn't dumbass. Say someone sticks his dick in a wedding cake that is neither his nor yours, and then you say, "Don't stick your dick in the cake." "You", he replies, "merely plan to eat the cake. I was born in it. You don't get to say shit about how I treat someone else's cake"
Which one is laying claim to the cake? And which one ought to be euthanized?
Ayden Diaz
holy kek, thanks for the laugh
Andrew Perez
Well considering you're the ones who are cancerous politics posters and I'm just here to rustle your jimmies, I'd say yes, it is my cake.
Gabriel Edwards
welp, show's over folks, to other threads
Luke Jones
Fucking poorfags. Of course I'm going to buy my future wife a ring at least worth the watch on my wrist, I couldn't give less of a fuck how much it "depreciates" once used, it's not for fucking resale and value isn't just in regards to the market, there's a thing called social capital. 1K is pennies; the real cost is in the wedding, the house, the kids and everyone knows it. If you can't afford to blow a couple G's on a ring, you've no business getting married to anyone who deserves one.
The question is solely on how to cut out the Jew.
Ryder Lopez
Who are you quoting friendo
Connor Green
99% sure this is the same mod all over polmeta posting his smug anime whores. Nothing will be done.
Gavin Carter
I sure hope it is. It's fun shitting up your board, you don't seem to like it that much when it's other boards doing it to you instead of the other way around.
Jackson Howard
Who do you mean by 'you'. I don't go to other boards. You sound nuts. Lay off the anime.
Hunter Bell
The real cost is the divorce. Did she have a hymen?
Chase Campbell
ill just dump my anticuck in a lazy fashion, dups incoming**
Nathan Cruz
Isaiah Rogers
Aaron Garcia
Matthew Young
Xavier Gonzalez
all done
Leo James
Carson Anderson
it's the same discordian mod who trashed his other private playground, Holla Forums
Lincoln Brooks
Only man with sense ITT. Again: if you can't afford to "waste" money on a nice ring for your wife, you don't have any business marrying anyone who deserves one e.g. Any women with a father who loves her enough and is strong enough a man to not let her marry any "redpilled" penny counting cuck tool.
Yes, diamonds are a kike scam. So reach higher, not lower, or don't bother spreading your shit genes at all. The lack of self awareness ITT is amazing, only someone already a person non gratis, like anyone from a broke household with no real participation in any community, let alone any position of significance, could think theyd get away with their little scheme. Or simple working class folk who've got it bit so hard that everyone accepts it's a given to not be able to even provide for their wife's nonessentials despite being at a stage in life ready for marriage.
FYI: the only scenario to de-memeing the De Beers conditioning is starting with the elites - making it hip in the upper class to use some non-diamond stone, most likely out of some bohemian (read: marxist) or ethical (read: marxist) angle.
Wyatt Ramirez
What part of "anyone who deserves one" do you not understand, redditor?
Easton Sanders
Alexander Edwards
You're going to be referring to her as your future wife for the rest of your life. You are a wallet.
Ethan Price
Stop posting.
Landon Jones
>not giving your waifu an OC diamond you transmuted from coal
Tyler Parker
It's obviously a signal that you have the money to afford them a future, underageb&. Cut out the Jew, fine, but buy something equivalently priced. Cheaping out is a massive warning sign to anyone paying attention. If their family still lets her marry you despite your jewry, she's not worth marrying, since you're obviously not.
Charles Brooks
>7 billion dirt poor, uneducated non-aryan scum scattered all over the world don't have to financially qualify to marry and breed like rats you've been outed, schlomo >>>/oven/
Aaron Reed
Great attitude until we are cucked by the government to pay for niggers shitting out kids by the dozen. And what makes a woman 'deserve' a ring? They all say they deserve it. Does every virgin get one? Is this just because they have pussies or does it take more to qualify?
Same fucking thing. Only ou're saying it's not the girl who earns it, but her dad. And why a fucking diamond? I could easily blow thousands on shit for a girl, but if I buy her jewelry it will because I' like the way it makes her look, not because it cost enough to fulfill status obligations. And it sure as shit won't be diamonds unless they are certified to have cost a few nigger lives getting smuggled.
Bullshit, you fight the meme at the level of the larping proles, by changing what they see on tv. And you can't do that with the jews there.
Are you a jewelry shill or something? This is just plain retarded. Besides, the man doesn't pay for the wedding, the father of the bride does, and the upkeep on women and kids is low as long as you don't take the buying your way out of everything route you seem to have settled on.
Carter Torres
a tax on stupid people
Isaac Thompson
also don't fucking "get married" it's a massive legal headache. do what uncle teddy would've done and find a loyal qt to have lots of babies with innawoods.
in all honesty Holla Forums should get into metalworking. It's much more meaningful to give a girl something you made than something you bought that once had nigger-hands laid upon it. 90% of the diamonds distributed via Brussles come from Africa and are therefore tainted and will always smell like niggers. buying your wife a ring is just like buying her a night with Jamal, forever and ever.
Still, engagement rings get pawned all the fucking time I used to work in one so I know this firsthand
Tyler Diaz
Dumb goy here still worrying about the price tag a kike puts on a ring.
What an awful sentence.
Eli Diaz
I rest my case.
Brody Bennett
Women are so fucking infuriating sometimes.
Colton Johnson
The only interaction I have with niggers is my tax money going to support their little dem plantation. I don't know what the fuck they get up to but I'm pretty sure they blow all their gibs on mighty dumb shit as it is. They're not relevant. Grooms have been required to financially qualify themselves for millennia, it's very obviously a vital cultural institution regardless of what form it's taken. The Jews corrupted it by finding a way to exploit and profit off it as a middleman, they didn't invent the concept and getting rid of it is very clearly disastrous.
A 'traditional' woman who defers to the men in her life and will give you many children. What the fuck else, MGTOWcuck?
Nigger, there is nothing that'll make a woman look more beautiful than a wedding ring. We're not talking getting a fresh coat on your car, women make whatever they feel good in look good. Those little earrings you pick out can look forgettable or great all depending on how you gifted them to your girl, craftsmanship be damned.
Kek, try meeting a woman sometime, user, you'll be surprised to discover they're not men.
Caleb Cruz
No, you try meeting a real woman that isn't a fucking city-dwelling capitalist whore.
Jason Nelson
are you a femanon? because you sure shill like one or else you are whiteknighting for your own wife that you had to "buy" …but you're right, men did buy wives in all cultures throughout human history…but a bride's dowry consisted of a farm animal and maybe some cooking utensils…you know…practical things a wife actually needs
Mason Robinson
You say that like women aren't dense enough to take it literally.
Aiden Rodriguez
Anyone else here have parents who never wore rings?
Niggers are paid to have kids. Their housing is paid, their food, their medical, their fucking phones. You can work hard to have 2.2 kids and wife in luxury, but they will have 8 in that time and the only work they will do is standing in lines.
But you have to give her a ring before you find that out. You should be giving her a ring for 10 years good service.
you're supposed to wait until someone actually saids to avoid women before you use that one.
Or they just look good and I don't need to manage her emotions to make happy.
So I might as well find a girl that likes wooden toggles and gift the shit out of them, if what I think looks good doesn't matter.
That user is just contradictory enough to be a girl.
Elijah Barnes
Still blaming society for your inability to find worthwhile women and start families and get jobs and your other various failures in life I see
You guys are right, becoming good men is entirely too hard for all of you, you should give up and just stick with whores who will give you genital warts and steal your money. Pure virgin wives are just too much effort.
Leo Morales
Try not arguing like a disingenous kike, please. This is a retarded point, and for your own reference, based on what I've personally seen and heard from others, the most important tell of a good woman is having a strong father figure.
No, thinking the behavior of feminism corrupted women = all women makes you an MGTOWcuck.
Back to reddit. Dowries performed the same function for the peasant class. You gave them to their family, btw, you weren't gifting it to yourself, to your own household. The upper class still gave superflous gifts and threw a gratuitous party as part of their dowry. Lurk 2 years before spewing your shit here, faggot
Luis Diaz
John Miller
If we want to know how to be blind beta cucks, we'll be sure to ask for your opinion.
wtf, I'm a mgtow now. Feminism only exacerbates women's natural state.
At kveldi skal dag leyfa konu er brennd er mæki er reyndr er mey er gefin er ís er yfir kømr öl er drukkit er
Isaac Sanders
Really makes you think
Evan Thomas
Stop being faggots, this man is right in almost everything he said and you should treasure his advice, because at least he has a wife and didn't get divorced and raised some white kids unlike most of you.
Oliver Peterson
Dylan Thomas
thanks for the wikipedia-tier lecture on dowries…were you just reading up on that between posts? stop spreading your d&c shit here, kike because whites don't need to buy your (((jewelry))) or financially qualify to marry and breed go back to your containment board and stay there: >>>Holla Forums
Liam Carter
but im 32 and virgin girls are 11 or 12.. are you saying i should become a pedo? Do you realise how few girls are still a virgin by age 13, 14, 15?
Maybe they exist.. gotta up my game.
Bentley Ramirez
Nice one. Women are desperate to get married in this age of free roaming Chads who won't be tied down. They're crawling over each other to find a husband.
The quality of the wife is a different matter.
Carter Gray
yeah, i've never gotten why someone would want to just grab whatever comes along just to reproduce oneself.. you are putting worse genetic material out there than when you cam out of your ma'
Aaron Garcia
He sets himself up as the gatekeeper for white women everywhere and does the 'you'll never get a woman' thing. I wouldn't respect a man who pulled this shit in real life, so no reason to here.
Cameron Diaz
wait a second, no guy talks like this. you couldn't know that…. unless you're his wife.
Ryan Jackson
Oh, we're being raided. By whom exactly? Too unsophisticated for intl, too irrelevant to leftypol interests. Is it goons? Or just some sincere redditor newfags? They don't post like reddit, though. Cuckchan maybe?
Chase Sanchez
give up, mordecai. you lost
Hunter Powell
Tyler Ramirez
Andrew Morales
are you even trying, rebbe?
Wyatt Cruz
Skimmed over the thread, see a lot of shills. No hymen no diamond is a totally reasonable request. It basically says "I'm not looking for a woman with low moral values". The people trying to spin it as some migtao bullshit are either misguided or deceitful. Having standards is a good thing.
Andrew Sanchez
Every woman I've come into contact with is cancerous, therefore I refuse to believe that there are good ones until proven otherwise. Where do I look so I can blow myself the fuck out?
Jeremiah Harris
Now read the thread to know what it actually is about, you fucking faggot.
Jaxson Hernandez
I saw the diamond angle. I read the OP, faggot. I'm just saying.
Eli Bailey
Was this not mentioned yet? It has been shown that females who come into contact with male sperm incorporate DNA from that sperm which goes on to affect the offspring even if the father is a different male who comes along later.
medical daily.com/dna-sperm-ex-partners-lingers-female-flies-and-influences-genetics-her-offspring-305934 ti me.com/3461485/how-previous-sexual-partners-affect-offspring/
Those links are for flies and not humans but the same effect has been shown in humans as well to some extent. Apparently the research is being buried or something due to the fact that it goes against the narrative. I used to have a great screencap about this topic from right here on Holla Forums but I can't find it.
Ayden Stewart
Those women in question are irredeemable at any rate, unless you're some desperate, delusional WN.
Henry Sanders
I didn't know there was a follow-up to the Will story.
Kek. Thank you
Jordan Wright
Pic related is my heart after reading that. Holy shit.
Colton Wilson
the fuck is the story behind that? Is that user a PI or something?
Luke Ross
You can always go back to TRS, faggot.
Isaiah Garcia
Tits or GTFO.
Kevin Martinez
Ding ding ding… you are the winner of this thread
Evan Ross
Told my gf about De Beers and how diamonds arent worth shit, and told her if we ever get married she's getting a metiorite fragment inlaid in gold.
Sebastian Fisher
Agreed. Underrated.
Chase Watson
On the nose.
All that needs be said, really.
Ian Jones
She'll pick the diamond and later complain about the crappy refrigerator.
Eli Cox
Reading a lot into nothing considering you posted white knight diatribes in a slide thread by OP with a thumbnail, random quote, and (1).. Who the fuck would bother raiding this when they can derail other shit?
I think these people project about raiding because they're not from here. Nothing organized but every so often we get threads like this and get either femanons or firestarter types. Notice how they never argue about the core of what you say.
You'll get further with that by pointing out that sex with multiple men changes their behaviour and the child epigenetically. Not by comparing people to flies. Children just being born in different times of the year have different rates of promiscuity, think of what having a mom that fucked hundreds of guys does to that kid.
Xavier James
do the genepool a favor and kys cunt
Carter Mitchell
Holy shit user, business venture incoming
Ethan Phillips
I would not let her onto my land no less near my children. But hey, swastikas.
Holy shit, my sides. It would be even better if I hadn't heard some of the brutal shit they get up to in smuggling
Tyler Howard
Tell her that if she expects any materialistic symbolism she can fuck right off. Worked for me a lot of times. Maybe because I had women who loved and valued a small hand picked flower over massive shekels.
Women are children. You have to have a strong hand. One moment of weakness and you're fucked and cucked, even if you think you have crossed the goal.
Luis Butler
This user knows her shit. As a non-virgin grill I find it pathetic when cock-carousel riders feel the need to not only excuse but legitimize their poor choices and superficiality in order to protect their self-image and spouse-expected gibs.
And just about when I thought I'd never bitch to my man to buy me jewelry…
no tits here, boss, broken camera
Benjamin Edwards
That's a first. Also,
Mason Martinez
Please I addressed all points directly, none presenting any real criticism of my clearly stated position and when I called out the kike sophistry, the responses conveniently ignored it and continued going down some other line of nonsense in classic kike fashion: You've no idea at all how to identify femanons, newfags or shills. Lurk 2 years before posting.
South Africa merc or something. Be less new it's like 3 years old pasta set there's quite a bit more but it's obvious LARPing
Liam Campbell
that was an assertion, not an argument. The 'kike sophistry' was me disagreeing with you and telling you why. If there was sophistry involved, it was you INVENTING YOUR OWN DEFINITION to call me a mgtow, and inventing definitions is the hallmark of cultural marxism aka jewish subversion.
I imagine real anons and take away all reason and accountability.
how new are you that you had to reply when you don't know?
Hudson Diaz
Nice thumbnails, fedora.
Connor White
Holla Forums i am disappoint a solid gold chunk is much smarter
Jack Mitchell
Holy shit I'm dying here.
Charles Rodriguez
My grandmother had a 1oz gold coin on a necklace. Sold it for a pittance. Give them something pretty if you want, but they don't understand the value in things, which is why they buy into the diamond schtick in the first place.
Hudson Gonzalez
He was Irish, IIRC.
Also, no. I'm a PI, I've read the "LARPing", and I'm here to tell you that no: Shit really does get that fucked sometimes, and I'm not in a company that's into that kind of thing like he is (though I kinda wish I was; 12 years of imageboard culture is probably decent enough inoculation, and I'm sure the pay is better). There are 3 kinds of people that hire us: people that want us to save them from something (fraud, infidelity), people that want us to ruin somebody else's lives on their behalf (we've had Saudi oil princes show up and ask us to track down runaway wives without letting them know they've been located; also, intra-family gypsie wars make up an embarrassing percentage of our clientbase this year), and people who are legitimately crazy (we've had clients committed.)
None of these groups are mutually exclusive.
Gavin Martinez
Do you have any moar of those screen caps?
Evan Howard
Afraid not, sorry. I've seen them posted on /k/ before, but that's it.
I regret not having been there. I'd have loved to have talked to the guy.
Connor Allen
This strategy occurs in all levels of marketing today. It's better to just opt out of most things, unless you really really need it.
Christopher White
FUCK! That story scares that the shit out of me.
Cooper Edwards
Sister, if you are indeed a male as you claim, then you are the most unfuckable beta I've seen posting in fullchan, and that says a lot.
Cooper Cook
Easton Reyes
not seen that posted since the first exodus from halfchan.. hello newfriend
Levi Adams
Is this the same guy with a different IP, he's autism over a piece of overpriced carbon is outstanding
Angel Williams
Jose Peterson
still cancer, post a pic of yourself while you're larping
Josiah Anderson
Kek, you're probably right this kind of "logic" smells of woman
Easton Russell
Dynamic IP and had to restart rooter.
Landon Barnes
You think I couldn't tell? I didn't say a fresh one, entertain us at least. Also, sage
Grayson Thomas
Wyatt Hall
Nice try hulk, you even flipped the image.
Gavin Walker
I won't lie. I'm kind of flattered.
Carson Reed
And a pic of your legs from a normal angle, I want to see how close I can guess your ethnicity
Benjamin Hughes
It's a nearly decade old picture and the only one I could find from a freaking CD from back when I was young and stupid enough to pose for my then bf. My hard drive was nuked and it's not like I was keeping nudes or foot-fetish pictures of myself before that.
I am Euromed if it makes you feel at ease.
Andrew Jenkins
Takes the fun out of it, I like guessing based on bone structure (and faces, but I know you have done this before). No foot-fetish.