Trump chooses Rino poo in loo bitch as UN Ambassador


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That's actually a shit position. He's mocking her. 88D chess.


calm your autits and read:

Soon Romney will be Sec of State

Fug :DD

Same thing I thought. He also gives little shits about the UN so it seems more like he's eliminating a future headache.

Considering he loathes both the UN and that bitch, I think it's fitting. When/If he pulls us out, she'll be unemployed.

Please let this be the worst of it, if Romney gets SOS i'm fucking out, he would have way too much influence on the world.

wtf I hate Trump now

Yeah, and the lieutenant gov is a big fan of Trump. Draw her out into a position where she is his bitch and his supporter finishes her term as gov.

Haley is disappointing, Romney would be a kick in the teeth.

worst case, we bought ourselves a few more years to prepare

Do you TRS retards really need to make 3 threads about it?


Did you guys honestly think Trump was going to do everything he personally wanted to do? He's being forced to play nice with the GOP so he can get most of what he wants done. Expect more stuff like this in the future.

She is being removed from a Governorship and into a literal nothing job where she requires Presidential sign off on anything she does.

Why would she do this, you ask? Her blatantly anti-Southern stance revealed during the dixie flag controversy guaranteed she has little chance of winning re-election. Her career in South Carolina is over, so she's taking the out.

Isn't this bitch an actual slut irl? she probably begged for forgiveness and serviced the Trump boys.

The latest newfag horde is of subsaharan iq

Her Trump supporting Lt. Governor will finish her term as governor while the poo in LOO argues with literally-who countries over international grain subsidies.

Could be 88D chess, we'll see.

Romney isnt getting shit. Look atthe photos from that meeting he looked like he got told to suck a dick


I don't see the problem with this. The bigger concern is the possibility of Romney taking Secretary of State.

He's neutralizing a rising star by sending her off to a position where she can only fail.
It's a classical political move.

Does this get her out of the Governor position? If so, this is a good thing, it's a downgrade in her power.

Is she a single mother whore?

What are the alternatives? I see everyone complaining about Romney, Bolton, Gingrich, etc. But no one is putting forth a viable alternative.
If you want to stop it, pick a candidate and shill for him. On twitter, on The_Donald, on kikebook and every other place.
You might not be able to speak to Trump directly, but you can make your voice heard by those close to him.

Lame. A much better choice:

This cunt is HATED, she is not a rising star at all.

The UN is nothing but a bunch of fuck ups.

By sending her there he's just getting rid of a potential trouble maker so he can concentrate on problems at home.

The fact that she's a poo means people are more likely not to give her too much shit (pun intended).

Its not going to be romney. Look at romneys face during and after the meeting. He had to grin and bear it but he didnt like what Trump had to say to him.

Yes, shlomo, tell us all about how important and powerful the UN ambassador position is

did it sink yet?
trump fucked us over.

I honestly didn't even know this position existed. Sounds like Trump is giving her a head pat so that he can actually end her stranglehold of the SC governorship

Then she'll be hated even more afterwards.
There's literally nothing good you can do as a US ambassador to the UN.
If you do anything good, the leadership in Washington will take all the credit. If you fail to prevent inevitable wars/genocides/whatevers it will be a stain on your career for the rest of your life.
It's a massive downgrade for her, and as with all her predecessors, likely the end of her career. Few ever amount to anything politically after an ambassadorship at the UN.

OP, I want you to do me a quick favor and kill yourself

He can't fire a governor, but he can fire her from her new useless role anytime he wants. She was also floated for Secretary of State; Romney will get nothing. Watch.

that is pure idiocy by Trump, worthless position or not it validates this snake but still whatever. Now if Romney is picked as SoS than shit is Ogre and i don't want to hear crap like:
Romney as SoS is indefensible.

I know fellow nazi, I'm so concerned :^)

Just look at all those "useless" people.

Yeah. There's 29 of them.

great argument lapdog! now do the World a favor and kill yourself.

Thought the rumor was Tulsi Gabbard, some other Hindu dindu. Well, Shally getting what he paid for it seems.


You seem pretty upset that your concern trolling isn't working.

oy vey, trump is not literally hitler. he has tricked you all and we should have voted for hillary if you wanted anudda shoah he totally disavowed you guys time to stop supporting :^)

wtf i hate nationalism now

If you think Romney is acceptable SoS at least try to make a point instead of bitching around, knowing what Romney thinks of Russia and he his ties to the (((Establishment))), how in the hell is he a good SoS pick? if you can't make a argument just fuck off to that the_donald bubble and be happy.

tell m>>8340564
tell me more when it's announced romney has any position. Otherwise it's just concern troll mental masturbation.

fuck i need more coffee


Trump isn't a real nationalist

I didn't know amateur hour came this early in the day

How the hell did a pajeet get voted to be the governor of South Carolina of all places in the first place?

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that she became governor by the votes tallied

Obviously I'm begging the question of how a pajeet was elected in a state that is supposedly one of the most race conscious ones left.

Get use to 4 years of this

You're a stupid nigger. Trump is not a nationalist because he welcomes niggers and other non-whites into America. If I call myself a nationalist yet support anti-nationalist policies, then I'm not a nationalist. It's that fucking simple.

fucking hell what the fuck happened to pol?! did ledit came here or what

Probably because they didn't want to vote in a democratic governor

Define nationalism for me then in simple terms

yes /r/the_donald flooded us :^)

seriously though we have been invaded by something because MSM keeps directly linking here whenever talking about the alt-kike

I made a thread on this appointment yesterday and it's not even here anymore

Who the fuck are you fooling, newfaggot? You expect me to believe you're "le ebin oldfag XDXD" when you can't even spell our board's name correctly. Fuck off, you subversive Jew. At least you people are too stupid to spend even a few hours lurking here before you post. Outing you is too easy.

Nationalism entails a racial/ethnic element, because without it, the nation does not exist. If you call yourself a nationalist yet reject the foundation of the nation, then you aren't a nationalist at all. If you weren't a disgusting newfag who crawled in here during Trump's campaign, you'd know this.

sorry I forgot my oldfag credentials card in 2013

Nationalism does not, in fact, entail a racial ethnic element in its definition. Plus, I've been here all summer :^)

You're too obvious, faggot. If you wanted to fit in and not come across as a blatant subversive invader, then you would have taken ten minutes to learn how we talk around here. Fuck off back to TRS, /r/the_donald, or whatever cancerous circlejerk you call home.

The nation is intrinsically linked with a racial/ethnic element, you stupid nigger. If you remove either or both of these, then you cease to have a nation and nationalism cannot exist. How about you lurk for at least a fucking year before you start spewing your idiocy?

You've mentioned time spent on chans consistently throughout all of your posts, thereby marking you as nothing more than cancer trying to overcompensate. Also while I may agree with race being important for certain aspects of nationalism, it is not something that is necessary by definition.

Does pointing out how you're an obvious outsider make you feel uncomfortable? Sorry faggot, but no matter how had you try to fit in, you stick out like a sore thumb. I'm betting you crawled in here during the Trump candidacy and actually believed Holla Forums was a board for luke-warm "moderate" CIVIC cuckolds.
A nation does not exist without a unified racial/ethnic element
Take away the nation and you cannot have nationalism. It's literally that fucking simple. Race-blind "nationalism" is a lie.

If race-blind nationalism is a lie then explain russia demographics and its role as a highly nationalist nation then.

Russia isn't nationalist, you dumb nigger. It's a kosher form of conservatism. Putin jails real nationalists. God damn, you're thick.
No one's compensating here, fool. You just don't like being called out for being an obvious newfaggot who doesn't even now basic entry-tier Holla Forums redpills.

It's either that or Trump has some serious dirt on him. I mean the guy was walking in a daze and didn't even know where his car was for a while.

Giuliani or some random person who we have no fucking clue about.

I mean I never even heard of Mike Pence before he was named VP.

this, talk to some white russians, putin spends so much more on minorities than on white ruskies

This is what we call projection

Maybe read a book?

At least back up your claims after you make them

lets prosecute clinton!!!
trump wins.
lets leave her be.

also he wants to provoke russians, great.

muh TRS muh TRS muh TRS


She has a white sounding name and most normalfags would guess she was white when looking at her.

Something being impractical and not capable of working is not the same as the ideology not existing.

Isn't she indian and aren't indian/iranians the original aryans? She suffers mostly from marxist beliefs, less so from genetics imo.

I just want to see the Romney thing dead both figuratively and literally.

Can't believe nobody mentioned this yet. This is actually brilliant 7D Legos by Trump. Her Lieutenant Governor is a FUCKING WHITE MALE who is 100% pro-Trump. What he's doing here is effectively consolidating his power for his future Constitutional Convention that he's probably going to need to do.

How is she a marxist?

People already have, try actually reading the thread next time.

(chequed and kequed)
t. shill


He's "promoting" a useless cunt into a position where she can't fuck anything up and her original position will no be filled with somebody who is pro-Trump.

That's not the worst thing you could do.


Confederate flag is racist! We need to ban it!!! More immigration!!!

wtf i hate trump now