George Soros is now a "Holocaust Survivor"

Oh and he's giving 10 million to stop hate crimes that don't exist.

In the NYT this morning:

George Soros Pledges $10 Million to Fight Hate Crimes

"Mr. Soros, a Holocaust survivor originally from Hungary, said in a telephone interview this week that he was “deeply troubled” by hundreds of reports of possible hate crimes since the election — including many Nazi swastikas spray-painted on cars and buildings."

by Eric Lichtblau this particular "journalist" looks like he's got an agenda.

didn't soros' family dodge the camps by buying fake papers that said they were christians

we dark forces now



This is really good. The absolutely cancerous narrative of "MUH SOROS IS A NAZZIIIII" by the likes of Jonestein must be destroyed.



dosent that mean everyone in the world that isn't underage is also a 9/11 survivor?


I know I am. Even though I was thousands of miles away in Houston, CNN gave me PTSD with its constant coverage. Truly I am a victim and deserve my gibs.

Of course. Never forget, user.

They gave George to a wealthy Christian family to have him passed off as Christian. Not sure about the rest of his family though.

He's always been considered a Holohoax survivor, all jews who were living in Europe at the time are. Given that he had to pretend to be a goy to save himself from the Nazis, he has a better claim to the title than a lot of his fellow "survivors" who fled much earlier.

Why do you retards keep repeating that lie after that "smoking gun" 60 Minutes interview didn't say anything of the sort.


You dense?

If you were a Jew living anywhere in Europe during the reign of Hitler you are considered a holocaust survivor and eligible for all the goybucks your heart desires.

Nigger, there's no source for that claim other than people who misrepresented the 60 Minutes interview.

Why do you think Jonestein or one of these other brown-baiters didn't track the interview down themselves and some reddit autist had to? It contradicted their retarded narrative.

Didn't he make his money by taking homes from the Jews who were actually sent to camps?

Nope. That's another infowars myth.

No, his father left him in the care of a German officer claiming he was a christian godson. Soros accompanied that officer when he seized Jewish property at age 14. Soros also has stated during interviews that this was a great period in his life.


No, in a clip popularized by Glenn Beck he said it was the "happiest time of his life" because he naively thought he was invincible and that his father would protect him.

Thanks for the correction, was going off of memory. Either way its a testament to what kind of man this is.

Well, technically, former Hitler Youth member George Soros IS a "holocaust surviver," because he never died in any Holocaust…technically, we all are.
And technically, every Jew in the world, past & present, are "holocaust survivors," because there was never any "holocaust" as the Jews define it, at all.
Some Jews died in the workcamps, especially toward the end of the war when food & supplies were disrupted by allied bombing, but the only real incident where Jews were murdered in the camps was one where 4 jews were wrongfully executed by the camp commander, and the commander was, himself, executed for doing it.

So I guess the real way to say it is that there were no "holocaust" victims, including Soros.

Do you "Soros was Nazi" autists have any critical thinking skills? No, Soros was never a member of the Hitler Youth.

I think the problem the bluepilled have accepting stuff like this is it makes it look like they were all at summer camp. My dad nearly shit a brick when I told him they had a swimming pool and he wasn't able to process it when I showed him proof. We need something more middle-ground for Babby's First Redpill that says "Yeah, it's a shame they were all rounded up like that, but we have some amazing news for everyone who aches at the injustice of it all!"

Some kind of hashtag needs to get started. The info needs to get to the normies.

Can't wait till his head is stuffed and mounted on a wall.

Holohoax is almost the final boss. You start out with things like Mcnamara admitting the Gulf of Tonkin incident was bullshit, or the Gulf War I incubator baby Kuwaiti Ambassador's Daughter thing. You establish the reality that Governments lie to start wars first.

Really makes you think

I survived Chernobyl and 9/11

I survived Kurt Cobain's suicide

Weren't they pushing this before though? I'm pretty sure this isn't new.

I'm surprised Soros hasn't tried to claim that, in collaborating with the Nazis, he was secretly working undercover to SAVE his fellow Jews; that he only pretended to send them to deadly gas chambers when they were actually just harmless showers.
He could probably even produce evidence to back that up, though I imagine the Chosen would rather he didn't.


Because while other people may get that badge, I don't think Soros would ever have had the credibility. Soros sent people off and stole from them. He had no way to track where they went.

To claim he saved people would have been to claim he was fully aware of what the camps were doing, which is a claim nobody in Germany supported as even German soldiers weren't told and initially assumed this was some American trick.

my older siblings and parents survived chernobyl
does that count?

Of course not, only the Chosen People(tm)(C)(r) get to claim the title of Holocaust Survivor.

I'm surprised there are still retards who think Soros "collaborated with Nazis".

George Soros Pledges $10 Million to Fight White Resistance*

By the simo-weaslthal definition of "any jew living in europe ir north africa during WW 2," he does fit the jew definition of holyco$t survivor. Also, funny how the Jews mention poorly drawn swasi at some brooklyn park as "hate crimes," but not the 4 cops ambushed and shot in the face last week.

Not surprising. If you're a jew and a german had stood within 50 miles away from you during WW2, then you're considered a holocaust survivor.

Do most people here even know the jigs shot 4 cops, execution style, last week? The did their best to slide it on MSM. All cops were White, all perps were niggers, so you can imagine why they slid it. Wish Trump would have commented.

not even that. You could have been a Jew living in portugal and not even close to war, and under the jew definition of weael-thal center (important bc it's also used by German gvt for reparations) you are entitled to shekels. I'm not making this up. You could have been 500 miles from any gun ever being fired and still be a "holocaust survivor" and entitled to payouts.

jesus christ.

I have genetic memory trauma of the Civil war. I am a survivor; don't trigger me

do you have a link?

That's a big honor

It was known for year, Alex Jones has nothing to do with it.
If you keep promoting that disinfo you will get banned.

You're actually kind of right, the "rounding up kikes" thing was actually something Gavin McInnes' jewish boss (((Ezra Levant))) came up with in 2010.

But he wasn't helping Nazis "round jews up" nor was this something kikes had to do to avoid being turned into soap and lampshades. All jews had to report to the Jewish Council (Judenrat), and they had the yidlets (like 13 year old Soros) deliver deportation notices. That's it.

i think (((they))) call it chutzpa