So Sam Hyde went to some college gathering of cucks who are still salty Hillary lost.
New Sam Hyde video
Other urls found in this thread:
It's too big.
Hildog just got btfo again
No more of dirty ways of foreign powers financing the election.
Classic Sam, good shit.
Old video and there have been several threads on it.
WTF are you doing posting that shitty low-quality video here? GTFO
EPIC. How is Sam Hyde so fucking based.
Sammy smokes crack now? For shame.
Did he actually win that much?
Sam "the one man army" Hyde
I think he won 25k
Those bitches were goddamn clown hounds.
He posted something about how the election bought him a new motorbike a few weeks back.
Sam "you can run but you can't" Hyde
which would be a 20k gain since he said he put 5k in. Also he has to pay taxes on it so there is a big chunk gone too
If he's got an ounce of sense he's already made it so it looks like he's losing money on paper. He just needs to create some more expenses to not pay tax.
*a stefan face appears over his face*
gain from gambling isn't treated like other incomes so you can't deduct it solely from expenses iirc. I dont know how hyde runs his shit but he should be getting some of the business expenses from the printing of his book
Its actually treated more favorably because you can potentially write off the costs associated with it as an individual. I was thinking more like leasing a car and paying all the insurance on it up front, but yeah he's undoubtedly got a bunch of things he can expense.
To the ovens with you.
sage for e-celeb
This guy just screams "I HAVE SEVERE AUTISM". Also why in the fuck is he wearing shorts it looks cold as fuck judging by what everyone else is wearing.
Looking at that guy, do you think he is chosen?
what is a latinx
of course he's a heeb
Was wondering the same thing and found this cunt's video
nigger detected
Oh ok haha.
Every time.
That is something that needs to change.
Jewish bullshit.
He can't keep getting away with this.
Ghoul just got promoted by Sam Hyde.
I love the Berenstain timeline.
Don't care if it's e-celeb bs, Sam is the man.
I wonder what height Sam is, he looks like a big guy.
About 6'4 or 5, would he keep getting away with it if he wasn't such a big guy?
It would be extremely painful
That's the perfect height to get away with stuff. I'd definitely be his CIA.
What, didn't you?
many lulz
I had no idea what site to use to bet on Trump. Not even sure if its legal and id have to get behind 9000 proxies to be sure and id probably fuck something up in the process.
I would have been partying for weeks if I won 25k on Trump on top of my normal excitement and happiness about this. fuck.
Nice winnings.
I personally cashed out £1,400
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao
Sam Hydenberg deserves the money
Are you suggesting you would let another man crash your plane?
Sadly muh principles fucked me over again.
Sam Hyde "the bodies"
I take it that these people have no idea who's presence they are in, since they are not fleeing in panic. No wonder he keeps getting away with it
looks like imkikefy bumplocked the thread
Weren't the odds in the GOP primary like 180:1 at first? Imagine if you'd put in 2k back then, then put your winnings of 360k back in at 5:1 in the general election. You could have made 1.8 MILLION with an investment of 2000 if you'd bet on Trump at the very beginning. I would have unironically put in 1k on Trump when he was at 100:1 in the primaries if I'd had that much disposable income after (((mortgage))) payments at the time. Oh well, hindsight is always impeccable, kinda wish I'd put in $100 or something at that time though.
At least Chaim Hoidel made a cool 20k, jews win again.
To the surprise of no one.
Jack Dorsey @ 3:30
Top Fucking Kek
Why the fuck are the mods anchoring this thread?
They bumplocked it.
Because they are kikes.
Someone made a new thread.
Oh and it wasn't "the mods"
It was imkampfy
As usual
Moonman will probably unlock it later.
user second line has no reddit spacing
do better