I dont know if this is the original.
I dont know if this is the original
Not worth a thread though.
It has the shoe!
That's an edit. The easiest way to tell is to check if they removed the end swastika from the signature.
not sure how that 'end' got in there…
And no star of David to be seen.
wew Ben, how should I know what I'm supposed to think now ?
Shameful indeed to deface a man's work in such a way.
He lurks you know.
If dubs this post is Ben.
Cheers Ben, love you work. Keep killing niggers, kikes and muds.
What are you talking about? There's usually a thread for a new Zyklon Ben toon.
And none of those were worth a thread either.
>>>Holla Forums
Dang, closest I could find.
That trashcan is based on Wolf Blitzer isn't it? It's pretty cool how you're still able to tell who the face belongs to even though it's a trashcan charecature.
4/pol/ and plebbit, not here.
And you have to go back.
nigga wat, he first got redpilled posting on 8ch. Thats why he made the hotwheels comic back in the day.
i would literally pay money to suck ben garrisons cock.
dont worry ben if you can read this, im really cute.
who throws away a fried egg?
It's getting more and more difficult to figure out what the JIDF has edited tbh. I figure they edited out some "oy vey"s in the racist racist part, maybe corrected the nose to look more European and there was probably a Talmud and maybe a Star of David somewhere in the trash, knowing Zyklon-Ben
good catch, user
You better believe it, lad. Pic related.
Shills copy what we say to them in their illegitimate OPs, and then spam it into legit OPs, both to confuse, and to disarm the community of the ability to call them out.
Oh man, this one is really funny. Benny G. only gets better as time goes on.
Ben Garrison really finished his road to Damascus.
That was the tipping point of everything when he posted here and admitted at best: he's Holla Forumslack with a paint brush.
His stunt with the anti-hate speech group might be a knee jerk reaction of being an old guy in the internet and prolly that group also jewed him in their own way.
Yes it is quite original my child
You don't belong here.
Ben is possibly the most truthful political cartoonist of contemporary age.
What have we done Holla Forums?
He got banned from cuckchan. How new are you faggot?
The real item of note is the can of beans. I was highly triggered by that.
Ben, in addition to being a clueless lolcow, is a plagiarist who said he was willing to betray his libertarian ideals to get back at those who hurt his feelings.
Any libertarian knows that one's reputation exists only in the minds of others and can therefore not be said to belong to anyone. Still he threatened legal action when he felt his reputation was being damaged… as if he even had a reputation before.
Then he shows up here and says le one of us maymay and a bunch of faggots with short term memory problems suck his dick.
Let this asshole have the same big pile of nothing he had before he ever heard of an imageboard. Let this shit die.
Fuck off