We need to push Trump to mandate NASA to put American boots on Mars within 8 years(his probable term in office). If he does this,he'll go down as the greatest president of all time.
He would be directly responsible for
We need to push Trump to mandate NASA to put American boots on Mars within 8 years(his probable term in office). If he does this,he'll go down as the greatest president of all time.
He would be directly responsible for
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Demographics and Jewry ought to be the main task of Holla Forums.
The Demographics of the Mars colony would be hwyte as fuck.
I want to colonize Mars as much as the next guy and in order to establish the Empire of man we need to go into space. However, going to Mars just for the legacy of Trump is retarded. We are using Trump for our agenda, he is not using us.
Mars should be on our Agenda.
I'm talking about the planet and especially America/Europe you colossal moron. There is absolutely no purpose of extensively expensive Mars colonization if the resources of Earth are laid to waste. It's absolutely inexcusable that even an acre of land on Earth is inefficiently cultivated.
Much more cheaply done with a colonization of Africa.
Besides, redditfags and other leftists that are obsessed with "science" are going to push for this anyway.
I mean that's what Der fuhrer was all about after all, gibs clay. Well Trump should be saying gibs Mars.
Oh yeah that worked out real good for the last whites that did that,maybe you forgot how they got genocided as the world looked on.
Yeah that's why we need to get on it so they don't poz it up.
Now I just need my aeronautics degree
Earth is flat and mars isnt possible to land out. Keep believing (((NASA))) lies!!
kill yourself
Obama already challenged NASA to get their ass to Mars.
While giving them no budget or mandate to do so.
Their is a difference between a limp wristed jiggaboo reading a talking point on a teleprompter, and Trump telling NASA to get off their asses and Make America Great Again!
Anyway what is America known for
Landing MEN on the Moon
So to MAGA we need to do the things that made it great in the first place.
NASA's only real purpose is to promote Black Science Men and support publicity stunts like pic related
If Trump can drain the swamp in Washington, he can drain the swamp at NASA.
Might as well tell DoD to weaponize mars and then just disband NASA as a joke. If you want to get shit done you're handicapping yourself by involving NASA
and to get muds into space.
NASA is what we've got. So you faggot bitching isn't helping anything.
The only other real space program in America is space-x, aka Elon Musk who I have great respect for,but he's a private cooperation not a government entity. He wants to colonize mars But I don't see him getting a blank check to do so like NASA would have.
Keep larping, spacefag. Never gonna happen, there's no point.
Our space program should focus on actually useful endeavors like asteroid mining and orbiting nuclear power stations
Isn't it impossible because of "space radiation" or some shit?
Gonna larp till it's real faggot
No, you get a dose but it's not deadly.
but muhpuerto rico
Step 1 of african colonization: Remove Spear Chuckers
Oh right, berenstain.
Didn't someone estimate the value of the rare minerals in a typical asteroid to be in the hundreds of billions or was it more? Couple asteroids could fund a mars colony.
How do we bring the power generated in orbit by these nuclear power stations back down to earth? Really big batteries? I am not well versed in low orbit energy production.
Astronauts are directly exposed to more radiation in space and while traveling through that radiation belt, but it's a calculated and known risk. Long term space travel will need to account for this in it's ship design, but beyond that you're just going to have to suck it up and get a little radiated.
This time will do it without Africans.
Don't forget Jefferson
soj51 net/home.html
so really it would be the 54th state
NASA has been essentially castrated since the end of the space race. It takes 4 or 5 years for them to send a remote controlled car to Mars due to budget constraints. We also have to hitch rides on Russian rockets to get our astronauts to the ISS and back. We can't even afford orbital rockets and our space shuttle progralm has been scraped because NASA can't afford the maintenance costs to keep them running.
It's not going to happen OP, not unless China or Russia start to push for it. NASA is dead.
We need to push Trump to mandate NASA to transfer all muslims and jews to Mars
But what are the 2 missing states?
you mean Bernerstein?
Trump couldn't drain a sink if the instructions were written on his teleprompter.
This is something we need to do, not rely on some blustering idiot in a suit.
idk, ask
Don't talk shit about The God Emperor,faggot.
He has dubs though.
Go fuck a rake. The US will never have a monarch of any kind as long as I can pull a trigger.
Didnt you guys get fired or something?
Whoa. Easy there, tough guy.
Rakes can be fucked?
They're just layed off.
water boarding eminent
You already have ruling families like the Bushes and Clintons.
Outer space is dead and useless.
Kill yourself.
How in the fuck do you imagine that's going to happen? Do we form our own secret society & study up on Viktor Grebennikov?
No, Trump is using you. Why do people assume that Trump is a fucking Pollack, jeezus croyst. He's just not an asshole trying to ruin Aryan civilization.
Is this a new form of shilling? Calling him a jewish plant isn't working, time to claim he's just using us?
Yeah guys, planetary exploration is a GREAT idea.
There's a reason why life doesn't develop on other planets.
Are you going to try to hide from China up there?
I'm not ready for hellgates….
No, *sigh*, what I MEAN is is that Trump caters to Pollacks and other racialist anglos becuase he needs our help. We have ZERO reason to believe he is exactly like us,. As far as I can tell, he is just a good person who realy gives a damn about un-fucking this country in a moderate sort of way. We really DON'T understand his true motivations other than that.
I want probes sent to Uranus and Neptune. I also want more probes to Venus. Underappreciated planets, and as a kid I've always wanted to learn more about all the planets
And since I was a kid*
You are not allowed into Martian Imperium. Into the mines you will go.
That is some low quality shilling there, Chaim. Your bosses should dock your pay.
oy vey gimme shekel
Go and look at what an actual glider looks like, retards. Ask yourself why this """glider"""" flies like a jet. Sounds like a jet. Has intake holes and exhaust like a jet. It's current year ffs and they're still making $20 billion a year feeding sci-fi to you mongoloids.
You are fucking retarded, get out.
shoo shoo sharkike!
According to your NASA priests there is no propulsion system, you sub-nigger halfwit.
Fuck off Sinead, your lies won't work here.
Wouldn't the moon be the 51st state if that was a thing? I'm pretty sure there's a treaty in place that keeps Americans and Russians (and anyone else) from barging onto other planetary territory and screaming "FIRST!" into the radio.
Fucking hell, why couldn't Obama have grabbed him for a pizza party? Not blonde enough?
Why didn't you assholes tell me that sharkposting was a thing?
>oh shit
Kill yourself kike.
I've always thought of trump as a tool, a wrench in the machine of globalism and corruption
something to at least buy more time, and at best to reverse the process
We should just meme the War of The Worlds martians into reality, then meme them invading the ME.
From kikepedia (your bible)
The orbiter then glided as a spaceplane to a runway landing, usually at the Shuttle Landing Facility of KSC or Rogers Dry Lake in Edwards Air Force Base, California
At least christians believe in a fairy tale that can't be falsified, you're not even mormon tier.
Yes drop the batteries into the sea (engineer so they float) and pick them up. An alternative would be to use the energy to power a massive UV ray emitter which would be picked up by concentrated solar cells on Earth. A Herculean feat of logistics to be sure, which is why we should focus on these things and not be bothered with spending trillions to send men to die in a big red desert for "muh historic achievement"
Meant for
Kill yourself kike.
Global report for kike.
Yeah man that's all space colonization is. Not like there's any practical value in having colonies off of Earth to harbor our species from any humanity ending disaster that might take place.
How am I shilling? I pointed out the space shuttle is a jet powered aircraft to which you have no - as in ZERO - rebuttal to except buzzwords. Because you know with that lie exposed it's dominoes falling until you have to admit it's only pretend. No hyperbole necessary, you're literally retarded.
Haven't you ever played an RTS?
Why? There's nothing there. What a waste of time and money.
Do you space travel autists actually believe this transhumanist, mankind in the stars LE PSYANCE solves all our problems retardation?
Nixon landed on the moon.
Why not just use Antarctica for resources? An entire continent worth of minerals and resources but nobody's allowed to touch it.
We will get Eagleworks to replace the current pozzed NASA mainbody.
EW is almost 100% white and the only ones making breakthroughs right now (EMdrive, researching Warp Drive)
he's right, tho.
I'm all for space exploration but colonizing mars is a bad idea. And not doable in 8 years, lol.
flat earth
Kek, even if we managed to land on Mars it would still be decades before your average joe could even dream of buying a ticket. Stratospheric flights have been around since the 50s and to this day it costs dozens of thousands of dollars. A commercial ticket to Mars (implying all the extra expenses such as marketing, certification, need to be profitable etc…) would probably cost billions.
And EVEN IF it was made available to the public, who the fuck would want to pay that kind of money on a one-way journey to a giant desert with the possibility to end up stuck forever in space because something went wrong ?
It's a lemming, actually. Native to that part of greenland.
It's a /furry/ thing
Certainly, but when did we drop Mars from the agenda? We've been pushing for this for almost a century now.
As much as I want the Imperium, demographics is the first crucial step to anything. With more whites, the Democrats will never hold power again, and we can begin gutting all of these social welfare programs leeching money from middle class whites.
The Jews have been destroying this country for over a century now. It's going to take more than 8 years to fix it. Giving NASA funding for stuff that has immediate returns (I'm more concerned about interplanetary travel than just looking at other pretty planets through a trillion dollar telescope) isn't a bad idea, either.
As for a moonbase, we could prototype underwater bases first. If the materials can withstand several atmospheres of pressure, the moon would be a cakewalk, just need radiation shielding
Why do you even breath?
I would much rather we pelt the fuck out of Venus with asteroids and comets to get that fucking acid out. That's incredibly wishful thinking though.
KEK has fortold mars space colony
Cease and desist all breathing related activities at once.
How in any way would colonizing the nearest, most easily made inhabitable planet be bad? It would not.
are you literally retarded?
For starters, unless we get meme drive fully operational and efficient in 2-3 years, going to mars would take months. Problem with that? Space radiation (from the sun, mostly). We don't have materials that are both light enough to be viable for launch and also able to shield that radiation. So all the astronauts would get cancer after months of exposure. Congratulations you have a crew doomed to die in a few months!
And that is forgetting the fact that a small crew in a confined space for months would definetly end up hating each other.
But there's more! Mars dead core generates no magnetosphere, so radiation would keep bombarding those poor fuckers unless they went several meters underground.
That's just a couple of reasons why colonization of Mars is an awful idea. Hell, if we are going to go trough the trouble of colonizing a hellish planet, at least make it Venus, which has magnetosphere and a size similar to Earth (Mars is also small as fuck).
Except people have already been in space, live in the ISS, no deaths or "space radiation sickness". It's called terraforming.
Kill yourself.
all these spherecucks itt
don't you have a pizzagate thread to shitpost in
oh silly redditor you will soon learn of the world outside your precious science.
Laid off means fired. Ask anyone who's been laid off.
ISS floats just 400km over earth. Earth's first defence against radiation is located 90000km into space.
You literally know 0 about space, please leave the expansion of the galactic imperium to those who know.
it would be easier to fix a hostile atmosphere than a dead magnetic field. also mars is too small to hold an atmosphere viable for human life.
mars may be useful as a base but not for living on.
More proof that the ISS is a hoax, its all filmed underwater in swimming pools and on airplanes.
How many VPNs are you planning to get banned today, Sinead?
Sure thing, Chaim.
How many VPNs are you planning to get banned today, Sinead?
I'm actually starting to think you are the shill there.
I refuse to think someone is so retarded on this board.
maybe that will be a more appropriate place for you.
We *could* build floating cities in Venus' upper atmosphere, but reaching its surface would be impossible for human life, since the atmospheric pressure would crush you. But aside from building mining robots, such a venture would be a literal resource sink.
Yes it happened, you're just spitting on the capabilities of Nazi tech now.
Maybe if you expect them to return to Earth, yes their bones will be lighter but that's a good thing for low-gravity situations. It wouldn't cripple them since we're talking about a planet that actually has gravity as opposed to the ISS which has none. Martian life would require many adaptations but that's because it's a step in evolution for humanity.
Antarctica alone could fund a mars colony but we all know why that's not happening… ;)
With how fucked up everything is right now they'd just send a woman up there and then spend the rest of eternity talking about how the first human on Mars was about woman. Probably a nigger too
No, in 4 years. The reason being is History books & to convince voters another 4 years of Trump.
What we should shoot for is 10 gigabit internet connection to every home in the USA including those far out in the country in 4-8 years. Allow any ISP including Startups to use the new network,that way regional monopolies would be destroyed which shlomo would try to do everything he can to prevent.
Also enable anyone to increase their 10 gigabit connection to 100 Gigabit on request. It would enable IT companies, and research institutes to move to the cheapest areas.
That's a lemming, actually. Native to that area of greenland.
This is idiocy. As the greatest shot at achieving the objectives he has outlined that has existed thus far in several decades and if it fails probably the only chance in any of our lives his legacy will come to embody those ideals in everyone. Economic, scientific and political success outstripped anything achieved to date will be required to ensure liberals never stand a shot of being elected again.
This is not a good thing. It drives down the value of labor in those areas and massively increases it for liberal cities nobody actually wants to live in.
10Gb dedicated would be too high bandwidth for a lot of current routers and switches on the backbone. The cost of cables would pretty much only be doable federal funding. 250Mb rural, 1Gb suburban and 10-100Gb inner-city would be more realistic.
Trumpire of Man, you mean.
bacteria can process atmosphere. Pressure could be solved by lifting atmosphere into space.
We are talking about terraforming, it's gonna be ultra hard of course. But between:
I'd go with the first one (specially if those gasses could have some industrial use).
Building hermetic underground cities in mars could work…. but that is not terraforming. And still out of scope with current tech.
But anyway that is just a debate on which planet is more viable as a first colony. The OP goes much much further and also asks this to be done in 8 years.
If he is not a shill then he has to be the biggest retard I have ever seen posting in this holy board. Probably both.
Bingo! This is what we should aim for.