Dicky Spencer gets trounced by Kang

Richard Spencer is interviewed by Roland Martin, and gets absolutely annihilated

Dicky Spermcell is so incapable of debating, that he can't even hold himself up to a nigger who goes WE WUZ KANGZ halfway through the interview. He allows himself to be dragged down in a statistics match he clearly can't compete in. This is really embarassing for anyone who didn't already reject this intellectual light-weight faggot. The only thing he deals in is lukewarm platitudes.

The video itself says enough. It's too long to webm, sadly.
Grab some popcorn and prepare your sides.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is why we don't associate with the alt-right or this faggot.

He's a faggot terrible speaker false flagging. The entire "alt-right" bullshit is just another kike controlled opposition. The gay jew milo is one of it's "leaders", if that isn't enough for you, then get the fuck in the bog.

I'm not watching 30 mins of this faggot or a nigger though.

Your loss, it's hilarious at some points.
From 15 minutes in the nigger goes hard on the offensive.

If you argue with altistic spergs defending Spencer, you should show them that interview to bring the point home.

You fags should stop punching to the right.

TRS is great you stupid schizos.

If you're not donating to TRS then your just larp cucking.

Idiot Nazi larpers.

pathetic false flag attempt my dude

Sage and fuck off back to reddit, faggot.

dicky posting is anti-Holla Forums

I don't mean to defend the cuck but can someone explain to me how that nigger won? Spencer made some weak arguments but the nigger was literally kanggin' and claiming black built america. Nothing he said made sense.

I watched the whole thing. He didn't even lose to this uppity nigger, who was just loud and constantly interrupted. Fuck off back to Holla Forums. You tried this same thread last night and a mod deleted it.

He didn't win. This is a Holla Forums thread meant to demoralize you.

He won by getting his shit points left unopposed by Spencer who squirmed further and further into a corner.

If you think Spencer did a decent job here, you are retarded,

You Nazi fags attack spencer are just mad you'll never have any impact like him.

TRS is doing all the ops where chans just post shitty Chinese pictures.

Donate to the podcasts or stop posting.

I never thought shitskins and fullchan faggots would get me to sympathise with Dicky Spencer but you've managed it, congratulations.

We're not. We're punching to the left. TRS and the "alt-kike" is left of us, faggot.

eh, why would he try to debate that nonsense? wouldn't you then accuse him of falling into a trap? he pointed out the absurdity a few times. I think you're just as triggered by spencer as the niggers are. Also you should never claim a nigger btfo a white man on the subject of race even if he is a cuck.

Black dude is a dullard. Its like arguing with a child, tbh. Should have just ignored most of his retarded questions

Yes, he should have never been in that position, if he knew how to actually debate. But it's even worse to just let yourself verbally hit over the head repeatedly. He had never any command on the situation and let the pigeon shit all over his chessboard.

he wasn't annihilated by any stretch of the imagination. did pretty well really, kept his cool
wew, about the only way this could be interpreted as a loss if you're retarded enough to think a ranting we wuz nigger to be impressive.
Europeans organized niggers to be moved into america, plus organized and planned the structures that were built. niggers would still be in africa eating dirt otherwise.
Europeans built america.

he's a literal wewuzkangz

I'm genuinely surprised they let someone that dumb sounding be a TV personality. I mean, I thought they at least went for the ones who can sound smart.

This isn't about the nigger's arguments. It's about Spencer doing nothing about it. He could have reached out to thousands of listeners and potential Gaylanx subscribers, but he chose to show his intellectual vacancy.

Do you even know how debating works? It's all about appearances. Facts and arguments are unimportant, it's all about delivery and reaching the listener. He failed miserable on all accounts, and the nigger wins by default.

We wuz rhetoricians

i know exactly what you mean and that was what I was referring to.
the nigger was emotional, incoherent and aggressive. at the end he literally threatens all white people. it was amazing.
how many whites who watched that will have felt threatened personally by an intent by all non-whites to forcibly seize what belongs to whites?
other than that, spencer was calm, articulate and correctly ended the discussion with the statement that whites were waking up, were no longer going to allow the concept of racism and the burden of white guilt to prevent them from defending their interests and that non-whites would be unprepared to deal with the future… which is all true.
honestly, if this is what we have to look forward to in the next 4-8 years then I personally can't wait. It's going to get even more extreme, even more explicitly ethnonationalist from BOTH sides. And every fucking BLM/antifa nigger attacking a white stupidly, without a plan, without intelligent organization will mean another dozen whites redpilled, who CAN plan and who CAN organize.
I'm optimistic.
If you want to say that spencer didn't realize how hostile the interview would be, sure. or that he needs to be better prepared with statistics re: affirmative action, sure. he did fine on everything else though.
I think you don't understand debates. You won't win every point and you can't prepare for every possible thing your opponent will throw at you. In terms of body language and rhetoric, spencer won. the nigger just ranted and talked over him, not winning behaviour.

Is this guy cointelpro or simply a fucking faggot? And of course the Media invites people like him instead of someone who is truly redpilled and could deliver, to denounce right-wing people once again.


Get a fucking job and stop asking for handouts, nigger.

this guy is such an idiot discrediting our movement.
i guaruntee in a few months it will be confirmed this guy is a shill and that the jews have been funding this 'alt right party'

How is this retard gonna come on a show with absolutely no facts to back him up? All he does is give some smug look/glare and say "okkaaay…" when the black man tries to stump him.

You know that one of the greatest methods to keep a movement down is bashing the more prominent icons.
This is why Dicky, Jared, Evalion and even David Duke are disavowed her.

You need to leave. The only thing he is discrediting is himself.


it's one of the disadvantages of anonymity. it makes astroturfing/falseflagging/gaslighting/etc much easier.

He says the smug 'okay' because instead of refuting spencers points he prattles on about other statistics that may as well be irrelevant since he later proves his own points wrong by saying that asians being overrepresented is okay because "it just is".

nice larping there, he is not one of us. He is clumsy and not sharp like our guy.

yeah the guy who let everything rockwell built get subverted by a jew. he was a good goy alright

I haven't watched it yet but in a debate thats called losing. If your opponent spouts a bad argument, a good argument or even a non argument, conceding and saying essentially nothing is a loss for you

most of the people who say he lost are also the people who go on about all the based niggers voting for trump lol

How would it demoralize us? Nobody but a handful of TRS autists like the Dickster.

I don't like Dicky Spence, but he came off well in this video - maybe because his opponent is a retard silverback. I don't know in what world you would call this "losing" a debate.


There has not been a organization like National Alliance under WLP since, he is the successer of Rockwell who was indeed one of us.

thank you for correcting the record

Sure, guy who didnt watch it. It wasn't a debate it was 15 minutes of nigger constantly interrupting with non sequiturs with we wuz kangs thrown in because why not.

That channel is watched by Niggers only, I looked up on twitter and they were all just chimpin about Kangz

What are you even talking about?

I'm not a fan of spencer or anything but you faggots sitting back in your armchair, 'postulating' on how bad of a debater he is are a joke. I don't see you putting your neck out there and trying it.

That's why he did it, because Niggers think that is winning a debate.

Whether you like it or not normalfags lump all of us under the same umbrella. Spencer's actions reflect poorly on us even if we don't associate with his faggotry at all.

the old WN left a hell of a lot of work for us to do. As if they were more interested in fundraising and attacking each other and left the left to be free to take over the methods of indoctrination. I respect that they wrote some books and named the jew but they left us nothing to build on in a world more hostile to us.


Regarding the US supplying 90% of the worlds cottons, they just didn't. And so what? These statistics don't entitle blacks to anything

Black people were used as slave labor.

America became a powerful geopolitical superpower.

Therefore black people made america into a geopolitical superpower.

QED pale face!

If you know nothing of our history then you should be ashamed and educate yourself


I do no my history, and there's no truth at all to what you're saying.

Dr. Pierce never led Rockwell's party, he wasn't even a member until after GLR's death.

The nose has been exposed.

Hi kike. Notice anons how shills always fill threads that show any movement of WN ideals getting out into the real world.

You shills are laughable.

Richard Spencer did nothing wrong

you're too obvious jew-boy

Such a fucking faggot loser.

We can smell you a mile away, leftypol. Go take a shower, commie.

The "Heil Trump" shit was actually the only thing he's ever done right.

Holla Forums is a part of the alt right

Who do you think you're fooling, kike? Holla Forums has rejected the alt-right label from the beginning. Go back to your shitty circlejerk on TRS and stop trying to shit down our fucking throats all the goddamn time.

Hi TRS. Don't you have some nigger cocks to suck?

Stop your D&C shit. We are not alt-right, but they are as close to us as it gets in the current mainstream.


No it isn't that idea has been dismissed as e-celeb cashgrab brand that has nothing to do with us.

What's worse than this being obvious D&C kikery is the fucking stupid Holla Forumsacks taking is seriously. Where did all the oldfags with high IQs go?


fuck off though

When did Holla Forums let itself get shilled so hard that you all became irrelevant just make memes and wait for the next Hitler faggots? So many here seem to think we should just be happy with cultural/economic nationalism. Have fun being irrelevant while people actually form real movements and accomplish something.

where did I say this?
this is an utter lie. Why are you making shit up?

This thread is like a drunken bitch fight at Reimu's shrine in the middle of the night.

I feel ashamed. It's obvious their D&C is working.

The jew that did the nazi salute is a lefty cuck that infiltrated the alt-right movement.


It's like saying Donald Trump has nothing to do with us, it's technically correct but also stupid not to use what we have. You can't say he's not dragging the overton window far to the right, to make our ideas much more palatable.

How could he have "let everything Rockwell built get subverted by a jew" if he wasn't in charge of the ANP?

He knew Rockwell and used their equipment to print his newsletters, but he didn't join the party until after Rockwell's passing.

No it wasn't. Not at all. Richard Spencer fucked up by Heiling Trump not because of "muh PR" or some fear that people will call us "ebil nadsis!!", but because it's fucking retarded and makes us look like some bad joke. Why the fuck would anyone heil Trump when he's clearly not explicitly pro-white or anti-Jew? It's retarded beyond belief and is nothing but retarded a publicity stunt. It discredits what we do not because it makes us look "too extreme", but because it turns us into an easily attacked strawman and a non-intimidating joke. Fuck Spencer and his faggy little good-goy club.

if you want a retard like this Richard Spencer guy representing white nationalism on national tv then i'm not sure what to tell you.

Yes. 'Our movement' as in the TRUMP slash Holla Forums MAGA movement where we memed him into the white house.
We made memes and they were blasted into reality via infowars, twitter and other platforms.
I'm not claiming to be alt right, i know /pol is /pol, i just thought 'alt right' sounded cool at first to get away from the establishment Republican party, but also keep it normie tier at the same time by not going full nazi, but after seeing this retard and the 'heil trump' shit i don't want anything to do with the 'alt right'.
It's clearly a kike label to control us.

Compare it to everything else he's ever done. Would you at least admit it was the least bad?

You faggots would love milo if he was not a kike jew, you literally want the exact same things he does now.

That nigger wouldn't even let him speak. He would get less than one sentence into an answer and fat nigger would erupt into a "Yes or No" mentality. They want to ask a racially baiting question and make you answer in one word. They need their soundbites to rile the masses. It was obvious Spencer had answers but wasn't allowed to speak more than 5 seconds at a time.

If you don't like our culture you're free to leave, to strawman our anti alt-right stance is an subversive attack.


Who is "us?"

From what I've read he had information on koehl that proved he was a faggot jew.
When you say his newsletters are you talking about Pierce's own? Because at the time he was the one who edited the ANP's journal. Seems like he was more involved than some guy who sent some money every once in a while

Holla Forums, you dingus.

Everything I Don't Like Is TRS, the guide to being a useless faggot who does nothing but shitpost on an imageboard.


Simulated infighting.

Who is jewing who right now? When the (((alt-right))) suddenly take off? I thought that was just a bullet point CTR tried to shill on us?

Okay, I support TRS and co., but this is CLEAR D&C shilling. Saged.

You shouldn't. They're subversive nigger-loving faggots.

lol yet again it is proven right that you cannot allow jews anywhere near anything that is meant for whites

To think that two have already caught the bait.

Well done.

Mannchild pls. Also this isn't the first time Dicky has been on this nog's program, he sucked back then too

I've been a Holla Forumsack since 5 years and I have never read an article by this faggot. Why does he get to represent anyone but himself?

most people seemed to salute when spencer said hail our people hail victory. If I wanted to be doxed and get fired and was there I would have done the same thing.

This. I'm not the biggest fan of Spencer but jesus christ, it sounds like you faggots need to brush up on media manipulation tactics

In an after sperg interview spencer argued it was to make fun of/thumb the nose at (((them))) from being called nazis anyway, but your take was mine as well, the explanation doesn't match up with what's on the video. The video reminded me of the troll pics posted on pol of pathetic looking neo-nazis where it's a collection of meth addicts, obese, ultra thin, and inbred looking rejects.

Matt Koehl ≠ Frank Collin

Just to note he never claimed to be "the leader of the alt right". Also Spencer has been writing wonky neoreactionary stuff for almost a decade. I got problems with his progay shit and some other stuff (his federated europe idea) but he isnt milo

collin was a pedophile faggot
koehl was a jew faggot
Know the difference. It could save your life.

Richard Spencer is a dumass with some stupid ideas. It is a good thing they banned his twitter so he can stop putting his foot in his mouth all the time. He also has Kevin Macdonald at every single one of his conferences, who does noting but name the jew. Once again, just stay in your basement and do nothing but make memes and call everyone a kike, just don't try and take credit down the road when other people start actually winning.

Richard Spencer is a dumass with some stupid ideas. It is a good thing they banned his twitter so he can stop putting his foot in his mouth all the time. He also has Kevin Macdonald at every single one of his conferences, who does noting but name the jew. Once again, just stay in your basement and do nothing but make memes and call everyone a kike, just don't try and take credit down the road when other people start actually winning.

He literally claims that he coined Alt-Right, you liar.

Because he is a trustfund kiddy and thus has the time and money to promote himself while riding the wave of other's accomplishments. And it shows in this interview. He knows nothing

He's a gay man, wearing a Nazi-haircut while being afraid of talking to a nigger. It's like Steven Spielberg made up a an ebil Nadsee character for one of his Shoah movies.

he started a blog called alternativeright in 2008 that talked a lot about race and the need for a white identity and country.

Mannchild pls


Wow… this Richard Spencer dude is a dullard. The nigger was a retard, and the cuck wasn't able to rein him in with some argument. He could care rebutted that monkey 10 times over. But nope… he just spilled spaghetti all over the studio.

Is the moron working for the CIA or something? He's actively sabotaging whites.

The nigger didn't win by bringing compelling arguments into play. He was a total cretin. But Spencer wasn't able to highlight his retardation either, so Spencer lost by default.

Someone provide the bullet points. Not sure I can deal with this cringe.

No, Collin (Cohn) is the jew faggot, Koehl was a heterosexual goy.

The claims about Koehl's sexuality mostly go back to "A Brief History of White Nationalism", which was based on Collin's "Deguello Report".

What the fuck have you accomplished?
Good for you faggot.

Everything Spencer and the Aut-Right "accomplished" was by hijacking Holla Forums memes and taking credit for them.

It came from fucking LF on Something Awful and was popularized by 4/tv/ and MPC. You had literally nothing to do with it.

Mannchild pls

He literally got CNN to air the chryon "Leader Asks if Jews Are People"

Pretty effective trolling if you ask me. I was laughing my ass off the whole time.

And you're defending Spencer, why do you have any problem with jews or faggots? If you're narrative was true (it isn't) you should be praising Pierce for helping Koehl push the American Nazi Party in a more "Alt-Right" direction.

Spencer should have never accepted an interview with a dumb, uninformed, but uppity and opinionated nigger. He sucks at getting the point across. He didn't even point out ONCE that the meritocratic America the nigger believes in does not exist.

Total retardation.

How exactly did he lose? Because the uppity nigger shouted him down a bunch? Seemed to me that he was perfectly articulate and got his points across just fine.

You're just muh PR-ing at this point. No, that's not why Spencer failed.

The term "cuck" obviously wasn't the aut-right's key to "success", but like everything else, they got it from Holla Forums.

Hi Cernokike.

There's no actual evidence that he's gay. He wasn't 'scared' of talking to a nigger either. He wasn't supremely well spoken, but if a nigger started spouting kangz stupidity at you, it's not entirely unreasonable to be a little flabbergasted at their stupidity. A lot of Spencer's flubs were incredulity if you ask me. Again, I disagree with the guy on a lot of things, he's no 'leader' or anything. Attacking him, however, accomplishes fucking nothing.

He didn't. He could not even rebut the nigger's claim that America could have never risen as an economic power without slave-labour. Half the interview the two retards spoke past each other.

This was a brilliant move by the media, because they smelled he's a retard so they paired him in an interview with a retard.

Are you taking credit for 4/pol memes now? I thought you guys were way above their level?

he didn't. it's just one autist from leftypol samefagging with a vpn.

He lost by default. He lost on optics. He did not swing over a single white sitting on the fence on this issue. The nigger did not need to outargue to win. That's what you don't get.

Spencer's tactics are always retarded. When the guy deals with the media (which he shouldn't do in the first place, I suspect he only does so for self-promotional reasons), he acts like such an obvious fucking snake. He thinks he's so clever, but everyone can see right through him. He's also trying way' too hard to sound profound about fucking everything he ever utters.

I don't think he's controlled op, but he is definitely a worthless self-promoter and he should probably go back to hosting his gay little private community.

That wasn't "getting them to," CNN crafted that headline, the outcome is not ha-ha it's sperg retards make me cringe.

Life, family, private Signal groups, etc.

Cuck was popular on 4/pol/ when we were all still there, before 8/pol/ even existed.

I only came here because they blacklisted my VPN, although 4/pol/ did go to complete shit in the past year or so.

back to the bog, faggot

It's not pr-fagging at all, you mentally handicapped nigger. PR-faggotry refers to people who are afraid of appearing "2 extreme" and want to moderate our message. Spencer's autistic antics have nothing to do with that. His actions make us look like a bad joke regardless of how "extreme" we are.

I haven't defended spencer at all. I provided some clarification on who he was to someone. His progay shit is no good. I'm not familiar with the paul gottfried allegation tho but Im not going to trust a jew on his word. I don't know how spencer has evolved on the matter of the jew question. I assumed he was like taylor but I dunno. He has said previously that jews aren't white.

This whole board has been gaslighted so hard you sound exactly like Renetards and Ironlarpers. You are doing nothing but calling everything gay jewish kike shills.

Your attempts and dividing and conquering won't work.

It does not even matter, you faggots don't even do anything anymore.

Mannchild pls.


I just finished watching the whole thing and Spencer lost which was not surprising. For the whole "why is it okay for Nazi salutes to be used" all he had to mention was freedom of speech. Instead he just described as "playful" which was fucking retarded. About slaves building America, he needed to ask "if African slaves didn't exist back then where would America be right now? Would we still live like we did back in the 1600's?". On the cotton point, which was really dumb, Spencer should have pointed out that cotton was not fucking everything and that the south produced it all yet they still lost the Civil War. About the Out of Africa theory, he should have pointed out that the person who theorized it said it needed to be revised. Overall, Spencer did okay on some points but really bad on others. I'd give his performance a 3/10.

also implies that it's a nigger tv channel so I don't think it achieved anything really, if that's true. But if any white saw that debate, particularily the end where the nigger threatens whites, then just getting him to expose his psychology and motivations like that was a victory for spencer.

In general, you stupid faggots are attacking a man for no reason who is getting out a white nationalist ("Identitarian") message to the wider world.
Either you're just butthurt and trying to shit on something that's actually working, or you're just shills spreading disinfo, division and demoralization.
Either way you're a harmful influence.

Hey, Phalanxfags. What did your $10000 buy you?

meant to reply to

Reminder that gaslit is TRS lingo. Reminder that TRSniggers can not stop repeating these words.

What else is there? They also can't stop breaking up their paragraphs.

Wew lad, history has an amazing way of repeating itself~!

This is pretty weird. The right has just had its greatest victor in probably more than half century and suddenly there is infighting and schisms.


Kikes gonna kike. What we are seeing is the death throes of a wild animal that is cornered.

yes, because fag-enabling goes against us
what is TRS doing here, exactly.
can be used both ways TRS is calling us loonies waiting for hitler

Your constant bombardment on here has something to do with everything?

You're a dumbfuck.

Wait. TRS is pro Spencer I thought. I don't have a forum account but I listened to the latest daily shoah and they were all over spencers dick and I think enoch was saying he was one of the first to do a salute.

TRS is pro shekel grab

I don't think there is anything malicious about it, it's just the sub 30 crowd getting high off of all this attention. At most they are the normalfag filter for everyone and at worst they became compromised and became the (((alt-right))). In short, never trust a trust fund kiddy.

This would just give credence to the idea that the out of Africa theory being correct would actually mean something. I didn't watch the video, but there is absolutely zero chance that busting out the out of apefrica shit was anything but a complete non-sequitour to whatever point the negro was trying to make.


The only places I've seen freaking out over the spencer speach is some alt-light guys like (((cernovich))) and the Holla Forumss. Both talking about how either Spencer is a fed jew shill or that this is really hurting our PR.

WAIT THE FUCK UP, his speech video got almost 2mil views!!!!

This isn't about that speech, nigger.
This is about how badly he handles the aftermath.

The "punching to the right" shit sounds like the lefty "punching down" bullshit.

the atlantic vid had like 30 million on facebook last night


what the fuck

fuck off nigger.


Im trying to see the connection but I'm retarded.

How fucking new are you?

facebook dot com/TheAtlantic/videos/10154823525748487/
37 million

pls be trolling

Pretty sure he pays them to shill for him.

if youre going to debate, you have to go all the way. you cant even attempt to sound politically correct or you will get nipped apart. they cant deal with someone who goes full 1488 dropping redpills.

The most infuriating thing about Spencer is that he has this autistic smug smile. In his mind he's winning this debate so hard, while in reality he's being played by kikes like no other. He's putting all his energy burning a ship other people have built, convinced he's doing something great. You know he won't fucking stop and we'll have to put up with his retarded antics for months.

With friends like him, who needs enemies ?!?

damn, if it wasn't for the "nazi" salute would it get so much publicity?

he needs to take some speech lessons, start lifting like a motherfucker and do some coke before the speech

Yeah maybe. I listened to spencer's speech and I honestly agreed with pretty much everything. I don't know maybe im just a LARPer

"So what you're saying is…"
"So what you're saying is…"
"So what you're saying is…"

This APE needs to let people talk for themselves instead of putting words in their mouths.

nice repeaters

Great, next time he should fuck a child on stage, imagine the publicity !

There's no problem with what he said per se, but there is a difference in what you should say anonymously on forums, and publicly in front of the mainstream media that you invited for the occasion.

It is. retarded terminology, labeling everywhere, redefining everywhere for special snowflake lingo. Very immature.

No, we don't want autistic HAIL TRUMP in public

Holla Forums is still nazi, can't you moros get that?

I don't remember Holla Forums want to be fucked by BBC and gets AIDS

Acting like an autistic sperg is doing something wrong. Seriously, the number one threat to the "alt right" has always been these autistic fucks who have been driven into social isolation for so long it damages them. You really think acting like a edgy meme spouter like you do on the internet will get you anywhere.

The guy needs to get some speech lessons and don't LET the nigger put words on his mouth.

Or very kosher depending on how you look at it. After watching the Goons I conclude that Forums are better at fostering faggots. TRS sound lie they're edgy lolbertarians and subversive kikes. Welcome to Goon 2.0

Poopdick spencer pls go

That MP4……..lol wtf.

It seems you've spenced my record


What people need to understand is that his ideas are not in question, it's his autistic displays at a time any rational person supporting Trump understands HE DOESN'T NEED. This shit plays into the media's narrative they are desperately trying to validate. Anyone, ANYONE that plays into it in a public display should be ridiculed until they're gone. All it does is gets in Trump's way. This isn't the fucking spencer movement, it's Trump's and the people's. Spencer not seeing this or remotely understanding it makes him a parasite. Same with all his defenders invading the boards; unable to understand the difference between the acceptance of his ideas, and the sperging out autistic displays giving aid to the enemy.

I thought it was pretty obvious

Listen, if only a normal person would find their way on stage and not these dumbass pieces of shit, there would be no need to worry. Spencer is a total fucktard. Just watch the interview, the nigger gave him plenty points to execute him, instead he chose to blow himself up again and again. He lost against a nigger throwing around buzzwords. He fucking got away with saying niggers are the sole reason America became a super power. How the fuck can you lose such a fucking debate?

Spencer is either controlled opposition or a total dumbfuck.

Do you know why Holla Forums is so succesful? Because it stays away from retards. There are no leaders here, there wont be retards leading us.

and look like a sperg in the process

We're not punching the Right, you stupid faggot. We're punching left.

I agree but he could have at least fought back by saying that several Egyptian kings have been DNA tested to be European. Instead, he took the shitty non-sequitur up the ass like the fag he is.


yeah haha we are so based that we'll save the white race by shitposting.



If the red torch blog is the same guy (I see no evidence other then the same name), that post was written in 2014, maybe he dropped the commie shit after getting red pilled? I mean (((he))) still shouldn't be trusted, but people do change their political views.

What the hell? I can't believe I'm agreeing with a TRSfag, but are you faggots braindead? When was the last time the left denounced one of their own for doing stupid shit? Never? Does the phrase "no enemies to the left, no friends to the right" sound familiar to you? No? It should: it's one of the major reason why leftists have won so much in the last few decades – they refuse to denounce their fellow travellers, i.e. they always punch to their right, not their left.


The nigger litterally makes this argument!

Its the reason they fail, because everyone who voices leftist opinions is immediately associated with the worst leftards there is. Trump can denounce shitfucks like Spencer, it doesnt hurt him. Obongo couldnt even denounce niggers that were killed trying to kill police officers.

Fuck Richard Spencer and fuck the retard fetal alcohol poisoning afflicted metalheads at TRS who shill for him. You have no fucking clue, you are dumb.

The left also never willingly gave away embarrassing propaganda to be used against them back in the 1960s America back when they were still weak, but growing. That's why they always relied on subversive techniques. We can all Spencer for being a faggot as much as we want.

The only thing is that we must also realize that Spencer and this speech is meaningless in the long term. It doesn't matter unless the media tries to deliberately make Spencer their go "alt-right" leader and he keeps pulling this shit. But even then, it wouldn't matter because the word "alt-right" will just turn to something else, and the ideas behind will still exist, so nobody can immediately label us. We shouldn't denounce him, we should just ignore him. We shouldn't waste our time denouncing him or trying to destroy him. We just shouldn't care.

That nigger is fucking aggravating, the constant interruptions made this difficult to watch. Spencer is poor at debating, and he came off looking weak.


This guy looks like another shabbos goy to me, the alt-right is cancer.

Just like your digits.

While we may be the Intelligence branch, we do need an Executive Branch or we'll always remain merely a thinktank of sorts. Who would you put forth to lead such an Executive Branch? If no one, why not do it yourself?

this is an example of a very powerful meme. i will forever think "this is your home" and the trash when i see the name Richard Spencer.

Not a fan of Spencer, but he didn't really do anything wrong. He didn't do the salute, Kike Enoch and anonymous autists in the audience did.

Say what you want about the TRS "Alt Right," they are normalizing this shit.


Alright here is my 5 cents.
The alt-right hasn't been in the movement long enough and you can see them slowly inching towards full on fash.
The last shoa was a good example of this they're tired of covering for these lukewarm fags, they don't agree with them but they are live and let live on the right adopting the tactic from the left.
Which is reatarded because it leaves you open for co-opting but whatever.
They claim to kinda be fash but haven't fully understood it yet.
Most of them are 10/10 guys though.
Give it time, the movement will split or overcome.

We're going to need alternatives to them if we feel we can't trust them. If they are the only ones in the political field there is no other rally point for nationalists and the Right to rally to.

Spencer isn't the best but the nigger is obnoxious, couldn't finish watching it. Can't stand that stupid fucking tactic where they think if they speak fast and loud enough then they win. Nigger had a bunch of cherry picked "facts" and had no intention of having a real debate. They learned it from the jews. I think that's where guys like Spencer go wrong in these kind of things. You have to have the mindset that you're going to win no matter what. Thinking these people are intellectually honest is a huge mistake and they don't have any intention of learning or changing their viewpoint. They have to submit or ours and that should be our mindset.

pic related

Wow. Spencer is a fucking faggot. Couldn't argue his way out of a paper bag. Spent ten fucking minutes debating fucking christianity. Jesus. This guy is a sham.

You're talking to the new and improved current year 8/pol/. Its been this gay for the past 9 months. Literally a circle jerk at this point and even the alternative media is denouncing the #pizzagate as an establishment hoax.

Trump won and Holla Forums was lost as a result. RIP


God damnit, if I ever meet Dicky I may just have to defend myself.

really the only people who helped normalize anything at that clusterfuck were the antifa faggots who made normies hate them. Tons of normal fags looked at that and were internally saying "usually its the nazis who are the worst guys in the room"

my favourite attack vector on WE WUZ is asking them to pay reparations to the jews they enslaved to build the pyramids. They either prove the jews didn't build them and the jews kvetch or they just flat out refuse and redpill anyone watching who has any concept of universalism

I don't understand how they come to this conclusion? Slaves were just a fucking tool and nothing more. It's like saying Hammers build America.

Silly nigger:


Then near the end he argues that YT is afraid of competition. Affirmative action is what people who are afraid of competition use. Shitlibs always project.


Spencer is a effeminate pretty faggot boi but a good academic conference organizer. He is not a good debater.

I encourage you to become the good debaters we need.

Disagreed. They're giving fodder to the enemy. The only way this revolution gets done is via Trump's method: and that is to surround himself in human body shield jews. A slow process where the public subconscious inevitably realizes how much better things have gotten after breaking down multiculturalism. Only then can these public displays not work against us. The ideological subversion is so strong that any inkling of 1933 triggers a visceral reaction from the public. This only leads to the movement never having a chance. The media and left know this, thus they are TRYING to validate their narrative. Spencer helped them, thus hurt Trump.


Of course, kike mods.

The comment section needs more of our voice.

How does Mike's dick taste, OP? Like curry I would suspect haha. You know what's embarassing? Your sitting in your shithole of a shed watching the electric Jew in the middle of the day.

Now fuck off back to the TRS forums where this shit belongs.

He goes outside.



He did coin the term you new fag extraordinaire.

No he didn't. His kike mentor actually coined the term.

Spotted the jew kike faggot