So Sam Hyde went to some college gathering of cucks who are still salty Hillary lost.
The thread was accidentally bumplocked so I remade it.
Video because I can't re-embed it:
So Sam Hyde went to some college gathering of cucks who are still salty Hillary lost.
The thread was accidentally bumplocked so I remade it.
Video because I can't re-embed it:
Other urls found in this thread:
Sam Hyde looks like a numale at first glance so he is always able to infiltrate these places, good.
last thread was anchored: e-celeb'ing
Oy vey user.
An hero
How about fuck off
I'm sure
Imkampfy probably burned his hand on his hotpocket and accidentally nudged his big red "BUMPLOCK" button.
It happens user.
That "degenerates!" guy was probably trolling irl. Nobody is that stupid… right?
Friend, how long have you been around here? There are way more stupid people than he.
They are trying to redefine degenerate to mean "evil person who doesn't love everything".
They are failing miserably.
I think he had legitimate autism. Just his physical mannerisms and the way he talked, especially when he says "I was not surprised". It reminded me of someone who had autism back in highschool.
top kek. I though exactly the same when I watched this video first.
Pretty sure he's just an actual jew.
That's also a possibility. Probably gay too.
I won't buy your shitty sketch book, Sam.
Quit shilling it.
Bumbing anyway, it's a nice vid.
Lel, probably so =^)
I really do wonder why Sam decided to pour so much effort into a picture book. Shit costs too much money to print, and it's not really the sort of medium that plays to his strengths. Haven't read it, so it might be great. I dunno. Would rather he did more KSTV or something like it.
its 700 pages bro
Hopefully someone makes a PDF
I like how Sam got real when it came to cucks indoctrinating their kids.
He spent 25k on printing for only 3000 copies when he could have vertically filmed his greasy face to the tune of a goofy soundtrack and John spamming sound effects (much cheaper) and I would have been just as happy if not more. Cost analysis wise it just doesn't make much sense to me, but Sam has a vision for his content and where he wants to take it, and I respect him a lot no matter what.
Hopefully there will be a digital copy when the physial once sell out.
90% of ecelebs are worthless faggots who want to subvert our movement, fuck off
In your opinion, have any e-celebs successfully subverted what Holla Forums has been doing? Certainly other organizations have been co-opted (i.e. alt-right with its various "leaders", gamergate, etc), but when have we actually been impacted by e-celeb influence?
Do they? Or do they want to [self insert] into 'our group'? They are like a more self conscious version of those Holla Forumstards who bash games they've never played to fit in. This time, they acknowledge who they are, and want to push their values here.
Take Sargon. He didn't co-opt the movement, he disagrees with most of nu/pol/ but didn't we all?
Holla Forums has been subverted from the very beginning, and that is why you prefer 1930s Germany to any common patriotic alternative you had in your childhood. It's playing tricks on your morality compass, since you can't accept the lies spread about National Socialists. But you refuse to see the bigger picture, and instead focus on social signaling on a taiwanese meme factory.
take yiannopoulos or TRS for instance with their pro-faggot stance, is that not subversion
I'm sorry but sending jews to summer camp and invading Poland is much more exciting that riding around in horses and shooting at redcoats.
Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Two women I don't want to name caused quite a bit of turmoil here a year or so ago that could have split things up were it not for mods.
Fucking LOL
lmao, hyde is my favorite
What is he saying at 4:30? I identify as a penis?
Oh, shid, I'm sorry.
Exciting? That's it? So banal that I almost said "I can't even".
can someone make a webm of this part?
4:20 - 4:44
Sam Hyde is a big guy.
Checking your full palindrome digits.
Well, what exactly do you mean when you say "our movement" in ? If Milo and TRS are guilty of subversion, it is not us they are hurting. They're not part of Holla Forums, they're part of the alt-right. No matter how often retards come on here and claim "Holla Forums is alt-right" it doesn't make it true, and no matter how much that shit was shilled, it's very rare to see a Holla Forumsack thinking that we're the alt-right or we're part of it somehow. So how do e-celebs subvert Holla Forums?
I know who you're referring to and you're right, that's a good example of e-celebs causing problems here. People didn't like or dislike them because of their e-celeb status though - and they weren't famous or necessarily worthy of that title, but that's just my opinion. Anons had strong opinions because of the specific actions or attributes of those two. I think they were bad not because they were e-celebs, but simply because they engaged in behavior that caused a rift here. It doesn't take e-celeb status to try to D&C us, shills do it for free all the time. Still, it's not incorrect to say they were in fact e-celebs and they did try to subvert Holla Forums, I just think it's a weaker statement because it glosses over the reasons why they caused such division.
I think we're capable of sorting the wheat from the chaff. If a well known person does something that favors us we can approve of it without automatically endorsing every other thing they've ever done, or will do. The idea that support of a person's singular action entails automatic endorsement of the person and their total actions is very kikeish and you see played out in the media constantly. If Trump ever said Mitt Romney had a good idea about something, the media would have breaking news headlines everywhere that Trump officially endorsed Romney, even though that's bullshit.
The moderators have been compromised.
Why is Jack Dorsey in the background @ 3:30?
Who was he sent there to molest?
He must be after Sam.
That's really @jack, right? I haven't developed the autistic face blindness from hanging around Cantonese animation chatrooms?
I can't really tell, I've got the same problem as you fam. It does kind of look like him, but it seems unlikely that he'd be there. I'm going with doppelganger.
Well if they'd fucking left when they were told…
Comedy gold.
It wasn't an accident. That fucking faggot imkikefy intentionally bumplocked it because he hates this community and he loves fucking with us.
he's an actual homo. you're acting like he's some straight guy shilling for fags. at least milo is against gay marriage and gay adoption.
sam is good at changing his appearance.
Sammy boy is a true human chameleon.
favorite part
sam hyde bloked me on twitter wtf
that's his assistant
how do i get him 2 unblock me
Posting what you tweeted to him that got you blocked would be a good first step
probably that "sam hyde fucked a tranny" imgur link
Is his user handle an Initial D reference
i literaly said 'hey wanna talk'
I hear he's pretty receptive to chatting if you hit up his facebook page. Ask him a question or something though, don't just "b my friend :3 pls talk".
Sam, if you're reading this, could you try pretending to be a muslim, Samir Al Hayid sometime?
Fucking dead
Funny, but it's too bad the cameraman couldn't keep his shit together
Thats twitter CEO Jack Dorsey behind him in the frame with the beard
Filtered, you know this is a lie