Thoughts on "Hotep" aka "DA KANGZ"

Basically theres a movement on the black internet called Hotep that decries race mixing in the black community and is nostalgic for 30s style stable (at least by modern standards) black family and cohesive communities and are notoriously Jew-wise and Mudslime wise. I'm not aware of there being a direct religious connection but the ideology definitely has some relation to the "WE WUZ KANGZ" school of thought since they're using the Egyptian word for "To be at Peace"

To make clear, they clearly WERE NOT KANGZ, but I think we share a lot of the same goals and wanted to get Holla Forums's serious opinion about these happy accidents.

Other urls found in this thread:

the more oppose the ((())), the better

I find the Kangz hilarious yet noble at the same time, they're right but for misguided reasons.

Nice trips Satan.
Is their movement functional ? Do they actually have these strong black families or are they still in the LARP phase ?

I think they're just in the LARP phase, vision unclear

Never trust them, never.
They can be manipulated even by a 8yo. This "movements" always go for another (((direction))).

True but is there any way you could put them in a bubble?

Shouldn't we be the ones doing that?
They are ripe for taking, start posting uncle Adolf speeches and they will bite.

Yeah but the point he is making is unlike normal people they can be tug-of-warred by the jews.

They can't if they make them go full 1488 first.

It's hard to argue with a plan backed by digits like these. I'm game, where do these people operate on the net?

I have mixed feelings about this KANGZ movement, because on one hand it does as OP said incite dislike and distrust of Jews and muzzies, but at the same time it's extremely delusional and very infectious. More black people than you'd suspect (I mean the majority of them, easily) have had at least basic exposure to this and in my experience most buy in to it at least a little bit.

Again, I'm talking about a LOT of black folks, maybe 70% or more, who have heard of the we wuz shit and bought into parts of it. I guess it's a trade off. Maybe we can make a deal with them to unite against browns. Tell them WE WUZ ==BOTH== KANGZ or something.

That doesn't mean the Jews can't turn them into a double-edged sword by making white people and jews one.

Good idea. Then we have a bunch of niggers singing Erika and dabing on World Start Shithop.


I don't know Satan…
As long as they oppose the merchants they are pretty cool in my book…


That's the whole point, you idiot. Once someone realize Jews aren't white and starts seeing them everywhere, there is no return.

Ah fuck I blew it, just take me out back and put me down already.

Yeah, here we all want to "KILL DA WHITEY".

All they say in this "movement" is how whites are devils and how they destroyed all the space ships and golden palaces.


Hotep isn't that kind of kang, at least from what I've seen on twitter.

I'd like to see that, that'd be hilarious and that's exactly they pop-culture shock we need.

chronic shit posting

So they're inspired by the nigger crow Marcus Garvey, whose words inspired thousands of Negro terrorist groups like the Nation of Islam and the Rastafarianists.


They've got some good batnzmen on twitter tbh.

Do they know the difference between whites and Jews? I'm getting tired of getting blamed for something some slimy kike did.

The "we were kings" thing is a mixed bag. Despite being on the same continent, the black Africans who came to the US as slaves were not the inheritors of Egypt's glory. Attempts at connecting themselves to the ancient Egyptians are misguided, and ultimately demonstrate a lack of geographical understanding. There were various kings who ruled in Sub-Saharan Africa, whom they may be decedent from. However, given the lack of written records and the scarcity of known archeological sites, they have no meaningful way of connecting with their royal ancestors.

Regardless of what the truth is concerning their heritage, one thing is certain: the black youths would benefit from being raised in an atmosphere which encourages the cultivation of virtue and honor. So while there certainly are multiple historical problems with the contemporary Kangz school of thought, it's not something we should be quick to stamp down on.


I think they are a failed Holla Forums for blacks, which got easily warped, corrupted and twisted by some quick trickery which was shilling the "We Wuz Kangz" narrative into their movement.

It's the same as if Holla Forums as a majority believed the earth was flat. They are at a disadvantage to cointel tactics, which we have become, for the most part, veterans at detecting and dismantling.

Weren't Egyptians white anyway?

I believe some of the royalty and noble class was white at different points in time.

The Kangz stuff is the fantasy aspect put on the NOI's Masonic outlook. If you read Elijah Muhammed's book he actually says you should thank white people for treating you better than you'd be treated in Africa, how you shouldn't waste money on cadillacs and flashy clothes. Other than Yakub it's pretty redpilled.

I like them. I think they are what blacks would be like if Jews weren't mobilizing them against us.

Hoteps aren't the same as Kangs. Hoteps promote black self-sufficiency. They tell blacks to start their own businesses and families and try to become independent. They tell blacks to stop acting like victims and start taking responsibility for their own lives instead of relying on whites for gibs.

About how many of them are there?

They are not white, thus they are our enemies. I don't care how Jew-wise they are. That doesn't suddenly make them our friends.

All non-whites have a vested interest in seeing our race dead and gone. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

No. Only a few noblity were white at various points throughout its history as said. They were mainly the same semitic/shitskin shit they are today.

Not true. Only the Abrahamists seek out European extinction.

Also false. Their civilisation was definitely White to begin with, up until the (((Bronze Age Collapse)))

You're fucking retarded and naive. Every non-white is actively working to destory our race. Each and every shitskin in our nations promotes policies and values that only hurt our people and weaken our foothold in our nations. Kikes did not create non-white hatred against us, they only disabled our ability to fight back against it.

Shitskins are not our friends and they will be the first to turn against us and side with the kikes.

No it wasn't. Please provide your sources or get out.

Provide yours. Tut was White, their culture was White, their religion was White. Egypt was White.

Then why did China and Ancient Greece get along fine?

Whoops, didn't catch that "in our nation". That's true in most cases because the ones who come do so out of gibs. The ones who stay in their nations don't care since they provide for themselves.

Honestly they sound like non-degenerate niggers that practice good morals but sadly long for a glorious past that never was.

Honestly the KANGS shit is fucking sad because it's basically a people with a pathetic worthless history deluding themselves into thinking that at one point in history that they mattered.

So basically they tell them to act white?

In What way? It's entirely foreign to European culture going back to the Ancient Greeks.

For one, I was mainly referring to within our nations, but to answer that question - proximity. Proximity and interaction play a massive role in how races perceive and get along with one another. If one race is too far away from another to have any heavy interaction, then conflict is unlikely.

Fug I don't have Tut's genetic results on hand but I'm sure some helpful user will show up with them.

Their culture was not racially foreign, just geographically. I mean, I certainly hope you're not implying that Kek is a Non-White God. But ye, how can you expect pyramids and other such technologies out of Semites?

Tut had European haplogroups in his DNA
Google it.

Yeah, here it is:

"inTutankhamun belongs to the haplogroup R1b1a2, which more than 50% of all men in Western Europe belong to.

The haplogroup R1b1a2 arose about 9.500 years ago in the surrounding area of the Black Sea. The migration of this haplogroup into Europe started at the earliest with the spread of agriculture since 7.000 BC. It is ver probable that it is also connected to the Indoeuropeans who spread over Europe a little later in several waves of migrations."

To be fair, all that means is that he had at least one male Germanic ancestor. It says nothing of his overall race. He could have had just that one ancestor.

Ancient Greece and China traded with one another alot.

Hold on, I'll try to find the image.

Well fuck I hope couldn't find it.

I hope some other user can pull up those pics about White Egypt.

Dont know about genetics because i dont have enough data, but even an "unknown race" is possible.

Egypt: according to classic, started being great as fuck, then a slow dead.

Now we know that they got wheat from Turkey (Gobekli Tepe) being their highest point their old "starting point" then, for some unknown reason they had a very slow fall untill the sea people, then the fall was notorius untill a greek give them a push.

Modern blacks werent a thing in that time, it was the ice age time. Maybe blacks are a post-flood novelty.

The point about having a white ancestor is saying a lot, egyptians (if we dont count that alien looking guy called Akhenaton) were almost slaves in the eyes of greeks.

Akhenaten was a slimy Jew who subverted his way to the position of Pharaoh. He almost singlehandedly destroyed all Egyptian culture and religion by mandating the world's first recorded instance of (((Monotheism))) and forcing mass immigration on Egypt, but was only stopped by getting the boot. After his death, his monuments were dismantled and hidden, his statues were terminated and his name was not to be included in the king lists. The Egyptians saw his reign as their greatest calamity, referring to Akhenaten himself as "the enemy" or "that criminal" in archival records, and took to associating him with the traitor God of Foreigners, Set.

He even undewent a (((Name Change)))

Egyptians were white until the jews came along and brought them (((diversity))), as soon as Egypt got their first nigger pharaoh everything went to shit.

Except it was. Entirely. There is not anything relatable between traditional European culture and that of the Ancient Egyptians. Simply calling it "white" is WE WUZ-tier nonsense and makes you look like a fool.
What if I am?
This is top-down logic. You shouldn't first assume that only whites can do certain things and then use that as your "proof" Egypt was white. At the absolute very least some of the Egyptian ruling class were white at certain points in history, but what you're claiming is complete historical illiteracy.

China and Greece only ever interacted at the farthest fringes of both of their Empires, and never for a very long period of time. Proximity and ease of interaction are incredibly important factors in regards to racial tension.


Then kill yourself for blasphemy against Kek you slimy Kike.

I actually see that as honourable. Misguided, but honourable nonetheless.

This mix of tipping and (((antichristianism))) is amuzing, if your point is correct then the lowest point of Egypt ever was that, and Egypt was in the rise untill the golden horde appeared.

Protip, it never happened and next time control your behavior.

What? they even got wheat from Turkey, its proved, nevali cori wasnt a we wuz kang colony.

Buying jews lies, they said that the Bible was wrong because they found a paper saying the jews never built pyramids, but the Bible never said that they built pyramids, just bricks at some point, you know, people has to eat and live and that thing demands a lot of work in other things, like water supply, agriculture and, well, you know how cities work.

Go back to tip your hat at your moms bassement tard, still you have a point, it was a race controlled by whites in the we wuz kang theory.

(((Monotheism))) is cancer, Abrahamist.

The implication of whether there is one god or multiple is irrelevant

The only thing I'll tip is your body off the gallows.

It's relevant when the existence of one demands the non-existence of the other.

The concept of one or many doesn't apply to a metaphysical, if there are many there is also one.

They weren't even IN Egypt. The whole Book of Exodus never happened.

Sure thing, bud. Just have a look at these hwyte bueaties, will ya?

You're tying way too hard to fit in.

Tell that to the Abrahamists who want to destroy everything that doesn't bend the knee to YHWH.

YHWH is also likely both one and many hence the Trinity.

Hey kike your D&C is getting awfully specific. Pretty soon we will be having feuds over swastika banner size.

I'm calling it. You're a Jew.

No argument, and they paid for banning the Bible and most of them are fedoras, your point is not only wrong, but you share their same views on reality.

Seriously, why in the fuck fedoras keps the same stupid point always, both greeks and egyptians evolved from polytheism because it was stupid, at the end is just one but tippers keep their chant like believers with a high iq, stem and crap like that will fall for that stupid argument.

See? this kill the fedora, maybe to deep for him.

Like akhenaton…

Nice try moshe, keep changing books every time, Troy never existed neither sea people because the Bible said that existed, Ur? it never existed because the Bible said it existed.

Kids, use your brains, what you call "archaeology" is pure political propaganda, it always said that the Bible is wrong untill is proved wrong, then it change the perspective and its refuted again, most mesopotamia never existed because the Bible said it existed, stop believing propaganda please.

Talk with your mom please.

Elaborate on what you call D&C.

This is all stupid but it's worth pointing out Cleopatra ABSOLUTELY was white. She and her house were 100% Macedonian and refused to intermarry.

Check my id from the first post and post again.

Ignoring facts always, then repeat the same stupidity like it was never countered, average shill.

English is not your first language.

And there's not a lick of evidence that the Jews were ever enslaved by Egypt.

It exists, the Bible, then is even an old text saying that one guy from Israel (with other name obviously, but the zone is the same) said that they come from egyptian royalty, so the history about Moshe can be real, btw, you are ignoring the main point, if an old text said that anything is real, then its real, but if the Bible said that it wasnt real, it wasnt, you are using jew propaganda as facts.

D&C isn't the same as shilling.

I said, elaborate. What groups am I dividing up?

BTW, one thing is hard work, other be slaves, Lot was forced to stay, but not jailed and it was about worshpping mif i am not wrong, basically asking for a free day at the week like we have, can you say that modern workers are slaves?

Where are the Israeli pottery fragments in Egypt, where do the Egyptian records ever tell about Jews as a whole being enslaved?

I am not the other guy, you are shilling, thats my point, you ask for facts, then you ignore them and you just keep your chant. Thats happen in retards like assburger or shills.

I support this


See this please:

Again, the shit about jews and the pyramids was and is political propaganda, the Bible never said anything about being slaves for pyramid construction, just bricks, shit was the average thesis-antithesis crap.

No. You said "D&C" - Divide and Conquer.

I never said that, check your autism please.

I named Troy for a reason, but you are just a shitposter.

I don't care if they think they're space gods as long as they stop acting like niggers.

Check id again.

Fun fact, its like "whites" exported from Gobekli Tepe were the "old gods".

It was a homogeneous white area until the niggers were imported, you would know this if you studied any Egyptian culture. You even claimed that scientific data about Egypt isn't real because of the bible. Read your own book, the geography described in the Bible doesn't match Egypt, it matches southern Saudi Arabia.

Thank you for posting shit of value.

Kek bless you.

Religion isnt important when we talk about culture… religious texts arent important when we talk about history…

Am i supporting we wuz kang theory? i am telling that, if the we wuz kang theory is correct then egyptians had a white royalty so saying that they were capable of built pyramids is like saying that they discovered cotton agriculture…

I never said that and talmudists are far away from Moses, they did talmud because the NT used the OT as proof.

Its like you cant understand what are you posting, seriously.

I am not assblasted, i never lost the argument here, you are just an old lady with mental problems, some guy says "see, this is x guy" then the oldie get mad and says "see, this is x guy, not y like you said".

You are welcome user

You aren't from around here, however I will still try to redpill you on the subject. Blood, is what is most important when talking about ancient culture. Parts of China, Mexico, and the middle east are rightful Aryan clay. As for religion most of them are based off of others, for example the Christian god is based of of Thoth from the Egyptian creation mythology.
Myths suggest that Thoth created himself through the power of language in an interesting parallel to the phrase in the Gospel according to St John
His song was thought to have created eight deities of the Ogdoad. The gods Kek, Heh, Nun and Amun and the goddesses Kuaket, Hauhet, Nunet, and Amaunet. The story of Horus is also fairly similar to that of Odin.

I almost forgot, part of India is also rightful Aryan clay too.

This is your brain on retardation.

Topkek. A fucking shape does not make Egyptians a European culture, you mentally deficient nigger. As far as I can tell, they didn't even use the swastika
No, you moronic faggot, I'm using photographs of Egyptian paintings as my source. Google is only a means by which that is achieved.
Are you actually disabled?

Hoteps are unequivocally of the "wewuz" persuasion, and anyone willing to fall for that ruse is both stupid and dangerous.

They do not consider whites as co-travelers, just remember that.

The reality is that it's simply a more pretentious and sophisticated way to justify bigotry and animosity toward whites.

Satan trips confirm supporting the is a good idead
I could see a convenient allyace between balck and white supremacist
Best of all is that even we go out dressed as KKKs and Black Panthers nobody will be able to call us racist
i cann see both groups marching side by side, keeping a respectfull distance from each other, both united for the same goal of making their races great again
Both fighting agaist the kikes

You're delusional if you don't think they're out to get whitey.

Some of them seem to have solid families, a few of them are business owners. A lot don't though.

If you weren't already aware that Tut was a redheaded white you don't belong here.

as with all allyances of convenience it is doomed to fail with both memeber turning on each other at the end,
using them as cannon fodder for the ideological was agaisnst kikes is still a good idead
Blacks have been made inmune to hate speech acusations by the Kikes, Who better than them to spread redpills like pic related
All we have to do is to get some recognizable KKK folk or white supremasit to butter them up a little bit with lip service until they stop seing us as their main antagonist and direct their aatention towards the (((fianl boss)))
Once the kikes are dealt with Niggers will be easyer, just wall them in on their gethos and watch as they remobe each other

Paintings mean absolutely nothing. Its a known fact that Cleopatra was white and yet she was still painted as orange.

The truth if their mythos is irrelevent so long as it works for them and they remain in their societies.

There will be no alliance with dindus.

Don't really give a shit what retarded niggers with delusions of grandeur think.

They need to be pushed into moving to Africa. That's it.

Complete bullshit. Educate yourself, e.g. by reading Savitri Devi's "The Lightning and the Sun".

That is fucking retarded. Blacks cant be "redpilled" like we can, but they have their own form of awakening. Let them think they are special and they will self segregate from us.

You are taking a huge leap.
Your whole argument seems desperate. Pretty much exactly like wewuzkangz.

It is reasonable to suggest that white European types had a cultural and geographic hegemony based around the Mediterranean basin and its connected river valleys. It is. An aristocratic class in Egypt based at least of partially European stock is believable.But South America? Not even on the Atlantic side, but the Pacific side? Get the fuck out of here.

With what? Primitive iron smelters built in the dirt?

Given that Egypt is sandwiched between the Med, Africa, and the Middle East, weren't most ancient Egyptians a mix of all these? Whatever race the ancient Egyptians were, it pretty much doesn't exist now after centuries of getting raped by arabs.

If only Alexander the Great lived longer and conquered Asia.

They were always at least Arab and at one time they had a white Assyrian nobility class but the only Pharaoh that was ever Nubian descent was ironically the last one.

The jews did "restore" Egyptian paintings by adding color to the hieroglyphs and pigmentation to the skin.

I'd rather see this than the current degeneracy. Mind you, any plans involving Holla Forums and them would be doomed from the beginning due to mutual distrust.


- Herodotus wrote that a Greek oracle was known to be from Egypt because she was “black,” that the natives of the Nile region are “black with heat,’ and that Egyptians were “black skinned with woolly hair.”
- Lucian observes an Egyptian boy and notices that he is not merely black, but has thick lips.
- Appollodorus called Egypt the country of the black-footed ones.
- Aeschylus, a Greek poet, wrote that Egyptian seamen had “black limbs.”
- Melanin tests
- Paintings which were stolen but not repainted by niggers.

- Mentioned above

Egyptians were mixed-race like modern day people from the Indian subcontinent. They were mostly caucasoid and brown, with a few being white (especially women who didn't tan) and some being black. Also see black, South Indian, low caste Caucasoid in the image above.

Kys jew worshipper.

Pretty much irrelevant, their accounts came far after Egypt's apex. Noone is arguing that Egypt never became niggerized.

They can think whatever they want about themselves, the jews have been doing it for 3000+ thousand years and nobody seems to care.

Then you and her both are retarded if you think Akhenaten was anything other than a subversive Monotheist Jew.

I'd rather say that the demographics changed during time. Do we have a comparison for the white mummies vs. the black ones?


The proof of black mummies is
It is strange that there are anons claiming that Egyptians are a mixed race despite genetic evidence, and the hair color. The Egyptian history goes back to the predynastic period im the old stone age when nomadic groups migrated there around 500,000 years ago. The dynastic age began around 4,000 B.C. with the unification of northern and southern Egypt. For some reason some anons think racemixing was normal back in Egypt, probably due to kike movie adaptations of Egypt. Aryans traveled the world thousands of years ago, there is quite a lot of evidence of that. Niggers have always been niggers, a lot of them still live in mud huts now. This wasn't just a small white royalty ruling over the niggers, this was Aryan people in an Aryan land until the fall of Egypt directly after they took in niggers thinking they were people.
