Nikki Haley talks about south carolina needs more street shitters. She is so happy to invite her fellow indians to America!
There's always a part of my heart in India
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Does she have any positives? The UN position is a joke one anyways, but I'd much prefer someone who could make a forceful impact on that scene.
What do you think?
I'm so glad she is opening more sikh temples here in south carolina.
Muslims [hostile to Zionism] and Mestizos [largely indifferent and wholly uninterested in the pet project] getting moved out and rounded up. Atheist chinks and pajeets, who are loyal goy-slaves flush with money, will be brought in en mass. The shift to Asian immigration overtaking latinos happened a few years ago, actually.
The rhetoric will be about the (((economy))), goy. About the levels of (((education))), goy. About (((Western values))), goy. About militant, murderous support for Israel and shipping YOUR white, gay, transgendered, and amped-up-on-pharmaceutical-grade-amphetamines ass out to the Forever War while Isaac, Pradeep, and Ming manage imperial affairs from Jackson Hole.
We're not hiring our best people, folks.
No, she's anti-White.
niggers and liberals are unable to learn. They move out to nice places and ruin them like the ones they were coming from
I hope someone finds a lethal virus that targets non-white people
Yeah, I'm glad she's no longer governor.
So much rage that a pajeet has a Southern accent. Jesus Christ.
This one and Bobby Jindal were both pre-Trump Republican experiments to show that foreigners, dotheads especially, were perfectly willing and able to integrate into Southern culture. Don't worry, all you Christian white folk who love NASCAR, hunting and fishing, we don't want to turn your part of the country into India, we just want to be part of it! :)
Now it's "lol jk mass immigration from Mumbai! You don't mind if we open up 50 Hindu and Sikh temples in your Christian neighborhoods, do you? You're not a RACIST SOUTHERN BIGOT, ARE YOU?!"
Non-whites - even those from ostensibly conservative societies like India and China - absolutely CANNOT be trusted to respect and adhere to the customs of White countries. We tried this for 50 years with India, China, Mexico, and every other dark country, and they all fucking backstabbed us and established colonies of their own kind where natives aren't fucking welcome. They do it here, Germany, Sweden, England, everywhere.
When Pakistan allows a pure Polish Catholic town to pop up in Waziristan, I'll take them more seriously (this will never happen). Until then diversity can fuck off forever and Republicans need to become explicitly White.
I'm not too worried about pajeet's to be honest. I mean sure- they are unhygienic, obnoxious and smelly but at least they tend to keep to themselves and have jobs.
Aryan Indians are historically pretty redpilled too. It's the south that are street-shitters.
The pajeet accent is so gross. My redpilling would have been delayed by maybe a year if pajeets didn't speak English in such a revolting way.
Germans, Scandis, Slavs, Aussie, assorted anglos all have decent accents. Japs, french, italians are at least amusing if not very elegant. But hispanic, muslim, chinese and pajeet is just nails on chalkboard to me. The only way I can enjoy these accents is if someone is being very angry in them and embarrassing themselves.
trump is just repaying their prayers.
Good thing Trump got her out of office and into some worthless position where she won't be able to do any real damage.
they also breed like rabbits
8D chess
They tried to open an Indian temple right down the street from my house but luckily some of the fucking white males in politics around here blocked it from going in somehow.
I have no problems with Sikhs personally, but I want hardliners in Trump's administrations and appointed positions, not people like her. Not only that but I want white conservatives in as many positions as possible.
Do other countries care that much about when one of there's gets that far in the USA, even though they have no tie to the culture, language, religion or ANYTHING in the home country? Why?!
I can smell the inside of the temple from here.
The position is nothing. Everything Trump wants is opposed to the UN. It's almost a joke on the UN globalists. "Here, you can have her back." And then she is the token minority/woman while Trump packs the power positions with white men.
She isn't Indian faggot, she's just Hindu.
Racially she's Samoan and white.
She's not Pajeet dumb fucks.
Wrong. You're thinking of Tulsi Gabbard.
Ah true.
Whatever this one is kinda cute too easy to confuse because there aren't many good looking street shitters.
If she wants Mumbai in America, she can fuck off back to Mumbai.
What in the
You haven't seen the last of it.
You realize that SC's Lt Gov is a Trump supporter. Now that Nikki Haley is wasting time at the EU that goy will be the Governor of South Carolina.
I want Pajeets off Holla Forums
Kinda corny, but kinda slick. I guess in the end, it's still good shit.
No, she's the daughter of two Indian immigrants. She looks very white, but that's just because Indians are a historically Aryanic people. Most of them heavily diluted with Dravidians and other non-Aryanic peoples, but some in the north are still clearly Aryan.
What the fuck
lol burgers
i have no words to describe my hatred for this bullshit. All of you apologists who think trump is making a good decision by giving power to these people needs to fucking die.
When this happened? When she took the UN position or she lost the election?
Bitch was not even borne there, she needs to put away the romanticism and come to grips: the average indian is a fucking idiot or a coward, all led by a cabal of masons (ie kike pawns). They deserve no means of escape.
Wrong, the only state where more people use indoor plumbing than outdoor squats is Kerala, the only state with historical ties to the western world. The rest of the country is a bunch of niggers that crow about 1% proto-aryan dna or tamils (full blown niggers).
Pajeets (and Sikhs) fucking hate Muslims. They founded an entire separate country just to quarantine them.
Trump's put her in a position where she has little to no authority over the American people, but also has someone in the UN willing to bitch out Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Indians (even the black ones) are probably more intelligent than Chinese. They are also pro-Aryan. Their culture is very Aryan.
I'm not sure if I'm so opposed to them integrating.
Get the fuck off the board, curry nigger. Islam, Islam, Islam, Islam, Islam!!! Team up with street shitters and jews to fight Islam!!!! Islam, Islam, Islam!!! Did I mention Islam?!
NC here, SC is full of niggers and cucks that can't keep their pet nogs in check.
I suspect you've never lived in a tech-hub with them, otherwise you'd have a different opinion of them.
He's a street shitter himself. The thread is full of them. They always follow the same pattern.
lol there is nothing indian about her other than her brown skin. Indians don't have names like Nikki Haley.
That's actually true and admirable.
Funniest part is that they unironically claim that the original Aryans were equally shitskinned streetpooers.
They are shitty immigrant but in their defense only literally, unless we talk about gypsies.
Nobody said it wasn't.
It doesn't mean anything to us.
Ebola-chan India tour when?
They do have names like Nimrata Randhawa. That is her real name.
Indians are productive members of society and love whites. They also have mostly Aryan blood. One of Trump's biggest donors was an Indian
That's a strike against Trump, not a point for Indians. Get the fuck off the board. You aren't welcome. This isn't the place to come because your shit threads are getting lost in the shuffle at cuckchan.
Yes. I think there is some major confusion on the types of Indians you come across. You'll find ones that are essentially high-IQ dark-skinned white people that have proper families and are in no way detrimental to society. They tend to be very educated and become truly accomplished.
Then you have the majority of low class street-shitting idiots which are typically observed in India itself but some of them make their way here too. The absolute best of these manage to get a job at 7/11 and they always smell. They're essentially a slave-class and about as useful as Paco outside of Home Depot.
Nikki belongs to the former group, but she suffers from some open-borders anti-tradition (unless it's her tradition) Marxist beliefs. Genetically she's ok, but she needs some reprogramming. Having her as ambassador to the UN and not governing SC at least puts her in a less damaging position to us domestically, so it's a good decision by Trump.
You can take Pajeet off the street, but you'll never get his poo in the loo.