What if Soros rigged his voting machines for Trump? I know it sounds counter-intuitive but hear me out. The Trump victory is the single greatest excuse in the formation of the EU army that is now underway. Now there is this potential probe into some voting machines since they consistently showed the same discrepancy in the counts apparently. If they find the machines were fixed Clinton becomes POTUS and the EU gets its army. Double win for the globalists.
What if Soros rigged his voting machines for Trump? I know it sounds counter-intuitive but hear me out...
Idiotic since the Trump election has given hope to European Nationalists all around Europe and more people will begin to resist the EU. Even in a potential war with Trump's Army, there would be massive defection in the EU army since we all know that leftists can't fight for shit.
What if their rigging efforts failed and this is a shitty thread? What if Project Veritas wasn't recorded? What if the DNC wasn't caught paying a company which was caught in a sting by Penn State Troopers committing voter fraud? What if Soros wasn't busing rioters around for fake protests? What if Soros didn't spend millions towards Shillary's campaign? What if you stopped sucking dicks?
Fuck off with your shit thread, OP. You're a retard.
Hopes can be squashed though. Like in a recount.
All valid questions that should be asked. Also these fake protests would be necessary to make it seem that the recount is spontaneous and unplanned.
dubs of truth
That's true, it's just that your question is not only invalid, but it's also shit.
This idea is really fucking scary
Kill yourself
It's also highly unlikely. However, this election has taught me to question and not take things for granted. Best we can do is remain vigilant, call out happenings for what they are, and help meme some nationalists into leadership roles in Europe.
Soros rigs elections for more than ten years in HUEland with his voting machines.
Why bother about what happens in the US if they've rigged everything everywhere in the world?
The only counter move I can see is to demand is a re election with paper ballots only and lots of scrutineers. We could easily get leftists on our side in our calls for a re election
It's already too late faggot, the preparations are all done and even Obongo conceded he's getting ready to hand over the chair. All these Soros tricks are nothing but desperation from a senile kike that wishes he still had the wile he had when he destabilized Russia
EU army would have happened anyway in the future.
NATO is EU controlled by proxy, and if a conflict would have happened with Russia, you can bet they will make a specific EU army as reinforcement, to help NATO against "the invader"
What if Merkel is secretly the savior of the Germans by pushing them around.
What if circumcision is secretly the boon of goyim by removing a third of their baby boys penis skin.
What if the homosexual agenda is really great because it might make straights more desperate to get together?
What if FIAT money is actually great because it makes people wake up?
Not the best examples but…no.
Trump was elected by the fucking people.
Spics and niggers. Spics and niggers.
And jews, of course.
And the chinks.
dude what if the whole universe is like one big video game soros is playing and he's about to ragequit
Soros was and is a Nazi agent, he knows he's agitating and this is exactly what he hoped would happen.
Nah, anything that takes it away from Trump leads to bloodshed at this point. If they'd rigged it properly at the start it might have simmered over, but Trump at this point has the clear legitimacy to lead. I'm normally very pessimistic about the "muh funs" crowd revolting, but this is literally the textbook case for it.
This is pretty good tin foil but all this is just a way to demoralize Americans. Look at cali with it's obviously rigged results, full of illegal votes.. Whats the purpose to rig one state so hard? To offset the popular vote by a wider margin and demoralize the average democrat voter.. The genius is that there is no way to justify a Cali recount since it would not modify election results either way.
What is Trump never dropped Soros's name over and over and over and in commercials? What if Sean Hannity and the other so called "real republicans" continued to ignore it and focused on "this thing some celebrity said was crazy!"
Which would end up exposing millions of fraudulent/illegal votes in favor of Hillary.
what if they actually rigged the voting machines for hillary but it wasnt enough so they're gonna lie about them being rigged for trump?
what if trump was actually the soros puppet all along, and he just told the media to act really stupid to make us vote for him?
What if this retarded concern shilling was pushed in multiple threads at the same time almost as if it was some coordinated effort by clueless fucks that can't seem to understand people can see patterns?
What if there is more shit happening that we still don't know about? What if all the problems we know about are much worse than we realize they are? What if Trump has his new Department of Justice pursue charges and it brings question on the previous two or three decades of US presidential administration, resulting in World War 3?
The most important question, though… Why is OP still sucking so much cock? Polite sage because this thread is still cancer.
This would be the establishment's chance to stack the 'non-partisan' recount team with as many 'vetted' personnel as they possibly can. There's no guarantee that just because there's a recount, they won't do everything in their power to swing more electoral votes back to Hillary. The establishment probably doesn't want to risk it, which is why they haven't pushed for a recount already despite their moronic 'friends' trying to convince the Hillary camp that Trump genuinely cheated, like the retards they are. This legitimately makes me believe that the establishment cheated, failed, and is simply rolling over to accept that he won; they are going to flail around and protest impotently while Trump installs appointees and officials that are willing to push to get shit done, because they don't know how to do anything else other than bitch and whine like a bunch of libshit crybabies.