While muslim invaders chill all day, blasting their jihad music while not giving a fuck about neighbours, poor Germans are coerced into working in slave like conditions.

If you don't have a job the welfare office will force you to accept any job - commie labor assignment style and jews are happy to use up the cheap labor by special arrangements (this goes as low as 1 EUR per hour). Quit and apply for welfare again and they'll cut you to rice and beans level and stall you for months jew still (oh hay there goy, we need some moar docs to process your application, here is an appointment next month even though you already have no monies for food).

Due to insane taxes and the business unfriendly nature of Germany good jobs are scarce and there is a vast surplus of people with business administration degrees and the like.

Welcome to commie hell.

honestly i have nothing against the "welfare is not a paid vacation thing".

but i guess it would actually make sense if rapefugees weren't given free stuff just for being the smelly turds they are.

also nice source.

if you really want to be a welfare queen, go to JewSA

People who say this don't understand that you can't just go and get a job in Germany.

There are none, due to the business unfriendly nature of Germany. It's not the US.

The only jobs you can get without much skills are basically slave assignments that allow you to save nothing at all, keeping you reliant on jewish companies and the welfare office.

i believe you OP, but I still want a source

This would be fine if there were low taxes and little regulation and also THEY WERENT STEALING FROM WHITES TO FEED NIGGERS

Merkel is on her way out soon. Then there will be rapid change in favour of native Germans. If not then lots of young, strong angry men will take to the streets and change things themselves.

Heil Hitler!

>expects to be treated as a free man kang

He's not really wrong.

Source: I live in NRW, the most cucked state.

But I have a modicum of faith left.

that's what i said.

btw i was just saying that in line of principle if given the choice between welfare and a job, even a bad one, i'd take the job.

but yes i'm not german so, i guess i can't tell.

The conditions are ripe for a new Reich


until the day you swing…

Be a good goy. Work for for the jew while getting nothing in return, thinking "at least I'm working so I'm not a piece of shit" even though you only deplete your life energy feeding jews and the commie machine that works against whites.

You make yourself a servant to jews and invaders.

When I visited filthy invader infested districts where German cashier girls worked at the supermarket this was super obvious. They were very decent, albeit pozzed while serving muslim scum all day. The supermarkets were literally 99% muslim there customer wise.

so much reddit spacing

way to many gut menschen m8
I wouldnt be surprised if either CDU or SPD comes in power again

If the German people will not, or cannot, save themselves, they will be destroyed by themselves.

Nobody else can help them fix this now, they must fix it themselves.

Maybe the saxons will teach them?

Oh you poor little Germans have it so hard, boo fucking hoo.

The refugees that have just lost their homes and family members are so fucking happy with their lives right now. It's only white people that only suffer and are always the victim.


you're right.
Israel should accept refugees and give all their money away too!

The Saxons are dead.
The Jews killed them all.

germany survived all wars only to be destroyed by peace

Germany died in the1940s, denazification was the Jewish voodoo that kept the corpse moving.

WW2 only ended officially.

poor germans are demoralized and not adequately armed aka theyre fucked. cant even redpill people on the holohoax because you get blackbagged.

The only thing that can save Germany at this point is an invasion by Russia.

Commie soldiers were the devil at the end of WW2.

Raping German women, sending prisoners of war to death camps in siberia etc.

I don't trust slavs.

be German - can't even own a knife as a law abiding goy

meanwhile muslim gangs that pose as motorcycle clubs have anything from uzis to rocket launchers at their disposal and use it

not a week passes by where some sandnigger from such a gang doesn't get executed

muslims are combining together, first in gangs, later probably in small warlord type armies while goys are atomized and told to shut up and take muslim dick or go to prison

Not even that.

Well then, seems like that's what the goyim should be doing, instead of crying about it on Holla Forums, eh?

I suggest you make improvised guns… there are some books on the subject floating around online.

Why do I feel the sudden urge to sacrifice my life for Israel?

We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine and ff7oec is giving it maintenance

After Trump was elected I thought I'd be happier. But everyday I wake up I'm more depressed.

The only thing Hitler did wrong was being too nice.

how's the weather in tel aviv?

That's right, goyim! You don't deserve anything, just give everything to the retarded goatfuckers being let in by my fellow chosen and never mind that it's slowly killing your own people and culture.

fuck off.

Stop complaining Michel
We have more Ahmeds and Fatimas to feed. We need your tax mones

It is literally better to do work off the books now and officially reduce your work pensum to 60% so you pay less taxes.


Yes there's a lot of concern shilling lately to fit the new narrative, and perhaps I'm a victim of it. But reading stuff like this, and watching Soros push his new narrative, and looking as my fellow citizens go full retard is starting to take its toll.

Every day I worry that Trump might have been defeated in the shadows, perhaps they threatened nuclear holocaust false flag, or crashing the economy. Every day I worry that he won't make it to the inauguration day. Every day I'm living the wage cuck life and feel powerless.

There are none in the U.S. either, except for minimum wage crap you can't live off of anyway.
And they steal from the employed to give to niggers here, too.

Could've fooled me. At least there's a chance things turn around next year for us though


UK cuck detected. The average burger here is laughing at the lugenpresse and actually believe the (((alt-right))) is just another Tea party that the kikes are using to false flag Trump. What a time to be alive!

A refugee gets around 26k euro a year from Germany. Meanwhile min wage after taxes is like 13-14k a year in Germany, and the people earning slightly above that earn around 18k after taxes. This is a very large part of population that lives like this.

If you're a refugee in Germany its like getting a slightly above middle class income for free.

Also Germany is a cancerous land to get employed in. Every employer requires degrees and work culture is horrendous and very strict. I don't like anything about Germany to be honest, would not want to live there. Even the houses are overpriced and look like turds from the Soviet era.

Fuck this gay earth. Seriously, just fuck it all.

Why on Hartz 4 though? Isn't that if you have been unemployed for longer than a year?

I do think its better to search for a job or pursue a degree to get a better future than you're currently having. The rapefugee situation is horrendous but it shouldn't hold you back from improving yourself.

You're right about low wage slave jobs not really being beneficial on the long term if you want upwards mobility. It's therefore in my opinion a sensible decision to go into higher education because Germany is very degree driven.

Now I don't know the cost of studying in Germany, but here's a trick: if the cost of studying in Germany is too high consider Austria or Sweden. You're an European citizen which means that the cost of studying in any European country is the same as native citizens, and you're also elligible for the same benefits. You can get a study for free in these 2 countries while not worrying too much about living expenses.

It's only going to get worse. Germany will be especially bad, because several of their companies will be making the robots.

I'm too autistic and depressed to ever amount to anything m8.

I did my Abitur 7 years ago and since then I've only been employed for like 3 out of those 7 in unlearned part-time jobs.
I'm not good with people (especially those fake ass work colleagues that act all nice and friendly but talk shit about you behind your back, fuck them)
I can't take the pressure of working 8h/5d, I tried it once and it gave me massive panic attacks because it felt like my life was fucking over now and my entire existence's purpose was to slave away for some Jew and make them rich while I only get to "exist" on the weekends.

As such, I've fallen through the system. Can't get an apprenticeship because those are all 8h/5d for 2-3 years - can't study because finances won't allow it in any case.
I literally own less than 1k euros and my entire existence depends on my mom and grandma to help me out in case of unexpected financial crisis (car breaks or w/e).

Not to mention that I've been unwanted single for 13 years now and every experience with women I had was very negative.

Meanwhile my countrymen get brainwashed, my country's culture and history get destroyed/perverted, what's even the use in trying anymore? Things won't get better during my lifetime anyways, the damage is already done.

inb4 I get called a shill for being defeatist.

Get a trade degree you fucking neckbeard.
If you aren't going to go to university then you shouldn't have bothered with that good goy training in the first place.

When you're doing an honest day's work as a tradesman you won't feel that useless. The money ain't bad either. Hate to use this term, but it really is "empowering" for a man to work with his hands, and you won't even realize it until you do so.

t. electrician

As a neckbeard who is trying to climb out of this rut, how do you even begin to get a trade degree when you only have pennies to your name?


Sorry for late reply(was asleep) but sometimes you can find a company to pay for your training if you sign a contract that you'll work for them for X years(usually 3 or 5) after you get your diploma. It's not a bad deal since you essentially have guaranteed employment, though you might have to pick a field like forestry that requires you to live far from big cities or a dirty one like sanitation(which, for some people, are a big no-no, which is why there's a shortage of those types of workers in the first place).