Betsy DeVos chosen to be Education secretary

Sister of Erik Prince (founder of Blackwater) chosen to be Education Secretary

Interesting choice. She's married to a non-jew billionaire Dick DeVos (who ran for governor of Michigan back in '06) and is the sister of Erik Prince (who came out and said NYPD had pedo dirt on the Clintons a few weeks ago). She once supported Common Core, but is now a vocal proponent of school choice. Her claim is that when common core became the federal standard, she withdrew her support. School choice seems to benefit whites mainly, but I'm definitely going to have to read up on this topic now that it might be implemented.

thehill com/homenews/campaign/307395-trump-offers-betsy-devos-job-of-education-secretary-report

breitbart com/radio/2016/11/04/erik-prince-nypd-ready-make-arrests-weiner-case/

Other urls found in this thread: &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=es

dammit Trump

Well, I never expected education to stop being shit anyway. At least we have homeschooling and the internet.

So everytime Trump farts we are gonna get umpteen slde treads about it?

How do you idiots still fall for everything the news kikes say?

You know, just because she's a woman doesn't mean she's incompetent.

It takes being taught by women to be as dumb as you


Holy shit, that's amazing.

School choice is the bane of Democrats. They need the public school system to keep making people stupider, indoctrinate to not think for themselves (thus creating more liberals), AND because the teacher's unions are some of the biggest grassroots forces they have. If Trump can break education, then we dominate for an entire generation if not more.

Plus, Erik "Lord of War" Prince close to the White House. The man basically wants a private crusade on the Middle East.

I like this new cabinet by the day.

What exactly am I sliding? At the end of the catalogue, I see neder/pol/ nord/pol/ franc/pol/and some 750 reply threads that should have been archived by anyone who cares. Not to mention, Trump confirmed this. It's news, get over it.

School choice benefits any parents who care enough about their kids to research what school they get sent to. So yes, helps white kids mostly. Myself and my wife have actually moved into a neighborhood with higher rent specifically for the school my daughter will be going to. You have no idea how much I want school choice.

Education = indictrination
Set yourself free, today!.


MGTOW get the fuck out, and stay out.

She's gonna ruin it.

That's a good one, user.

Hurrrr woman = BAD!

At least gave some data as to why this may be a bad choice. You ought to apply a little thinking.

West Michigan user
These people flew there helicopter to get from downtown out to their private pad all the time.

So, what is stopping a bunch of niggers from being bussed into a nice school district then? Are they not going to give transportation (bussing) vouchers to districts which can be traded?

Well, actually Betsy DeVos is a scion of two of the wealthiest families in Michigan - both Christian industralists. Make of that what you will, it resonates nicely with me.

Problem with school choice is the good schools will get flooded with niggers. Onlyway to offset this would be to raise the cost to offset the vouchers but that would leave lower to middle class whites in the same boat and effectually change nothing

After promising to lock Clinton up and end common core Trump appoints a common core loving Clinton foundation donor to the head of the department or education. Also said he has no desire to hurt the Clintons at all. I'm done defending this fuck until he proves what he's doing is for a reason other than globalization.

The decline of education over the last 50 years would like a word with you

Wall Street Journal:

See, but that's part of the genius.

White liberals are always screaming about integration and how they want schools to be "diverse", but for them "diversity" means a little model UN where everyone behaves nicely. When it comes down to it, they always put their kids in white/asians-only schools.

Force them to deal with the reality, and they have to break. That or reveal their own racism. And if they do that…

you and me user. this is turning from good to shit really quickly

88D Chess.

That's due to leftism and changing racial demographics user, lets not divide our race in half by fighting the lefts imaginary "war on women". This is education we're talking about, not a female 4 star general or secretary of defense.

Her past:


She's a neocon

A manufacturing company [tech & (((clean energy)))]


What the fuck is President Donald thinking?

We need more rich, white families in power, tbh.

It's our modern-day equivalent of nationalist aristocrats. We need something to counter-balance all the rich kike families.



cool. thank god. Got a little mad and upset about it. Thank you for correcting MY record.

Very nice digits and point

I grew up dead smack in the middle of long island. If you needed a photo of the eptome of white liberal suburbia a 20 mile circle around my house was an endless sea of it. I went to the 2nd largest school in the country and it had maybe 8 niggers in it.

Having moved to the south was culture shock for me… Lived in ny my whole life and i never heard of this shit… The niggers were all segregated into 5 or so far off towns.. this shit where you make a right turn out of a well to do white culdesac and find yourself driving with your neck crouched hoping to not catch a driveby is utter insanity

That's such a bullshit analysis

still reported

Good he deserves a 2 day b& for so easily falling for kike demoralization efforts

She worked with bush administration in (((various projects))). She doesn't support common core, I was wrong there.

Yes, I deserve it.

Damn it. Sec of education should have been Tony Zeiss.

What experience does she have when it comes to education?

What's wrong with school choice (which is basically the endorsement of private schools)?

We need more white kids in private schools to counter the leftist/multicult brainwashing in public academia. Pic related, a lefty cuck school in California forced this boy to stop supporting Trump.

Kill yourself faggot

Like clockwork, every pick Trump makes these yids will come out of the woodwork and shill. They did it with rinsed penis, they did it with Bannon, they did it with that general, and that one samoan chick, and now with this character.

Precisely. It's no surprise that white liberals are all concentrated in super white areas: Northeast US, Northwestern US, Washington DC (increasingly, due to gentrification and the federal government growing).

They never have to live with what they promote. They think they can continually escape to their own little enclaves.

Strip them of that luxury.

Guaranteed, at the very least, we'll make the next generation of white liberal kids racist if only because being exposed to ghetto niggers who attack them and take their stuff.

Blow your brains out, kike. We caught you.

School Choice was on the pro-side of her politics for me.

Thought he wanted to do away with the dept. of education.
If he doesn't do that he can get fucked.


people SHOULD be concern and question everything you idiot not just blinding believing anything or in anyone perhaps you want people getting complacent again? this shithole is becoming more and more like r/the_donald safe space.

I would not believe her but if the Unions oppose her, she is a great pick.

Well, her husband isn't too friendly with unions in his business/political dealings… so there's that.

Gas yourself. You didn't catch shit I just proved you wrong by providing a source.

lol strawman reported for admitting to being a shill

Caught. Reported.


because he keeps picking absolutely horrendous people.

This isn't your hugbox faggot. /r/thedonald might be more your speed.

scum like you make believe that crap about Kike Kusher having his own CTR

just fucking leave you stupid reddit faggots holy shit

Not really. For one thing most private schools have admission tests. For another they're quick to expel over behavior. When you combine the two you'd have very few niggers staying in the private schools, meanwhile you'd have plenty of white kids who can't afford a decent education now being able to escape the nigger schools.

reported. go back to cuckchan.

ebin, gas chamber4u

Just filter the retard.














Well, that's at the expense of white children, isn't it?


In my part of the country, blacks and whites are very segregated, to the point that two towns next to each other can have wildly different demographic makeups. So I don't see what's stopping these niggers from sending their kids to a white school in the next town, unless they had to provide the transportation.

Maybe I'm not a poorfag, so you fuckers will mock this idea, but I really think transportation is how to moderate this whole system. Upper middle class and higher (white) people can afford to (literally) send their kids to the best school because the women either don't work, or can afford the transportation.

Well, I better not get permabanned for making the same thread ;__; Don't the mods know about the other meme war casualties?

m8, have you been to /polmeta/ recently?

The moderation on this board has been getting progressively more draconian and downright retarded.
imkampfy in particular, the one responsible here, has been shown time and time again to make horrible decisions, yet he remains a moderator.

As someone who always excelled at every standardized test but had parents who were fuckups and so was in a predominiantly black school I would have killed to have this system.

Definitely his worst official pick so far

how are his moves different from what jeb bush would have done so far?

Oh, also

The mods have already tried to silence this story via bumplocking.

I even made note of it in my other thread title, as I'd see the mods had bumplocked a thread on the subject.

Prince is one of those guys who is a real life james bond villian him and soros.
Even his name Eric Prince sounds like the antagonist of a spy movie

Mods are definetly bought and paid for by someone

Seeing as this thread is already covering a topic for which there is an (albeit bumplocked) thread in the catalog, I propose we use this space to instead discuss what is to be done about the moderation.

I have repeatedly promoted the notion of a /polmeta/ revolving sticky on the front page, wherein the moderators would be required to engage the community on and individual and weekly basis.

Thus far, every time I've brought it up in a thread, that thread has been quickly pruned thereafter.

Let's see what happens this time.

In the meantime, what do Holla Forumsacks propose be done now that it has become blatantly obvious that the Holla Forums moderation staff has been compromised?

I think its anger not a payed of or something people and mods are just mad we got played like a fiddle again

Reported for obvious shill.

Reported for cuckchan.

Reported for obvious kike shill.

Get the fuck out, shill.


yeah wall, muslin ban and jail-hillary, oh wait

Can you guys tell me who exactly Erik Prince is?

From what I can tell he's basically real life Big Boss. Is that accurate?


I don't know that I'd go that far, but I will say this:

Whether the moderators are compromised emotionally or financially is completely irrelevant.

They are compromised, and such compromised people cannot effectively nor functionally moderate Holla Forums - which is why we do not have effective, nor functional, moderation on this board.

I'm going to make a suggestion that, based on past experience, will lead to a bunch of people suddenly appearing to suggest I'm D&Cing Holla Forums, but I don't care, because it must be said.

Regardless of what you think of Trump, one must acknowledge his high-level capacity for persuasion and deal-making.

An integral part of Trump's negotiation strategy is this:
You have to be willing to walk away.

And I think that is advice that Holla Forums must embrace at this point in time - because so many are so unwilling to even CONSIDER walking away, the moderators have free-reign to act like complete asshats with no accountability, while pushing any criticism to /polmeta/ (which they do not engage) to keep it out of the attention of the community at large.

Every Holla Forumsack should visit /polmeta/ RIGHT NOW, because it is a fucking field of unjustified corpses on the level of Eisenhower.

And every time this point is made, the same question emerges, the same question which brought us to Holla Forums:
Where do we go next?

The time to ask this question is upon us now, and I would greatly like to hear from you folks as to thought as to a viable alternative, should it come to pass (as it appears to have done) that 8/pol/ has become compromised in the same manner that 4/pol/ was compromised, thus leading to the exodus.

Flynn and Sessions should be obvious.

hes only gonna trust so many people with those sorts of positions because he only knows so many people personally

We need a whole new pol this one is just as shit as halfchan when we fled. I have been cross posting with endchan but its a super slow board.
Anti migration is anti white at this point

Basically a video game charector was a seal is super rich started a shady merc orginization

Okay i'm out to endchan. It's been a wild ride boys but this place is deteriorating at a astonishing rate.

Thank you all based anons capable of honest discussion in quality threads. This is why we will win. The truth always prevails. HEIL VICTORY!

Endchan you nitwit

I thought Trump was going to disband the DoE and leave it to the States.

have fun fags

Which is why Holla Forums is great. We can simply create a new Holla Forums and leave the old mods behind.

Common Core supporter

All bumplocked threads in the last 2 hours.

they do it for free which is even worse

pick one

Q: There’s been a lot of talk about Common Core. Can you provide some straight talk on this topic?
Certainly. I am not a supporter—period.
I do support high standards, strong accountability, and local control. When Governors such as John Engler, Mike Huckabee, and Mike Pence were driving the conversation on voluntary high standards driven by local voices, it all made sense.
Have organizations that I have been a part of supported Common Core? Of course. But that’s not my position. Sometimes it’s not just students who need to do their homework.
However, along the way, it got turned into a federalized boondoggle.
Above all, I believe every child, no matter their zip code or their parents’ jobs, deserves access to a quality education.

Which is different to switching sites how?

It can be done but nobody has done it right. You have to actually post shit to the new board that isn't on the old board. As in don't just bitch about the other board on the new one.

just go

Uh buddy, did you just notice?

They've been banning people for stupid shit for weeks now.

Steady growth since the last year average 20 posters from the lowest of 7. It is good to take time and dig on topics in one thread

We don't need to walk away - rather, let's not take Holla Forums for something it isn't.
This place is decent for sharing info and understanding how to spot like-minded people. We need to go out to real life, find other Holla Forumsacks, and start doing something - shitposting about frogs isn't the best way to make America white again.

Sure thing FBI

Wait, there's a /polmeta/? Since when?

I used to mod a board that was pretty popular on here in it's hayday, I'll make a Holla Forums related board but only if anons want me to

This is a re-occurring dilemma but thee needs to be a big effort by a lot of people for this to be worthwhile. For example if you and 2 other anons meet up that is bad because there comes the possibility of someone trying to identify you from your posting. If it is a meet up with like 100 local anons that is worthwhile for everyone.

Was it about metal detectors?

Trump lost my support and vote in 2020.

He's losing at 0d chess.

Yeah, I'm a #cruzmissile now &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=es

Fuck mods took those links down quick cant gave people leave the FBI honey pot can we now

Report all Holla Forums D&C attempts


Oh look it's attempt #437 to get 8/pol/ users to leave here and post on a honeypotchan

This board was founding by anons dividing from the shit that was 4 chan we always knew a day would come when we would migrate again

He got banned by Heil


check out zeronet's 0chan. it's P2P websites.

Bean that lives in the central valley This is nothing. My friends kids got suspended from school because they came in USA flag matching suits to school. Another friends kids came home talking about "we go to to move to Canada to escape from Trump", and this was a 2nd grader. Central Valley has tons of Mexican field works and anything anti-Mexican is a no no here. Funny since this county went Red this election.

'school choice' is totally about private profit from public education dollars. You pay teachers less and cut corners to make shekels.


Well what is going to stop the DoE from forcing Private schools from having X % of students being niggers? Recall how a nice middle school I went to that was mostly white with a little hispanic/asian got ton of niggers bussed in because it wasn't diverse enough. Since they'll be receiving government money with these vouchers. The fed does this all the time to universities. Why do you think a 800 ASAP nigger can get into Harverd while anyone else with that score is mobbing floors?

My tism is my power, mod.


Plus, to be honest, didn't even know I was posting - proxy-posting on the chans if fucking shit m8, every one of those posts had come back with an error saying it didn't post… Yet, there it is!

At least Holla Forums lets you use a proxy lol

There are two kinds of people in the world, those who think they have all the answers and those who know that they don't.

Ah, the Cernovich defense!

Kek, this one also came back with an error.

In any case
Why did we come here again?

Oh, right, the board's controllers were compromised and engaging in rampant censorship.

So much better here, eh?

Well, at least they let us use proxies, user above got that right… Though, for how much longer, I wonder?
Hell, half the proxies I tried were already banned!

Its time for you to return to reddit

The fact that if the education environment goes to shit none of the upper class will continue sending their kids there. They are still incentivized to keep standards high.

The cancer is here to stay

from you spamming and getting them banned you fucking moron

you must be new if you haven't been through the dozens of attempts to bleed posters from here to honeypotchans

fuck off kike

Kill your self.

Nope, most were banned for CP violation it would appear, hence why I said, "For how much longer?"

Still rocking that Cernovich defense faggot.

The moderation of the board is compromised - wouldn't surprise me if you ARE one of the mods, because it seems the only people who defend them are them.

We've been through many attempts to get people to break off from this clearly-controlled containment board, and every time its been met with the same sort of shit you're spouting right now, as conditions on the board deteriorated further and further due to a total lack of accountability on behalf of the people who run said board.

You're a joke m8.

knew it, you irrelevant /int*/ faggots just can't stop being eternally asshurt. All 10 of you glue huffing shitskins

Ahhh, so that's the trap you were laying.
Semantics for the win, eh?

Protip: Best way to ID Holla Forums faggots is that they cannot and do not use proper capitalization or punctualization.
The rat calling the cat a rat in hopes that the housewife will kill it.

Very clever, I give you some points for it.
Unfortunately, its a complete non-argument, you abandoned any semblance of an argument to go straight for attacking the messenger.

Very interesting.
Trump won, you lost, deal with it faggot.


Like you ignoring the argument laid out so you could accuse me of being Holla Forums because I used the word "we" to describe what the community has endured during the slow demise of this board? Oh, no, that was totally different, right?

1. Which mod are you?
2. Learn some fucking punctuation you goon-tier scab.
3. MAGA, deal with it.

Its really sad, too, that this is how this always goes.
Nobody gives a shit about the moderation here, nobody likes them, yet here is this faggot, suddenly arguing that any attempt to hold the moderation staff to task or to leave if they cannot be so held is trying to lure Anons into a honeypot, and anyone who refers to the Holla Forumsack community in the context of a collective is Holla Forums, all while typing in the prototypical style of the Holla Forums learned-to-type-via-texting faggot.

The result?
Discussion of what to do about this problem descends into argumentation with a mask-wearing-moderator trying to paint anyone who calls out the mods as a shill and anyplace that isn't compromised 8/pol/ a honeypot.

A good goy who recruits veterans to fight for Israel, essentially. He'd have to go a long way to make up for the shit he has done.

actually i noticed you shit up this thread for no good reason but to attempt what Holla Forums users has seen on this board numerous times. Mods are faggots, but seeing you admit to trying to fracture:
once again needs to be called out

If you want to leave this board then more power to you. No one believes you have any altruistic intentions in trying to recruit others to go post on honeypotchans hosted on servers in non free-speech allowed countries

His transition team reported Trump’s “discussion with Ms. Betsy DeVos was focused on the Common Core mission, and
setting higher national standards
and promoting the growth of school choice across the nation.”

"Higher national standards" were the driving force behind Common Core and No Child Left Behind, both failures.

Twas a perfect reason - this thread had already been made 3 times, the first was bumplocked, the second was deleted (and I was permabanned for making it by imkampfy).

Holy shit m8, people have noted that the board is total trash because the moderation is a bunch of compromised faggots BEFORE!? MY GOD, REALLY?!
WHAT HAPPENED TO THEoh they were banned and accused of being shills or trying to start a honey pot. In exactly the same manner you just rolled out.
Neato sport.

Trying to fracture?
No, I wouldn't try to fracture, I would try to destroy - Holla Forums is compromised m80.

The people who run this board are either incompetent or malevolent, and either spells the inevitable doom of this board.
That's why the exodus happened, that's why we're here in the first place.
So, yes, I'd say I'd support a 'fracture' in this context - anyone who suggests they wouldn't probably shouldn't be posting here, they should be back on cuckchan, right?
Because a fracture is never, ever good for the community, right?

In any case, know what I saw?
The board log.
So you can save the answer on 1: The board log tells me you're either kampfy or Heil, and while I know Heil makes mistakes, imkampfy is the only mod who regularly behaves like such a worthless scab, as demonstrable via his - your - rachposting festish.

This is your moderation Holla Forums.
This is who controls the dialogue.
This is who controls the participants in that dialogue.
This is 8/pol/, and its a fucking mess.

Now double-reply to this post too, you autistic triggered faggot.

So leave then


Private schools offer a bit of sanctuary from the negroid menace.
We need to change the focus from equality of outcomes before we send these animals to private schools. Otherwise, we will have to figure out how to make niggers perform the same as whitey in private schools and that will ruin education for everyone.

At least we still have home school……

Don't some private schools force the students to maintain a certain GPA to stay enrolled? Or is it just based on whether the parents can afford it or not?

And here it is, the absence of an argument brought to its inevitable conclusion.

I intend to - and I don't intend to go alone.
I'm going to systematically expose the moderation staff for what they are.
And then I won't even have to worry about convincing others to go anywhere, they'll do it on their own, just like they did before, and that's whats got you so fucking triggered kampfy.

Because you know its true.
That's why you scumbags instituted /polmeta/ - because you knew, as you know now, that if criticism of your actions was seen by the community at large, you would lose, because your actions are no better than those of moot, the same actions which drove this community to this board in the first place.
Whenever someone points that out to you, you try to poinson the well by calling them shills or ABC, you accuse any alternative to the place wherein YOU hold power to be a 'honeypot' (>implying that with this level of moderator incompetent/cooperation-with-the-enemy that 8/pol/ doesn't fit the honeypot containment board descriptor to a "T"), and if that doesn't work - assuming you don't just jump to pulling this final trigger first, now that you've gotten sloppy and arrogant - you censor them, ban them, tell them to go to the gulag that is /polmeta/ to argue their point to the other prisoners.

8/pol/ is the Soviet Union - its dying, and there's nobody to blame but the people who are in charge of it. And you know it. And just like the slimebag kikes that ruled the USSR, you'll do anything to retain power. And you'll fail.

See you in a few days when my new router gets here… I think it might be time to play around with tor a bit too - how many threads do I have to make exposing your incompetence/malevolence before knowledge of your actions, on behalf of those over whom you seek to rule, does the job for me?
I wager not so very many - though maybe enough to force you to cut-off the tor access.

Guess we'll see.

i'm not a mod you asshat


that was sarcastic encouragement

All his picks so far have been tremendous.

Rinsed Penis will help him work with congress, Bannon will keep his policies nationalistic, Sessions has been a solid anti-immigration nationalist for decades, Haley will leave the South Carolina governorship to Trump ally McMaster and this DeVos lady has a great record of supporting all the education policies Trump supports.

This claim that because she was involved with some organization that supported Common Core therefore Trump has betrayed us is the most tenuous divide and conquer CTR-sponsored bullshit I've heard yet.

That is the baseline for Secretary of Education.

I am really beginning to see the need to tear down these worthless government agencies.
Health and Human Services
Housing and Urban Development
Veterans Affairs
Homeland Security

Look at all of the numbers they measure for success, have any of them actually increased?

Because it's 2016

That's why the entire institution is the equivalent of a stagnant swamp that needs to be drained. As long as the agencies don't go completely over budget or incur a major scandal, nothing is done to revamp them.

Another west mi fag here. She's a neo cohen. She's dutch christian reformed church. Never trust a DeVos, never trust a Van Andel.

Fuck off, you stupid faggot. Not wanting women in positions of power has nothing to do with MGTOW. It's common fucking sense.

Women are unsuitable for the political life. They are emotional and easily manipulated.
And women are overwhelmingly leftist.

Black parents would have to care about their kids to shop around for the best places. That doesn't happen. Make of it what you will.

School choice means choice of public schools only? That means you're still vulnerable to shitty school borads.

I'm a bigger fan of vouchers, because you can send them anywhere, like a school with no poz.

Damn that was a good one. Classic but you almost got me there.


Because it's school choice and run at the state level. No federal interference, state law trumps fed law.

Did that kid say that? video?

Did you just get here?

You sure about that? It might be so, but it hasn't stopped DoJ or DoE from fucking everything up.


How many times have goons tried this exact same tactic and failed?

You know what maybe i'd be a good idea if we mailed Sessions everything that we know about Goons and their connections to Sonetear and Clinton. I'm sure that he'd be very interested in the CP/money laundering on eve online servers.

Nice mental gymnastics


kikes played the trump card literally. we are fucked.

If a Trump administration forces federal law on top of forced non-white quotas then we already have a problem as it is. That still remains to be seen however.

We get it… You're Marxists larping as neo nazis





You sweet summer child.

Still learning the lingo Ping Pong?

You know we know you're not from around here, right?

Can you go back to whatever fucking hole you crawled from ?

This is a really nice ID. Checked.

The reason why we have a bad education system is because

1. Non-Whites which drags the test scores down.

2. Typical liberal nonsense.

3.The education is biased toward female students

4.We drug students.

In a windowless classroom at an Arcadia tutoring center, parents crammed into child-sized desks and dug through their pockets and purses for pens as Ann Lee launches a PowerPoint presentation.

Her primer on college admissions begins with the basics: application deadlines, the relative virtues of the SAT versus the ACT and how many Advanced Placement tests to take.

Then she eases into a potentially incendiary topic — one that many counselors like her have learned they cannot avoid.

“Let's talk about Asians,” she says.

Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.

She points to the second column.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.

You know we know you're a pedophile counter-shilling right? You think you're smarter than us, Ping Pong? haha

I crawled from the Abyss of kek to fuck with you Marxists MGTOW faggots

Newfag. Every goon is going to hang.

I don't care if she damage controls and takes back the statement.

If she fucks up once, she'll fuck up twice.

Well, I guess he has to do something for Prince but fuck. Couldn't he just have given him a medal?

I know you're a fucking newfag, that's for sure. Redpilled or not you're a goddamn 100% summer fresh newfag.

How droll. You're just going to carry on as though you haven't been figured out, even though the only person here who's still buying your act is you. Please, be my guest, continue to make a complete fool out of yourself for the personal amusement of myself and other anons.

Is that you IMKamphy? We know how you love to post pedo pics and larp as an evil neonazi

He's just a newfag user, he has no fucking idea about the goons and is deflecting.

Affirmative action has irrevocably devastated our nation. Until we fix our education system, this country is garbage and will forever be garbage.

I didn't mean to sage my own thread.

Maybe he is just a kike shill. Are you a kike or a shitskin, son?

Being a newfag is literally just as bad as being CTR or JIDF. Fucking newfags don't have enough self-awareness to figure that out, which is why they're just as bad.

IMKamphy mod (aka Rachpost) here to shit up the thread with pedophillia and the same lingo every fucking time

We get it… You have "all the power"

By these standards the fate of empires is a MGTOW and marxist piece too

oh hey man, nice to see it's you. Yeah, I'm not sure about the newfaggotry now that he's spamming the kike narrative. I don't want to believe there's a newfag out there who's THAT retarded.

holy shit this is awesome

I'm not new… It's IMKamphy. He does the same shit every time

You couldn't be more obvious if you tried. You realize that /polmeta/ is just a repository of recent shill narratives, right? You know anons read /polmeta/ to know what intl and the kikes are parroting this week?

How fucking stupid are you? Your stupidity is only eclipsed by your arrogance, apparently.

Guess how many times I've been called IMKamphy on this board.
Before the election: 0
In the past two weeks: 5 or 6

Now, if I were a betting man, I'd say the shills have yet another attempted deflection tactic. Even though IMKamphy is universally understood to suck tremendous amounts of horsecock, it still doesn't help your case to sperg out about it in every single thread.

His next post will be that Holla Forums is a "fake news" site. Narrative sent directly from Soros and the other kikes himself. Go ahead and name the jew, faggot, I double le unpaid dog dare you.

user pls. It's a slippery slope that inevitably leads to fam posting.

Unless you're a time traveller from 1870, using the word "droll" makes you a massive fucking faggot.

It doesn't matter who fills these slots, it's not an intellectually rigorous position, and as long as they implement pro-school choice policy, it's good thing.

You'll never be white.

OK Immkamphy

Old Holla Forums banned loli porn anime shit… That was until IMkamphy/Rachpost took over and started creating obsessive arguments and switching IDs to call everyone a "goon" and "newfag" and "CTR" if they disagreed with it.

You're not intelligent IMKamphy/Moonman/RachPost. You're just persistantly annoying and have the power to ban. So I switch ips

Sorry, sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I generally don't pay much mind to hotpockets beyond knowing them to be colossal faggots. fam has stuck in my lexicon though and I say it even while actively trying to avoid it. Fucking nogs polluting our semantic memories.


Dance for our amusement, monkey.

what's even worse is when you realize that most common slang is nog derived. the jew psyops run deep.

"Cool," "chill…" hundreds and hundreds of words used as nigger slang that the jews pushed on us to destroy our command of the English language.

Same fucking lingo every fucking time

Next comes the bans and "drowned yourself in semen"

We get it IMKamphy. You love to rape children and want to destroy every thread with anti-Holla Forums infighting and MGTOW

If you're able to completely eliminate nigger slang from your vocabulary, you'll be surprised at how it improves your speech and writing.

You couldn't be more jewish if you tried. You'll never be white, you'll never be relevant, and every last kike and shitskin is going to die brutal deaths, very, very soon.

Drown yourself in semen, you hilarious dumbfuck.


Oh you sound so Holla Forums there IMKamphy. You're so good at this

There you go, just admit it IMKamphy… Jesus took you long enough

How much do you make anyway?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

You know we have IDs here, right? So not only are both of us IMKampfy but I'm posting through two separate VPNs at once? Can you get any more autistic than you are right at this moment?

Where's /cow/ when you need them.

And you know that we know your shitty shilling right?

And you know that we know that before you became a MOD there was a ban on this loli shit right?

And you know you're boring as fuck right?

And you know you're killing the thread, right?

And you know that MGTOW = Cultural Marxism right?

And you wont tell me how much you get paid? Seriously, how much IMKAMMPY?

So you're a pedo that hates anime? Why not just openly admit you're a sphincterally enraged goon?

Why the fuck are you posting borderline CP you retardo kike? You know what I don't have on my HDD? Any pictures like that. Seriously, off yourself.

They know we're coming for all their no-show jobs at the CIA. And that Trump won't leave us to die in Benghazi to prove some kind of retarded political point, he'll have a Marine whirlybird on the roof to save us in thirty minutes.

Why are you so bad at arguments IMKAMMPY? Is that why you hate us? Is that why you're allowing pedoporn on Holla Forums?

Is that why you hate tits and love little girls?

And globally reported. goons are retard-tier opponents and easier to trigger than their mom's clits.

Are you retarded?


Can we shut the fuck up and talk about Trump's education pick?

Thread was derailed by the shills and the rest of us don't give a single fuck about mildly shitty irrelevant cabinet picks. All the education worth anything is online now, schools have been complete shit for decades and it didn't stop us from becoming president.

What's her position on the so-called campus rape crisis? If she isn't into unpozzing colleges, she's no good.

Brehs… I'd hug and [spolier]high-five[/spoiler] the dogshit out of her.

Yes lets continue making teaching a career so miserable that only the dumbest sociology hacks pursue it.

Well played friend.
It certainly increases the likelihood.

SE MIfag reporting DeVos family shilling so hard for CHARTER SCHOOLS, not private schools ya fucks - this is for profit education sold to the lowest bidder and competing for funding with traditional public schools. Charter schools have completely destroyed inner city education look at Detroit and Philadelphia. Disgusting greedy neocons anyone who supports this bitch aint woke



That is reassuring… I trust the Don, for now. I like to believe he's keeping the biggest bombs for AFTER he assumes office.

Women are far more emotional and faster to take offense/be disturbed.
They also love to crack down on freedoms in the name of feels

You trippin?

Ok, Holla Forums, you need to get into gear.

Education is THE most important thing to fix.
We need to tell The Don what's wrong and what to avoid




you need to stop being a demoralizing faggot.

Trump has already said he wants to defund the department of education and return it to states rights business. And as such he appointed a very vocal proponent of local school choice/voucher systems (i.e. national public schooling can go fuck itself)

it's a smart move, it deflates the leftist tears by persuading them with the "hey look I put a wimmen in power of education" argument, secondly, she was probably the only one that agreed with trump when it came to filtering out the liberal cancer in books, so who knows, it's like picking ann coulter for something, better to have her then some fuckwit faggot neocon.


Holy shit this guy sounds fucking based. Is he the man who will retake Constantinople?

A fucking woman. Unbelievable. Plus she the wife of the guy who's company directly profits off of illegal wars. Wtf is trump thinking?

She supports common core. Google it.

B-b-but it's 88d chess user!


you keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means